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09-05 投稿



imprinting 发音

英:[?m?pr?nt??]  美:[?m?pr?nt??]

英:  美:

imprinting 中文意思翻译




imprinting 词性/词形变化,imprinting变形

现在分词:imprinting 原型:imprint

imprinting 短语词组

1、imprinting factor ─── 模印因子

2、imprinting box ─── 印记框

imprinting 相似词语短语

1、implanting ─── v.灌输,生根;将……移植;被移植到;(受精卵)着床(implant的现在分词)

2、imprintings ─── n.铭记(动物生命早期即起作用的一种学习机能);胚教;v.产生重大影响;铭刻;使铭记;印(imprint的现在分词)

3、reprinting ─── vt.再版;重印;n.重印;翻版

4、comprinting ─── 压缩

5、impainting ─── vt.描绘;画

6、sprinting ─── v.(短距离)快速奔跑;(骑车、游泳等短距离)全速冲刺(sprint的现在分词);n.(400米或400米以下的)短跑

7、misprinting ─── n.印刷错误;vt.印错;vi.(鹿等)留下不规则足印

8、bioprinting ─── 生物印刷

9、printing ─── n.印刷;印刷术

imprinting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The parameter of the dampening solution of offset printing and their function imprinting process were introduced as well as their measurement methods. ─── 主要介绍把平版印刷的润版液参数要求及其在印刷过程中的作用,以及检测的方法。

2、Georges and others see an epigenetic phenomenon, imprinting, at work in the family tree. ─── 乔杰斯及其他人看到了某个称为铭印(imprint)的外遗传现象,在家族谱系当中运作。

3、Woman is compensated by a masculine element and therefore her unconscious has, so to speak, a masculine imprint. ─── 女人被一个男性元素所补偿,因此可以说她的无意识有一种男子气的烙印。

4、They may have dreams, but the "imprinting" keeps pulling them back. ─── 他们可能有梦想,但“烙印”让他们止步不前。

5、Imprinting is not possible while the data back is being reset. When resetting is complete, press the mode button until the imprint mark appears on the display panel. ─── 当日期背盖正在重新设定时,将不可能影印,完成重新设定后,请按压模式按钮直到显示屏上出现影印符号。

6、THE REEMERGENCE of a distinctive DNA methylation pattern after drugs wipe it clean strangely echoes the reprogramming of an embryo's imprinting marks shortly after conception. ─── 在药物进行了清除作用之后,又会重新出现特定DNA甲基化的模式,与受孕后不久,胚胎铭印标签的程式重设,具有奇特的呼应。

7、This is a giant shift for our species' imprinting about sex. ─── 我们人类种族对性的烙印是一个巨大转变。

8、How is ability OK does the scar of desalt foot imprint? ─── 怎么才可以淡化脚的疤印?

9、He tried to imprint the special number on his memory. ─── 他试图把那个特殊的号码牢牢记住。

10、After shooting, the imprint mark flashes on the display panel for a few seconds to confirm proper imprinting. ─── 如果影印是正确的,则拍摄后,影印符号将在显示屏上闪烁几秒钟。

11、He was still feeling his hand strangely; it seemed that the pressure of Jan's fingers had left an indelible imprint. ─── 他那只手上仍有异样的感觉;仿佛简的指头捏一下后,就留下了不可磨灭的痕迹。

12、We hope to imprint our beauty on the lively play ground. ─── 愿鼎沸的赛场上留住我们的美丽。

13、A mark or pattern produced by imprinting. ─── 压印产生的痕迹或图案

14、They found that two types of imprinting are involved. ─── 他们发现有两种刻痕牵涉其中。

15、They may have dreams, but the "imprinting" keeps pulling them back. ─── 他们可能有梦想,但“烙印”让他们止步不前。

16、Ducklings may follow a basketball or a briefcase if these are substituted for the mother duck at the time when imprinting occurs. ─── 如果一个篮球或公文包在印记发生的时候代替母鸭,小鸭子可能会跟随它们。

17、A remnant or trace of an organism of a past geologic age,such as a skeleton or leaf imprint,embedded and preserved in the earth's crust. ─── 化石埋置并保存于地层中的古生物遗体、遗物和其生活遗址,如骨骸、叶子的印痕等。

18、They splat into the dust and imprint the windows with the individual signatures. ─── 它们碎裂于尘埃之上,在玻璃窗上印满了点点斑痕。

19、The development principle and applies of molecular imprinting technology were discussed in this paper. ─── 对分子烙印技术的历史发展、原理、及应用进行了探讨。

20、Working with geese, he rediscovered the principle of imprinting in the behavior of nidifugous birds. ─── 在对孵化后离巢鸟的研究中,他重新发现了胚教原理。

21、Please contact us for other imprinting requirement. ─── 如有其它印刷要求,请联系我们。

22、A stamp (usually made of rubber) for imprinting a mark or design by hand. ─── 一种标记商标手工制作的邮票(通常由橡胶制成)。

23、The type of imprinting that happens in egg and sperm cells is known as “genomic imprinting,” a reference to its fundamental heritable nature. ─── 发生于卵细胞和精细胞的印迹类型被认为是“基因组印迹”,这是对其基本的遗传本性的一种提法。

24、Pray God to imprint this lesson on your heart: the life of faith is a lift of obedience. ─── 但愿神把信心的生活就是顺服的生活这一句话,铭刻在你的心里。

25、Neither of them spoke; they simply stood there, sending, receiving, imprinting the feel of each on the other, indelibly . ─── 两人都不说话,只是站在那里,把相互感觉传递,吸引,铭刻于心,永不磨灭。

26、Imprint in the law during the war, an England major general to duel puts forward south pood. ─── 在法印战争期间,一位英国少将向普特南提出决斗。

27、Her face bore the deep imprint of suffering. ─── 她的脸上带着受过苦难的深深的痕迹。

28、Covered with the imprinting of time, the handbag as if is telling change of time it sees. ─── 布满时间滑过的印迹的手袋,也仿佛在诉说着它所看见的时代变迁。

29、Tea-related traditions are organically inherent in the national cultures of peoples and bear an imprint of their originality. ─── 世界各国民俗文化不同,品茗方式也各有特色。

30、Last year, Steeple Hill launched an imprint of "hip, fun and smart fiction for modern and savvy women of faith. ─── 去年,“尖塔山”又推出了“为现代知性女人的信仰而备的轻松娱乐小说”系列。

31、It should imprint itself onto the consumer's awareness. ─── 它还应该深深地印在消费者的意识中。

32、Front and rear legs are thrown neither in nor out, as the imprint of hind feet should touch that of forefeet. ─── 后肢足迹与前肢足迹重叠。

33、Imprint: Publisher's and /or printer's identifying text printed in a book or other work. ─── 印记:附印于书籍或其他印刷品上的出版者或承印者的识别文字。

34、Some of Doyle's ideas have the imprint of sanity. ─── 劳拉·多伊尔的某些观点颇为明智。

35、Loss of imprinting of IGF2 has been associated statistically with indiiduals who hae personal and familial histories of colorectal cancer. ─── IGF2印迹缺失与个人患有结肠直肠癌或其具有家族史具有统计学意义上的相关性。

36、Molecular imprinting technique is a novel technique which is developed rapidly in recent years. ─── 介绍了环境雌激素的分类、来源,同时介绍了近些年发展起来的新技术-分子印迹技术。

37、There is no imprint leaving when used in fax and reprography.The correction tape is clean and nonpoisonous. ─── 即改即写,而且平整牢固,适合任何书写工具,传真、复印不留痕迹,清洁无毒。

38、Their presence and cosmopolitan imprint on cities like Vancouver and Toronto has been profound. ─── 他们在多伦多和温哥华等大城市留下了深远的影响;

39、"Using imprinting, we thought we could address some of the challenges they face in burn care, " he said. ─── 他说,“使用‘生物打印’,我们认为自己可以解决一些面对烧伤护理时遇到的挑战。”

40、To hope that even after death, living creatures can leave an imprint in the world is a tantalizing inspiration. ─── 希望,甚至死亡后,生物留下的印记可以在世界上是一个诱人的灵感。

41、After shooting, the imprint mark flashes on the display panel for a few seconds to confirm proper imprinting. ─── 如果影印是正确的,则拍摄后,影印符号将在显示屏上闪烁几秒钟。

42、How to imprint except blain? ─── 怎样除痘印?

43、The genetic imprint is not as visible as might be expected if interbreeding occurred, but Harpending offers an explanation. ─── 如果真有混血,相关的遗传印记不见得如想像中容易看出。

44、Abnormal imprinting effects are associated with clinical disorders of overgrowth, undergrowth, mental retardation, or behavior abnormalities. ─── 基因组印记病主要表现为过度生长、生长迟缓、智力障碍、行为异常。

45、Will be geo-Samsun, branded the softest heart in their respective areas of the names, the imprint of that spell. ─── 好好的善待和爱着自己身边爱你的人儿,更珍惜你所爱的人儿,因为在平淡生活里,真情难觅,真爱难求!

46、The “Ouch Paddle” is a delightful word imprint paddle that gives a great spanking. ─── “Ouch桨”是给巨大拍击的一支令人愉快的词版本记录桨。

47、Among them a desk is a face with 3 Italy derma, imprint have bronzing line. ─── 其中一款写字台以三块意大利真皮为面,印有烫金线条。

48、We can imprint it on thousands and thousands of ceramic mugs and caps. ─── 我们还可以把广告打在许多的陶瓷杯和帽子上。

49、Based on the method of template match, an algorithm of seal imprint verification similarity is presented in this paper. ─── 基于模板匹配提出了一种印鉴识别相似度的算法框架,并应用于实际的印鉴识别过程。

50、Thus, the imprint of this information is frozen in place,similar to sound recorded on a magnetic tape. ─── 因此这个讯息的印记已被固定在其上,好比录在卡式带上的声音。

51、The imprinting effect of firms' prior socialist institutional and market environment adversely impacts their ability to change their operating knowledge. ─── 公司早期社会制度的体制影响以及市场环境严重的冲击着他们改变运营知识的能力。

52、Pale lids would keep the imprint of a touch for quite a while. ─── 多么苍白的眼皮,它们会保留抚摸的痕迹好一段时间。

53、A remnant or trace of an organism of a past geologic age, such as a skeleton or leaf imprint, embedded and preserved in the earth's crust. ─── 化石埋置并保存于地层中的古生物遗体、遗物和其生活遗址,如骨骸、叶子的印痕等

54、To prevent piracy,these enterprises have been strictly asked to imprint SID codes on the molds of disks. ─── 为防止盗版,这些企业严格实施在所有光盘生产模具上蚀刻来源识别码(即SID码)的制度。

55、Its memory was like a living imprint of those great years, minute by minute. ─── 他的回忆仿佛是那些伟大岁月一分钟接一分钟的生动图片。

56、He tried to imprint the number on his memory. ─── 他试图把那个号码牢牢记住

57、However, there is no direct evidence that genomic imprinting is the only barrier to parthenogenetic development. ─── 然而,没有直接的证据基因组印记是孤雌发育的唯一障碍。

58、Imprinting is not possible in the following modes: print off mode and reset mode. ─── 在下列模式下不能进行影印:不影印模式、重新设定模式。

59、For crescent or special imprinting, contact Logo Express. ─── 如果需要新月形或者特别盖印,请接触有关商标设计部门。

60、Even with feather dusting or a soft cloth to a certain hardness of paint particles to scrape the surface of the ink imprinting. ─── 即使是使用鸡毛掸或软布,也会使有一定硬度的涂料颗粒造成对油墨印迹表面的擦伤。

61、The “BITCH Paddle” is a delightful word imprint paddle that gives a great spanking. ─── “母狗桨”是给巨大拍击的一支令人愉快的词版本记录桨。

62、Her speech left its imprint on me. ─── 她的演讲给我留下了深刻印象。

63、Be in when them in closet when rouge , they can imprint the lip on the mirror to leave a lip to imprint. ─── 当她们在洗手间里擦口红时,她们会将嘴唇印在镜子上留下唇印。

64、The leaves not carefully blain scar when how take out squeezes fabaceous beans (does blain imprint) ? ─── 怎样去掉挤豆豆时不小心留下的痘疤(痘印)呢?

65、Imprinting patterns contain a wealth of information, in some ways can be said to be a condensed history of the Mongolian economy. ─── 印记图案中蕴藏了丰富的民俗信息,从某种角度也可以说是一本浓缩的蒙古族经济生活史。

66、These carving and imprinting marks vertically and horizontally reflect one"s belief, which is resulted from the folk belief. ─── 在这些有关刻和印的痕迹中,纵横交错地表现出许多具有信仰色彩的内容。

67、You see the surface rebounds and leaves no imprint when I press it lightly. ─── 你看表面会反弹,轻轻压它不留痕迹。

68、We imprint our ideas onto our children. ─── 我们的思想在孩子身上留下很深的烙印。

69、Among the rare disorders that result from imprinting errors is Angelman syndrome, which affects one out of 12,000 to 20,000 children in the world. ─── 安琪儿综合症是印迹差错造成的罕见病症之一,它侵袭着全球1/20,000到1/12,000的儿童。

70、His head left an imprint on the pillow. ─── 他的头在枕上留下印痕。

71、Any massive body leaves an imprint on the shape of spacetime, governed by an equation Einstein formulated in 1915. ─── 任何在时空形状上留下痕迹的具质量物体,都适用于爱因斯坦在1915年制定的一条方程式。

72、The model includes two forms of competition. The first form leads to a phenomenon known as deceptive imprinting, or original antigenic sin. ─── 这种模型包含了两种竞争,第一种导致了假性标志的出现,这种现象被称为原始抗原变异。

73、Custom imprinting is available in one color. ─── 可提供一种颜色标记印刷。

74、For thousands of years, Yuncheng salt not only laid a deep imprint, but also a profound accumulation of salt culture. ─── 几千年来,运城不仅深深地打下了盐的烙印,还积淀了深厚的盐文化底蕴。

75、Set to be published by the Wildstorm imprint of DC comics and written by "Thor" and "Orion" veteran Walter Simonson. ─── 很多时候,电话会给你带来意想不到的收获,它不是花瓶,仅仅成为一种摆设。交了新朋友,别忘了老朋友,朋友多了路好走。

76、A good innkeeper can stamp his personal imprint on any house. ─── 一个好的店主能够对任何房间起个人作用。

77、The imprinting methods of sampled fiber grating are demonstrated experimentally and the results are consistent with the theory. ─── 介绍了取样光纤光栅的实验写入方法,并且进行了实验写入,得到的结果与理论分析结果一致。

78、Molecular imprinting technique (MIT) has predominant recog nition and selectivity and MIT applied in food safety detection will have a g ood potential. ─── 分子印迹技术(MIT)具有优越的识别性和选择性,在食品安全检测中具有重要的研究潜力。

79、To imprint(a design) by pressure with an instrument on a superimposed pattern. ─── 压印通过一仪器用压力将(一图案)印在覆盖在上面的模子上

80、Molecular imprinting technology is one of the hot spots of scientific research nowadays. ─── 分子印迹技术是当今科学研究的热点之一。

81、A small disk or wafer of wax, lead, or paper bearing such an imprint and affixed to a document to prove authenticity or to secure it. ─── 封缄上有印章的圆形的小蜡片、铅片或纸片,附在文件后用来证明权威或保证文件的安全。

82、Genomic imprinting is a type of epigenetic change that causes one copy of a particular gene to be turned off, depending on its parental origin. ─── “基因组印迹”属于后生变化之一,它能够关闭来自其亲本的某一特定基因的复制。

83、It carries also, however, the imprint of your fears, for the tales say that Atlantis was destroyed. ─── 它也带有你们恐惧的烙印,因为故事中说,亚特兰提斯毁灭了。

84、She was no longer plastic clay, yielding imprint to each new experience. ─── 她已不再是一块可以捏塑的粘土,不是每一个新的经验都会留下印子了。

85、Genes imprinting means that some genes violate the usual rule of Mendelian inheritance law and their expression is determined by the parents that contributed them. ─── 基因印迹指的是某些基因呈不遵从孟德尔定律的亲源依赖性单等位基因表达,其另一等位基因不表达或表达极弱,具有这种现象的基因被称为印迹基因。

86、He gathered her to himself, imprinting kisses upon her lips and cheeks. ─── 他把她抱过来,吻着她的嘴唇和面颊。

87、This mold of thought, she believes, reveals the imprint of a rare intelligence that transformed our understanding of space, time and energy. ─── 她认为,这种思维模式揭露了罕见的智慧特征,这能够改变我们队空间、时间及能量的理解。

88、Date imprinting appears on the lower right hand corner of the photograph. ─── 影印的日期将出现在照片右下角。

89、If she tries to erase the imprint of age, she runs the risk of destroying, at the same time, the imprint of experience and character. ─── 如果她试图擦除这些岁月的痕迹,同时也冒了摧毁经验与性格印痕的危险。

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