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09-05 投稿



economically 发音

英:[?i?k??nɑ?m?kli]  美:[?i?k??n?m?kli]

英:  美:

economically 中文意思翻译



economically 短语词组

1、economically-advanced country ─── 经济先进的国家

2、economically feasible ─── 经济可行, ─── 经济上合算 ─── 经济上可行的, ─── 经济上合算

3、politico-economically ─── [网络] 政治经济学

4、more economically ─── 节约地( economically的比较级 ); ─── 节省地;经济地;在经济上

5、viable economically ─── 经济上可行

6、economically efficient ─── 经济上的高效率 ─── 经济有效的

7、hit hard economically ─── 经济上遭受重创

8、economically recoverable oil ─── [经] 可经济地开采的石油储量

9、economically-developed region ─── 经济发达地区

10、economically-invigorating region ─── 经济繁荣地区

11、economically speaking ─── 从经济上讲

12、economically inactive population ─── 不从事经济活动的人口

13、economically active population ─── 经济活动人口

14、most economically ─── 节约地( economically的最高级 ); ─── 节省地;经济地;在经济上

15、economically sound ─── 经济上有利的

16、economically viable ─── 经济上可行的

economically 同义词

scotch | budget | economic | cheap |thrifty | chary | efficient | parsimonious | reasonable | penny-wise | economy | low-cost | scrimping | low-budget | provident | careful | inexpensive | frugal | prudent | sparing | cautious | cost-effective | high-yield | stinting | saving | economizing

economically 词性/词形变化,economically变形

副词: economically |

economically 常用词组

economically feasible ─── 经济上可行的,经济上合算

economically affordable housing ─── 经济适用房

economically 反义词

luxurious | extravagant | uneconomical

economically 相似词语短语

1、economical ─── adj.经济的;节约的;合算的

2、metronomically ─── 有节奏地

3、agronomically ─── 农艺学地

4、econometrically ─── 计量经济学地

5、ecologically ─── adv.从生态学的观点看

6、economical way ─── 经济的方式

7、bionomically ─── 生物学

8、ergonomically ─── adv.能发挥工作者最大效能地;工效学意义上

9、acronymically ─── adv.用首字母缩拼词表达地

economically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Both alterations must be justified economically by special considerations of available equipment. ─── 两种改进还需针对可得到的设备进行具体分析,以证明它在经济上是合算的。

2、"He will help revolutionise the MLS economically and from a football point of view. ─── 他将有助于MLS在经济上以及足球的角度的革命。

3、Economically speaking, tourism doesn't belong to heavy industry. ─── 从经济学角度讲,旅游业不属于重工业范畴。

4、It has been designed to help businesses easily, efficiently and economically deploy their mailbox. ─── 其设计可帮助企业轻松、有效、经济地部署他们的邮箱。

5、Services could be operated more efficiently and economically. ─── 可以更有效、更经济地提供服务。

6、It is also the fastest economically growing area in Ningbo. ─── 也是目前宁波经济发展最迅速的地区。

7、Thus, ICS ought to monitor all economically relevant and accountable behavior of any and all participants in an organization. ─── 因此,内控系统应该监控所有组织参与者所做之与经济相关且可担负责任的行为。

8、The Asia-Pacific region, in the long run, will remain economically the most dynamic part of the world. ─── 从长远看,亚太地区依然是世界经济发展最具活力的地区。

9、She writes elegantly and economically. ─── 她写作典雅而简炼。

10、So segregation is not only politically, economically, and sociologically unsound, but it is morally wrong and sinful. ─── 因而种族隔离不仅在政治上、经济上、社会学意义上是荒谬的,而且在道德上也是错误和有罪的。

11、The branch of geology that deals with economically valuable geological materials. ─── 地质学中有关地质原料的经济价值的分支。

12、Is it still an important country economically--especially in connection with the US? ─── 它在经济上仍然是一个重要的国家--特别是与美国的?

13、Economically, China today is in a rush to catch up. ─── 今天的中国急于要在经济上赶上去。

14、The minority nationalities have characteristics of their own politically, economically and culturally. ─── 少数民族在政治、经济、文化上都有自己的特点。

15、And whereas the Arctic has been exploited economically for centuries, trade has never really touched Antarctic. ─── 多少世纪以来,一直在北极进行经济开发,但是,贸易却从未真正涉及过南极。

16、In the sintering process, it is essential that sinter is established economically and reasonably. ─── 合理经济地确定烧结配料问题,具有十分重要的意义。

17、A nation of weakings can never be expected to go anywhere culturally and economically . ─── 一个体质孱弱的民族无论到哪里,文化和经济都不能立足.

18、Developed nations should spare no effort to finance their economically disadvantaged counterparts. ─── 发达国家应该不遗余力地资助贫国。

19、Moving the project's schedule out to accommodate all this uncertainty may not be economically practical. ─── 执行项目进度以适应所有不确定性在经济上是不现实的。

20、China today is politically staBle and economically prosperous. ─── 当今的中国,政治稳定,经济繁荣。

21、Land, arableland in particular, should be used reasonably and economically. ─── 应该合理经济地利用土地,特别是耕地。

22、For any megacity wishing to remain economically competitive, healthy air quality is a must. ─── 对于任何一个像保持经济持续经济竞争力的大城市来说,良好的空气质量是必不可少的。

23、On the surface the American people had never seemed so economically healthy as in 1929. ─── 从表面上看,美国人民经济上似乎从来没有象在1929年那样兴旺。

24、Land, arable land in particular, should be used reasonably and economically. ─── 土地,尤其是耕地,应该得到合理和经济的使用。

25、Economically, socially and educationally, their descendants have barely moved up. ─── “欧开伊”的后人经济地位、社会地位和教育地位都几乎没有上升。

26、DVD CLONER II which make DVD cloning more conveniently, pleasurably and economically. ─── 二, DVD的克隆,使克隆的DVD更方便, pleasurably和经济。

27、Economically, it is a dangerous policy. ─── 就经济学的观点而言,那是危险的政策。

28、He offsets his small salary by living economically . ─── 他以生活节俭来低微的收入。

29、Webster said the two sides were joined together socially, economically, culturally, and in many other ways. There was no way to divide them. ─── 韦伯斯特说,南北双方在社会、经济、文化和其他各个方面都密切地联系在一起,没有什么可以让南北双方分裂。

30、Assort with our oversea vendor and our international forwarder to ensure our cargoes arrive prompt and economically. ─── 协调海外供应商与我公司国际运输代理商之间的联系,以保证我公司的货物快速并经济地到港;

31、Thin-film technology is therefore very economically viable for individual one-off productions and OEM applications. ─── 因此薄膜技术对于一次性专门生产和OEM应用都是经济可行的。

32、While in the peaceful time, this possibility can be the great deterrent to Japan economically and militarily. ─── 在和平时期,这样的可能性也将从经济,军事上极大威慑日本,带来挥之不去的阴影。

33、The A300 is economically priced and delivers a rate of up to 165 ppm (packages per minute). ─── A300型经济的价格和提供速率高达百万分之165 (包每分钟) 。

34、The biggest payoff epidemiologically and economically is in secondary prevention. ─── 从流行病学和经济学的角度来看,最大的收益是防止疾病的继发。

35、Propane ammoxidation to acrylonitrile is a potential and economically attractive route for acrynitrile production. ─── 丙烷氨氧化制丙烯腈是一种具经济吸引力的潜在丙烯腈生产路线。

36、They tell us how much better off economically we all are in war than in peace. ─── 他们会告诉我们战争时期我们的经济状况要比和平时期好得多。

37、The factory is no longer economically viable. ─── 这个工厂在经济上已经维持不下去了。

38、Economically considered, the matter can be summed up thus: Paris is a spendthrift. ─── 从经济方面来说,这事可以作这样的总结:巴黎是一个漏筐。

39、It is only their investment that makes the programme economically viable. ─── 因为他们的投资,这个项目在经济上才得以通过。

40、But there should be no problem separating nitrogen from the air, and liquefying it economically and efficiently. ─── 但是从空气中分离氮并且用经济有效的方法使它液化应该不成问题。

41、My judgement is (that) Chicago should be superior to Los Angel economically. ─── 依我看,芝加哥在经济上要胜过洛杉矶。

42、He is economically independent. ─── 他在经济上是独立的。

43、As an economically backward country, Cuba's social security level is at the front ranks of the world. ─── 古巴作为经济发展缓慢的国家,其社会保障事业的发展水平却位居世界前列。

44、He supports himself economically. ─── 他经济上自立了。

45、Producing laser photons is too expensive to make most compounds economically. ─── 产生激光光子的费用太高,因此,不能用它很经济地制造出大多数化合物。

46、Land, the arable land in particular should be used reasonably and economically. ─── 合理和节约利用土地尤其是耕地资源,加强城市环境基础设施建设,规划产业结构和布局,避免走先污染后治理的老路。

47、They can expect an earful on what the slump is doing economically. ─── 他们将因商业不景气对经济所产生的影响而受到严厉的训斥。

48、After 1,000 sheets, you would have to say that litho becomes more economically viable. ─── 后1000张,你就不得不说,岩性变得更加经济上可行的“ 。

49、What happens if collectivist societies, especially those in Asia, rise economically and come to rival the West? ─── 如果集体主义社会(特别是亚洲的)在经济上崛起并与西方抗衡呢?

50、A country will become a client to other countries if it relies on the country economically. ─── 一个国家如果经济上依赖另一个国家,那她就会变成那个国家的附庸。

51、Economically, the country is in a very healthy state. ─── 从经济学的观点来说,国家处于很兴旺的状态之中。

52、Now is the time when we must all live as economically as possible. ─── 现在是我们都必须尽可能节俭度日的时候了。

53、"California's loss will be Connecticut's and Massachusetts' gain economically," said M.V. ─── 加州的损失将会是C和M两个州获得的收益。

54、In Swat, a more thickly populated and economically developed part of NWFP, the army had attempted the same strategy. ─── 在西北边境省人口更加密集,经济更加发达的史瓦特,巴基斯坦军队也曾尝试了同样的策略。

55、They were unable to run the telephone network economically. ─── 他们未能经济地经营电话网络。

56、And , it says , other women who feel socially and economically weak are at a higher risk of becoming infective with H. ─── 同时他说,其他觉得在社会上和经济上处于弱势的妇女,更有可能成为H.

57、Ecologically speaking,this idea is brilliant; economically,it is a disaster. ─── 从生态学的角度来说,这个想法很不错;从经济学的角度来说,这是一个灾难。

58、In reality, complete specialization may never occur even though it is economically advantageous. ─── 在实际生活中,即使完全的专业化在经济上有利,也可能永远不会发生。

59、The thesis aims mainly at how to build modem bridges economically, artistically and safely. ─── 如何既经济、美观又安全地建设好现代化的桥梁,是本文的主要目标。

60、Economically speaking the New Deal was an attempt on the part of the Roosevelt government to pull the United States out of the great economic crisis of1929-1933. ─── 从经济方面来说,新政是罗斯福政府的一种企图,想借此摆脱1929-1933年的严重经济危机。

61、It is not large because China is economically backward. ─── 中国因经济落后,故(现代工业无产阶级)人数不多。

62、She cooks very economically. ─── 她做菜很节省。

63、Arch dams have competed economically and structurally with other dams for length-to-height ratios well above 5. ─── 即使长高比远远超过5,拱坝在经济上和结构上仍能胜过其他形式的坝。

64、Economically, one tin of oil will last at least three months. ─── 如果节省地用的,这罐油就会维持至少三个月。

65、In reality, complete specialization may never take place even though it is economically advantageous. ─── 在实际中,即使完全的专业化在经济上有利,也可能永远不会发生。

66、Economically, we want to reach the level of the moderately developed countries. ─── 在经济上要达到中等发达国家的水平

67、A five-day week benefits more than individually and economically. ─── 五天工作制不仅仅对国家经济和个人有好处。

68、At the end of 1998, a number of state ministries began to provide their employees with economically affordable housing. ─── 1998年底起,某些国家机关开始为职工提供经济适用住房。

69、Land,the arable land in particular should be used reasonably and economically. ─── 合理和节约利用土地尤其是耕地资源。

70、His scheme is not economically sound. ─── 他的计划在经济上欠妥.

71、China is a developing country has so many people,economically underdeveloped areas ,especially the countries. ─── 中国是一个发展中国家,人口多,底子薄,经济不发达,农村尤其不发达.

72、Deporting a population the size of Ohio's is impossible, economically illiterate and morally wrong. ─── 将数量相当于整个俄亥俄州人口的非法移民驱逐出境是不可能的,经济上不划算,道德上也说不过去。

73、Submergence of BFP is a key procedure to exploit marginal oil and gas field economically. ─── 平台沉放过程中,受到沿深度变流速水流的作用,并受到系泊锚索的约束。

74、To stop the building of economically affordable houses, or not? ─── 停建经济适用房行吗?

75、Of all the economically important plants, palms have been the least studied. ─── 在所有的经济作物中,棕榈树得到的研究最少。

76、From which it can be seen that special customer wishes can be quickly and economically turned into individual designs. ─── 从这里可以看出,特殊客户的期望可以快速而经济的转化为专用设计。

77、Economically, Asia is still the most dynamic region in the world. ─── 亚洲仍然是世界上最具经济活力的地区。

78、China is still reliant on our purchases from them, so as we go economically, so shall they. ─── 中国仍然依赖于我们的购买力,只要我们的经济能前进,他们应该也能。

79、This method can economically and effectively replace the"potassium permanganate method"in industry. ─── 完全可以代替高锰酸钾氧化法用在生产中。

80、By itself, as I said, the war in Georgia isn't that big a deal economically. ─── 正如我说的那样,发生在格鲁吉亚的这场战争自身的经济意义并不显著。

81、The efficient use of energy is a practical, economically sensible step. ─── 善用能源既可保护环境,也能节省金钱。

82、How much will you earn? - Economically, a deal has been made and I won't exceed Lotito's salary plan. ─── 你一年能挣多少?-从经济学角度来说,双方都认可了具体年薪,我不会打破洛蒂托的工资帽制度。

83、Ordinary housewives cook very economically. ─── 一般的家庭主妇做菜都很节省。

84、A tunnel was not considered economically feasible. ─── 从经济上考虑,用隧道并不可行。

85、Such an avoidance of profit maximisation might have appeared economically irrational. ─── 从经济学角度讲,这种回避利润最大化的行为或许看起来不大理性。

86、The city, both in its inner life and outer relations, deeply affected colonial society politically, economically and culturally. ─── 城市的精神生活和对外关系深深地在政治上、经济上、文化上影响了殖民地的社会。

87、Thus the die can be manufactured rapidly and economically. ─── 以便快速经济地制造模具。

88、My judgement is (that) Chicago is superior to Los Angeles economically. ─── 依我看,芝加哥在经济上要胜过洛杉机。

89、Nine-year compulsory education has basically been popularized in large and medium-sized cities and some economically developed regions. ─── 大中城市和部分经济发达地区已经基本普及了九年义务教育。

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