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09-05 投稿



unclose 发音

英:[?n?klo?z]  美:[?n?kl??z]

英:  美:

unclose 中文意思翻译




unclose 短语词组

1、unclose tab ─── 松开选项卡

2、unclose window ─── 打开窗口

3、unclose meaning ─── 不闭合意义

4、unclose tab chrome ─── 松开拉环镀铬

5、unclose synonym ─── 松开同义词

unclose 词性/词形变化,unclose变形


unclose 相似词语短语

1、enclosed ─── adj.(用墙等)围住的,封闭的;随函附上的;附上的;与外界隔绝的;v.附上(enclose的过去式和过去分词)

2、unclosed ─── adj.未结束的;未关的;v.打开;揭露(unclose的过去分词)

3、uncloses ─── vt.打开;揭露;vi.打开,开

4、inclosed ─── v.包围,围住;附入,随函附上;围(公地)为私有;使(修道会等)与世隔绝(inclose的过去式和过去分词)

5、encloser ─── n.外壳;罩壳

6、inclose ─── v.围绕;随信附上(等于enclose)

7、encloses ─── vt.围绕;装入;放入封套

8、incloser ─── 封闭器

9、enclose ─── vt.围绕;装入;放入封套

unclose 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、succeeded in obtaining entrance with another key, I ran to unclose the panels, for the chamber was vacant. ─── 我用成功地另一把钥匙开了门,进去之后,我就跑去打开板壁,因为那房间是空的。

2、UNCLOS and Territorial Disputes over the South China Sea ─── 海洋法公约与南海领土争议

3、UNCLOS; international agreements; maritime legislation; ocean policy; marine resources; United Nations ─── 联合国海洋法会议;国际协定;海上的法规;海洋政策;海洋资源;联合国

4、How can the law firms get the enough business to afford the lawyers they hire?From the following comparison, we can unclose part of this secret. ─── 计算机不只是打打文件,收发邮件那么简单,律师的业务很多是通过计算机和互连网来完成的。

5、Advocates of a more internationalist foreign policy scored a victory this week when the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 17-4 in favour of ratifying UNCLOS at last. ─── 本周,提倡一个更国际化的外交政策的人士取得了一场胜利,美国参议院外交委员会以17对4票同意批准《联合国海洋法》。

6、She moved her child to the center of the Kang, the hands of her child could not touch the bun in my hand, and then jumped down from the Kang, unclose the cover then, took out a cooked potato. ─── 她把孩子往炕里挪去,不让孩子的手够着我手中的馍馍,旋即跳下炕,又揭开锅盖,拿出一个蒸熟的土豆。

7、UNCLOS states that countres with _overlapping_claims must resolve them by good faith negotiation. ─── 对于重叠海域,联大要求各国必须通过真诚谈判解决。

8、Soon as thy letters trembling I unclose, ─── 自我抖著拆阅汝信,

9、the UNCLOS ─── 国际海洋法

10、Having succeeded in obtaining entrance with another key, I ran to unclose the panels, for the chamber was vacant; ─── 我用另一把钥匙开了门,进去之后,我就跑去打开板壁,因为那卧室是空的;

11、Ermita said the Philippines had to pass the baselines law "so all our territorial claims will be based on UNCLOS," the 1982 convention which regulates international use of the world's oceans. ─── 埃尔米塔说菲律宾只好通过领海基线法,这样我们的领土主张才能符合联合国海洋法,1982年公约开始管理世界海洋在国际间的使用。

12、Fabrication of Unclose-packed Photonic Crystal Gels and Their Pressure Sensitivity ─── 非紧密堆积型光子晶体凝胶的制备及其压敏性质研究

13、China stands for seeking fair solution of the differences through negotiation on the basis of the UNCLOS. ─── 对于有关分歧,中方主张应根据《联合国海洋法公约》,通过谈判求得公平解决。

14、Your slightest look easily will unclose me though i have closed myself as fingers, you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens (touching skilfully, mysteriously) her first rose ─── 哪怕我把自己关紧象捏拢手指你最轻微的目光也很容易打开我,一瓣儿一瓣儿开,就象春天打开(巧妙、神秘地触摸着)第一朵玫瑰

15、your slightest look easily will unclose me ─── 你最细微的表情都可以掩埋我

16、A side evaluation of the policies adopted and the consequent infrastructure of Taiwanese laws of the sea is also provided herewith through the requisite comparison between which and the UNCLOS. ─── 同时透过我国相关规范之比较,从另一角度评估我国部份海洋法律之制定策略与设计良窳。

17、They have the power to edit, delete, move, close, unclose, topics and posts, in the forum they moderate. ─── 他们拥有编辑,删除,移动,关闭和开启主题和文章的权力。

18、Unclose your mind.You are not s prisoner. You are a bird in flight,searching the skies for dreams. ─── 打开你的心扉吧!,你不是一名囚犯,你是一只飞翔的小鸟,在苍穹寻梦。

19、It"s still a thought-worthing problemwhether his naturalism is to unclose a Pandora case or to open up a new horizon forresearching epistemology. ─── 蒯因所主张的自然主义是打开了一个潘多拉的盒子,还是开启了认识论研究的新视野,这是一个值得思考的问题。

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