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09-05 投稿



homophone 发音

英:[?hɑ?m?fo?n??ho?m?fo?n]  美:[?h?m?f??n]

英:  美:

homophone 中文意思翻译



homophone 网络释义

n. 同音异形异义字

homophone 词性/词形变化,homophone变形


homophone 相似词语短语

1、homophony ─── n.同音异义;齐唱

2、homophile ─── n.同性恋者;同性恋权力支持者;adj.关心同性恋者权利的;同性恋的(等于homosexual)

3、homophobes ─── 憎恶同性恋的人

4、homophonic ─── adj.齐唱的;同音异义的

5、homophonies ─── n.同音异义;齐唱

6、homophobe ─── 憎恶同性恋的人

7、chordophone ─── n.弦鸣乐器

8、homophones ─── n.同音异形异义词(homophone的复数)

9、photophone ─── n.光音机;光线电话机

homophone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Key words: advertising English;pun on homophone; pun on homograph; pun on parody; translation approaches ─── 作者简介:刘明信(1976-),男,山东莘县人,聊城大学外国语学院硕士研究生,主要研究英语语言文学;

2、Southern Chinese eat niangao (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour) on this occasion, because as a homophone, niangao means "higher and higher, one year after another. ─── 中国南方在这个时候会吃年糕(一种由糯米粉制作的新年点心),因为作为同音字,年糕意味着“年年高升”。

3、A Study on the Homophone and Allophone of Manchu Characters ─── 论满文字母的同音异相

4、"Dao" , inversion and arrival, is homophone in Mandarin Chinese. ─── 因为在普通话里“倒”和“到”是同音字。

5、Phonological treatment includes Chinese character tone judgement, homophone judgement and word reading aloud. ─── 语音治疗采用汉字声调判断、同音字判断和朗读。

6、No matter it is a homophone (phonogram) or a polysemous word, the point of the speaker is not the "similarity" but the equivocality. ─── 不管是同(谐)音还是同词,说话人要表达的重点不在“同”上而在歧义上。

7、close relations among Chinese language taboo, admiration and homophone. ─── 汉语语言的忌讳、崇拜和谐音的关系密切。

8、2. Please pay attention to homophone. ─── 请从同音字角度着手。

9、On Homophone and Ancient Pronunciation Interchangeable Uses and Borrowed Uses ─── 写同音字与古音通假

10、Pronunciation (Please state the phonetic transcription or use homophone. ─── 请注明拼音方案,也可以同音字标音。

11、The “gao” in niangao is a homophone (homonym) for “high”, meaning (signifying) “rising higher and higher in the coming year”. ─── “年糕”这个词里的“糕”字与“高”谐音,寓意来年“节节高”。

12、In repeated condition, a word in the first sentence was homophonic to a word in the third sentence such that a homophone was presented twice. ─── 重复条件下 ,句子第一个分句中的一个词与第三个分句中的一个词同音异形。

13、In dialect vocabulary in the chapter of dialects in records of history in Hexi district exists the phenomenon of homophone misuse in written form since the character-misuse were not studied. ─── 河西方志方言章中的方言词汇,在书写形式上存在着因本字失考而误用同音字的现象,致误原因是撰稿者蔽于方音而对方言词的语源未能详加考察。


15、Although convenient control phonological-use, but are often limited, and without a homophone testing, more errors, compared to a lot of negative effects. ─── 字音对照集虽然方便使用,然而往往数量有限,而且未经同音检验,错误较多,给比较研究带来不少负面影响。

16、It is a homophone for the word 'forever' in Chinese - making it popular for weddings - and has associations with the emperor. ─── 与汉字“久”同音,因此在婚礼中很流行,这个数字还与皇帝有关。

17、Southern Chinese eat niangao( New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour) on this occasion, because as a homophone , niangao means" higher and higher, one year after another. ─── 中国南方在这个时候会吃年糕(种由糯米粉制作的新年点心)因为作为同音字,年糕意味着“年年高升”。

18、Keywords: reading level, regularity effect, production and recognition, homophone errors., ─── 关键词:阅读水平,规则性效应,产生与再认,同音替代错误。

19、a homonym; a homophone ─── 同音词

20、A great number of culture-loaded words concerning color, symbol, appellation, religion and homophone are in use. ─── 其中大量的颜色词、象征词、称呼语、宗教词以及谐音词中都蕴涵着丰富的民族特色。

21、Homophone Effects in the Recognition of Chinese Character: the Evidence of Phonology Influencing the Graphic Processing of Chinese Character ─── 汉字识别中的同音字效应:语音影响字形加工的证据

22、The phrase is a homophone for an obscene word. ─── 这个片语跟一个污秽的字眼读音相同。

23、The Approach to the Culture of Homophone and Taboo ─── 谐音禁忌的文化学探索

24、is to keep photo pronunciation and key words in homophone in order to embody the validity of the idea; ─── 将图像读音与隐藏的关键文字相谐音以体现该创意的有效性;


26、Reinterpretation is based on many kinds of language mechanism such as homophone, polysemant, etc, and it has similarities with other figures of speech. ─── 别解是在同音、多义等语言机制的基础上产生的,与某些辞格既有相似性又有自己的独特之处。

27、An Analysis on Rhyme, Alliteration and Homophone in Phonetic Rhetoric between Chinese and English ─── 浅析尾韵、头韵、谐音在英汉语音修辞方面的作用

28、homophone family size ─── 同音字家族数

29、Chapter five introduces map interactive method of in-vehicle navigation system firstly, and analyzes shortage when use speech control: mainly caused by homophone and speech recognition error. ─── 在字符串匹配的相关知识的基础上,设计了拼音与地图交互的流程图,并提出了基于编辑距离的拼音字符串匹配算法。

30、pun on homophone ─── 谐音双关

31、Removal of iron dextran during hemodialysis with polysulfone F6 and homophone GFSplus12 ─── 静脉用右旋糖酐铁经透析器清除的研究

32、homophone and allophone ─── 同音异相

33、The rhetorical device-pun intentionally uses homophone (phonogram) and polysemous words which can possible generate equivocality in order to punningly express what the speaker is really driving at. ─── 双关辞格有意利用同(谐)音词与一词多义的词可能引起的歧义来达到一语双关地表述说活人真实意图的目的.

34、On the other hand, the change of spelling strategy is represented by the decrease of letter-order errors and homophone errors as well as by the increase of word-building errors and coinages. ─── 字母顺序错误、同音异形词错误的减少以及构词型错误、生造词的增加则反映出拼写策略的改变。

35、Some Chinese Separable Verbs and Their Application in The Recognition of Homophone Words for Chinese Keyboard Input ─── 可分隔动词及其在拼音-汉字输入中同音词识别的应用

36、On Homophone and Ancient Pronunciation Interchangeable Uses and Borrowed Uses ─── 写同音字与古音通假

37、This also because I wanted to keep my chinese name as my english name and I thought they would feel strange to memorize "Wei" so I just use this homophone as my name. ─── 当然换个角度看着未尝不是一件好事,毕竟出国最大的目的就是提高英语,今年没有那么大的华人圈子应该能多交些外国朋友,多些机会练习英语。

38、The Fuzzy Query Technology of Chinese Homophone In MIS ─── MIS系统中的同音字模糊查询技术

39、A Study of the Relevance of Homophone Switching in Communication ─── 论话语交际中借音脱跳的关联特点

40、The second part is about the tables of Chinese characters with homophone. ─── 第二部分是孝南方言同音字表。

41、homophone lexicon ─── 同音字汇

42、Outside their homes, families erect altars that are stocked with wine, tea, incense sticks, and fruits, including the huge grapefruit-like pomelo, whose Chinese name is a homophone for “to have. ─── 家家户户在屋外搭起祭坛,在祭坛上堆满酒、茶、香、水果,包括像葡萄柚的大柚子。

43、I can't stand when typing, encounter a homophone in the first place is his name. ─── 我受不了打字时,遇到同音字在首位的是他名字。

44、Drinking cup (beiju) is a homophone for “tragedy” in Chinese, while toothbrush cup (xiju) is homophone for “comedy”. ─── “杯具”是中文中“悲剧”一词的谐音,而与“喜剧”相对应的则是“洗具”。

45、The result showed that in the character decision task, there was no significant difference between developmental dyslexic children and normal children; while in the homophone task, the difference was significant. ─── 结果显示 ,对于真假字判断任务 ,阅读障碍儿童与正常儿童没有显著差异 ,而在同音判断任务中表现出了显著差异。

46、A Collection of Homophone Characters in the Yanling Regional Dialect of Hunan ─── 湖南炎陵方言同音字汇

47、is the homophone of Saint. ─── 就是“圣”的谐音。

48、An Exploration of the Homophone Translation of Foreign Trademark Words ─── 试析谐音双关法在商标词汉译中的运用

49、sound or homophone exegesis ─── 声训

50、homophone characters ─── 谐声字

51、The second kind of word is a “ homophone ” -it's created by combining letters and symbols, or numbers, to sound like other words. ─── 字的第二个类型是一个 " 同音异字 "-它被藉由联合信和符号, 或数字听起来像其他的字一样产生。

52、dialect homophone ─── 方言同音字

53、The Cause and Tendency of Misuse of Chinese Homophone ─── 现代汉语同音词误用的原因及倾向

54、Provide many useful functions, such as related phrase, related word, special symbol table, homophone, dictionary, learning string, color inking and sound effect...etc, to make input easier. ─── 提供候选字、同音字、前后相关字、联想词库、学习字串、字典、发音、全能键盘、特殊符号表、笔迹教学等功能,手写输入轻松自如。

55、HOU4 (”queen, empress”), but here it is being used for the homophone HOU4 (”after”). ─── 这里所用的“后”(HOU4)(王后),是“后”(之后)的一个同音字。

56、No matter it is a homophone (phonogram) or a polysemous word, the point of the speaker is not the "similarity" but the equivocality . ─── 不管是同(谐)音还是同词,说话人要表达的重点不在“同”上而在歧义上。

57、But eight, a homophone for "get rich" in Cantonese, currently holds sway. ─── 2008年八月八日是奥运会在北京开幕的日子。

58、homophone error ─── 同音异义错误


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