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09-05 投稿


psychological 发音

英:[?sa?k??lɑ?d??k(?)l]  美:[?sa?k??l?d??k(?)l]

英:  美:

psychological 中文意思翻译



psychological 常用词组

psychological quality ─── 心理素质

psychological characteristics ─── 心理特点

psychological counseling ─── 心理咨询;心理辅导

psychological 短语词组

1、psychological test ─── [法] 心理测验

2、psychological depression ─── [法] 精神衰弱

3、psychological block ─── [法] 精神障碍, 心理障碍

4、Psychological War ─── 心理战

5、psychological warfare n. ─── 心理战

6、psychological science ─── [网络] 心理科学;心理科学期刊;心理学

7、psychological impact ─── [经] 心理冲击

8、psychological school ─── [经] 心理学派

9、psychological feature ─── 心理特征

10、psychological moment n. ─── 心理最佳时刻, 最能达到预期效果的时机

11、psychological theory of law ─── [法] 心理学法学

12、social-psychological ─── 社会心理

13、psychological pricing ─── [经] 心理订价法

14、psychological condition ─── 心理状态

15、psychological state ─── [网络] 心理状态;量子性格及心理检测;学习心态

16、psychological adaptation ─── [医] 心理性适应

17、psychological operation ─── [网络] 战时宣传和心理行动;心理作战;心理操作

18、psychological medicine ─── [网络] 心理医学;精神医学;心理医学期刊

19、psychological disorder ─── [网络] 心理障碍;心理混乱;心理错乱

psychological 词性/词形变化,psychological变形

副词: psychologically |异体字: psychologic |

psychological 相似词语短语

1、psychosurgical ─── 精神外科

2、psychologic ─── adj.心理学的;心理上的

3、mycological ─── adj.真菌学的

4、conchological ─── adj.贝类学的

5、phycological ─── 藻类学的

6、psychobiological ─── 精神生物学的

7、psychologically ─── adv.心理上地;心理学地

8、mythological ─── adj.神话的;神话学的;虚构的

9、psephological ─── 脑病学

psychological 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is very necessary for some victims to seek psychological help. ─── 寻求心理帮助对于某些病人来说是十分必要的。

2、Psychological research;psychological jargon. ─── 心理学研究;心理学术语

3、He couldn't hold down a job after his psychological illness. ─── 他患了心理疾病以后就无法保住工作了。

4、Lynette: Do you know what psychological warfare is? ─── 勒内特:你知道什么是心理上的冲突?

5、On the psychological diagnosis of facts. ─── 对事实的心理学诊断。

6、An effect following its cause after some delay, especially a delayed or prolonged physiological or psychological response to a stimulus. ─── 事后影响对某一事件的延后影响,特指对某种刺激推迟或延期的生理或心理反应

7、He was adept at maintaining a psychological advantage. ─── 他是善于保持一种心理上的优势的。

8、Are there important psychological differences between the two sexes? ─── 两性之间有无重要的心理差别?

9、The psychological thread was taken up by Olivercrona. ─── 奥利维克罗纳接受了这种心理学的思路。

10、"Without materiality influence, more is the influence of psychological level. ─── “没有实质性影响,更多是心理层面的影响。”

11、Don't let us shoulder psychological burden during the process of liking. ─── 不要让我们在爱的过程中背上心理包袱。

12、Us with stories rife with emotion, intrigue, and psychological depth. ─── 充满情感、密谋和以心理学的深度。

13、His irritating ways are likely to mask deep psychological problems. ─── 他那些气人的方式可能是在伪装深层次的心理问题。

14、He knew the precise psychological moment when to say nothing. ─── 他知道什么时候该不说话的那心理上精确的一息间。

15、Having said that, it does certainly contain many elements of a psychological thriller so I want to give it a mention at least. ─── 但是该片确实包含了作为一部心理惊悚片的许多元素,所以至少我得提一提它吧。

16、Mourinho admitted that his team had shown "psychological problems" in an opening period when they struggled to get out of their own half. ─── 穆里尼奥承认自己的球队在开场阶段表现出了“心理问题”,一直被曼联压着打。

17、Wil-helm set up the first psychological lab in Leipzig, Germany, in 1879. ─── 冯特于1879年在德国莱比锡创建了第一个心理学实验室。

18、Wu, G. "Two Psychological Traps din Negotiation." HBS Publishing # 9-897-036. ─── “两个心理谈判盲点”,哈佛商学院出版社文章#9-897-036

19、The publication of The Authoritarian Personality generated voluminous social psychological research. ─── 《专判型人格》一书的出版导致社会心理学方面的研究大量开展。

20、The motives of psychological development and the middle school P.E. ─── 心理发展的动力问题与中学体育教学。

21、Lighting considered in relation to its physiological and psychological effects. ─── 与光有关的生理和心理的效果。

22、Female criminals perform work which is in conformity with women's physical and psychological traits. ─── 女犯参加适合其生理、心理特点的劳动。

23、For these individuals all punishment is clearly useless as a psychological counteraction of crime. ─── 对这些人来说,用作在心理上抵消罪恶的任何惩罚都显然无效。

24、In contrast to Conrad who has investigated the psychological path of t... ─── 他的“文化的科学”的民族志作品中明显带有现实主义小说的痕迹。

25、To investigate, reason, or speculate in psychological terms. ─── 作心理分析从心理学角度作调查,推断或思考

26、The fictitious character affect students physical and psychological health. ─── 互联网的虚拟性对中学生身心健康的影响;

27、Having said all this, I recommend you to consult a psychiatrist who may help you to overcome the psychological problems you are faced with. ─── 除了以上所说的,我建议你还应该去咨询精神病医生,以便帮助你克服遇到的心理疾病。

28、Current thinking holds that obesity is more a medical than a psychological problem. ─── 现代观点认为肥胖更多是生理问题而不是心理问题。

29、For China's lonely hearts, Spring Festival can be a psychological nightmare. ─── 对中国的孤独单身汉来说,春节就是一场心理上的噩梦。

30、Factitious what should have psychological pressure? ─── 人为什么要有心理压力?

31、There must be some psychological explanation for his bad health. ─── 他健康状况不好,必定有心理上的原因。

32、For these individual all punishment are clearly useless as a psychological counteraction of crime. ─── 对这些人来说,用作在心理上抵消罪恶的任何惩罚都显然无效。

33、Psychological Testing, Anne Anastasi. ─── 二、心理测验: 1.

34、NEVA is useful in differentiating psychological and vasculogenic ED. ─── NE-VA对临床上怀疑心理性ED和血管性ED的诊断有较好的参考价值。

35、Psychological factors often play an important part in winning a competition. ─── 在赢得一场比赛中,心理因素常常起着重要作用。

36、Do you think you have a psychological hold over him now? ─── 你是不是觉得现在在心理上你更占有优势?

37、A stable mental or psychological state; emotional stability. ─── 平静稳定的精神或心理状态;情绪稳定

38、The origin and development of psychological processes,personality,or behavior. ─── 心理发生过程,性格或行为的起因和发展。

39、There are a hepatitis B girls, as is the hepatitis B did not tell his mother, a heavy psychological burden. ─── 还有个乙肝(乙型病毒性肝炎)姑娘,由于没有把自己是乙肝(乙型病毒性肝炎)的事告诉婆婆,心理负担很重。

40、Physical or psychological injury or damage. ─── 伤害身体或心理上的损害或伤害

41、But Beijing needs to move beyond that psychological straitjacket. ─── 但是,北京需要超越这种精神上的束缚。

42、Outside element causes psychological indolence fast, how to do? ─── 外界因素造成心理不痛快,怎么办?

43、Inhibition of natural impulses may cause psychological problems. ─── 压抑自然的冲动可能会引起心理上的问题。

44、Earthquake can lead to psychological problems. ─── 地震可以引发心理问题。

45、Many of them suffer from a lot of psychological pressure. ─── 他们中好多人因很大的心理压力而受害,

46、Fallows's main argument, though, was psychological. ─── 固然,佛洛斯的主要观点基于心理分析。

47、A domestic dispute or concern about physical, sexual or psychological abuse. ─── 力、性或心理虐待,出面干预家庭问题。

48、Wihelm Wundt set up the first psychological laboratory in 1879. ─── 冯特1879年建立了第一个心理学实验室。

49、Well, we can offer psychological consultation for you. ─── 好的,我们可以为您提供心理咨询。

50、Be about to oneself psychological anguish pours out to other. ─── 即将自己的心理痛苦向他人倾诉。

51、In psychogenic cases, dealing with psychological factors is most important. ─── 在精神因素引起的病例中,解决精神问题是很重要的。

52、It is essential for some patients to seek psychological help. ─── 寻求新力帮助对于某些病人来说是十分必要的。

53、Could be some psychological explanation for his bad health. ─── 他的健康不佳可能有心理上的原因。

54、Once he had leaped the psychological hurdle, preparation took over. ─── 一旦他逾越了心理上的障碍,准备也就开始了。

55、To explain(behavior) in psychological terms. ─── 从心理学角度解释(行为)

56、He immediately becomes a psychological basket case. ─── 他立刻就完全绝望了。

57、Second, by taking advantage of people's lax, credulous psychological crime. ─── 二是利用人们麻痹、轻信的心理作案。

58、The study of the psychological responses to beauty and artistic experiences. ─── 对美及艺术经历之心理反应的研究。

59、The physical or psychological condition produced by a trauma. ─── 创伤病外伤或创伤产生的身体或心理状况

60、Work also provides psychological well-being. ─── 工作还能使人身心健康。

61、Psychological factors can influence physical thermoregulation. ─── 心理因素可以影响身体的温度调节。

62、Can psychological element bring about ache? ─── 心理因素可以导致疼痛吗?

63、When I The widening distance rival, the opponent on the psychological collapse. ─── 当我和对手距离越拉越大之后,对手的心理就垮了。

64、There was a vast distance between psychological clues and concrete proof. ─── 心理线索和现实证据之间存在着巨大差距。

65、How be lovelorn to should solve psychological pressure? ─── 失恋了该怎么解决心理压力?

66、To subject to psychological trauma. ─── 使受到心理创伤

67、Did you suffer from psychological pressure before all kinds of exams? ─── 在各种各样的考试面前您感受有心理压力吗?

68、The weakness in our psychological defence is something we must take seriously. ─── 但是我们的心理防卫基础不够坚实,却是我们必须正视的问题。

69、He furnished psychological ballast to a desperate President. ─── 他给一位在绝望中挣扎的总统提供了心理镇定剂。

70、Psychological research in humans also bolsters these data. ─── 对人类的心理学研究也支持上述论据。

71、I have been made to feel a social and psychological misfit for not wanting children. ─── 不想要孩子,使我觉得自己在社交和心理上与他人格格不入。

72、They may suffer from depression, insomnia and other psychological diseases. ─── “周末综合症”的主要症状包括情绪低落、眠和其他心理疾病。

73、This will ensure the best psychological aftercare of patients who have a NDE. ─── 它也保证了能对经历过“濒死体验”的病人进行良好的后期心理康复治疗。

74、However, very often the causes of vaginismus are entirely psychological. ─── 可是,阴道痉挛十分常见的病因完全是心理性的。

75、Blan's early social psychological perspective led to his first contribution to general social theory. ─── 布劳旱期的社会心理学视野使他作出了对一般社会理论的第一项贡献。

76、One way is through psychological reinforcement. ─── 一个方法是心理强化作用。

77、Property tax levy is prepared for your understanding and psychological? ─── 征收物业税你的认识和心理上都准备好了吗?

78、First, they said, the stimulus, as well as the fiscal 2009 budget legislation, may not provide the psychological boost the economy needs. ─── 首先,他们说,刺激计划,以及2009财年的预算立法,可能无法在心理上使刺激经济的需求得到满足。

79、Psychological dependence on others. ─── 心理上依赖他人

80、Is there any possible psychological explanation for his bad health ? ─── 他健康状况不好,有没有可能具有什么心理上的原因呢?

81、The effects of psychological balance outdo all health measures. ─── 心理平衡的作用超过所有的“保健“措施。

82、It is often used to carry out psychological operations or propa ganda. ─── 信息技术常常用来进行心理战或宣传战。

83、Like I said, you don't need a book to understand these few basic things, all of which are backed up by psychological research studies. ─── 正如我所说的,你不必去读一本书来明白这些基本的道理,这些都是经过心理学研究验证了的。

84、How can you just overcome psychological insecurity? ─── 如何才能克服心理紧张?

85、To seek psychological help is essential to some patents. ─── 寻求心理帮助对某些病人来说是十分重要的。

86、His experiment sufficiently demonstrated that psychological principle. ─── 他的实验充分证明了那条心理学原理。

87、In some patients, psychological disorders may be even more important. ─── 对于一些病人而言,心理障碍也许导致疾病更加重要原因。

88、A first-rate psychological thriller that also happens to be a classic Western. ─── 一部一流的心理惊悚片,同时有是一部经典的西部片。

89、Is psychological age important or is physiology age important ` ? ─── 心理年龄重要还是生理年龄重要呢`?



promote,英文单词,译义:促进。常见释义:vt.促进;推动;促销;推销;提升;晋升。例句:We need to promote an open exchange of ideas and information.我们需要促进思想和信息的公开交流。

促进的反义词促退,英文翻译为: regression。regression的译义为:倒退;回归;退化;例句:Regression is a psychological state that a person should guard against.行为倒退是我们应该提防的心理状态。

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