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09-05 投稿


burgundy 发音

英:[?b??rɡ?ndi]  美:[?b??ɡ?ndi]

英:  美:

burgundy 中文意思翻译



burgundy 词性/词形变化,burgundy变形


burgundy 短语词组

1、white Burgundy ─── [网络] 白勃根地;勃艮第白葡萄酒;勃艮第葡萄酒

2、Burgundy sauce ─── [网络] 勃艮第酱

3、burgundy hair ─── 紫红色头发

4、burgundy bridesmaid dresses ─── 勃艮第伴娘礼服

5、burgundy shirt ─── 紫红色衬衫

6、burgundy grape ─── 勃艮第葡萄

7、chambertin burgundy ─── 张伯丁勃艮第

8、Burgundy wine ─── [网络] 法国勃根地红酒;勃艮第;勃艮地葡萄酒

9、burgundy red ─── 酒红色

10、burgundy-colored ─── [医]葡萄酒色的

11、Guy of Burgundy ─── [网络] 勃艮地首领;勃根地首领

12、burgundy sauce backwards ─── 勃艮第酱

13、burgundy color ─── 勃艮第色

14、little burgundy ─── 小勃艮第

15、burgundy r ─── 勃艮第红葡萄酒

16、Duchy of Burgundy ─── 勃艮第的公爵夫人

17、burgundy rose ─── 勃艮第玫瑰

18、Burgundy pitch ─── [医] ─── [挪威]云杉脂, 白树脂

burgundy 相似词语短语

1、deep burgundy ─── 深紫红色

2、burgonet ─── n.古时带面甲的头盔,有护面具的轻胄之一种;(16世纪的)轻盔,钢盔

3、Burgundy ─── n.勃艮第葡萄酒;勃艮第

4、burgundies ─── n.勃艮第(该地产的红葡萄酒)

5、gundy ─── n.(Gundy)人名;(英)冈迪

6、burglary ─── n.入室偷窃;入室偷盗罪

7、burgled ─── vt.偷窃,破门盗窃;vi.偷窃,破门盗窃

8、Grundy ─── n.拘泥礼节的人;心胸狭窄的人;极喜挑剔的人

9、bundy ─── n.(Bundy)人名;(匈、瑞典)本迪;(英)邦迪

burgundy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、dry fruity red table wine drunk within a few months after it is made; from southern Burgundy in France. ─── 出产以后几个月内就用于干的水果餐桌酒饮料;出产于法国南部勃艮底。

2、Chardonnay or Chardonnay A dry white table wine, originally from Burgundy, France. ─── 夏敦埃酒:最初产于法国勃艮第的一种干白葡萄酒,餐用。

3、I'm flying tomorrow morning to New York, so I must take the TGV[high-speed train] from Burgundy to Charles De Gaulle airport, but Idon't know if there will be trains operating at that time. ─── 举个例子,你知道法国铁路公司的火车司机享有一种叫做“煤炭津贴”的东西吗?这是源于19世纪,火车需要烧煤,为补贴火车司机吸入煤炭粉尘而设的。

4、In Burgundy, achieving sufficient ripeness is always a critical factor. ─── 在法国的勃根第地区葡萄要达到足够的成熟度是一关键的要素。

5、As he walked along the row of seats and tables a striking woman in a trim burgundy suit followed him with her gaze. ─── 沿着一排排的桌椅走进去,他分明感到有一道目光紧紧跟随着他。回过头,他看到了她---一名身着剪裁匀称的酒红色套装的女子,相当地引人注目。

6、the bouquet of a fine Burgundy wine; ─── 优质勃艮第葡萄酒的香味;

7、He was wearing a burgundy polyester jacket. ─── 他穿着一件紫红色聚酯纤维夹克。

8、Let's say you're a cyanea octopus and you don't care for the burgundy red color of your skin. ─── 假设你是一只霞水母章鱼而你并不关心你的皮肤是否呈现酒红色。

9、Known for her fashion sense, here Princess Diana wears a burgundy velvet hat with a feather during a visit to Wales in October 1981. ─── 以时尚著称的她,在1981年十月访问威尔士期间头戴装饰着羽毛的酒红色天鹅绒帽子的她。

10、A plan to marry Sibylla to Hugh III of Burgundy had broken down; ─── 作为王族血缘最近的男性亲属,他本身有着对王位的强烈要求。

11、The palate is the softest of the three with citrus and apple fruits, great acidity and feels more like a still Burgundy Chardonnay than a Sparkling wine! ─── 在三款酒中,这感觉最轻盈,带柑橘和苹果味,酸度恰当,好像品尝一瓶布根地莎当妮多过喝汽泡酒!

12、Red Burgundy is made from the Pinot Noir grape. ─── 勃艮第红葡萄酒是由黑比诺葡萄酿制的.

13、France!-- Burgundy!Burgundy!"apprised him that a part of the besiegers were entering the fart her end of the street, which was a narrow one, and that his retreat was cut off. ─── 他在一条通往马埃斯河的街道转角处碰到巴拉弗雷正在悠然自得地往河边走去,就像猎人提着一只打死的禽鸟那样,若无其事地提着一个血淋淋的人头。

14、winesof the Burgundy type/Burgundy-type wines ─── 勃艮第类型的葡萄酒.

15、Boeuf Bourguignon Burgundy beef simmered in red wine ─── 勃艮第红酒焖牛肉跟白饭

16、4.At the top of the hill, Corton-Charlemagne is a great white Burgundy wine, one of the best in the region among Montrachet and Meursault. ─── 在山顶上,高顿-查理曼是最好的布根地白酒,其中最好的地区在蒙他榭和莫尔索之间。

17、Burgundy is a historic region of the east central France with a glorious heritage manifested by the Chateaux with glazed roofs, ducal towns and charming villages. ─── 勃艮第是位于法国中部以东的一个历史悠久的地区,屋顶由釉瓦铺就的城堡、公爵的城池领地以及迷人的乡村全都折射出了那里的辉煌遗产。

18、Olivier then recall after two years in the province of Burgundy another pile murder. ─── 奥利维耶随后想起两年后发生在勃艮第省的另一桩谋杀案。

19、Burgundy and Late Medieval Politics in the North. RR.,第185-202页 。 ─── 勃艮第和北方中世纪后期的政治。

20、W.S:Why don't you try Chablis for clams on half shell?Chablis is very good wine,producing in Burgundy of France.And Chablis goes well with seafood. ─── 你们为何不试饮一下白葡萄酒配半个蛤呢?白葡萄酒是法国勃良地出产的好酒,配新鲜饮很好。

21、While most famous for his Houghton White Burgundy, his passion was for Cabernet Sauvignon, saying" in my opinion, the greatest grape is the noble Cabernet. ─── 他最著名的葡萄酒是孛艮第修顿白葡萄酒,但她喜欢卡本内苏维浓,他说:“在我看来,最了不起的葡萄酒是高贵的卡本内,卡本内是天堂能够容忍的唯一品种。”

22、A very day white Burgundy wine originally from east-central France and now refer to a blended white table wine of California. ─── 夏布利酒:最初指法国中东部地区产的一种干白葡萄酒,现在也指美加州产的一种混合佐餐白葡萄酒。

23、The major red wine varieties ranging from intense to light include cabernet sauvignon, zinfandel, shiraz or syrah, merlot, burgundy or pinot noir and chianti. ─── 主要的红葡萄酒有(由浓到淡):赤霞珠、珍芳德、西拉、美乐、勃艮第葡萄酒(黑比诺)和奇扬第。

24、white wines such as chardonnays or rieslings; a white burgundy; white Italian wines. ─── 例如夏敦埃酒或者雷司令酒等白酒;白色勃艮第酒;白色意大利酒。

25、There are only red wines in Pommard. They are among the most tannic and robust wines in Burgundy, much stronger than Beaune and Volnay close-by wines. ─── 在波玛酒庄只生产红酒。他们属于布根地地区最浓烈红酒,比波恩地区和沃尔内地区的酒更为强烈。

26、Vougeot and Vougeot Premier Cru are the smallest appellations in Burgundy - excludingClos de Vougeot - and sometimes provide very good value with both red and white wines. ─── 伏旧园和伏旧园特级是布根地最小的等级,除了伏旧园等级(只能区分外语部分了)。有时候它提供非常超值的红酒和白酒。

27、A very dry white Burgundy wine originally from east - central France. ─── 夏布利酒最初源于法国中东部地区的一种无甜味干白葡萄酒

28、Your Red Burgundy, sir. ─── 先生,您的勃艮第红葡萄酒。

29、a red wine such as a claret or burgundy; a pinot noir is a red burgundy. ─── 例如红葡萄酒或者勃艮第酒等红酒;加州葡萄酒是一种红色勃艮第酒。

30、Burgundy Fondue is one of the traditional dishes in this area. ─── 勃艮第火锅就是此地传统菜肴之一。

31、Double the riches of a burgundy red or purple palette with glittery gold. ─── 双财富的勃艮第的红色或紫色调色板闪光金牌。

32、"I grieve, lady," said the Duke, preventing the Princess's answer, "that you will satirize, in the same sentence, the beauty of the dames of Burgundy and the sincerity of the Knights of France. ─── “讲我的父亲,”公主严肃地重说了一遍,“我是法国的让娜公主。不过,女士,你不用害怕,”她用一种天生的柔和声调继续说道,“你没有冒犯我的意思,我并不见怪。

33、IT WAS Saturday evening and Yukio Hatoyama, wearing a burgundy jacket and a cocky grin, was dancing with his fun-loving wife under the bright lights of a charity fashion-show. ─── 在周六晚上的慈善时装秀上,鸠山由纪夫身着勃艮第的西装,挂着趾高气扬的笑容,与他那风趣幽默的夫人共舞。

34、Monastic wineries were responsible for establishing vineyards in Burgundy, Champagne and the Rhine Valley. ─── 修道院为开设酒厂在 勃艮第 、香槟还有莱茵山谷地区开辟了葡萄园。

35、Born at Aosta in Burgundy, Anselm was a pious child and sought admission to the monastic life at the early age of 15. ─── 安瑟伦出生在奥斯塔的勃艮第。15岁时他是个虔诚的孩子,一心向往修道院的生活。

36、Beaune is the capital of Burgundy wine.The wine carries a deep colour, releasing aromas of black fruit, blackberry, black currents, coupled with toasted and spicy notes.Age for 4-15 years. ─── 博恩是勃艮地葡萄酒的中心区,此款酒深红色,散发出黑梅等水果味并含有烧烤和辛辣味。

37、Typical white Burgundy styles, barrel fermented and sur lie aged Chardonnay ─── 典型的白葡萄字体桶发酵品种、年龄sur说谎

38、The great grape of Burgundy that creates strong cherry and strawberry aromas. ─── 勃根底地区最好的葡萄,可酿出充满强烈樱桃和草莓果香味的葡萄酒。

39、On his menu, Guy Savoy pairs Kuno's sake with a sea urchin dish, serving the wine at a crisp 14 degrees, the way he would a fine white wine from Burgundy. ─── 在菜单上,吉萨瓦用久野的清酒搭配海胆佳肴,酒温在微冻的14度,这个他向来运用勃根地白酒的方式。

40、4.The history of Burgundy Fondue begins in 1652, in Dijon, during the confrontation between the Duke of Burgundy and foreign invaders. ─── 勃艮第火锅的历史始于1652年的第戎,出现于勃艮第公爵抗争外来侵略者的时期。

41、Single burgundy ruffled star/white eye, edge. Dark green, plain. Standard. ─── 单瓣星型花,暗红色底,白色眼和边。深绿色叶,叶面平坦。标准型。

42、Their styles are similar with the wine made in Bordeaux , but different from the wine made in Burgundy , which are firm. ─── 与波尔多产区的风格更接近,而与勃艮地产区遒劲坚韧的风格有差异。

43、Hair colors that work best for Asians are plum or burgundy, ash blond, platinum blond, brown, dark brown, or black. ─── 亚洲人最适合的头发颜色是暗紫色或暗红色、淡金色、淡银灰色、棕色、深棕色、或黑色。

44、The spxadition of giving them as love tokens dates from 1477, when Archduke Maximilian of Ausspxia gave a diamond ring to Mary of Burgundy. ─── 1477年,奥地利大公马克西米利安把一枚钻石戒指送给了玛利公主,从此赠送钻石作为爱情的象征这个传统便流传下来。

45、Created as a duchy in 1354, it was ruled from 1443 to 1839 by Burgundy, Spain, Austria, France, and the Netherlands successively. ─── 从1443年到1839年先后被勃艮第、西班牙、奥地利、法国和荷兰统治。

46、Single burgundy sticktite/ white frilled edge. Medium green, pointed, glossy, hairy, scalloped/ red back. Standard. ─── 单瓣不掉落的葡萄酒色花,白色折边。中绿色尖尾扇型叶,叶面光滑多毛,红色叶背。标准型。

47、A dry white table wine, originally from Burgundy , France. ─── 勃艮第以其美酒而闻名。

48、2. Vougeot and Vougeot Premier Cru are the smallest appellations in Burgundy - excludingClos de Vougeot - and sometimes provide very good value with both red and white wines. ─── 伏旧园和伏旧园特级是布根地最小的等级,除了伏旧园等级(只能区分外语部分了)。有时候它提供非常超值的红酒和白酒。收藏指正

49、The Burgundy Pack is already available. ─── 伯根地酒组装已经是可利用的。

50、The eastern part of France consists of the Alsace, Lorraine, Franche Comt?and Burgundy regions. ─── 东部地区由法国的阿尔萨斯,洛林,弗朗什孔泰?和勃艮第地区。

51、This is a real Burgundy with a "sauvage" nose, rich black cherry and currant fruit, spice, coffee, leather, wet earth, and plenty of toasty oak. ─── 占姆士香贝天是吉菲香贝天内面积最大的特等名园,其酒颜色深浓,有浓郁的黑樱桃、黑醋栗的味道,伴有丝丝皮革、咖啡、湿土和烤橡木的香气。

52、Burgundy or Bourgogne A red or white wine originally produced in the region of east-south France. ─── 勃艮第酒:原产于法国勃艮第的红葡萄酒或白葡萄酒。

53、That sounds good. We'll take a half bottle of the Burgundy and a half bottle of the Chablis. ─── 听起来不错。我们就要半瓶勃艮第红葡萄酒,半瓶夏布丽白葡萄酒。

54、The Chablis vineyard is the northernmost in Burgundy. ─── 沙布利葡萄园在勃艮第的最北边。

55、A dry white table wine, originally from Burgundy, France ─── 夏敦埃酒最初产于法国勃艮第的一种无甜味干白葡萄酒

56、Your red Burgundy, sir.Would you like to taste it? ─── 先生,您的布根地红酒,要不要尝尝看?

57、dry fruity red table wine drunk within a few months after it is made; from southern Burgundy in France ─── 出产以后几个月内就用于干的水果餐桌酒饮料;出产于法国南部勃艮底

58、Tender cuts of beef with sliced mushrooms in a robust Burgundy wine sauce made with onion, garlic and spices served over fettuccine noodles with broccoli florets and accented with crisp red peppers. ─── 勃艮第牛肉:用勃艮第红酒汁加洋葱、蒜和香料煎出来的嫩牛肉,配上意大利宽面条、西兰花和红椒。

59、Burgundy Sud ─── 南勃艮第葡萄酒

60、"I was taught that lesson," answered the youth, "by a rascally forester of the Duke of Burgundy. ─── “勃艮第公爵的一个混账护林宫已经给了我一个教训。”

61、Situated on the main north-south Europe axis, the Burgundy region represents a major strategic location: 40% of total European road freight transport transits through Burgundy. ─── 坐落于欧洲南北轴上,布根地地区是传统的运输重地:欧洲40%的公路运输需要经过布根地地区。

62、In Burgundy and in the southern towns they planted the liberty tree;that is to say, a pole surmounted by a red cap. ─── 在勃艮第和南方的一些城市里,种植了自由树,也就是说,一根顶着一顶红帽子的旗杆。

63、with which he contrives to maintain himself among the woods, in such a condition as makes him formidable both to the Duke of Burgundy and the Bishop of Liege. ─── 依靠这支军队他已设法在森林里站住脚,有能力使勃艮第公爵和列日主教都感到畏惧。

64、Chablis A very day white Burgundy wine originally from east-central France and now refer to a blended white table wine of California. ─── 夏布利酒:最初指法国中东部地区产的一种干白葡萄酒,现在也指美加州产的一种混合佐餐白葡萄酒。

65、You can not find any produce areas in France like Burgundy, which in this high latitude placeis able to produce such high quality red wine. ─── 在法国其他任何酒区都找不到像勃艮第这样,在纬度如此高的地方能生产出这么高质量的红葡萄酒的酒区。

66、Burgundy has always been considered a major centre of gastronomy. ─── 勃艮第常被看作主要的美食中心。

67、The wedding gowns could usually be of any color, but they usually were of a dark color like burgundy wine, deep purple or hunter green. ─── 通常,结婚礼服可以选择任何颜色,但人们普遍会选用比较深的色彩,例如:暗红色、深紫色或墨绿色。

68、Do you have Red Burgundy 1978? ─── 你们有1978年份的勃艮地红酒吗?

69、Clifton, a keen oenophile, says his true interest in life is Burgundy wine. ─── 克利夫顿是一位敏锐的品酒行家,他说他生活里真正的兴趣是勃根蒂红酒。

70、A few of the most exciting wines in the world come from Burgundy. ─── 全世界少数几种最令人激动的葡萄酒就来自于布根地。

71、Beaune ler Cru Claude Chonion, Beaune (Burgundy, France) ─── 博艮地红葡萄酒(博艮地, 法国)

72、You sense the heritage as you step into the restaurant, with its high ornate ceilings, partially exposed floor boards, light fittings and plush chairs with tones of corn and burgundy. ─── 一步入餐馆,你就会感受到遗产的风格,高高的纹饰天花板,部分裸露的地板、灯光设备和舒适的长毛绒椅子以及玉米和勃艮第葡萄酒。

73、Palate: Full body, lush and concentrated, lots of structure, slight spicy. This is one of the top wines in Burgundy. ─── 口感:酒体厚身,果香浓郁而集中,有层次感,微辛辣。是非常著名的布根地顶级酒王之一。

74、The great vineyards of Champagne, Burgundy, the Loire River, and Bordeaux all have quality limestone soil. ─── 在香槟产区、勃艮第、卢瓦河、波尔多地区有大片高质量的石灰石土壤。

75、those found in Burgundy, Rumania and on the Sea of Azov might have come out of the same workshop as those found in England and Sweden, and are just as certainly of Germanic origin. ─── 在勃艮第、罗马尼亚、亚速海沿岸发现的青铜手镯,看来可能跟英国和瑞典的青铜手镯同出于一个作坊,但它们同样无疑地是由日耳曼人生产的。

76、Will: That's got to be over three hundred dollars! It's one of the top Burgundy picks! ─── 威尔:那一瓶超过三百美元耶!那是最顶级的勃根地产酒之一!

77、House Langward - Per fess undy: A crown of white stars on burgundy above black ─── 中间以波形划分:上面,葡萄酒色底纹上,有由白色星星组成的王冠。下面是一片黑色

78、2007 Domaine Louis Michel Chablis (France, Burgundy, Chablis). 13.0%. 100% Chardonnay is crisp and clean with light citrus and weight. ─── 2006路易斯-米歇巴尔夏布利(法国,勃艮第,夏布利).13.0%酒精度.100%霞多丽.口中松脆,清净,和较少的柑属味.从2008至2009.10/20分

79、The assembled Council of Burgundy cannot refuse to a monarch the justice which in my country is rendered to the meanest person under accusation. ─── 勃艮第的满朝文武自然不会拒绝给一位国王哪怕苏格兰一个最卑微的受审者也会得到的公正裁决。

80、The use of new oak in Burgundy is a controversial issue. ─── 在使用新橡木枣具有争议。

81、Peace be with Burgundy! Since that respects of fortune are his love, I shall not be his wife. ─── 考狄利娅愿勃艮第平安!他所爱的既然只是财产,我也不愿做他的妻子。

82、Gauthier, Bishop of Chalons, held his own in this matter against Otho, Duke of Burgundy. ─── 夏龙的主教戈蒂埃在这个问题上,也曾和勃艮第公爵奥东对抗过。

83、A prime Burgundy. ─── 头等勃良第红葡萄酒

84、Bouquet: Vinous complex aromas of Burgundy berry fruits with hint of liquorices. ─── 口感:酒体强劲而丰满,通常单宁结构扎实,伴有明显的浆果味。

85、Burgundy School ─── 世纪法国东部勃艮第地方艺术流派

86、A chateau and church crown fertile fields in the C? te-d' Or, a30- mile(48- kilometer) strip of land in Bourgogne( Burgundy), France. ─── 城堡和教堂仿佛是王冠一样坐落在金丘肥沃的土地上,这里是位于法国勃艮地大约48公里的一片狭长地带。

87、A chateau and church crown fertile fields in the Cote-d'Or, a 30-mile (48-kilometer) strip of land in Bourgogne (Burgundy), France. ─── 一座城堡和教堂就像皇冠一样坐落在科多尔肥沃的土地上,这是法国勃艮第地区一段约30英里(合48公里)长的带状土地。

88、a red wine such as a claret or burgundy; ─── 例如红葡萄酒或者勃艮第酒等红酒;

89、A ducal house of Burgundy split into the Capetian line (032-3') and the Cadet, or Valois, line (3'3-477). ─── 勃艮第:分为卡佩蒂安王朝(032-3'年)和卡代或沃洛斯王朝(3'3-477年)的勃艮第伯国

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