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09-05 投稿



loin 发音

英:[l??n]  美:[l??n]

英:  美:

loin 中文意思翻译




loin 网络释义

n. 腰;腰部;腰肉n. (Loin)人名;(法)卢安

loin 短语词组

gird (up) one's loins

1. 准备行动

David girded up his loins and went out to meet the giant Goliath.

戴维准备就绪, 出去与巨人歌利亚交战。

1、loin disease ─── 牛磷缺乏症;腰疾病

2、loin-eye area ─── 腰部眼肌面积

3、pork loin un. ─── 猪大排骨 [网络] ─── 猪里脊肉;腰部的瘦肉; ─── 猪排

4、roast pork loin ─── 烤猪里脊

5、loin puller ─── 剔骨刀, ─── 剔骨工人

6、loin of lamb ─── [网络] 羔羊腰

7、si loin de vous ─── 离你这么远

8、boneless pork loin ─── 无骨猪肉腰部

9、fore loin ─── 前腰部

10、loin strap ─── 后搭腰

11、beef loin un. ─── 牛腰背肉 [网络] 菲力;特短切;大里脊肉丁骨 ─── 牛排

12、loin-cloths (loin-cloth ─── 的复数) n. 缠腰带;腰布

13、loin-cloth n. ─── 缠腰带;腰布

14、lamb loin chop ─── 羔羊远爪

15、loin ham ─── 腰部火腿

16、loin end ─── 远端

17、short loin ─── 前腰

18、loin fat thickness ─── 腰部脂肪厚度

19、loin pulling ─── 腰部拉

loin 词性/词形变化,loin变形


loin 相似词语短语

1、join ─── vt.参加;结合;连接;vi.加入;参加;结合;n.结合;连接;接合点;n.(Join)人名;(法)茹安

2、loins ─── n.腰部;耻骨区(loin的复数)

3、login ─── n.[计]进入系统;vt.[计]登录;注册;vi.[计]登录;注册;n.(Login)人名;(英、俄、匈、罗)洛金

4、eloin ─── 移走

5、aloin ─── n.[有化]芦荟素(等于葡糖基蒽酮);n.(Aloin)人名;(法)阿卢安

6、lain ─── v.躺,位于(lie的过去分词);n.(Lain)(美)莱恩(人名)

7、coin ─── 硬币

8、foin ─── n.刺穿;vi.用武器刺;n.(Foin)人名;(法)富万

9、lin ─── n.林

loin 习惯用语

1、gird up one's loins ─── 束紧腰带, 准备行动

2、be sprung from sb.'s loin ─── 是某人所生的

loin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A small round piece of meat, especially loin or fillet of lamb, veal, or pork. ─── 小块瘦肉小块圆形肉,尤指腰肉或四肢上的肉,小牛肉或猪肉。

2、The flanks narrow through the loin. ─── 整个腰部的腰窝都相当窄。

3、loin strap ─── 后搭腰

4、This wine goes very well with semi-cured cheeses with low acidity (sheep cheese, Edam, smoked, among others.), stewed meats, pork ribs and loin and pastas with Bolognese or Alfredo sauce. ─── 与低酸度晒干的芝士搭配,羊奶酪伊顿干酪烟草,炖肉,排骨,腰肉,色拉及调味配搭。

5、boneless pork loin ─── 去骨猪腰肉

6、frozen loin ─── 冻大排

7、The whole effort of the hindquarter is transmitted to the forequarter through the loin, back and withers. ─── 后躯的全部努力,都是通过腰、背、肩传递给前躯。

8、frozen mutton loin ─── 冻羊大排

9、The tail is well feathered and carried over the back in a single curl falling over the loin, balancing the head. ─── 它的尾巴被毛在身体后部腰的上边卷曲,形成单环状,与头部相平衡。

10、loin pulling ─── 剔骨刀

11、the portion of the loin (especially of beef) just in front of the rump. ─── 刚好在尾部之上的腰部部分(特别指牛肉)。

12、What But they make up almost eighty percent of cancerous grouts growths, like the loin cleome malignant glioma that Seined Senator Kennedy has. ─── 但是他们造成大约80%的癌生长,比如肯尼迪议员得的恶性神经胶质瘤。

13、Mille feuille of oven baked Australian lamb loin with semi-dried tomato and eggplant with red wine gravy scented with garlic and basi. ─── 澳大利亚烤羊肉配上半干的西红柿和茄子,撒上红酒肉汁、大蒜和罗勒。

14、inner loin ─── 命门

15、A piece that has been chopped off, especially a cut of meat, usually taken from the rib, shoulder, or loin and containing a bone. ─── 排骨被砍下来的一块,尤指一块通常从肋骨、肩膀或脊背处砍下来的带有骨头的肉

16、7. A slice of beef, such as one taken from the loin or the hindquarters, suitable for broiling or frying. ─── 有牛肉片粥,鱼生粥,田鸡片粥,皮蛋瘦肉粥等等。收藏指正

17、Elle habite dans une maison pas loin du centre. ─── 她住在一个离中心不远的房子。

18、La station de bus est loin d'ici? ─── 公共汽车站离这里远吗?

19、A small round piece of meat, especially loin or fillet of lamb, veal, or pork. ─── 小块瘦肉小块圆形肉,尤指腰肉或四肢上的肉,小牛肉或猪肉

20、short loin ─── 前腰

21、Cut veal loin into 2cm cubes. Season with salt, pepper and all-spice and mix well. With a bamboo skewer (Pic. 2), skew up onion, green pepper and veal loin in succession. ─── 2小牛柳切为2公分方块,用盐、黑胡椒粉及杂香料粉调味拌匀,用串烧棒依次串起洋,青甜椒及小牛柳粒(图2)。

22、One is selected meat-feed. The best selection of soft texture of the pork loin, and then gavel smashing Meat Loaf, cut into thin small. ─── 其一是选好肉料。最好选用质地柔嫩的猪里脊肉,再用木槌打烂肉块,切成细丁。

23、Distinctly set off from the very powerful loin section, only little drawn up. ─── 明显的位于非常有力的腰部以下,非常轻微的上提。

24、Renal cell carcinoma is extremely rare in children.A case is reported here of renal cell carcinoma in a seven-year-old boy whose clinical manifestations were fever and right loin pain. ─── 摘要肾细胞癌在儿童时期是极罕见的肿瘤,在此报告一位7岁的男孩,开始表现症状是发烧和右腰疼痛。

25、Pork loin in pepper cream sauce with almond Broccoli and gratin potatoes ─── 煎猪柳配奶油焗土豆杏仁西兰花及奶油胡椒汁

26、A cut of beef taken from the thick end of the short loin, having a T - bone and a sizable piece of tenderloin. ─── 上等腰肉牛排从腰肉的厚端切下的牛排,内含一块T形骨头及一块相当大的腰部软肉

27、loin ham ─── 牛后脊背肉

28、Being used in shenyangxu (kidney yang deficient) resulting in impotence, spermatorrhea, cold and achy loin, boils, early stage of breast tumor, swelling from blood stases. ─── 温肾阳,强筋骨,行血消肿。用于肾阳虚导致之阳萎遗精,腰脊冷痛,阴疽疮疡,乳痈初起,瘀血肿痛。

29、For meat dishes, look for leaner cuts, such as skinless chicken breasts, turkey burgers, pork loin and beef sirloin. ─── 如果你实在想吃甜点,选择低热量、低脂肪的,像冰糕、新鲜浆果或水果,

30、He girded up his loin to face his competitor. ─── 他做好准备来迎战他的对手。

31、Recipes include Chicken Shepherd's Pie, Saigon Lemongrass Chicken Wings, Cheese Puffs, Seafood Salad Spring Rolls, Roast Pork Loin Chop, Creme Caramel &more. ─── 本期内容有:薯蓉鸡批,香茅烤鸡翼,芝士泡芙,靠海鲜沙拉卷,香茅猪排,焦糖奶油布丁等。欢迎完全投入课程,制作整套菜式。请自备围裙。

32、fleshy hindquarters; behind the loin and above the round ─── 多肉的后腿和臀部;在腰以下,大腿之上

33、The back line appearing practically level from the shoulders to the loin. ─── 从马肩隆到腰部,背线看起来几乎是完全水平的。

34、Clinical Study on Du Zhong Bu Yao Jing in Treating of Loin Pain of Kindney Deficiency Syndrome ─── 杜仲补腰精治疗肾虚腰痛临床研究

35、When viewed from the side, the hindquarters exhibit strong rear drive that is transmitted through a well-muscled loin to the forequarters. ─── 从侧面观察,后躯提供的强大驱动力通过肌肉发达的腰部传递给前躯。

36、The body of a dead Muslim should be given Kafan with three pieces of cloth: a loin cloth, a shirt or tunic, and a full cover. ─── 一个穆斯林死者的埋体应该用可凡在三个地方遮盖:一块盖腰下、一块盖胸部、一块盖全身。更多的词汇,可以参考这个网站

37、When fat was added to the diet there was a linear increase in gain, feed efficiency, and loin eye size up through 9% added fat ─── 增重、饲料效率和眼肌面积随加脂量达9%而线性增长

38、When viewed in profile, the back lies in the straightest possible line between the withers and the short very slightly arched loin. ─── 从轮廓上观察,背部(从马肩隆到短而略微圆拱的腰部之间)尽可能直。

39、Similarly, Italian canneries - which are covered even for March - are not pressed to buy, even though loin supplies are expected to be critical. ─── 同样,印度的罐头商现有的原料已足够用到3月份,因此不急于买进,就连金枪鱼段也要经过精选才买进。

40、Anti-rheumatic for all kinds of rheumatic arthritis, Pains in loin and back, numbness of the limbs. ─── 去风散寒,活络除湿,扶正固本,关节炎,腰酸背痛

41、Those form the loin and rib, which are to be broiled, should be an inch or more in thickness. ─── 准备用来火烤的腰部和肋部的肉应切成l英寸厚或更厚一点;

42、oui!nous avons assez de patiences pour l`attendre!comme nous savons bien que le Mars est loin de la Terre. ─── 是!我们有足够的耐心等他!因为我们知道火星离地球很远!:):

43、Study of Inner Loin in Ancient Medical Science of China ─── 中国古代医学对内生殖器官的研究

44、The foreribs fairly flat showing a gradual spring, well arched in the center of the body but rather lighter towards the loin. ─── 前段肋骨相对平坦,向后逐渐撑起,身体中心位置圆拱,但靠近腰部的位置则细一些。

45、The body should be moderately short with ribs extending well back into a short, strong loin, deep flanks and very muscular hindquarters . ─── 身体适度的短,肋骨扩张良好,后面是短、结实的腰部,较深的侧腹和肌肉发达的后躯。

46、loin puller ─── 剔骨刀剔骨工人

47、Will you loin with us in the campaign? ─── 你愿同我们一起从事这项运动吗?

48、Sear lamb loin in a hot pan with a little olive oil until medium rare. Remove and slice into diagonal pieces. Keep warm. ─── 烧热煎饼用橄油煎香羊柳外皮至有颜色到三成熟(最嫩滑),离火斜切片,保持温热。

49、The back is muscular with firmly muscled loin. ─── 上部是富于肌肉的腰部。

50、Ca ne va pas plus loin. ─── 不会走得太远。

51、Loin short, broad and strong. ─── 单层毛或毛发太短。

52、As Serafin enters Hercules’ pen, he greets the loin with a hug and a kiss, as a parent would a child. ─── 塞拉玢走进名叫“大力士”的狮子笼中,用拥抱与亲吻和这只狮子打招呼,就像父母对待小孩一样。

53、We had to get up before dawn and, clad in loin-cloths, begin with a bout or two with a blind wrestler. ─── 天刚破晓,我们便要起来,穿上腰布,跟一位盲人拳师学一两套拳。

54、Exaggerated lowness interferes with the desired freedom of movement and should be penalized.Viewed from above, the body should taper slightly to end of loin. ─── 刚毛状被毛、紧密而凹凸的毛发属于缺陷,毛发太短、太平滑、太单薄也属于缺陷。

55、The symptoms were most commonly recurring loin pain (83%) and hematuria (48%). ─── 最常见症状为复发性腰痛(83%)及血尿(48%)。

56、The tail is well feathered and carried over the back in a single curl falling over the loin, balancing the head. ─── 它的尾巴被毛在身体后部腰的上边卷曲,形成单环状,与头部相平衡。

57、Stir-fry garlic and sear rolled pork loin in hot olive oil, turn the joint constantly to make the fat brown evenly on all sides. ─── 以烧热的橄榄油爆香蒜头及封煎猪排,不停翻动,煎至各面都成均匀的黄色。

58、It's loin's thy weight, which had good ventilation and photopermeability, was higher than others at blooming stage; ─── 在盛铃期生殖器官干重较其他都高,通风透光良好;

59、bone-in strip loin ─── 带骨腰肉条

60、We sampled the fresh seared tuna loin, a generous slab of meaty tuna, placed beside a salad which can be blended together or both appreciated separately. ─── 我们先试了鲜美的金枪鱼。厚厚的中段儿鱼片置于沙拉边侧,既可以与沙拉同吃,也可以单独享用。

61、Analysis of Microelements in Serum of Sika Deer Suffered from "Huang Yao Bing"(loin wabble disease) ─── 梅花鹿“晃腰病”的血清微量元素分析

62、Et un peu plus loin, la "vraie" grande muraille! ─── 再往前走一点,就是真正的原始长城!

63、Loin of venison in a ─── 杜松子果酱腰肉

64、Trop de nuits bien trop loin de toi ─── 太多的夜晚与你远离

65、a cut of beef taken from the thick end of the short loin,having a T-bone and a sizable piece of tenderloin ─── 从腰肉的厚端切下的牛排,内含一块T形骨头及一块相当大的腰部软肉

66、Get lower-fat cuts from the loin, like sirloin tip, T-bone, or strip steak, Gluck says. ─── Gluck说,牛脊,如牛外脊、丁字骨牛排或嫩腰是含脂肪较少的切割部位。

67、Slice pork loin, marinate with seasonings for 1/2 hour. ─── 枚头肉切片,拌入调味料,腌1/2小时。

68、The body of a dead Muslim should be given Kafan with three pieces of cloth: a loin cloth, a shirt or tunic, and a full cover. ─── 一个穆斯林死者的埋体应该用可凡在三个地方遮盖:一块盖腰下、一块盖胸部、一块盖全身。更多的词汇,可以参考这个网站

69、He entered the kitchen, embraced by the smells of a succulent pork loin. ─── 他走进厨房,鲜嫩多汁的猪腰肉散发出的香味扑面而来。

70、This month's offers include a pork loin and avocados. ─── 这个月的特价品包括猪后臀肉和鳄梨。

71、We report on a cese of a 36-year-old female patient with the chief complaint of right loin pain for 1 week. ─── 摘要我们报告了一例肾脏的原始神经外胚层肿瘤,病患因右腰痛来院求诊。

72、For weak and achy loin and knees: ba ji tian, xu duan, du zhong. ─── 治疗腰膝痿软,常与续断、杜仲等药配伍应用。

73、Carol: You and I both come from the same loin? ─── 卡罗尔:你和我来自同一个父母?

74、Be sprung from somebody's loin ─── 是某人所生

75、loin splitter ─── 劈开腰椎用刀

76、frozen pork loin ─── 冻猪大排

77、smoked pork loin ─── 熏猪排

78、Production process: the pork loin into two sideways, facing each oblique cut knife, cut the back of the切直after dipping a layer of flour; ─── 制作过程:将猪里脊肉横着切成两段,每段正面切成斜刀,背面则切直刀切完后,蘸上一层面粉;

79、Keywords chronic pelvic inflammation;acupuncture at abdomen and loin;medium-frequency electrotherapy; ─── 慢性盆腔炎;腹腰群针术法;中频电疗法;

80、Top the greens with the seared lamb loin slices, ─── 上放羊柳片

81、A cut of beef taken from the thick end of the short loin, having a T - bone and a sizable piece of tenderloin. ─── 上等腰肉牛排从腰肉的厚端切下的牛排,内含一块T形骨头及一块相当大的腰部软肉

82、Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings. ─── 他们二人的眼睛就明亮了、知道自己是赤身露体、便拿无花果树的叶子、为自己编作裙子。

83、Willow joggles her graceful loin ─── 杨柳婀娜的身姿摇曳

84、In restaurants, look for cuts marked "loin" or "round," which are leanest. ─── 在饭馆点菜,可以点注明是取用动物腰部或腰部周围的肉,这种肉是最精瘦的。

85、Loin section viewed from above is relatively short, broad and strong, but blending smoothly into the back. ─── 比利时坦比连犬表现出来的品质是聪明、勇敢、机警且热爱主人。

86、fleshy hindquarters; behind the loin and above the round. ─── 多肉的后腿和臀部;在腰以下,大腿之上。

87、Other examples are: the fat of meats, bone-marrow, suet (the best found around the loin and kidneys of the beef creature), cocoanut butter, butterine, and oleomargarine. ─── 其它例子:肉类脂肪、骨髓、板油(牛腰板处最好的脂),可可豆、黄油、人造奶油、人造黄油。

88、Sear lamb loin in a hot pan with a little olive oil until medium rare. Remove and slice into diagonal pieces. Keep warm. ─── 烧热煎饼用橄油煎香羊柳外皮至有颜色到三成熟,离火斜切片,保持温热.

89、Study on Measuring Backfat Thickness and Loin Eye Muscle Area of Living Pig by B-mode Ultrasound Machine ─── B超活体测定猪背膘厚和眼肌面积的研究

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