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09-05 投稿



vacillate 发音

英:[?v?s?le?t]  美:[?v?s?le?t]

英:  美:

vacillate 中文意思翻译



vacillate 短语词组

1、vacillate define ─── 犹豫不决

2、vacillate defined ─── 犹豫不决

3、vacillate clue ─── 摇摆不定的线索

4、vacillate synonym ─── 摇摆同义词

5、vacillate is ─── 犹豫不决

6、vacillate between ─── 在…之间动摇不定

7、vacillate crossword ─── 摇摆填字游戏

8、vacillate definition ─── 摇摆不定的定义

vacillate 词性/词形变化,vacillate变形


vacillate 习惯用语

1、vacillate between ─── 在...之间摇摆不定

vacillate 相似词语短语

1、vacillator ─── n.犹豫的人

2、vacillates ─── vi.犹豫;踌躇;摇摆

3、oscillate ─── vt.使振荡;使振动;使动摇;vi.振荡;摆动;犹豫

4、mamillate ─── adj.有乳头状突出物的

5、papillate ─── adj.(生物)乳头状突起的

6、vacuolate ─── adj.有液泡(或空泡)的(同vacuolated);v.形成液泡(或空泡)

7、vacillated ─── vi.犹豫;踌躇;摇摆

8、vacillant ─── adj.犹豫不决的;游移的;摇摆不定的

9、arillate ─── adj.有假种皮的;有子衣的

vacillate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If weakness is the reason for its inability to change its attitude,why did the national bourgeoisie behave differently in 1924-27 when it did not merely vacillate towards the revolution but actually joined it? ─── 如果不能改变态度的原因,是民族资产阶级的软弱性,那么,一九二四年至一九二七年为什么改变了他们的常态,不仅是动摇,简直是参加了革命呢?

2、In the social reforming time, some questions vacillate the communism ideal belief of the partial university students. ─── 社会转型时期,各种问题的产生,动摇了部分大学生对共产主义理想的信仰;

3、1 If you get into this job and don't relish it, you're in trouble. You can't vacillate. ─── 如果你入了这行,但又不是很喜欢这个工作,那就麻烦了,你可不能犹豫不决。

4、But at a certain stage of the struggle, one section (the left-wing) may join in, while another section may vacillate towards neutrality. ─── 但在斗争的某些阶段,他们中间的一部分(左翼)是有参加斗争的可能的。其另一部分,则有由动摇而采取中立态度的可能。

5、When did she begin to vacillate? ─── 她是什么时候动摇的呢?

6、New York City continued to vacillate, most states still banned the sport, and it lacked a central, unifying figure. ─── 纽约市一直处在禁与不禁的踌躇之中,而大部分州仍旧禁止这项运动的开展。拳击运动也缺少一个一致认同的核心人物。

7、If there is no resolute struggle or if there is struggle but no victory, the middle peasants will vacillate. ─── 如果没有坚决的斗争,或虽有斗争而没有胜利,中农就会动

8、EXAMPLE: The board of directors needs to make a final decision regarding the choice of a new company president; they must not vacillate. ─── 董事会必须决定新的公司总裁的最终人选,绝对不能犹豫不决。

9、Some of them still have doubts, their stand is not yet firm and they vacillate in moments of stress ─── 其中有些人还有怀疑,还没有站稳脚跟,一遇风浪就会左右摇摆。

10、Although the atmosphere was stable overall, it was sensitive to perturbations which caused it to vacillate easily. ─── 尽管总的来说大气是稳定的,但它很敏感,任何微小的变异都能轻易地引起它的波动。

11、The earthquake caused the entire house to vacillate. ─── 地震使整个房子摇晃起来。

12、Can stock market's development vacillate the private economy the main body status? ─── 股市的发展会不会动摇公有制经济的主体地位?

13、I cannot vacillate to your Ido brand. ─── 我不能动摇你的伊多品牌。

14、The board of directors needs to make a final decision regarding the choice of a new company president; they must not vacillate. ─── 董事会必须决定新的公司总裁的最终人选,绝对不能犹豫不决。

15、Those for whom the leading Shanghai newspapers speak are now tending towards the Left, while some members of the Fu Hsing Society have begun to vacillate and some members of the C.C. Clique are also wavering. ─── 上海各大报所代表的成分是左倾了;复兴社中有一部分人是开始动摇了,CC团中也有一部分人在动摇中。

16、vacillate [`vAsIleIt] adj. ─── 摇动的;摇摆的;

17、But in moments like this, the things which one sees vacillate and are precipitated , and one pauses for nothing. ─── 但是在那样的时刻,人们所见到的事都是在瞬息万变之中,注意力不会停留在某一件事物上。

18、To waste time,especially in indecision;dawdle or vacillate. ─── 磨蹭浪费时间,尤指犹豫不定;闲混或踌躇

19、Difficulties with female members of your family may result in estrangement's.Don't vacillate about asking for assistance if you need it. ─── 你与家庭中的女性成员会变得疏远,必要的时候尽管寻求帮助;

20、Was in the newly established time, company's user stickiness also not big enterprise to these, the website paralysis's loss was extremely easy to vacillate their confidence. ─── 对这些处于初创期、公司的用户黏性还不大的企业来说,网站瘫痪的损失极易动摇他们的信心。

21、This kind of materialistic lay the Kazak nationality ecology culture have characteristics such as vacillate,adaptability practicability,simple and stability. ─── 这一生态文化对今天而言仍具有重大的现实意义。

22、They are wavering elements in the Party who vacillate whenever something is astir. ─── 这是党内的动摇分子,一有机会他们就要动

23、vacillate now to the left, now to the right ─── 左右摇摆

24、To make a decision quickly and not vacillate or second guess oneself is a critical life-skill. ─── 那么,我的回答是,这样做是有秘诀的:当您照顾您自己的时候,您的关系就开始起作用了。

25、Precisely because their motives and their standpoints differ,some will vacillate or turn traitor at the very start of the struggle,some will become indifferent or withdraw from the fight midway,and some will determinedly fight to the end. ─── 正因为他们的动机与立场各有不同,有的在斗争开始时就要动摇叛变的,有的会在中途消极或退出战线的,有的愿意奋斗到底的。

26、Blow hot and coldTo change one's opinion often on a matter; vacillate. ─── 反复无常,出尔反尔:经常改变对某事的意见;动摇。

27、You are bound to vacillate at times. ─── 有时你肯定还是会犹豫不决。

28、Waver: To exhibit irresolution or indecision; vacillate ─── 犹豫不决表现出犹豫或举棋不定;动摇;

29、To undergo frequent abrupt shifts or reversals,as of opinion or emotion;vacillate. ─── 犹豫不决经常突然变换或彻底改变看法或感情;犹豫

30、if he sees he cannot be victorious, he will desist.Thus it is said that he does not have any fear, he does not vacillate. ─── 所以说,不要惧怕,不要犹豫,用兵的害处,犹豫最大,军队的灾 祸,莫过于狐疑。

31、To fluctuate or waverin making choices; vacillate. ─── 犹豫选择时来回摆动;摆动。

32、This position indicates that you vacillate somewhat about your sexual inhibitions, which can be both an asset and a drawback. ─── 这意味着在两性表达的抑制和释放方面你可能会有些走极端,这同时是个优点也是个缺点。

33、To move or think erratically; vacillate. ─── 反复无常变化无常地移动或思考;三心二意,犹豫不决

34、But a few cadres started to vacillate. ─── 但是,也有少数干部起了波动。

35、He is vacillate between saying no and giving in. ─── 他在拒绝和妥协中犹豫不决/摇摆不定。

36、With so much disagreement it is no surprise that policymakers are unsure and vacillate. ─── 经济学家的观点存在如此大的分歧,难怪政策制定者缺乏信心、摇摆不定。

37、To undergo frequent abrupt shifts or reversals,as of opinion or emotion; vacillate. ─── 犹豫不决经常突然变换或彻底改变看法或感情;犹豫。

38、Don't vacillate about asking for assistance if you need it. ─── 如果需要的话,不要犹豫向别人寻求帮助。

39、You may want to get involved in some kind of creative group. You're in the mood for love. Your emotional state will vacillate You can convince anyone of anything. ─── 你可能想参与有创意的团体。你想谈恋爱。你的情感处于波动状态。你能说服任何人任何事。

40、vacillate vi. ─── 犹豫不决;

41、This is wrong.It concerns one point that Yan Fu confuses Schwartz greatly, i. e. to vacillate between determinism and voluntarism. ─── 这涉及到严复令史华慈大感困惑的一点:在决定论和唯意志论之间游移。

42、oscillate; vacillate ─── 来回摇摆

43、But in moments like this, the things which one sees vacillate and are precipitated, and one pauses for nothing. ─── 但是在那样的时刻,人们所见到的事都是在瞬息万变之中,注意力不会停留在某一件事物上。

44、To fluctuate or waver in making choices; vacillate. ─── 犹豫选择时来回摆动;摆动

45、6. chop and change;vacillate;irresolute;swing from side to side; ─── 犹豫不决经常突然变换或彻底改变看法或感情;

46、They are wavering elements in the Party who vacillate whenever something is astir ─── 这是党内的动摇分子,一有机会他们就要动摇。

47、In truth, most students (and teachers) vacillate back and forth, ending up somewhere in middle. ─── 而实际上,大部分学员(也包括导师)在这两方面来回往复后,最终都选择了一条中庸之道。

48、To waste time, especially in indecision; dawdle or vacillate. ─── 磨蹭浪费时间,尤指犹豫不定;闲混或踌躇

49、vacillate between ─── 在 ... 之间摇摆不定

50、To vacillate in one's actions or decisions. ─── 举棋不定在行动与决定之间犹豫不决

51、We cannot vacillate on the question of the party's leadership. ─── 党的领导权问题上我们不能动摇。

52、(2) In other historical circumstances, the Chinese national bourgeoisie will vacillate and defect because of its economic and political flabbiness. ─── (二)又由于中国民族资产阶级在经济上、政治上的软弱性,在另一种历史环境下,它就会动摇变节。

53、Verhoeven still seems to vacillate about playing with a band however. ─── ‘有新的事我自己不能做。’他泄气地回答。

54、You can tell when they're stressed out, they'll equivocate and vacillate. ─── 当他们压力过大时,你是可以辨别出来的,因为他们会支支吾吾、犹豫不决。

55、to sway; to swing; to rock; to vacillate; to reel; to toss; to vibrate ─── 摇摆

56、Perhaps worst of all, the Americans, without whom no durable deal can be done, have seemed to vacillate, with neither a vision nor a plan. ─── 最糟糕的事情在于美国人的动摇,没有了美国的协议不可能持续长久,但目前他们既没有计划也没有愿景。

57、chop and change; vacillate; irresolute; swing from side to side; move to and fro ─── 摇摆不定

58、It is plain to all that the well-to-do middle peasants, for instance, invariably vacillate and do not stand firm in any revolution, going wild when elated and burying their heads in dejection when pessimistic. ─── 比如富裕中农,大家看到,无论在哪个革命中间,他们总是动摇的,不坚定的,高兴起来可以发狂,悲观起来可以垂头丧气。

59、To deny the possibility that the national bourgeoisie may vacillate and join the revolution during great upheavals amounts to abandoning, or at any rate to minimizing, our Party's task of contending for leadership. ─── 如果我们否认民族资产阶级在大震动中有动摇及参加革命的可能性,那也就取消了至少也减轻了我们党对于争取领导权的任务。

60、If weakness is the reason for its inability to change its attitude, why did the national bourgeoisie behave differently in 1924-27 when it did not merely vacillate towards the revolution but actually joined it? ─── 如果不能改变态度的原因,是民族资产阶级的软弱性,那末,一九二四年至一九二七年为什么改变了他们的常态,不仅是动摇,简直是参加了革命呢?

61、But a few cadres started to vacillate . ─── 但是,也有少数人起了波动。

62、In other historical circumstances,the Chinese national bourgeoisie will vacillate and defect because of its economic and political flabbiness. ─── 又由于中国民族资产阶级在经济上、政治上的软弱性,在另一种历史环境下,它就会动摇变节。

63、Like Mr Obama, he will vacillate. ─── 奥巴马一样会动摇。

64、Libra bosses are just fine until it's time to make a tough decision.You can tell when they're stressed out, they'll equivocate and vacillate. ─── 天秤座的老板一直很好,直到他们必须做出强硬的决定时。

65、If these conditions are lacking, the middle forces will vacillate or even become allies of the die-hards in the latter's attacks on us, because the die-hards are also doing their best to win over the middle forces in order to isolate us. ─── 没有这些条件,中间势力就会动摇起来,或竟变为顽固派向我进攻的同盟军;因为顽固派也正在极力争取中间派,以便使我们陷于孤立。

66、The understanding that the key here is pair of agricultural base positions is not quite determined, bring about the to agriculture negligence on the action and vacillate. ─── 这里的要害是对农业基础地位的熟悉不够果断,导致行动上对农业的忽视和游移。

67、vacillate between two opinions ─── 在两种意见之间游移不定

68、This causes one to vacillate between feeling adequate for the job some of the time, and inadequate or incompetent for the job at other times. ─── 这导致一个人在两极间摇摆,有时候觉得对工作很有把握,有时候却觉得对工作没把握或不能胜任。

69、indecisive; hesitate to act; not able to make up one's mind; shilly-shally; vacillate ─── 犹豫不决

70、You are bound to vacillate at times. ─── 有时你肯定还是会犹豫不决。

71、One of their manifestations in our Party is that quite a number of members tend to vacillate at critical junctures. ─── 这种社会原因在我们党内的反映,就是党内有相当一部分人遇到重要关头就要动

72、Nevertheless, he continued to vacillate, like Hamlet, in the execution of his filial obligation to his late father's request. ─── 不过,他就象哈姆雷特,在为了尽孝而完成他过世的父亲的要求时犹豫起来。

73、Do they vacillate on their story? ─── 客户对会面的坦诚度?

74、To undergo frequent abrupt shifts or reversals, as of opinion or emotion; vacillate. ─── 犹豫不决经常突然变换或彻底改变看法或感情;犹豫

75、Also was explaining the Chinese religion idea, China's culture has the very big assimilation strength, to external cultural containing absorption, but cannot vacillate and the change. ─── 也正说明中国人宗教观念、中国的文化具有很大的同化力量,对外来文化包容吸收,而不会被动摇与变更。

76、51. Without doubt, the national bourgeoisie tends to vacillate, but we should, nevertheless , make use of its positive side, uniting with it as well as struggling against it. ─── 民族资产阶级当然是动摇的,但是要利用它的积极的一面,要有团结有斗争。

77、But Weiner saw no joy in their faces, and reasoned that perhaps it's better to live in this middle range than to vacillate between gleeful moments of elation and gut-wrenching spates of despair. ─── 不过韦纳看不出瑞士人有任何喜形于色的表现,他觉得大概这种中庸平静的生活要比大喜大悲、起落无常要好。

78、To change one's opinion often on a matter; vacillate. ─── 反复无常,出尔反尔经常改变对某事的意见;动摇

79、Although the atmosphere was stable overall, it was sensitive to perturbations which caused it to vacillate easily. ─── 尽管总的来说,大气是稳定的,但它也很敏感,任何微小的变异都能轻易地引起它的波动。

80、When a typhoon strikes, the wavering elements who cannot withstand it begin to vacillate . That's a law. ─── 台风一刮,动摇分子挡不住,就要摇摆,这是规律。

81、Must grasp firmly develops this first essential meaning, speeds up the development is the solution all question key, at any time in any situation cannot vacillate. ─── 要牢牢把握发展这个第一要义,加快发展是解决所有问题的关键,任何时候任何情况下都不能动摇。

82、to vacillate between hope and fear ─── 在希望和恐惧之间踌躇不决

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