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09-05 投稿



winterish 发音


英:  美:

winterish 中文意思翻译



winterish 相似词语短语

1、winterize ─── vt.为…作过冬准备;使适应冬季使用;使防冻;n.作过冬准备;在…装御寒设备

2、winters ─── n.温特斯(加利福尼亚州城市);温特斯(美国警察剧系列)

3、wintering ─── n.越冬;v.越冬(winter的ing形式)

4、winterise ─── 温特斯

5、spinsterish ─── adj.似老处女的;适合于老处女的

6、waterish ─── adj.湿的;潮湿的;充满水的

7、winterises ─── 窗户

8、bitterish ─── adj.稍苦的;带苦味的

9、winterised ─── 冬虫科

winterish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Winter is the slack season at most hotels. ─── 冬天是大多数旅馆的淡季。

2、He keep his car in mothballs during the winter. ─── 在冬天,他把汽车搁置不用。

4、John got engaged to her when travelling last winter. ─── 去年冬天旅行时,约翰与她订了婚。

5、Pneumonia carried him off last winter. ─── 他去年患肺炎逝世了。

6、The period of the winter solstice, about December22. ─── 冬至冬季的至点,大约在12月22日

7、By the end of winter, he was habituated to cold. ─── 冬末之际,他已习惯于寒冷。

8、They have to skimp on fuel in winter. ─── 冬天他们得节省燃料。

9、Jones took up with Brown last winter and they went to classes together. ─── 去年冬天琼斯和布朗经常来往,他们一起去上课。

10、He boggled at the thought of swimming in winter. ─── 他想到要在冬天游泳就有些犹豫。

11、He was nearly frozen to stay outdoors in winter. ─── 冬天他在外面呆了一宿都快被冻僵了。

12、Many people wear wool in winter. ─── 冬天许多人穿毛料衣服。

13、The rebels have withdrawn to their mountain fastness for the winter. ─── 叛军撤至他们的山寨过冬。

14、They go down to Florida every winter. ─── 他们每年冬天南下去佛罗里达。

15、The only regular visitors to the monastery in winter are parties of skiers who go there at Christmas and Easter. ─── 冬季到修道院来的常客只是几批滑雪者,他们通常在圣旦节和复活节去那里。

16、Most worms cocoon in winter. ─── 冬天多数虫子作茧。

17、In winter, many people skate on the lake. ─── 冬天时,许多人在湖上溜冰。

18、Winter poses particular difficulties for the elderly. ─── 冬天给上年纪的人带来特殊的困难。

19、Winter is the low season at seaside hotels. ─── 冬季是海滨旅馆业的淡季。

20、They worked on the building all through the winter. ─── 他们一冬都在建这座楼。

21、They have stored up much fuel for the winter. ─── 他们已储存大量过冬用的燃料。

22、A good winter brings a good summer. ─── [谚]好冬必有好夏。

23、Last winter the snow lay thick on the ground. ─── 去年冬天,地上积雪很厚。

24、I stored away all the winter clothes this morning. ─── 今天上午我把所有冬天的衣服都收好了。

25、He saved up&10 during the winter. ─── 冬天里他积蓄了10英镑钱。

26、In winter many people smooth moisturing cream over their faces. ─── 冬天,许多人在脸上搽润肤霜。

27、I incline to [towards] tiredness in winter. ─── 冬天我常会感到疲乏。

28、Spring has been playing Box and Cox with winter for months past. ─── 前几个月,天气冷暖交替,有时像春天,有时像冬天。

29、There was no illness in the village this winter. ─── 今年冬天这村里没什么疾病。

30、It is a raw winter day today. ─── 今天是一个湿冷的冬日。

31、The severeness of the winter made her weaker. ─── 冬天的严酷使她身体更加虚弱。

32、In winter, we use firewood to light fire. ─── 在冬天,我们用木柴生火。

33、She likes to wear woolen socks in winter. ─── 冬天她喜欢穿羊毛袜。

34、Before you know it you'll be flying home for the winter holidays, I can hardly wait! ─── 你飞回家度寒假的时刻不知不觉就会来到的,我都已经在盼望着啦!

35、His aunt stays with a lady friend in Florida during the winter. ─── 他姨妈冬天和佛罗里达一位女友住在一起。

36、A warm overcoat would make him laugh at the worst winter winds. ─── 一件暖和大衣可使他不必畏惧冬季最凛冽的寒风。

37、Many animals are in a dormant state during winter. ─── 在冬天许多动物都处于睡眠状态。

38、Our (water) pipes froze (up) (ie were blocked with ice) last winter. ─── 去年冬天,我们的(水)管子冻了。

39、They refreshed their winter food supply by hunting. ─── 他们通过打猎补充了他们的冬季食物储存。

40、 双语使用场景

41、We were snowed in for three days last winter. ─── 去年冬天我们被雪困住,在家里呆了三天。

42、They are pressing ahead with a winter work project. ─── 他们正在加紧进行一项冬季工程。

43、In winter we wear woollen clothes to keep us warm. ─── 冬天我们穿毛料衣服以保暖。

44、Winter is the coldest season in a year. ─── 冬季是一年中最冷的季节。

45、Winter is the best time for hunting in mountain areas. ─── 冬季是山区狩猎的最佳时间。

46、He discarded his winter clothing. ─── 他把冬天穿的衣服都丢弃了。

47、Don't make it too tight. This is for winter wear. ─── 别做得太紧了,这是冬天穿的。

48、They salt down cod for winter use. ─── 他们腌鳕鱼留着冬天吃。

49、The first signs of winter are in evidence. ─── 初冬迹象已明显可见。

50、She packed away the deck-chairs for the winter. ─── 冬天她把折叠躺椅收了起来。

51、The clouds precipitate/are precipitatedas snow in winter. ─── 在冬天云冷凝成为雪。

52、Children like skating on the river when it freezes in winter. ─── 冬晶河水结冰时孩子喜欢在上面滑冰。

53、Huhhot is a frigid city in winter. ─── 冬天的呼和浩特是一个寒冷的城市。

54、He came to see me in a gloomy winter day. ─── 他在一个阴沈的冬日来看我。

55、It's pretty well impossible to travel over these mountains in winter. ─── 在冬季要跨越这些高山,几乎是不可能的。

56、A large stack of hay for winter storage in the open. ─── (户外)干草堆放于户外备冬用的干草堆

57、In the severe winter of1947, farmers had to dig their livestock out of huge snowdrifts. ─── 在1947年严峻的冬天,农民们不得不挖开大雪堆把他们的家畜救出来。

58、There are a lot of bugs about in winter. ─── 冬天有很多流行病。

59、He brooded over whether he could possibly find work again that winter. ─── 他焦虑地思考着那个冬季他能否再找到工作。

60、Perhaps I shall pay a visit to them this winter. ─── 今年冬天我或许要访问他们一次。

61、London used to have bad fogs in winter. ─── 伦敦过去在冬季常有浓雾。

62、The trees are bare in the winter. ─── 冬天的时候,树上的叶子全掉光了,光秃秃的。

63、As winter gets near, we have to rig the whole family out with warm clothing and winter sports things. ─── 冬天快要到了,我们得给全家人买保暖的衣服和冬季的体育用品。

64、He bought a heavy quilt for the winter. ─── 他买了一床厚被子过冬。

65、We were snowed in for three days last winter by the blizzards. ─── 去年冬天,一场暴风雪把我们困在家里三天没出门。

66、It was cold last winter. ─── 去年冬天天气寒冷。

67、One cold winter morning we parted from each other. ─── 一个寒冷的冬天的早晨我们分别了。

68、People catch all kinds of infections in the winter. ─── 冬天人们易患多种传染病。

69、They spend the winter(s) in a warmer climate. ─── 他们在气候较暖的地方过冬。

70、People like to have mutton in the winter. ─── 冬天人们喜欢吃羊肉。

71、My theory is that we'll have a cold winter this year. ─── 依我看今年冬天会很冷。

72、An unexpected encounter with a winter lizard. ─── 与冬天蜥蜴的一次意想不到的遭遇。

73、We have to put on warm clothing in winter. ─── 冬天的时候,我们不得不穿上温暖的衣服。

74、The bears den up together during the winter. ─── 冬天熊一起在洞穴里冬眠。

75、Don't put your house on the market in the winter, when sales are slow. ─── 不要在冬季出售你的房屋,因为是销售淡季。

76、I haven't taken much exercise during the winter but I must get into shape before the beginning of the cricket season. ─── 冬天,我没有进行太多的训练,但我准备在板球赛季开始前再恢复训练。

77、In big cities during cold winter months, many old people die from the polluted air. ─── 在大城市里,在寒冷的冬季,许多老年人死于污染的空气。

78、In winter she wears mittens. ─── 冬天时她戴连指手套。

79、The warm weather in winter has been a real bonus. ─── 冬天有这样暖和的天气真是喜出望外。

80、His anorak has stood him in good stead this winter. ─── 他这件带兜帽的夹克在今年冬天对他很有用。

81、It's been a mild winter this year. ─── 今年的冬天一直很暖和。

82、In winter the lake is covered with ice. ─── 冬天时湖面上覆盖着冰。

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