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09-05 投稿



hearsay 发音

英:['h??se?]  美:['h?rse]

英:  美:

hearsay 中文意思翻译




hearsay 网络释义

n. 传闻,谣言adj. 传闻的,风闻的

hearsay 短语词组

1、hearsay rule ─── 传闻证据规则; ─── 传闻规则

2、hearsay evidence ─── [法] 传闻证据

3、non hearsay ─── [法] 非传闻

4、hearsay testimony ─── [法] 传闻证据, 传来证据

hearsay 常用词组

hearsay evidence ─── 传闻证据;非直接证据

hearsay 词性/词形变化,hearsay变形

名词: hearer |动词过去分词: heard |动词过去式: heard |动词第三人称单数: hears |动词现在分词: hearing |

hearsay 反义词


hearsay 同义词

ear | inquest | trial | investigation | hearing | auditory sense | earreach | questioning | inquiry | reach | range | interview | interrogation | sense of hearing | examination | audition | listening | hearing distance | audience | distance | review | inquisition | consideration |earshot

hearsay 相似词语短语

1、rehearsal ─── n.排演;预演;练习;训练;叙述

2、hearsy ─── 灵车

3、hearsier ─── 听证会

4、hearty ─── adj.衷心的;丰盛的;健壮的;精神饱满的;n.朋友们;伙伴们

5、heartly ─── adv.衷心地

6、hearses ─── n.灵车;棺材

7、heartily ─── adv.衷心地;热忱地;痛快地

8、hearse ─── n.灵车;棺材

9、hears ─── n.剪切刀;殡仪车;vt.听说,听见(hear的第三人称单数)

hearsay 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Second, the Supreme Court made it very clear that you may use hearsay to establish probable cause in arrest and search situations. ─── 其次,最高法院明确可以使用“间接听闻”作为事实依据并可以此依据建立起实施逮捕和搜查所需的“合理可能”。

2、John H.Wigmore,The History of The Hearsay Rule,17 Harv.L Rev.,437,458(1904). ─── 传闻排除规则.又称反传闻规则、传闻法则、传闻规则等;本文依据行文的需要而使用上述称谓.

3、You shouldn't believe that it's just hearsay. ─── 你不该相信那话--那

4、For a short while, about this little boy " ever kidnapped by the extraterrestrial " , " extraterrestrial side heteronomy is very ill " hearsay is passed bubbling with noisely in local dweller. ─── 一时间,对于这名小小孩儿"曾遭外星人绑票"、"外星人帮助他治好病"的谣言在该地住户中传得沸沸扬扬。

5、Don't accept news on the authority of hearsay. ─── 不要听信小道消息。

6、Although the hearsay he got involved the mystery of the court ,he narrated the affairs according to the facts. ─── 因作者为一出家僧人,较少顾忌,所得传闻虽涉及朝廷秘闻,均能如实记载。

7、But it is a pity, our side's many people indeed are this condition, some know something about, but originates mostly from the hearsay. ─── 但遗憾的是,我们身边的很多人的确就是这个状态,有的略知一二,但多半来源于道听途说。

8、It's basically wrong to have observation taken off from hearsay. ─── 以道听途说作为意见的根据是根本错误的。

9、The Semicon West that holds recently is exhibited still be full of on the meeting about Anjielunke ability plans to sell its test equipment automatically (the hearsay of ATE) branch. ─── 因为今朝半导体工业处于回升周期,该部门比来几个季度拖累了安捷伦科技的获利表示。

10、His conclusion is based on practical experience,not on hearsay. ─── 他的结论是建立在实践经验的基础之上的,而不是道听途说。

11、hearsay. ─── 传言非虚。

12、By 2008, hearsay says PPG author Li Liang carries paragraph abscond, course of study of network dress straight sell is enveloped it is under curtain of night. ─── 2008年底,有传言称PPG创始人李亮携款潜逃,网络服装直销行业笼罩在夜幕之下。

13、Yamaxun did not publish a comment to this message, just say it is incorrect hearsay is conjectural perhaps publish a comment. ─── 亚马逊没有对这个消息发表评论,只是说它不对传言或者推测发表评论。

14、Judgment should be based on facts instead of hearsay. ─── 判断应该是基于事实而不是道听途说。

15、According to hearsay, Eleanor felt a little downcast that she had to support herself in the White House. ─── 据传说,使埃莉诺感到有点泄气的是,她在白宫不得不自己养活自己。

16、But as a result of two large principal part between extremely strong complementary sex, xiamen industry values this one hearsay generally. ─── 但由于两大主体之间极强的互补性,厦门业界普遍看好这一传言。

17、Everyone has water for the bottle, what delicious of, divertive, everyplace romantic feeling, everyplace general knowledge, hearsay, hair grumble, can infuse here. ─── 大家有水就罐,什么好吃的,好玩的,各地风情,各地见闻,小道消息,发发牢骚,都可以灌到这里来。

18、The emperor has no the breeze of way speech to also more spread according with various gossip hearsay of each kind more extensive. ─── 皇帝无道的风言也随着各种各样的八卦小道消息越传越广阔。

19、The company issued a clarification that one can not determine hearsay. ─── 公司发表澄清说明传闻一无法判断。

20、His argument is based on facts, not on hearsay. ─── 他的论断是以事实而不是道听途说为根据的。

21、On September 1 just arrived, before this spread the rise in price hearsay Reck SARS to announce the new price system immediately many times. ─── 9月1日刚到,此前多次传出价格上涨传闻的雷克萨斯迅即公布了新的价格体系。

22、Hearsay is defined as an out-of-court statement offered to prove the fact or truth of the matter stated. ─── 小道消息被定义作为被提供的一个法庭外声明证明陈述的问题的事实或真相。

23、Certainly, no all-round knowledge can be acquired merely by glancing this way and that and relying on hearsay. ─── 东张西望,道听途说,绝然得不到什么完全的知识。

24、Certainly, no all-round knowledge can be acquired merely by glancing this way and that way and relying on hearsay. ─── 东张西望,道听途说,决然不能掌握多门知识。

25、Hearsay evidence is not valued in a court of law. ─── 在法院里道听途说的证据是不受重视的。

26、And if this smacks of hearsay not science, the new“ hedonimetrists” can appeal to other kinds of evidence, better calculated to impress. ─── 假如这有点儿道听途说而不是科学的味道,新的“快乐衡量专家们”将寻求其它准确计算、人信服的证据。

27、She knew by hearsay that the Brainerds were wealthy and socially significant. ─── 她听说白兰德家族又有钱又有地位。

28、In a exaggerate and hearsay culture atmosphere, Tarkovsky insists that only the truth come from one's own sincere experience are reliable and believable. ─── 在一种夸大其词、道听途说的文化气氛中,塔尔可夫斯基坚持认为只有用自己的真切体验得来的真理,才是可靠、可信的。

29、Because these experts are imparting information "beyond the ken" of the layperson, they must present information that goes beyond first hand observation, opinions and hearsay not permitted under ordinary rules of evidence. ─── 因为这些专家要向外行人讲授“外行人知识领域之外”的知识,他们就必须提出根据一般证据规则所不允许的直接观察资料、观点和传闻之外的知识。

30、Because the witness was available, the hearsay testimony was excludable. ─── 因有证人作证,传闻证词可不予采纳。

31、In “the red chamber dreamboat” selects, on-line appeared many about Li Xin your hearsay. ─── 在“红楼梦中人”选拔中,网上就出现了许多关于李欣汝的传闻。

32、And if this smacks of hearsay not science, the new "hedonimetrists" can appeal to other kinds of evidence, better calculated to impress. ─── 假如这有点儿道听途说而不是科学的味道,新的“快乐衡量专家们”将寻求其它准确计算、令人信服的证据。

33、A few weeks come, he concerns reportorial hearsay in the report on his website all the time and this one news was announced in the morning that day. ─── 几周来,他一直在自己的网站上报道有关裁员的传闻并在当天早上公布这一消息。

34、Florence club made an official statement denying the de Adrian Mutu forward to the summer of next year to switch to the Club of Rome's hearsay. ─── 佛罗伦萨俱乐部特意发表了一份官方声明,否认了尼亚前锋穆图将在明年夏天转投罗马俱乐部的传闻。

35、"Without any authoritative information, just stay in network hearsay phase, company side does not make any comments. ─── “没有任何官方消息,只是停留在网络传言阶段,公司方面不作任何评论。”

36、It's not just hearsay. ─── 传言非虚。

37、Judgment should is based on facts, not on hearsay. ─── 判断应该以事实为依据,而不应该依靠道听途说。

38、Hearsay in March will be listed on Nokia's flagship N97 smartphone will be available a few days ago while dragged on, the price is uncertain, but now it seems to you for some surprises. ─── 传闻中将于三月上市的诺基亚智能旗舰N97虽然将上市日前一拖再拖,价格也是飘忽不定,不过现在看来还是有些惊喜给大家的。

39、Do not place too much credit in hearsay. ─── 不可过于相信道听途说。

40、Moreover, the APA pointedly omits "incompetent" evidence, such as hearsay, from the list of evidence that should not be received. ─── 另外,《行政程序法》在不可采纳的证据清单上,直截了当地忽略诸如传闻类的"不合法的证据"。

41、One is the exception for the weakness of theevidentiary effect of the hearsay and the other is the affirmation of the qualification ofthe hearsay. ─── 任何事物都不是绝对的,本文在坚持原则性与灵活性的基础上,确立了弱化传闻证据证明力的例外情形和肯定传闻证据证据资格的例外情形。

42、Because this has hearsay to say, cereal song Korea before long hind may mog from Korea. ─── 因此有传言称,谷歌韩国不久后可能会从韩国撤走。

43、Even the modern white-collar companies, there are a variety of communication and listen to hearsay habit. ─── 即使是公司的现代白领,也多有传播和倾听各种小道消息的嗜好。

44、Another investment group public figure tells a reporter, hearsay of abscond of author of PPG of this paragraph of time often appears on the dining table of investor. ─── 另一位投资界人士告诉记者,这段时间PPG创始人潜逃传闻经常出现在投资人的饭桌上。

45、I dont believe it; its merely hearsay. ─── 中文:我不相信,那仅是谣传罢了。

46、Yu Jun calls this the hearsay in mail " content is pure belong to concoctive, do not have this matter absolutely " , hope the client carries software branch to make persistent efforts on the job. ─── 俞军在邮件里称该传闻“内容纯属捏造、绝无此事”,并希望客户端软件部门在工作上再接再厉。

47、That night, I called my mom. I told her that all what I had done so far and I wanted to get out of hearsay. ─── 那天晚上,我给妈妈打了电话,将这么久以来我做过的所有事都跟她说了,并说我想尽快离开这里。

48、So complete is Mr Rafsanjani's eclipse, at any rate for the time being, that information on his movements and intentions now consists of hearsay. ─── 如今,拉夫桑贾尼已经彻底的陨落了,以至于人们只能从传言中了解到他的一举一动。

49、She is incredulous of hearsay. ─── 她不轻信道听途说。

50、You are only supposing this on hearsay,you have no proof. ─── 你只是根据传闻想象而已,并没有证据。

51、She should put so far upon him, and run things such a length upon no other authority than a hearsay. ─── 她只根据一句谣言,就这样子教唆他,把事情弄到这步田地。

52、They are incredulous of hearsay. ─── 他们不轻信道听途说。

53、For this, rearward steals somebody steal murmurous, lan Lan has the hearsay spread fast of homosexual tendency. ─── 为此,有人在背后窃窃私语,兰兰有同性恋倾向的传闻不胫而走。

54、None of it is prima facie evidence, however. It's all hearsay. Every bit of it. No body was ever produced and positively identified. ─── 尽管如此,没有初步的证据,都是传闻。它的每一个部分。没人曾经创作并验明正身的。

55、Some forms of hearsay are generically more reliable than others, because the circumstances surrounding the statements in question give some assurance that the declarants have been careful and accurate in their representations. ─── 一般而论,有些形式的传闻较之其他的传闻更为可靠。 因为环绕争议中的陈述的环境提供了某些保障,陈述者在其描述情况时是仔细小心和准确认真的。

56、Tang Chuanqi was deeply concerned to individuals and pursued aesthetic taste.It exceeded Biographic tradition in function,ways and means,style.But the exceed was hearsay. ─── 唐人传奇关切个体生命,追求审美意味,目光内敛,在功能、方法、风格方面对史传传统产生内在的、温和的超越。

57、Tales of oer-worked and stressed nurses abound in just about eery deeloped country but now a new Canadian study has taken what until now has been hearsay to a factual, statistical leel. ─── 在每一个发达国家都有许多工作过度劳累、压力过大的护士,但是加拿大一项新的研究在统计学水平上证实了到目前为止还只是传闻的结论。

58、You should base your opinions on facts, not on hearsay. ─── 你的意见应该以事实为依据,而不应该建立在道听途说上。

59、Half-truth and hearsay was called truth. ─── 似是而非及异端邪说被视为真理。

60、Always reflect on issues objectively and do not blindly get caught up in hearsay. ─── 要培养智慧,踏实地做人做事,不能盲目听信传闻而不重思考。

61、Inadmissible hearsay evidence was expunged from the report. ─── 从报告中删除不可采信的传闻证据。

62、They're just going by hearsay and duplicating what they think the pro's are using. ─── 他们只是去的道听途说和重复表里如一亲的使用。

63、This rule would, however, prevent him from testifying to the subject matter of the hearsay statement, as he has no personal knowledge of it. ─── 但如果证人对此没有亲身知情,则应适用本项规则;依照本项规则,应禁止他对有关此传闻陈述的主要事项出庭作证。

64、Certainly, no all-round knowledge can be acquired merely by glancing this way and that and listening to hearsay. ─── 东张西望,道听途说,决然得不到什么完全的知识。

65、They started to piece the story together from hearsay. ─── 他们开始根据传闻把事情的经过一点点拼湊起来。

66、Judgment should be based on facts, not on hearsay. ─── 判断应该以事实为依据,而不应该依靠道听途说。

67、I hear Leifeng Pagoda by the West Lake in Hangzhou has collapsed. This b hearsay only, not something I have seen for myself. ─── 听说,杭州西湖上的雷峰塔倒掉了,听说而已,我没有亲见。

68、He urged the committee to discount any secondhand knowledge or hearsay. ─── 他敦促该委员会不要相信任何二手的消息或传闻。

69、Then spread in a civil Kenyan resolve their story, so Yokoyama island located in the town where Guanine: Fijian, "Little Putout" hearsay known. ─── 在岛上吃烧烤、尝海鲜,原汁原味,别有风情,是旅游者的一大享受,为宁波旅游十景之一。

70、Mr Wong Kwong Yu, but not yet arrested on hearsay, as well as matters specific to explain the suspension. ─── 中英文对照:但国美电器仍未就黄光裕被拘传闻以及停牌事宜作出具体解释。

71、To understand AIDS, we must consult to pathology experts and refer to authoritative scientific magazines. Never believe hearsay or cannot separate truth form false and hurt self and others. ─── 了解爱滋病,必须向病理专家请教或者查阅权威的医学书和科学杂志,切莫道听途说,不辩真伪为自己制造障碍,害人害己。

72、They must present information that goes beyond first hand observation, opinions and hearsay not permitted under ordinary rules of evidence. ─── 他们就必须提出根据一般证据规则所不允许的直接观察资料、观点和传闻之外的知识。

73、Two and three hearsayhearsay reports are true. ─── 传闻二和传闻三报道属实。

74、For a short while, a variety of doubt make the hearsay cause a temporary clamor that PPG capital catenary ruptures. ─── 一时间,种种疑问令PPG资金链断裂的传闻甚嚣尘上。

75、Still be in in the morning by every means hearsay of corkscrew all corners of the country, abrupt however afternoon the accused knows EVD to become a country formally to recommend a level. ─── 上午还在百般探听江湖传闻,下午却突然被告知EVD正式成为国家推荐标准。

76、Do not be led by reports, or tradition, or hearsay. ─── 不要被任何报导、统、流言所左右。

77、However this is also only some track hearsay. ─── 不过这也只是一些小道传闻。

78、She discovered a world of parties and pleasure she had hitherto only known by hearsay. ─── 她发现了一个以前只是略有听闻的花花世界。

79、Shengxi hearsay should be cautious or bold constantly getting loans? ─── 升息传闻不断买房贷款应该谨慎还是大胆?

80、NBD: The hearsay says, search room net is met from horn is dug over there the competitor, be a fact? ─── NBD:有传闻说,搜房网会从竞争对手那里挖角,是事实吗?

81、But always after happy emperor dies, build civil escape from inside palace, the hearsay for the monk risked tonsure to come out. ─── 但是永乐帝逝世以后,建文从宫中逃出、剃度为僧的传言便冒了出来。

82、The most ridiculous person in the world is the "know-all" who picks up a smattering of hearsay knowledge and prodaims himself "the world's Number One authority"; this merely shows that he has not taken a proper measure of himself. ─── 世上最可笑的是那些“知识里手”,有了道听途说的一知半解,便自封为“天下第一”,适足见其不自量而已。

83、Silk beauty is gotten proper, be full of bright lustre besides the ray and not make public, unreal changes the beautiful imagination that gives speak or act on hearsay evidance making a person. ─── 丝绸美得恰到好处,布满亮泽光线之外而不张扬,幻化出令人捕风捉影的漂亮想象。

84、You are only supposing this on hearsay, you have no proof. ─── 你只是根据传闻想像而已, 并没有证据。

85、We can't make a decision based on hearsay and guesswork. ─── 我们不能根据传言和猜测作决定。

86、We certainly with the Chinese colored group cooperation intention, the hearsay have not been cannot win others' trust, OK! ─── 一定我们以中国色的小组合作意图,小道消息不是无法赢取其他人的信任,赞成!

87、Only the very rich could afford them; doubtlessly, many men and women lived, grew, and died without knowing, except by hearsay, whether he or she was beautiful or ugly. ─── 只有非常富的人才能买得起,无疑,许多男人和女人从出生、长大直到死亡,除了听别人说起外,不知道自己是美是丑。

88、If the hearsay declarant is readily available and the hearing is likely to have a major effect upon an individual's liberty or livelihood-as in a deportation proceeding-then hearsay may not be adequate to support an adverse finding. ─── 如果传闻的陈述者有处可寻且听证可能对个人的自由或生活--恰如驱逐诉讼那样--产生重大影响,这样的话,传闻将不足以支持不利的认定。

89、In the impression I get many people who are interested in politics in China are more keen on hearsay than genuine knowledge about how the Chinese political system works. ─── 在我的印象里,外界很多人对中国政治的兴趣,不在于真实的政治格局,而在于道听途说的小道信息。


heard与say这两个英语单词中heard是过去式,它的原形是hear,意思是“听到”。如:He heard someone singing in the next room just now. 他刚刚听到有人在隔壁房间唱歌。

say是一个动词原形,意思是“说”,它是一个不规则动词,过去式是said。如:He said good night.



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