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09-05 投稿



extinguishment 发音

英:[?ks?t??gw??m?nt]  美:[?k?st??gw??m?nt]

英:  美:

extinguishment 中文意思翻译



extinguishment 同义词

show up | snuff |quench | outshine | eradicate | suppress | eliminate | surpass | out | smother | blow out | wipe out | decimate | put out | exterminate | crush | end | do away with | douse | damp | annihilate | press out | obscure | put | stub out | crush out | take away | overshadow | terminate | carry off | eclipse | get rid of | quell | destroy | snuff out

extinguishment 反义词

kindle | light |ignite

extinguishment 词性/词形变化,extinguishment变形

动词现在分词: extinguishing |动词过去分词: extinguished |形容词: extinguishable |动词第三人称单数: extinguishes |名词: extinguishment |动词过去式: extinguished |

extinguishment 短语词组

1、extinguishment of debts ─── [法] 债务的偿清

2、extinguishment of debt ─── 消除债务

3、reserve for debt extinguishment ─── [经] 偿债公积

4、extinguishment fund ─── [经] 偿债基金(与singking fund同)

5、extinguishment reserve ─── [经] 消除(偿清)债务准备

6、extinguishment of common ─── [法] 共有权的丧失

7、extinguishment of obligation ─── [法] 债的消除

8、extinguishment stream ─── 熄灭的溪流

extinguishment 相似词语短语

1、extinguishes ─── vt.熄灭;压制;偿清

2、distinguishments ─── 权利或义务的撤销

3、extinguisher ─── n.灭火器;消灭者;熄灭者

4、extinguished ─── adj.熄灭的;灭绝的;v.熄灭;灭绝(extinguish的过去分词)

5、extinguishant ─── n.灭火剂

6、extinguishing ─── v.(使)(火、光)熄灭;(使)消亡,破灭;迫使(某人)沉默;偿清(债务);取消(权利、义务)(extinguish的现在分词);n.熄灭

7、extinguishers ─── n.[安全]灭火器(extinguisher的复数);灭火者

8、extinguishants ─── n.灭火剂

9、distinguishment ─── 权利或义务的撤销

extinguishment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sprinkler systems or fire protection water should be used only to cool cylinders, not to extinguish the fire. ─── 喷淋系统或消防用水只能用来冷却钢瓶,不能用来灭火。

2、Please extinguish your cigarette when the 'no smoking ' signs lights up . ─── 当"禁止吸烟"的指示灯亮时,请您熄灭香烟。

3、Proper placement of cooling water streams with minimum water waste is important to both control and extinguishment. ─── 正确喷射冷却水流,尽量减少水的浪费对控制和灭正确喷射冷却水流,火非常重要。

4、Kindle not a fire that you cannot extinguish. ─── 不能熄火休点火。

5、I would appreciate it if you would extinguish your cigarettes in keepingwith the solemnity of the occasion. ─── 为了能与这庄严的气氛相一致,如果你能熄灭香烟的话,我将很高兴。

6、If good people do nothing there is a real possibility that an uninformed citizenry will extinguish the precious embers of medical progress. ─── 如果好人无所作为,一群不明真相的公众真的有可能扑灭医学进步的珍贵火种。

7、Most however have more consciousness and understanding that this is so are choosing of their own freewill choice to extinguish themselves, or beach themselves to die. ─── 但是绝大部份有较多的意识并了解这点,因此它们自由意志的选择是灭绝它们自己,冲上海岸自杀。

8、If ignition takes place at the source of the leak, do not try to extinguish the flame unless the supply of flammable gas can be stopped. ─── 如果泄漏的源头起火,除非能够切断易燃气体供应,否则不要试图灭火。

9、Send alarms when the fire found. When oils catch fire, close the oil tank outlet valves first, use the portable powder fire extinguisher to extinguish fire. ─── 发现火情迅速报警,油类着火时,首先关闭油柜出口阀,使用手提储压式干粉灭火器灭火。

10、In order to extinguish the fireball, the smallest girl held it with her body, and the other six girls kept pouring water on it. ─── 为了扑灭这个火球,最小的姑娘用自己的身体紧紧把它抱住,其余的六个姑娘则拼命地向火球泼水。

11、Even the darknessof the whole world cannot extinguish the light of one smallcandle! ─── 全世界的黑暗也不能使一支小蜡烛失去光辉!

12、They tried to extinguish the flames. ─── 他们竭力要把火焰扑灭。

13、"By the middle of this century, mankind had acquired the power to extinguish life," he wrote in one of his academic papers. ─── “到本世纪中期,人类已经获得消灭生命的力量,”他在自己的一篇学术论文中写道。

14、The results show that the instantaneous combustion can be classified into three categories, i.e. reignition, oscillation combustion, and irreversible extinguishment. ─── 实验表明:复合底排药剂在瞬态扰动下的燃烧行为分为:二次点火复燃、振荡燃烧和永久熄灭3种情况。

15、Allow wood to burn completely to ash.Put out fires with water, not dirt.Dirt may not completely extinguish the fire. ─── 尽量让木材充分燃烧成灰壮,用水而不是用灰土熄灭火种,灰土也许不能完全扑灭它而留下残火。

16、and manufactures, to improve our rivers and harbors, to provide for the speedy extinguishment of the public debt. ─── 和制造业的重大利益,改变我们的河流和港湾,尽快清偿公共债务。

17、The causes of dryer's fire, methods of fire extinguishment and fire prevention are sumarized. ─── 介绍中密度纤维板生产用纤维干燥机散热器和供热介质的选择、干燥机着火的原因、灭火和防火的措施。

18、Wouldn't he be afraid that the habit of love might grow, and wouldn't he try to trap us all into being traitors, into helping him extinguish love? ─── 它难道不曾害怕爱的习惯会生长,不曾试图把我们套入它设下的圈套,叛变爱,帮助它毁灭爱?

19、Once you allow that human life is subject to reason, you extinguish any possibility of life. ─── 当你试图把人类的生活归结为逻辑的时候,你就将生命中所有的可能性都抹杀了。

20、Tending to extinguish or make extinct. ─── 使灭绝,使消亡趋于灭绝或使灭绝的

21、Please extinguish your cigarette when the'no smoking'sign lights up. ─── 当“禁止吸烟”的指示灯亮时,请您熄灭香烟。

22、I would appreciate it if you would extinguish your cigarettes in keeping with the solemnity of the occasion. ─── 为了能与这庄严的气氛相一致,如果你能熄灭香烟的话,我将很高兴。

23、She deliberately tried to extinguish that light in her eyes, but it shone despite of her in her faint smile. ─── 她有意想把她眼睛中的光芒熄灭掉,然而那光芒却事与愿违地又在她隐隐的笑容中闪露出来。

24、Then the men of David swore to him, saying, "You shall not go out again with us to battle, so that you do not extinguish the lamp of Israel. ─── 当日跟随大卫的人向大卫起誓、说、以后你不可再与我们一同出战.恐怕熄灭以色列的灯。

25、To extinguish(a fire, for example) by cutting off air. ─── 封火,灭火通过隔绝空气来熄灭(如火等)

26、Smoking is forbidden . Please extinguish your cigarettes. ─── 吸烟是禁止的,请你把烟熄掉。

27、It will unlock a range of associated Shell upstream projects and extinguish routine gas flaring in its Nigerian operations. ─── 它将带来与壳牌相关的一系列上游项目,并将消除尼日利亚工厂运营中常规气体的放空。

28、Lord, if we incite the prejudicial fire ashes, which exactly want to extinguish by your shedding life, please have mercy on us! ─── 主啊,若我们煽起了偏见的余烬,也就是你舍命为要将之熄灭的,求你怜悯我们吧!

29、If good people do nothing there is a real possibility that an uninformed citizenery will extinguish the precious embers of medical progress. ─── 如果好人无所作为,一群不明真相的公众真的有可能扑灭医学进步的宝贵火种。

30、Forces of the Wyrm and the Weaver are gathering for the next assault to extinguish the dwindling tribe and defile the last of the Pure Lands. ─── 妖蛆和秩者的力量开始聚集,他们想毁灭正在衰亡的部族,污染最后一片纯洁的土地。

31、Based on the fire prevention and extinguishing practice in Yinying mine, several measures to prevent and extinguish fire in thick-seam fully-mechanized face are analysed. ─── 对荫营煤矿厚煤层综采工作面回采巷道的发火原因进行了分析,介绍了几种综放工作面回采巷道的防灭火技术措施。

32、Perfect understanding will sometimes almost extinguish pleasure. ─── 完全的理解有时几乎会使乐趣消失.

33、The third chapter discusses the unique cases of the extinguishment of maritime liens. ─── 第三章论述了船舶优先权消灭的特殊原因。

34、The reason is that it was believed black represented water then and could extinguish fire. ─── 只有故宫的皇家图书馆---文渊阁的屋顶是黑色的。

35、The white fox come when it hear my summon. After he survey, fox white go back forest. After a while, it and many animals come and extinguish the big fire. ─── 当村民们赶到的时候,大火已经扑灭了,整个树林静悄悄地,似乎一切从来没有发生过。

36、Extinguish yourself at her feet, my heart. ─── 停息吧,你的心,仆伏在她脚前,

37、To seek to extinguish anger utterly,is but a bravery of the stoics. We have better oracles;Be angry,but sin not. Let not the sun go down upon your anger. ─── 企图完全压制住愤怒只不过是禁欲者的勇敢表现之一。我们有更好的办法,发泄愤怒,但不要犯罪,不要让你的怒气,惊得太阳也落山了。

38、To seek to extinguish anger utterly, is but a bravery of the stoics. We have better oracles; Be angry, but sin not. Let not the sun go down upon your anger. ─── 企图完全压制住愤怒只不过是禁欲者的勇敢表现之一。我们有更好的办法:发泄愤怒,但不要犯罪,不要让你的怒气,惊得太阳也落山了。

39、It would extinguish equality and opportunity. ─── 它将压制平等的机会。

40、A new Nitrogen making device with hollow fiber film for fire control and extinguishment in coal mine is introduced.The basal principles and the properties of PRISM film are also described. ─── 介绍一种新型用于煤矿防灭火的中空纤维膜分离制氮装置,对其基本原理进行了阐述并对PRISM膜的特点进行了较为详细的介绍。

41、Some mediumship is noted with keen interest for occult studies. Don't let the flame extinguish. ─── 很多灵媒都对神秘学研究充满兴趣,不要让这火焰熄灭。

42、What we need to do is to take effective measures to extinguish negative influence of the securities inv... ─── 因此必须采取有效措施,消除证券投资基金对证券市场的负面作用,促进证券市场健康、稳定的发展。

43、The reason is simple: no degree of chilliness in the air can extinguish the book's incredible warmth and humour. ─── 原因很简单:空气中的寒意无法驱散书中那不可思议的激情和幽默。

44、Nibbana translates as extinguishment, coolness ; our hearts are not hot because defilements have been extinguished and become cool. ─── 涅槃意为寂灭、清凉,这样的心无热恼,因为烦恼已被消灭,变得清凉。

45、A celebrity hangout in Hollywood has been damaged by fire.It took about 180 firefighters to extinguish the blaze at the Basque Nightclub and Restaurant. ─── 好莱坞的巴斯克明星夜总会所被大火烧毁,共有180名消防人员加入了战斗。

46、You may extinguish a nation, But not the love of liBerty. ─── 你可以消灭一个国家, 但不能消灭对自由的热爱。

47、A bruised reed He will not break; And a dimly burning flax He will not extinguish; He will bring forth justice in truth. ─── 3压伤的芦苇,?不折断;将残的火把,?不吹灭;?要凭真实将公理宣布出去。

48、Fractions, Decimals &Percents. Extinguish the flame with the right answers to fraction, percent and decimal problems. ─── 分数,小数及百分数:回答正确的答案,帮助熄灭火烧。

49、In Paris, numerous protests and attempts by activists to snatch the torch prompted Chinese security officials to extinguish the torch several times and put in on a bus. ─── 在巴黎,众多抗议者和激进分子的夺取火炬的尝试使得安全官员数次熄灭火炬放进客车。

50、The two aims of the Party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought. ─── 党有两个目的,一个是征服整个地球,一个是永远消灭独立思考的可能性。

51、"That night a memorable event occurred, due, no doubt, to the imprudence of some servant who had neglected to extinguish the lights. ─── “那天夜里发生了一件很大的意外事故,无疑的是由于某个仆人的疏忽,没有把灯熄灭而引起的。

52、Therefore engine if the extinguishment automobile glide, will bring changes heavily, the pilot will want to pay attention specially. ─── 因此发动机若熄灭汽车滑行,将带来转向沉重,驾驶员要特别注意。

53、Extinguish all smoking materials, flames, or other ignition sources in working or storage areas. ─── 在工作或贮存地方必须消除熄灭任何冒烟物质,火焰,或其他引火源。

54、If it is necessary to extinguish the flame in order to get to a place where the flow of hydrogen can be shut off, a dry powder extinguisher is recommended. ─── 如果为了进入可以切断氢气流的地方而有必要灭火的话,推荐使用干粉灭火器。

55、The Scientific Generation Source of "Philosophical Extinguishment Movement" ─── “哲学消解运动”的科学发生学根源

56、early extinguishment of debt is classified as extraordinary. ─── 早期消除债务的得失被归类为非常项目。

57、Bangladeshi firefighters and citizens tried to extinguish a fire in the capital, Dhaka. ─── 孟加拉国,达卡:孟加拉国的消防员和民众正试图扑灭大火.

58、Researchers have previously shown that damage to the insula can dramatically extinguish a smoker's need for nicotine. ─── 岛叶皮质是大脑深层负责过滤身体的生理状态和需求的区域。科学家在之前的研究中曾发现破坏岛叶皮质会极大降低吸烟者对于尼古丁的需求。

59、Reforms radically in the water well, the well water quick disinfection to extinguish the cause of disaster, Extinguishes the cause of disaster! ─── 不过“在呀在”不能理解为重叠,而只是为补充音节的衬字,但前面的“下毒”“良药”却是重叠修辞,这点前已有述。

60、Cold passes includes the double chlorine to extinguish passes, has well allays a fever the function. ─── 感冒通中含有双氯灭通,具有较好的解热作用。

61、To extinguish or conceal all lights that might help enemy aircraft find a target during an air raid. ─── 在空袭中熄灭所有可能帮助敌机寻找目标的灯火。

62、What is the extinguishment of the Indians' rights to lands ? ─── 什么是印第安人地权的失效?

63、The extinguishment experiences of comprehensive mining caving coal in Nanshan Coal Mine are introduced from the system arrangement, the sequence and construction of the coal lane digging. ─── 从南山煤矿综一队综采放顶煤工作面的系统布置、煤巷掘进的顺序和施工等几方面,介绍了南山煤矿的综采放顶煤的消防火经验。

64、A helicopter carries water to extinguish a wildfire burning close to El Arenal, Spain on July 30, 2009. ─── 一架载水扑灭大火燃烧近埃尔阿雷纳尔,西班牙在2009年7月30号。

65、F: OK. I extinguish it . ─── 外:好的,我这就把烟熄灭。

66、A. Most individuals have no formal training in how to extinguish fires. ─── 大多数的人都没有受过灭火的正规培训。

67、Detroit, Michigan firefighter pauses in the attic of a residence where he has just helped extinguish a daytime structure fire. Photographed in Detroit, Michigan. ─── 密歇根州底特律市一位消防队员停留在白天他刚刚帮助扑灭建筑火灾的住宅阁楼里。拍摄于密歇根州底特律市。

68、In pool fire suppression tests it was observed that the fire extinguishment by flame cooling took a very short time, while extinguishment by surface cooling took a longer time. ─── 在油池火灭火实验中发现通过火焰冷却灭火时所需时间较短,而依靠燃料表面冷却灭火时则时间较长。

69、Human's life, looks like an ant in front of the muzzle to be equally frail. pang! , The life henceforth flies on the ash the smoke to extinguish! ─── 人的生命,在枪口面前就像一只蚂蚁一样脆弱。呯!一声,生命从此就灰飞烟灭!

70、Coup d: pyrotechnics, ash or extinguish the burning of the matches, and so, sometimes in the left Qiaogen furniture finish. ─── 妙招四:烟火、烟灰或未熄灭的火柴等燃烧物,有时会在家具漆面上留下焦痕。

71、A lot of things have gone lost like the extinguishment of colorful firecrackers in the wind. They have gone without waiting for me to say goodbye. ─── 好多东西都没了,就象是遗失在风中的烟花,让我来不及说声再见就已经消逝不见.

72、The paper gives an introduction to the emergency treatment and extinguishment precautions for the gas leak and fire on pipelines and equipments in coke-oven gas production process. ─── 介绍了焦炉煤气生产工艺流程中的管网、设备发生煤气泄露、着火时的应急处理和灭火预案;

73、The author considers that the way of resonance ground of arc extinguish coils is of a higher sensitivity for ground protection . ─── 作者认为,消弧线圈谐振接地方式有着较高的接地保护灵敏度。

74、Frequently, only heavy rain will provide the amount of water necessary to extinguish the flames. ─── 很多时候,只有滂沱大雨才足以将火扑灭。

75、If you have a cookout, extinguish coals with water and discard them in a designated receptacle. ─── 如果你要进行野炊,请结束后用水熄灭煤炭,然后把它扔在指定的容器里。

76、There isn't enough darkness in the world to extinguish the light from one small candle. ─── 世界上的黑暗尚不足以吹熄一跟蜡烛的光芒。

77、You may extinguish a nation,but not the love of liberty. ─── 你可以消灭一个国家,但不能消灭对自由的热爱。

78、It contains a fireproof lining to extinguish cigarettes and lock in odour. ─── 它还含有耐火内衬,以熄灭香烟,并锁定气味。

79、A man tried to extinguish the "eternal flame" burning under the Arc de Triomphe by sitting on it. ─── 一位仁兄坐在凯旋门下的“永恒火焰”上,想要熄灭这把火焰。

80、Franz replied that he had left him at the moment they were about to extinguish the moccoli, and that he had lost sight of him in the Via Macello. ─── 弗兰兹回答说,他是在长生烛快熄灭的时候离开他的,后来就混到玛西罗街的人群里不见了。

81、Nothing can extinguish his faith in human nature. ─── 什么都不能破坏他对人类本性的信仰。

82、A firefighting airplane tries to extinguish fire which broke out on a Turkish cargo ship, about 15 miles off the northern Croatian Adriatic resort of Rovinj on February 6, 2008. ─── 2月6日,在克罗地亚北部旅游胜地伦尹15海里处,灭火直升机正在尽力扑灭一艘土耳其货轮上的大火。

83、main mechanism of extinguishment was the surface cooling effect. ─── 抑制熄灭木块火焰的主要机理是燃料表面冷却效应。

84、It means trying to use a cup of water to extinguish a fire of cart. ─── 字面的解释就是用一杯水去救一车着了火的木材.

85、His behaviour extinguish the last trace of affection she have for him. ─── 他的这种行为使她对他的最後一丝爱慕之情荡然无存。

86、Heavy rain can't extinguish a warmly heart! ─── 大雨浇不灭一颗燥热的心!

87、The success of single-phase auto-reclosure depends on the extinguish of secondary arc. ─── 单相自动重合闸能否成功很大程度上取决于潜供电弧是否快速熄灭。

88、The previous research mainly depends on the arc voltage to estimate the arc position, and testing the dielectric recovery strength, and reignition process to judge the ability of arc extinguishment. ─── 以往的研究工作主要根据电弧电压波形来判断电弧大概的位置,利用介质恢复强度测试和大量的重燃试验来判断低压电器的熄弧性能。

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