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09-05 投稿


commissary 发音

英:['k?m?s(?)r?]  美:['kɑm?s?ri]

英:  美:

commissary 中文意思翻译



commissary 词性/词形变化,commissary变形

名词复数: commissaries |

commissary 短语词组

1、commissary log in ─── 小卖部登录

2、commissary coupons printable ─── 可打印小卖部优惠券

3、corrections commissary ─── 惩戒委员会

4、commissary rewards login ─── 小卖部奖励登录

5、commissary definition ─── 小卖部定义

6、commissary hours ─── 小卖部工作时间

7、commissary rewards ─── 小卖部奖励

8、commissary prison ─── 小卖部监狱

9、commissary chef ─── 小卖部厨师

commissary 相似词语短语

1、commissaries ─── n.委托人;代表(commissary的过去式)

2、commissariat ─── n.粮食;粮食补给;军需部

3、commissars ─── n.政委;委员;代表;苏俄人民委员

4、commissaires ─── 委员

5、commissure ─── n.接合处;合缝处

6、commissarial ─── adj.委员的;代表人的;代理主教的

7、commissar ─── n.政委;委员;代表;苏俄人民委员

8、commissaire ─── n.法国的高级警官;(职业自行车赛的)官员,裁判;n.(Commissaire)(法)科米赛尔(人名)

9、commissionary ─── 委员

commissary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Commissary General of Subsistence ─── 军粮库(主任)

2、an Anglican diocesan court presided over by a bishop's chancellor or commissary ─── 由主教秘书或代理主教主持的英国国教教区法庭

3、Shangrao Jiangxi is a nice school students, this year 16 School commissary owed tens yuan. ─── 甜甜是江西上饶某学校的学生,今年16岁,欠下学校小卖部几十元钱。

4、Naval Commissary Stores ─── 海军给养库

5、In Minneapolis, a group of jobless residents pledged to provide handmade goods, such as clothing or canned vegetables, to a central commissary. ─── 在明尼阿波利斯,一群无业居民做出承诺,要向一个福利中心供应自己的手工制品,如衣服和罐头蔬菜等。

6、Commissary in charge of organization of the league branch of the class. ─── 本班团支部组织委员。

7、As the commissary of modern Chinese literature, the main style of Luxun"s literary composition expressed a lot of literature themes. ─── 作为中国现代文学的代表人物,鲁迅的文学创作表现了很多的文学主题。

8、At any hour of the day my grandfather would take me shopping at the banana company's succulent commissary. ─── 我祖父会在一天中的任何时候带我去香蕉公司那多姿多彩的物资供应所买东西。

9、From the end of 19th century to the early 20th century, the American educators brought forward the idea of "activity curriculum", and John Dewey was their commissary. ─── 19世纪末20世纪初,美国教育家以杜威为代表提出了“活动课程”思想,掀起了“进步教育运动”,深刻地影响了当时的中国教育者,推动了当时的中国教育改革。

10、Commissary of the phone CARDS are sold out. ─── 小卖部的电话卡都卖完了··。

11、Sophomore year: Commissary in charge of organization of the League branch of the class. ─── 二年级:本班团支部组织委员。

12、Recently he is beat by class leader and study commissary. ─── 前些天被班长和学习委员冲进他家揍个稀巴烂。

13、Commissary in charge of sports in the student council. ─── 二年级:学生会体育委员。

14、The lead reader on the platform is our commissary in charge of studies . ─── 台上的那个领诵是我们班的学习委员。

15、Commissary Store Reserve Fund ─── 军营食品店备用资金

16、Commissary in charge of League publicity ─── 团委宣传委员

17、Sophomore year: Commissary in charge of sports in the student council. ─── 二年级:学生会体育委员。

18、Ellen was thin and preoccupied now and on her feet from morning until long after the plantation was asleep. The demands of the Confederate commissary were growing heavier by the month, and hers was the task of making Tara produce. ─── 好像有满腔的心事,母亲瘦了,而且从清早开始,一直要到全农场的人都入睡以后许久才得休息,南部联盟物资供销部的需求一月比一月高,她的任务便是设法让塔拉农场拼命生产。

19、Defense Commissary Agency ─── 国防部军粮局

20、commissary in charge of publicity ─── 宣传委员

21、Air Force Commissary Customers ─── 空军给养用户

22、The class commissary in charge of studies(recreational activities, physical culture, labour) ─── 班级学习(文艺,体育,劳动)委员

23、Commissary in charge of studies. ─── 在校期间从事学习委员工作,

24、The Chinese commissary reaffirmed that we wouldn't give up using the weapon to accomplish the national reunification in this kind of occasions. ─── 在这种场合,中方代表均重申不放弃使用武力来实现祖国统一的立场。

25、Yes. I was the class commissary in charge of studies . ─── 有。我是班上的学习委员。

26、Acting Commissary General of Subsistence ─── 代理给养主任

27、Commissary Store Reserve Fund Grant ─── 军营食品店备用资金拨款

28、He sent the word that if I come and kiss his ass in the studio commissary, maybe he'll think about it." ─── 他放出话,如果我来并在制片厂餐厅亲吻他的屁股,也许他会考虑它。”

29、Commissary wagons with torn canvas covers rocked through the ruts. ─── 盖着破帆布的军需车摇摇晃晃地在凌乱的车辙中驶着。

30、commissary in charge of sports ─── 体育委员

31、The commissary was laying such heavy levies on foodstuffs that the tables of Atlanta were beginning to suffer. ─── 物资供销部门征收的食品税已高到使亚特兰大居民的饮食也开始蒙受损失了。

32、s neighbor, not long ago lost a fight with commissary in charge of study, now on each physical education hugs commissary in charge of study to put in order crazily. ─── 体育课代表邻座,不久前和学习委员打架打输了,现在每次体育课就抱着学习委员狂整。

33、Commissary in charge of security ─── 治保委员

34、If the commissary took her stock, Tara could not possibly live through the winter. ─── 我向哪里求援去?世界上还有人能帮助我吗?"

35、Freshman year: commissary in charge of studies in the class. ─── 一年级:本班学习委员。

36、WangGePing--- ophthalmic vice-archiater, member of HeBei strabismus&amblyopia commissary. ─── 眼科诊疗中心副主任医师,全国斜视,弱视学组,河北省学组委员。

37、What are be attention by Commissary of CPPCC this year ─── 今年,全国政协委员关注什么

38、Armed Services Commissary Store Regulations ─── 武装部队军粮贮存规则

39、Direct Commissary Support ─── 直接粮秣支援

40、streets were the headquarters of the various army departments, each office swarming with uniformed men, the commissary, the signal corps, the mail service, the railway transport, the provost marshal. ─── 在桃树街和附近的街道两旁有各军事部门的总部,它们每间办公室里都挤满了穿军服的人;还有物资供销部、通信队、邮政服务公司、铁路运输机关、宪兵司令部,等等。

41、Branch Navy Commissary Store ─── 海军军营食品店分店

42、Standard Army Commissary Operating Manual ─── 《标准陆军给养工作手册》

43、He directed his course towards the faubourg Saint-Marceau and asked at the first shop he came to where he could find a commissary of police. ─── 他向圣马尔索郊区走去,向最先遇到的一家铺子探听什么地方有警察的哨所。

44、I would tell Stern or Alexander that they will be spending that money in the commissary in Hell. ─── 我感觉到斯特恩或亚力山大会在联盟中烂花这笔钱。

45、"The commissary of police is not here," said a clerk; ─── “所长先生不在,”一个不相干的勤务说,“但是有一个代替他的侦察员。

46、The commissary of Moslem sword Persian cavalry Dao and Turkey cavalry Dao has the body curve about 140 degree.They're long,curved and like the moon.It belongs to great curve. ─── 伊斯兰刀剑的代表波斯马刀和土耳其马刀的刀身弯度在140度左右,呈长弯月形,属于大弯度;

47、Air Force Commissary Services ─── 空军军需供应勤务

48、On arriving at No. 14, Rue de Pontoise, he ascended to the first floor and inquired for the commissary of police. ─── 到了蓬图瓦兹街十四号,他走上楼,要求见哨所所长。

49、It was probably the commissary of police who was making the legal summons at the other end of the street. ─── 也许是那警官在街的另一头,做他的例行劝降工作。

50、commissary in charge of studies ─── 学习委员

51、Saturday night there was a live auction that included a holiday dinner party at the corporate commissary in Burbank. ─── 周六的晚上在波尔班克举行了一场现场拍卖会,期间还提供给假日晚餐派对。

52、Defense Commissary Agency Overseas Ordering and Receiving System ─── 国防物资局海外定购与接受系统

53、Naval Commissary Store ─── 海军军粮库

54、At Christmas time Frank Kennedy and a small troop from the commissary department jogged up to Tara on a futile hunt for grain and animals for the army. ─── 他们那天晚上在农场过夜,躺在客厅地板上,垫着暖和的地毯美美地睡了一觉,因为他们已很久不在屋里过夜了,长期睡在松针堆里和硬邦邦的土地上。

55、I am a boy in junior two, used to be the commissary in charge of studies. ─── 我是个初二男生,曾是班上的学习委员。

56、Nearly $400 million (at face value) in continental money, quartermaster and commissary certificates of the central government, and paper money of the states was issued to defray wartime expenses. ─── 发行了大陆货币、中央政府军需军粮券以及各州的货币近4亿美元(票面价值)用来支付战争开销。

57、Saturday night there was a live auction that included a holiday dinner party at the corporate commissary in Burbank. ─── 周六的晚上在波尔班克举行了一场现场拍卖会,期间还提供给假日晚餐派对。

58、Jasper commissary in charge of studies ─── 学习委员:幻晨

59、The clerk introduced him into the commissary's office. ─── 勤务把他领进所长办公室。

60、4, UK study commissary, the academic record is good. ─── 4、英国 学习委员,学习成绩好。

61、Joint Board of Management of the Commissary; ─── 小卖部商店联合管理委员会;

62、(4) Identification card, commissary and exchange privileges for Medal of Honor recipients and their eligible dependents. ─── (4),荣誉勋章获得者的证件,勋章可以由其子女继承。

63、Andrea had noticed walked up-stairs, preceded by the commissary of police, and supported by the second gendarme who guarded the staircase and was himself re-enforced by the one stationed at the door. ─── 与此同时,安德烈所注意到的那第一个宪兵已跟着警察局的执事官走上楼来,第二个宪兵仍守着楼梯,第三个宪兵仍守在大门口。

64、a commissary on a United States Army post. ─── 在美国军事基地所设立的免税福利社。

65、I was the class commissary in charge of studies (recreational activities, physical culture, labour). ─── 我在三、四年级时是班上的团支部书记/副班长。

66、He sent the word that if I come and kiss his ass in the studio commissary, maybe he'll think about it. ─── 他放出话,如果我来并在制片厂餐厅亲吻他的屁股,也许他会考虑它。

67、The commissary was laying such heavy levies on foodstuffs that the tables of Atlanta were beginning to suffer. ─── 物资供销部门征收的食品税已高到使亚特兰大居民的饮食也开始蒙受损失了。

68、Chief Commissary Steward ─── 军需司务长

69、Commissary Civilian Career Enhancement Program ─── 文职人员给养提高计划

70、sophomore year: commissary in charge of organization of the league branch of the class. ─── 二年级:本班团支部组织委员。

71、Defense Commissary Board ─── 国防委员会

72、they see neither the police commissary with his badge of office, nor the corporal with his four men; and so the poor fools believe that the whole thing is as easy as lying. ─── 他们既没有看到那佩着绶带的警官,也没有看见那带着四个兵的警长,于是,很多愚人就相信事情的确就是那样的。

73、XXX had never told me about it, but I knew it from our commissary in charge of publicity in our chatting.And we were all moved by her. ─── XXX自己从来没有跟我提起过这件事,是后来我们的宣委私下里和我的,我们都特别感动。

74、Jason Wang and his father, David 'Liang Pi' Shi, are in the process of building a commissary in a vacant warehouse in East Williamsburg. ─── JasonWang和他的父亲David“LiangPi”Shi目前正在纽约东威廉斯堡区(EastWilliamsburg)一个闲置仓库里修建餐厅配给站。

75、senior year, I was the commissary in charge of sports and led my classmates to do exercises. ─── 大四时,我担任体育委员,带领同学们锻炼身体。

76、commissary in charge of entertainment ─── 文娱委员

77、It was probably the commissary of police who was making the legal summons at the other end of the street. ─── 也许是那警官在街的另一头,做他的例行劝降工作。

78、Direct Commissary Support System ─── 粮秣直接支援系统

79、run to the commissary, get me a bag of chips, ─── 去商品给我买一袋薯条。

80、An Anglican diocesan court presided over by a bishop's chancellor or commissary. ─── 教区法庭由主教秘书或代理主教主持的英国国教教区法庭。

81、Sandy Bay checkpoint control illegal occupation of green building four commissary, the surrounding environment is poor, exposed garbage. ─── 沙湾检查站关口占用绿地违法搭建4间小卖部,周边环境差,暴露垃圾多。

82、I was the class commissary in charge of studies. ─── 我担任过班级学习委员。

83、The experiment ended badly when too many members contributed nothing but sauerkraut to the commissary. ─── 这一试验的结局很糟糕,太多的成员什么也没向福利中心提供,除了自家做的酸菜。

84、commissary in charge of physical labor ─── 劳动委员

85、I was the class commissary in charge of activities. ─── 有,我曾担任班级学习委员。

86、The whole hospital must have turned out, at least everybody who could walk, and all the men on furlough and sick leave and all the railroad and mail service and hospital and commissary departments between here and Macon. ─── 整个医院的人,至少每个能行走的人,一定全都来了,还有全部休假和请病假的以及本市与梅肯之间所有的铁路、邮政、医疗、军需各个部门的职工也都来了。

87、Assistant Commissary General ─── 助理给养主任

88、Here along Peachtree Street and near-by streets were the headquarters of the various army departments, each office swarming with uniformed men, the commissary, the signal corps, the mail service, the railway transport, the provost marshal. ─── 在桃树街和附近的街道两旁有各军事部门的总部,它们每间办公室里都挤满了穿军服的人; 还有物资供销部、通信队、邮政服务公司、铁路运输机关、宪兵司令部,等等。

89、commissary general ─── 兵站总监

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