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09-05 投稿



halving 发音

英:[?hɑ?v??]  美:[?h?v??]

英:  美:

halving 中文意思翻译



halving 词性/词形变化,halving变形

动词第三人称单数: halves |动词现在分词: halving |动词过去式: halved |动词过去分词: halved |

halving 短语词组

1、halving xrp ─── 将xrp减半

2、halving ltc ltc ─── 减半

3、halving register ─── [计] 平分寄存器

4、halving saw ─── 对半锯

5、halving a recipe online ─── 网上减半食谱

6、halving btc btc ─── 减半

7、oblique halving ─── 斜对分

8、halving circuit ─── [计] 平分电路

9、halving equation ─── 减半方程

10、corner halving ─── 角减半

11、halving and doubling ─── 减半和加倍

12、halving a recipe ─── 将食谱减半

13、bevel halving ─── 倒角减半

14、beveled halving ─── 斜角对半

15、interval halving ─── [计] 区间分半法

halving 相似词语短语

1、salving ─── n.(治疗或保护皮肤的)药膏;安慰(物);v.减轻内疚感;涂药膏;缓和;n.(Salve)(意大利)萨尔韦(人名)

2、calving ─── n.产犊;裂冰作用;v.产犊;崩解(calve的ing形式)

3、having ─── v.有,拥有(have的现在分词)

4、halting ─── adj.犹豫的;蹒跚的;跛的;v.停止;蹒跚;犹豫(halt的ing形式)

5、haling ─── v.用力拖(或拉);强迫(hale的现在分词)

6、halsing ─── 哈尔辛

7、helving ─── n.柄;vt.装柄于

8、haloing ─── v.以光环围绕(halo的现在分词)

9、halling ─── n.哈林舞曲;哈林舞(一种三拍子的挪威民间舞蹈)

halving 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The eight so-called Mille ium Development goals, set forth in 2000, target health, poverty and environmental i ues, and include halving by 2015 the number of people living in abject poverty. ─── 2000年,联合国设定的八个所谓千年发展目标涉及健康、贫困、环境问题,还包括到2015年将生活在赤贫状态的人口数目减半。

2、On the same day Ida commanded attention, refiner Tesoro was halving its dividend to preserve cash. ─── 就在“艾达”引起注意的同一天,Tesoro公司为储备现金,将分红削减了一半。

3、And respond to the 2006 changes dentists did, doing fewer tricky root canals and more extractions, referring more acute cases to dental hospitals and halving the treatments involving laboratory work. ─── 牙医师们对2006年改革的回应则是,尽量少做那些难度大的牙根管道的操作,而多做些拔牙,这样就可以积攒更多的急诊病例提交到牙科医院并且可以将需要实验室参与的治疗减半。

4、halving method ─── 减半法二等分法

5、Halving the repeater spacing from 20 nm to 10 nm made it possible to quadrupe the bandwidth. ─── 把增音机间距减少一半,由20海里减少为10海里,就能使带宽增加3倍.

6、Joined together through a cross halving joint. ─── 中间用十字榫把它们连接起来。

7、Even so, halving sulfur emissions has its own consequences: it would make global warming noticeable sooner. ─── 即使如此,硫污染减半仍然有其后果:它将很快带来明显的全球变暖。

8、halving the nearest points method ─── 平分最近点法

9、, a psychologist at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts, and author of Halving It All, an in-depth study of dual-career couples. ─── 那么,你就提前做出决定,以免到时措手不及。霍福曼说:“我们的保姆太好了。她已在我家干了五年。没有她,我不可能工作。”

10、That halving (and potential quartering) of price compared with a Tesla Roadster is achievable because the i-MiEV’s battery has only 88 Li-ion cells, rather than the Tesla's 1,800. ─── 一半(甚至是四分之一)的价格是可以盼到的,因为i-MiEV的电池只有88芯,而泰斯拉的有1800芯。

11、Halving Extreme Poverty: An Action Strategy for the United Nations ─── 将赤贫减半:联合国行动战略计划

12、halving line ─── 半像线

13、One pension-scheme manager says he demanded, and quickly secured, a halving of his fee rate from a fund-of-funds. ─── 一位养老金计划经理人谈到其要求迅速确保他名下的组合型基金的费率减半。

14、whole pig halving machine ─── 劈猪机

15、CsA inhibited the proliferative effect of ConA on lymphocytes and no CFSE fluorescence halving were seen. ─── 环孢菌素A(CsA)可抑制ConA促进淋巴细胞增殖的作用 ,CFSE荧光无减半。

16、Even so, halving sulfur emissions has its own consequences: it would make global warming noticeable sooner. ─── 即使如此,硫污染减半仍然有其后果:它将很快带来明显的全球变暖。

17、It represents a near halving of the estimated figure for 2006. ─── 也就是将近96年估算数据的二分之一。

18、Figures published today by the World Bank show the financial crisis taking a heavy toll, with the flow of money into the developing world halving this year after heavy losses in 2008. ─── 世界银行今天公布的数据显示,金融危机代价巨大,在2008年损失惨重之后,流入发展中国家的资金今年将会减半。

19、eyelid halving procedure ─── 眼睑劈分内外层错开缝体法

20、One pension-scheme manager says he demanded, and quickly secured, a halving of his fee rate from a fund-of-funds. ─── 一位养老金计划经理人谈到其要求迅速确保他名下的组合型基金的费率减半。

21、By halving prices and lifting limits on the length of calls, Mr Niel hopes to take a big slice of the market. ─── Niel先生希望通过价格折半和提高通话时间限制,抢占大部分市场。

22、Somehow this will all lead to a halving of the deficit in five years. ─── 该方案或多或少会使未来5年内的赤字减少一半。

23、Until the global financial crisis hit, Bangladesh was on track to meet the Millennium Development Goal of halving poverty by 2015. ─── 若非金融风暴来袭,孟国完成千年发展目标(到2015年消除一半贫困人口)指日可待。

24、Verticality Measurement of Superhigh Cylinder by Intersection with Indirect Halving Object Direction ─── 目标间接中分方向前方交会法测量特高圆柱体的垂直度

25、Chinaachieves goal of halving extreme poverty head of schedule. ─── 中国提前实现特困减半。

26、halving joint ─── 单裁口搭接

27、You searched those halving your salary cut your enthusiasm. ─── 你呈现,薪水减半降低了你的任务热情。

28、The government of Ivory Coast says it's halving the salaries of its ministers to pay for a reduction in the price of fuel. ─── 象牙海岸政府说它正在减少公务员的薪水以支付燃料费用的落差。

29、frequency - halving circuit ─── 分频

30、The male, XY stem cells underwent the crucial process of "meiosis" - halving the number of chromosomes. ─── 而男性的XY干细胞还需要通过重要的“减数分裂”过程,也就是说,染色体细胞减少了。

31、In 2000 the United Nations adopted the Millennium Development Goals to be achieved by 2015.One of these is halving the number of people living in extreme poverty. ─── 2000年,联合国通过了在2015年之前实现的千禧年发展目标,其中之一是把生活在极端贫困中的人口减少一半。

32、As the pitch doubling and halving problems of NCCF algorithm often occurred with varied noises and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), VAD algorithm is employed to separate speech and non-speech segments. ─── 针对NCCF基音检测算法在不同噪声、信噪比下容易发生清浊误判的问题,本文在基音检测前端引入语音检测算法划分语音段与非语音段。

33、lean halving ─── 贫矿

34、halving and stepping technique in sut uring nostril boredr ─── 鼻翼缘劈分错叠缝合法

35、When gametes are formed during meiosis, the two alleles become separated (halving of chromosome number). ─── 为验证此理论,他做了测交实验,即基因型未知的植物与纯合的隐性基因植物杂交。

36、interval halving ─── 区间分半法

37、I think the idea that President Bush will be successful in halving the deficit over the next five years is extraordinarily unrealistic. ─── 我觉得那些认为布什总统可以在未来五年内成功减少一半赤字的观点是完全不现实的。”

38、Tax policy adjustments to promote housing construction and consumption, increase the local revenue, only certain, for example, last year in a halving of collection of 9,958 in 1999 grew by 62%. ─── 税费政策的调整,促进了住房建设和消费,增加了地方财政收入,仅以契税为例,去年在减半征收的情况下,征缴额反比1999年增长了62%。

39、We adopt easy design of halving to fix the position, which enable the worker to use the rack with basic training. ─── 我们采用傻瓜式的等分度定位设计,简单的培训即可让员工上机操作。

40、The power giant will spend e4 billion on renewable energy projects alone over the next 12 years halving carbon emissions with one-third of its electricity coming from this sector. ─── 电力巨头将花类亿元,可再生能源项目,仅在未来12年减少一半的碳排放量的三份之一,其电力来自这一部门。

41、bevelled halving ─── 斜对接

42、point halving ─── 折半运算

43、African Union Topic A: Towards Halving Global Poverty and Hunger Topic B: The African Peer Review Mechanism Reviewed ─── 非洲联盟议题一:努力实现世界贫困与饥饿减半的目标议题二:评议非洲国家对比回顾机制

44、You found that halving your salary cut your enthusiasm. ─── 你发现,薪水减半降低了你的工作热情。

45、Halving the repeater spacing made it possible to quadruple the bandwidth. ─── 将增音机间距减少一半,能使宽带增加3倍。

46、Halving drill pressure and doubling rotation speed can not reduce the performance load between friction pairs. ─── 轴承系统的径向间隙越小,相应的峰值接触压力越低;

47、Last fall, you stated that the world was off-target for meeting the Millennium Development Goal of halving hunger by the year 2015. ─── 去年秋季,你指出在实现到2015年将饥饿人数减半这一千年发展目标方面世界未能达到指标。

48、And the disparities are growing. India seems certain to miss one of its key Millennium Development Goals: halving malnutrition by 2015. ─── 并且这种差距在逐年加剧,因此,印度肯定不能完成他的第一个千年发展计划——在2015年前,将营养不良人数减半。

49、Halving Spikelet ─── 减库

50、The sector has streamlined itself by tearing up - or cancelling - redundant contracts, halving the outstanding notional size of the CDS market. ─── 该领域已通过撕毁或取消冗余合约的方式进行了“痩身”,将CDS市场名义未偿付金额减少了一半。

51、However it is estimated that the region's economies must grow by 7 percent for them to reach the millennium development goals (MDGs) of halving poverty by 2015. ─── 然而据估计,该地区的经济必须增长百分之七才能让他们在2015年实现千年发展目标,既贫困人口减少一半。

52、Millennium Development Goals, MGDs, aimed at halving extreme poverty, boosting health and education and further empowering women across the developing world by 2015. ─── 这一发展目标是在2015年前,实现极端贫困人口减半,并促进卫生和教育,给予发展中国家妇女更多的权利。

53、The company is halving its prices. ─── 该公司正将产品半价出售。

54、Since focusing on GDT, I’ve doubled my writing output whilst halving my stress levels. ─── 自从关注这本书后,我对我的作品持怀疑态度,同时也在自我减压。

55、The largest reform of the civil service occurred in 1984 when the abolition of the Department of Posts and Telegraphs led to the halving of civil service numbers. ─── 最大的改革,公务员制度发生在1984年废除部和邮电导致人口减少一半的公务员人数。

56、This would help the company meet its long-term goal of halving today's price of mainstream beer in Africa. ─── 这将有助于实现公司长期目标——将目前非洲的主流啤酒价格降低一半。

57、But China and India earlier made it clear they would not yet sign up to a target on halving global greenhouse-gas emissions by 2050. more ... ─── 但中国和印度早前表明,他们暂时不会签署2050年前温室气体减半的目标协议。更多 ...

58、halving and doubling method ─── 减半-加倍法

59、Under the Montreal Protocol, developing countries committed themselves to halving consumption and production of CFCs by 2005 and achieving an 85 per cent cut by 2007. ─── 根据《蒙特利尔议定书》,到2005年,发展中国家氟里昂产品的消耗量和生产量都将减半,到2007年则减少85%,以此来保护我们的大气层。

60、Flamescorched Kobold (34/60): When halving numbers, round down. Thus, your opponent scores only 7 victory points for eliminating this creature with a C or A effect. ─── 焦焰哥不林(34/60):当非整数时无条件舍去,是指当你的对手使用近距或范围攻击终结该生物时,你的对手只会获得七点胜利点数。

61、halving iteration ─── 折半迭代

62、halving cavity die ─── 对分凹模

63、dovetailed tee halving joint ─── 鱼尾半接榫

64、A JET-POWERED ship capable of crossing the Atlantic in three days, halving current journey times, is to be built in the new year by a consortium including Rolls-Royce. ─── 包括劳斯莱斯公司在内的一个财团明年将开始生产一种喷气船,此船能在3天之内横渡大西洋,是现在通常旅行时间的一半。

65、As part of the Healthy People 2010 program, the federal government has committed to halving the number of sedentary individuals by the end of the decade. ─── 作为2010年“健康国民”计划的一部分,联邦政府已保证到这个十年期的最后阶段将把久坐不运动的人口数量减少一半。

66、Lower oil prices in the global downturn have led to second-quarter profits at BP more than halving from a year ago. ─── 在全球经济的下滑中,较低的油价导致了bp公司的第二季度利润比去年同期减少了一半。

67、halving circuit ─── 平分电路

68、Effects of Halving Spikelet on the Wheat Grain Quality under Short Period of Heat Shock at the middle Stage of Grain Filling ─── 灌浆期短暂高温下减库对小麦籽粒品质的影响

69、This year's sales growth was driven in large part by a halving of the sales tax on autos with smaller engine sizes. ─── 今年汽车销量的增长主要是受到小排量汽车购置税减半征收的推动。

70、Last week, a shock drop in building approvals along with a halving of the trade surplus, led several economists to pare their GDP growth expectations for the final quarter of 2008. ─── 上周,冲击营建许可下降连同减半贸易顺差,使一些经济学家削减其国内生产总值的增长预期为2008年最后一个季度。

71、Excision of lesion of eyelid by halving procedure ─── 睑病损切除术分两步操作

72、GM's sales in China have been boosted by the halving of a purchase tax on smaller vehicles. ─── 中国将小轿车购买税减半的举措给通用汽车在中国的销量带来了明显提振。

73、halving adjustment ─── 平分调整

74、You found that halving your salary cut your enthusiasm. ─── 你发现,薪水减半降低了你的工作热情。

75、The Europeans closed a three-point deficit to 7-5 by winning two matches and halving another during the morning session at Valhalla Golf Club. ─── 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!

76、He linked Canberra regulatory concerns to what he revealed was his modified offer to Rio: a lower overall equity stake and halving his planned stake in Rio's Pilbara iron ore mines. ─── 熊说:“在我们和外国投资审核委员接触和沟通期间,我们就收到了根据规则,应该如何修正的建议”。

77、Halving the Polygonal Areas with Rulers and Compass ─── 尺规作图二等分多边形面积

78、halving model ─── 半分模型

79、Automatic collimation of norm pole was realized by precisely halving norm pole on the method of subpixel on former gray image. ─── 对原图像灰度化,在标杆区域内利用像素细分法最终精确平分标杆,实现标杆的自动精确瞄准。

80、Keywords circumfluent fumigation;airtight;lest of pressure halving time.; ─── 环流熏蒸;气密性;压力半衰期检测法;

81、The leaders of the Group of Eight nations have agreed to work toward a target of halving global greenhouse-gas emissions by 2050. ─── 八国集团领导人已同意努力实现在2050年前使全球碳排放量减半的目标。

82、frequency halving ─── 频率减半

83、dovetail halving ─── 鸠尾榫制作

84、If Alibaba advocates,mix with the client of employee share, the continuance that halving extra dividend with investor is orientaton of one of value of be linked together just. ─── 一如阿里巴巴崇尚与客户和员工的分享,与投资者分享红利是其一贯价值取向的延续而已。

85、Carmakers, for instance, are roughly halving production, with consequences for makers of steel, chips and chemicals. ─── 例如汽车制造商大体上削减了一半产量,作为与钢铁,集成电路和化工部门的制造商的相呼应。

86、Nonetheless, in 2008, the G-8 did commit to halving carbon emissions by 2050. ─── 尽管如此,八国集团于2008年承诺了到2050年实现碳排放减半。

87、halving register ─── 平分寄存器

88、Halving the repeater spacing made it possible to triple the bandwidth. ─── 把收音机间隔缩小一半,就能使带宽增加三倍.

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