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09-05 投稿



proportional 发音

英:[pr??p??r??n(?)l]  美:[pr??p????n(?)l]

英:  美:

proportional 中文意思翻译




proportional 词性/词形变化,proportional变形

副词: proportionally |名词: proportionality |

proportional 常用词组

directly proportional ─── 直接比例的

inversely proportional ─── 反比的;成反比例

proportional control ─── 比例控制;比例调节

proportional 短语词组

1、interpolation by proportional parts ─── [计] 比例插值法

2、depreciation-proportional method on fixed base ─── [经] 定数比例折旧法

3、directly proportional ─── 直接比例的

4、proportional control ─── [化] 比例调节

5、proportional controller ─── [化] 比例调节器

6、proportional charges ─── [经] 比例费用

7、proportional counter ─── [化] 正比计数器 ─── [医] 正比计数器

8、non-proportional counter ─── [医] 非正比计数器

9、proportional band ─── [化] 比例度; 比例区; 比例范围

10、proportional cost ─── [经] 比例成本

11、inversely proportional ─── 成反比例的

12、be directly proportional to ─── 与...成正比例

13、be proportional to ─── 与...成比例

14、proportional compasses ─── [机] 比例图规, 比例分规

15、mean proportional ─── 比例中项

16、proportional controllers ─── [化] 比例调节器

17、proportional allocation of sample size ─── [经] 样本量的比例分配

18、probability proportional sampling ─── [经] 概率比例抽样法

19、proportional basicity ─── [机] 比例碱度

proportional 相似词语短语

1、proportionable ─── adj.成比例的;相称的;均衡的

2、proportionally ─── adv.成比例地;相称地,适当地

3、proportionate ─── adj.成比例的;相称的;适当的;vt.使成比例;使相称

4、promotional ─── adj.促销的;增进的;奖励的

5、proportionals ─── adj.比例的,成比例的;相称的,均衡的;n.[数]比例项

6、proportioned ─── adj.相称的;成比例的;v.使成比例;分配(proportion的过去分词)

7、proportionably ─── adv.成比例地;可使相称地

8、proportion ─── n.比例,占比;部分;面积;均衡;vt.使成比例;使均衡;分摊

9、propositional ─── adj.命题的;建议的

proportional 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Customer service is directly proportional to the rate of productivity as well as to the quality level. ─── 客户服务是成正比的生产率以及质量水平。

2、He then observed that under these same assumptions the area is proportional to the defect. ─── 他于是指出在同样的假设下,面积与亏值成正比。

3、The proportional distribution of a quantity or entity. ─── 一数量或一总体的按比例分配.

4、The actual stress is not proportional to the bending moment. ─── 实际上应力与弯矩不成正比。

5、A proportional share, as of goods, assigned to a group or to each member of a group; an allotment. ─── 定额一定比例的份额,如货物,分配给一组或一组中的每个成员; 配给物

6、You won't be critting less or doing less proportional damage when you crit. ─── 在你爆击的时候你不会被减少爆击率或暴击伤害。

7、The thinning ratio of steel sheet located on radius was inverse proportional to the ratio of radius and thickness R/t. ─── 圆角处的减薄率基本上与相对圆角半径R/t成反比;

8、Encryption using a public-private key is slow and is directly proportional to the size of the data being encrypted. ─── 使用公司密钥加密很慢,而且直接与加密的数据大小成正比。

9、Israel's system of proportional voting has given the settlers and zealots a chokehold over politics. ─── 以色列的比例投票制使得定居者和狂热者在政治上打起割喉战。

10、Seventeen million Africans is proportional percentage-wise to seven million Americans. ─── 一千七百万非洲人从百分比看相当与七百万美国人。

11、Furthermore,both cmax and AUC increased in proportional to the dosages. ─── cmax与AUC均与剂量呈正相关。

12、The increase in price is proportional to the improvement in the car. ─── 在小车方面,价格的增加相应比例提高了性能。

13、Both outlet temperature and CC are proportional to coal slurry concentration and [O]/[C] ratio. ─── 出口温度和碳转化率随煤浆浓度和[O]/[C]原子比的增加而增高。

14、Sets the output to the LED proportional to the value read from the potentiometer. ─── 从电位计读取值,并按一定比例输出到LED。

15、There are proportional charges for most types of HNS dental treatment, including examinations. ─── 国民保健制度中多数牙科治疗都要收取一定比例的费用,包括检查费。

16、Increase in cooling time is proportional to the square of the increase in thickness. ─── 冷却时间增加同厚度增加的平方成正比。

17、An electric-hydraulic proportional control over cannon hydrostatic driving system was developed. ─── 将静压传动应用于火炮的驱动装置中,实现火炮驱动系统的电液比例控制。

18、The ampltitudes of these reflectivities are proportional to the Stoneley energy. ─── 反射率的大小与反射斯通利波的能量强弱对应。

19、His pay is proportional to the amount of work he does. ─── 他的工资和工作量相称。

20、How much money and happiness are not necessarily proportional. ─── 金钱的多少不一定与幸福成正比。

21、proportional representation system was widely blamed for two inconclusive election results and a year of political stalemate. ─── 两次无结果的选举和一年的政治僵局使得比例代表制受到广泛地指责。

22、For identical shapes, the stiffness is proportional to the modulus of elasticity. ─── 对于同样形状的材料,刚度与弹性模量是成比例的。

23、Fermentation starts after the proportional adding of yeast and wort oxygenation (WOX). ─── 在适量添加酵母和麦汁充氧后即开始发酵。

24、The badness of a movie is directly proportional to the number of helicopters init. ─── 一部电影的恶劣程度和它里面的直升飞机的数量成正比。

25、He is becoming more proportional as his body size catches up to his head size. ─── 随着身体尺寸赶上头部尺寸,他的比例更加均衡了。

26、Their system seems to combine the two ideals of strong government and proportional representation. ─── 他们的体制似乎同时具有强有力的政府与比例代表制这两种理想状况。

27、Experiments show that the proportional increase is consistent with age. ─── 实验表明,比例随着年龄的增长而有规律的增加。

28、Yet observations show that luminosity is proportional to temperature to the 3.5th power. ─── 但是观测显示:光度与温度的3.5次方成正比。

29、On the porter's passport a portion of the portrait isn't proportional. ─── 在搬运工的护照上,部分肖像不成比例。

30、Salary is proportional to years of experience. ─── 薪金视资历而定。

31、A glancing blow may not crit and has a damage reduction proportional to the weapon skill to defense difference. ─── 偏斜的一击无法暴击,而且会使你的武器技能成比例地因对方的防守差异而降低损害。

32、The intensity of sound is inversely proportional to the square of the distance measured from the source of the sound. ─── 声音的强度与声源距离的平方成反比。

33、My dad always said how much people who like you is directly proportional to what you look like? Not your thing? ─── 我父亲经常说别人有多喜欢你是和你的相貌直接成正比的。你不是这样认为的吗?

34、So the different ways of creating that approximation are if, and the length of the arrows now is going to be proportional to the rate. ─── 所以产生那个近似的不同方法是如果,箭头的长度现在,和速率成正比。

35、An LVDT is available to provide voltage feedback proportional to fuel. ─── 1 lvdt是,以提供电压反馈比例的燃料。

36、The photometric signal-to-noise ratio is roughly proportional to the square root of the signal intensity. ─── 光度计的信噪比与信号强度的平方根粗略成比例。

37、The punishment ought to be proportional to the crime. ─── 刑罚应当与罪行相当。

38、A proportional share, as of goods, assigned to a group or to each member of a group; an allotment. ─── 定额一定比例的份额,如货物,分配给一组或一组中的每个成员;配给物。

39、Over an initial range of strain, stress and strain are proportional. ─── 在初始的整个应变范围,应力和应变成正比。

40、The amount of love someone feels for you is inversely proportional to how much you love them. ─── 你的爱人从你那里感受到的爱跟你对他的爱成反比。

41、The degree of punishment is meant to be proportional to the seriousness of the crime. ─── 刑罚的程度应当是与犯罪的严重性成比例的。

42、Shearing increases or decreases a color component by an amount proportional to another color component. ─── 剪切是指按照与另一种颜色分量成比例的量来增加或减少颜色分量。

43、The seriousness of a wound (in a firefight) is inversely proportional to the distance to any form of cover. ─── 交火后,受伤的严重程度与到掩体的距离成反比。(摘自墨菲战争法则)

44、The increase in profit is proportional to reduction in overhead. ─── 利润的增加与间接费用成本的削减成比例。

45、The radii are proportional to the time which has elapsed since the wave front occupied the position wi. ─── 半径与波前占据wi位置以来能经过的时间成正比。

46、But that depends on the font and whether the font is proportional and other things that aren't so easy to calculate. ─── 但这取决于字体,字体是否成比例,以及其他一些不容易计算的因素。

47、The amplitude of the BEMF is proportional to the angular velocity of the rotor. ─── 反电动势的大小与转子的转动速度成比例。

48、Law3: Learning is directly proportional to the amount of fun you have. ─── 学习是与自己本身的喜好度成正比。

49、Unlike a scrollbar, they need not provide any proportional feedback because the range of the control is infinite. ─── 和滚动条不同,它不需要提供任何比例反馈,因为控件范围是无限的。

50、Stepping off the path gives the individual a fitness proportional to how far it got while on the path. ─── 个体离开该路径时会被给予一个适应性,该适应性与个体在路径上走过的距离成比例。

51、A circuit measures the resistance of the thermistor and provides an output voltage proportional to the temperature. ─── 一种电路,测量电热调节器的抗性,提供与温度成比例的输出电压。

52、The MBL of women athletes is directly proportional to their height and weight. ─── 3)MBL与运动员身高、体重呈正相关.

53、The pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume, if its temperature is kept constant. ─── 如果温度保持不变,则气体压力和其体积成反比。

54、When mass ratio is constant, the peak value of impact load is proportional to the velocity. ─── 在质量比不变的情况下,冲击荷载的峰值与初速度成正比;

55、The pull between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses. ─── 两个天体之间的引力和它们的质量成正比。

56、The output should be proportional to the input. ─── 产出应和产入成比例。

57、A proportional share, as of goods, assigned to a group or to each member of a group;an allotment. ─── 定额一定比例的份额,如货物,分配给一组或一组中的每个成员;配给物

58、The morbidity and mortality of the host species is usually proportional to the number of cocidial cocysts ingested. ─── 宿主的发病率和死亡率与吃进球虫卵囊的数目,通常是成正比的。

59、Strength in cutting-tool material is not always proportional to hardness. ─── 切削刀具材料的强度并不都是与硬度成正比的。

60、Characterized by an inappropriate or unfair proportional distribution of representatives to a legislative body. ─── 分配不公的尤指某个立法机构中的代表分配不均或不公平的。

61、In a constant resistance D.C circuit the current will vary directly proportional to the voltage. ─── 在电阻不变的直流电路中,电流和电压成正比。

62、Its entropy, which is proportional to the energy divided by the temperature, corresponds to 1031 bits of information. ─── 它的熵(与能量除以温度的值成正比)相当于1031位元的资讯。

63、The rate of change of velocity, for a given body, is directly proportional to the exerted on it. ─── 对于一个物体,其速度的变化率与它所受的力成正比。

64、You might want to give each instance memory proportional to its expected workload or database size. ─── 可能需要为每个实例提供与预期的工作负荷或数据库大小成正比的内存。

65、LB-QS intends to equalize average traffic over time by proportional quota allocation to time periods of control. ─── 以平衡负荷为基础的配额排程设计精神是让不同时段的网路平均流量相同。

66、In explaining proportional control, several new terms must be introduced. ─── 在解释积分控制前,几个术语应首先介绍。

67、Various proportional and nonproportional tension-torsion fatigue tests were conducted on aeronautic material, LY12CZ. ─── 对航空材料LY12CZ进行多种比例和非比例加载试验。

68、The undeniable fact is that the amount of advertisement and economical development is directly proportional. ─── 不可否认的事实是,广告的多少是和经济发达的程度成正比的。

69、The pay will Be proportional to the amount of time put in. ─── 代价要和所花费的时间成比例。

70、The photocurrent frequency difference is proportional to rotational velocity. ─── 实验验证了该方法的可行性。

71、The value of a fraction is inversely proportional to that of the denominator. ─── 分数值与分母值成反比例。

72、Current is proportional to voltage with resistance being constant . ─── 如果电阻保持不变,则电流与电压成正比。

73、The form of single proportional electoral rule is the core of the parliamentary electoral system in Israel. ─── 单一选区比例代表制是以色列议会选举的核心。

74、The voltage induced in series with the loop is proportional to the area and the cosine of its angle to the field. ─── 回路感生电压的大小与回路面积以及回路与磁场方向夹角的余弦成正比。

75、In a certain range of concentration, the energy of absorption are positive proportional to the concentration of FBA. ─── 一定浓度范围内荧光物质的吸收与浓度成正比关系;

76、The maintained activity of the neuron during fixations is proportional to the angular deviation of the eye in orbit. ─── 在眼球固定与眼眶中眼球的角度偏差成比例期间,神经元的活动就维持不变。

77、The scales of FMA and FIM were proportional to the scale of impairment in community rehabilitation. ─── FIM评分、FuglMeyer评分、社区康复肢体残疾功能评定法三者之间呈正相关关系。

78、He explores the two main visions of democratic elections: proportional and majoritarian. ─── 一个通过选举产生领导人的体制是贵族的体制,一个通过抽签决定的体制才是民主。

79、The value of a program is inversely proportional to the weight of its output. ─── 一个程序的价值同其产量成反比。

80、The bending of light increases at a rate proportional to the in crea sing solution concentration. ─── 它是一种精密的光学仪器,它的特点是:测量精度高,操作简便;体积小,重量轻,造型优美,便于携带。

81、The amount of food a child needs is roughly proportional to its size. ─── 小孩需要的食物量与他的个头大致成比例。

82、The amount of scattering will thus be proportional to the number of electrons. ─── 于是散射辅射的量将与电子数成正比。

83、Blade-to-handle ratio. Does the blade look proportional to the handle? ─── 刀与刀柄的比例-刀与刀柄成比例吗?

84、The heat transferred per unit area and per unit time (heat flux) is proportional to the temperature gradient. ─── 单位时间单位面积上的传热量(热流密度)与温度梯度成正比。

85、Actually, each toothpaste that you choose, each canal shoeshine inside, had included regular proportional ad to expend. ─── 其实,你选用的每一支牙膏,每一管鞋油里边,已经包含了一定比例的广告费。

86、Toreplace a chromosome by proportional selection. ─── 基因的选择算子。

87、Other proportional feedback signals are generated from rate gyros. ─── 其他的比例反馈讯号是由速率陀螺产生的。

88、For the multiaxial proportional loading, the dispersion degree of fatigue cracks was low. ─── 在多轴比例加载条件下,裂纹分布的分散性较小。

89、Illumination excites electrons produces current proportional to the intensity of the illumination. ─── 光照激发阴极上的电子,产生与光照强度成正比的电流。



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