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09-05 投稿



proprieties 发音

英:[pr??pra??tiz]  美:[pr??pra??tiz]

英:  美:

proprieties 中文意思翻译



proprieties 词性/词形变化,proprieties变形

副词: proprietorially |形容词: proprietorial |名词: proprietorship |

proprieties 相似词语短语

1、prophecies ─── n.预言(prophecy的复数)

2、properties ─── n.性能;道具,内容(property的复数形式)

3、proprietaries ─── adj.专卖的,专营的;所有的,所有权的;(行为)像所有者那样的,所有人(似)的;n.所有权,所有人

4、proprietress ─── n.女业主;女所有人

5、improprieties ─── n.不适当;不正确;用词错误;[审计]不正当行为

6、the proprieties ─── 礼节

7、proprietors ─── n.业主;所有者;经营者

8、prophesies ─── v.预言;受神启示而说(或写);作为先知;传教

9、prosperities ─── n.繁荣,成功

proprieties 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、proprieties of marriage ─── 婚嫁礼俗

2、Social or moral proprieties. ─── 行为准则社交上或道德上的规矩

3、I can only ask all of us to abnegate our desire and preserve proprieties. ─── ...我只能呼吁大家克己复礼!

4、The reciprocity of consanguineous relation and legal norm determines the value-orientation of the proprieties toward the blood order of classes and ethical harmony. ─── 血缘人伦与礼法规范的相互作用决定着礼法的价值取向是血缘性的等级秩序与人伦和谐。

5、The rite of initiation is one of important life proprieties, which once prevailed and even is prevailing among various nations at all times and in all over the world. ─── 摘要成人礼是各种各样人生礼仪中重要的一种,古今中外的众多民族都曾经或至今仍然盛行着。

6、Proprieties and corresponding problems of two-tuple linguistic judgment matrices are studied. ─── 研究二元语义语言判断矩阵的性质及相关问题。

7、The construction of rule of law is complement with the construction of morals.By rite, proprieties can change morals principle into person's behavior norm. ─── 在现代可以发掘礼的合理价值使之能够与法互相补充共同成为现代社会的控制手段。

8、The discussion of the cultural values shows enlightenment on how to form new funeral proprieties in the contemporary society. ─── 探讨传统社会丧葬礼仪中的文化价值观,对于构建现代社会的新的丧葬礼仪形式具有启示作用。

9、The concept of "the proprieties" and "law" is formulated under the effect of deification, originally filled with divinity. ─── “礼”、“法”的初始含义充满了神性,是神化思维作用下的产物。

10、Ford was a respecter of proprieties and liked to see things done properly. ─── 福特非常注重礼仪,喜欢把事情办得妥帖得体。

11、Even when she was angry, she observed the proprieties. ─── 甚至当她发怒的时候,都要遵从礼节。

12、After the Shang Dynasty, "the proprieties" and "law" became the tools of the ruling class and stepped into the secularization progress, with their divine nature dwindling. ─── 殷商以后,“礼”、“法”渐渐褪去神性色彩,成为贵族统治阶级统治国家、治理社会的工具,由此走上了世俗化进程。

13、The proprieties were observed, and the Tsar set the first example in doing so. ─── 礼节是必需遵守的皇帝做出了第一个范例,但是,所有的人都知道,老人犯了错误,什么用处都没有了。

14、From a custom perspective, sacrifice embodies filial piety, the core value of Chinese traditional law culture-the proprieties. ─── 摘要从风俗习惯的视角来看,祭奠体现了中国传统礼法文化的核心价值理念-孝。

15、standards,proprieties that no longer obtain(Meg Greenfield) ─── 不再流行的标准,特征(梅格·格林菲尔德)

16、Fifthly and the most importance, Please control yourseld and take care of your tongue based on daily proprieties but without any retations of rank. ─── 第五,虽然咱们是上下级的关系,也请你注重一下你说话的语气,这是做人最基本的礼貌问题。

17、Abstract: Chinese traditional funeral proprieties is of most overelaborated, most ceremonious and most characterized in the world. ─── 文章摘要: 中国传统丧葬礼仪在全世界丧葬礼仪中最为繁缛,最为隆重,也最有特色。

18、The concept of "the proprieties" and "law" is formulated under the effect of deification, originally filled with divinity. ─── 摘要“礼”、“法”的初始含义充满了神性,是神化思维作用下的产物。

19、Make it not any longer a matter of dispute or discourse, what are the signs and proprieties of a good man, but really and actually to be such. ─── 全然不要再谈论一个高尚的人应当具有的品质,而是要成为这样的人。

20、Standards, proprieties that no longer oBtain ─── 不再流行的标准,特征

21、the proprieties ─── n. 礼节

22、ruling with proprieties ─── 礼治

23、Be careful to observe the proprieties ─── 注意遵守礼仪.

24、feudal proprieties ─── 封建礼法

25、A Brief Discussion on the Abolishment of the Proprieties of Worship on Bended Knees in China ─── 试论中国跪拜礼仪的废除

26、They were careful to observe the proprieties. ─── 他们恪守规矩。

27、Jack was careful to observe the proprieties, treating her with exaggerated respect. ─── 杰克谨慎遵守礼节,对她过分尊重。

28、Assets of foreign central banks in the Measures refer to cash, bills, deposits, valuable securities, foreign exchanges reserves, gold reserves, real proprieties and other possession of foreign banks. ─── 本法所称外国中央银行财产,是指外国中央银行的现金、票据、银行存款、有价证券、外汇储备、黄金储备以及该银行的不动产和其他财产。

29、Research of Mechanical Proprieties of Nacre Using Indentation Method ─── 不同取向贝壳材料力学性能的压痕法研究

30、education on proprieties ─── 礼育

31、Ripple tube can meet the request of petroleum and chemical industry because it has good proprieties for strengthening heat transfer and resisting filth. ─── 由于波纹管具有良好的强化传热性能和防阻垢等性能,能满足石油化工行业管壳式换热元器件应用的需要。

32、We should observe the proprieties ─── 我们应该遵守礼节。

33、Observing conventional proprieties in speech, behavior, or dress. ─── 端庄的,正派的在讲话、行为或服装上遵守传统礼仪的

34、They all pursue order and harmony.In modern times, it is possible to discover the reasonable value of proprieties and make it be a social control methed. ─── 礼与法,一个显著的共同特征是它们的有序性,礼与法的关系及其功能都在体现和追求着一种和谐有序。

35、At the modern city society,the norm for keep order is the law,however in the country society,is the proprieties. ─── 在众多纠纷解决方式之中,非诉讼纠纷解决机制(ADR)正是符合乡村社会解决纠纷要求的理想方式之一。

36、funeral proprieties ─── 丧葬礼仪

37、Strengthening College Students'Proprieties Education to Deepen the Political Education in Vocational Colleges and Universities ─── 开展礼仪教育,深化高职院校思政工作

38、Secondly,I will make them known how to enjoy Chinese foods and how to use the chopsticks and other things, as well as customs and traditional proprieties of Chinese and overseas. ─── 其次,向他们介绍怎么食用以及如何使用筷子技术等问题,告诉他们中国与国外的风俗习惯和传统礼节;

39、The proprieties and priority problems of triangular fuzzy number complementary judgment matrix are studied. ─── 摘要研究三角模糊数互补判断矩阵的性质和排序问题。

40、thanks a lot, i just want to provide another way to translate it, so do not pay any attention to the proprieties. ─── 我喜欢穿平跟鞋,因为那感觉很踏实。踏实到,我想着明天开始一个人学会为自己的心灵搬家。

41、Effects of CRC Model Compound Made by Oleic Acid and Glyceride on Physical Proprieties of Newsprint ─── 油酸、三油酸甘油酯CRC模拟物对新闻纸成纸性质的影响研究

42、For example, the Chinese people are strict with proprieties, and like to use mild and roundabout ways to express themselves. ─── 比如中国人注重礼节,喜欢委婉的表达方式。

43、It also introduces the strategies, skills, ceremonies and proprieties. ─── 并结合案例介绍了商务谈判的策略、技巧、礼节及礼仪。

44、On the history, with its special value of order, political and morals ideal, proprieties once was worth of supporting social order. ─── 在历史上,礼曾以其独特的秩序价值和道德理想价值为社会秩序的维系做出过不可磨灭的贡献;

45、So, should develop proprieties education during community building, develop popularizing - law and proprieties propaganda among farmer works, enhance honesty civilization building in whole society. ─── 为此,要在社区建设中开展礼仪教育,要在农民工中开展普法及礼仪宣传,要在全社会加强诚信文明建设。

46、Be careful to observe the proprieties. ─── 注意遵守礼仪。

47、"Let us not forget the proprieties due ─── "咱们别忘了礼法。

48、However, he also launched his greatest effort to work out what changeable proprieties could be applied to a situation; ─── 第五段至第七段讨论因婚姻而带来的离婚、再婚、寡居、守贞和纳妾等问题。

49、They were careful to observe the proprieties. ─── 他们恪守规矩。

50、behavior marked by a bold defiance of the proprieties and lack of shame. ─── 对礼仪的蔑视和缺乏羞耻的行为特点。

51、Proprieties not only symbolize the progress of society,also reveal one s personal moral cultivation. ─── 礼仪不仅是社会文明的标志,也是个体道德修养的外在体现。

52、Ricola's herb speciality range is made from the finest natural natural ingredients and is well known for its smoothing, refreshing and good tasting proprieties. ─── 因此,不仅口感更加清香,而且十分环保,利口乐天然香草系列是由最好的天然香草,以其独特方法炼制而成,口感顺滑且清凉润喉。

53、"Now, do you feel that you must slap me to preserve the proprieties?" ─── "现在,你是不是觉得该打我一个耳光来维持你的体面呀?

54、Because of the existance of the proprieties the big tradition, sacrifice has certain legal quality. ─── 历史上,由于礼这种大传统的存在,祭奠具有某种意义上的法律属性。

55、explaining proprieties with benevolence ─── 以仁释礼

56、The lack of proprieties would make the most intimate friends turn to be the most decided enemies. ─── 缺乏礼节会使最亲密的朋友变成不共戴天的仇敌。

57、"standards, proprieties that no longer obtain" (Meg Greenfield) ─── “不再流行的标准,特征”(梅格·格林菲尔德)

58、proprieties education ─── 礼仪教育

59、The lack of proprieties would make the most intimate friends turns to be the most decided enemies and the friendly or allied countries declare war against each other. ─── 缺了礼节,最亲密的朋友会变成死敌,友好或结盟的国家会兵戎相见。

60、Traditional festivals are grand ceremonies and proprieties of the Chinese and are the classical styles of recreation. ─── 传统节日是中华民族的盛典与礼仪,是休闲娱乐最经典的生活方式。

61、She did not realize that, with his encouragement, she had disregarded many of the sternest injunctions of her mother concerning the proprieties, forgotten the difficult lessons in being a lady. ─── 她还不明白,正是由于他的鼓励,她才否定了母亲关于妇道的许多严格禁条,忘记了作为一个上等女人时很难遵守的那些教训。

62、At the beginning of Sung dynasty, the version production inherited the proprieties of the late Tang and Five Dynasties.The parallel style was becoming popular and the rules and forms was infirming. ─── 宋初的诗歌创作一直处在晚唐五代诗风的延长线上,文坛骈体流行且气格卑弱。

63、Rather than a massive censorship, beginning with the verbal proprieties imposed by the Age of Reason, what was involved was a regulated and polymorphous incitement to discourse. ─── 相比于发端于理性时代语言礼节的大规模审查制度,更为复杂的是一种调控的、多形态的话语煽动。

64、She flouted the proprieties. ─── 她对礼节不屑一顾。

65、Philosophical Background of Concubinage and the Wedding Proprieties in the Western Zhou Dynasty ─── 媵婚与西周婚姻礼法的哲学背景

66、The form criterion of proprieties system ─── 礼制形制

67、On the history, with its special value of order, political and morals ideal,proprieties once was worth of supporting social order. ─── 在历史上,礼曾以其独特的秩序价值和道德理想价值为社会秩序的维系做出过不可磨灭的贡献;

68、Confucian outlook of war is philosophically based on his thought of "benevolence", which consists of two aspects: "to love others" and "to restore proprieties" (of the Zhou Dynasty). ─── 摘要孔子的战争观与其仁学思想密切相关,孔子仁学思想的内涵,主要包括两个方面:“爱人”之仁和“复礼”之仁。

69、diplomatic proprieties ─── 外交礼节

70、At the contemporary, we still can find out the rationality factor of proprieties, these if appropriate reformed as long as could be used in modern society. ─── 在当代,依旧可以发掘出礼中所存在合理性价值因素,这些因素只要经过适当的改造就可以为现代社会所用。

71、proprieties culture ─── 礼仪文化

72、Her use of obscene language offends against the proprieties. ─── 她使用下流的语言是很失礼的事。

73、while from the view of "to restore proprieties, he approved of and even supported the war vindicating the propriety system. ─── 从“复礼”之仁出发,他又认可乃至支持维护礼制的战争。

74、Certain little proprieties, certain special conventionalities, were not observed by Cosette. ─── 某些细微的习俗,某些特殊的风尚,珂赛特都没有注意到。

75、Proprieties Training of the Athletes in the World University Winter Games ─── 大冬会运动员礼仪的培养

76、On the Characteristic Attribute of China'Archaic Coronal Proprieties ─── 论中国古代冠礼的特征属性

77、The proprieties is the rule which supports social order. ─── 礼是维护社会秩序的法则。

78、The spirit of equal communication is always the essential of proprieties. ─── 平等交流的精神永远是礼的精髓。

79、Proprieties of interval number complementary judgment matrix have been studied. ─── 摘要研究了区间数互补判断矩阵的性质问题。

80、Research on Proprieties and the Corresponding Problems of Interval Number Complementary Judgment Matrices ─── 区间数互补判断矩阵的性质及相关问题研究

81、On Teaching Reform of Gam Proprieties ─── 试论社交礼仪教学改革

82、Some damping proprieties of the fractional calculus model for viscoelastic materials ─── 分数导数型黏弹性材料的一些阻尼特性

83、Traditional Confucian Proprieties and Intrinsic Social Harmony ─── 儒家礼治思想与社会内在和谐

84、At thirty I acted on the proprieties. ─── 三十岁立身处世站稳了脚跟;

85、She had so abandoned all sense of the proprieties as to be holding young Allen by the arm. ─── 她已经全然不顾礼仪,竟然一把抓住了小艾伦的手臂。

86、behavior marked by a bold defiance of the proprieties and lack of shame ─── 对礼仪的蔑视和缺乏羞耻的行为特点

87、modern proprieties ─── 现代礼仪

88、Proprieties and corresponding problems of two-tuple linguistic judgment matrices are studied. ─── 摘要研究二元语义语言判断矩阵的性质及相关问题。

89、Chinese traditional funeral proprieties is of most overelaborated , most ceremonious and most characterized in the world. ─── 中国传统丧葬礼仪在全世界丧葬礼仪中最为繁缛,最为隆重,也最有特色。

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