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09-05 投稿



pugging 中文意思翻译




pugging 短语词组

1、pugging meaning ─── 吐的意思

2、pugging my way up ─── 一路呕吐

3、pugging machine ─── 打浆机

4、pugging damage ─── 吐伤

5、pugging wow ─── 巴格哇

pugging 词性/词形变化,pugging变形


pugging 常用词组

pug mill ─── 搅拌机

pugging 相似词语短语

1、pigging ─── n.清管,清刮;生铁;v.贪婪地吃;生小猪(pig的ing形式)

2、lugging ─── n.超载运转能力;v.使劲拉(lug的现在分词形式)

3、puggling ─── 挣扎

4、bugging ─── v.窃听;在……装窃听器;(使)烦恼(bug的现在分词)

5、mugging ─── n.行凶抢劫;(美)哑剧;v.自背后袭击并抢劫;扮鬼脸(mug的ing形式)

6、jugging ─── n.[轻]水壶;监牢;vt.关押;放入壶中;vi.模仿夜莺叫;n.(Jug)人名;(塞)尤格

7、plugging ─── n.堵塞;(用木塞)堵漏;v.堵;塞(plug的ing形式)

8、pegging ─── n.钉住;反查;追溯;v.用木钉钉;固定(peg的现在分词)

9、hugging ─── v.拥抱;抱紧;紧贴;缠紧(某物);和……保持接近;坚守(信念等)(hug的现在分词)

pugging 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Okay, are we talking straight?" Fitzgerald said to Pug. ─── “那好!我们是开门见山地谈吧?”费兹杰拉德对着帕格说。

2、With difficulty Pug refrained from saying something harsh. ─── 帕格好不容易才克制住自己,没有讲出责备的话来。

3、Pug could not get over the cool dissembling of the few high officials who knew of the "conversation." ─── 几个知道“对话”内情的高级官员竟能一点不动声色掩盖一切,这给帕格留下了无法磨灭的印象。

4、She was in a wonderful mood, telling Pug her ideas for the wedding. ─── 她心情非常欢畅,把她对这场婚礼的意见说给帕格听。

5、Pug found himself looking at his wife detachedly, as he judged professional matters. ─── 帕格发现他自己正在冷眼观察他的妻子,就象在判断职业上的事物似的。

6、But the lack of talk was a blessing for Pug, who could dwell on the amazed supreme joy suffusing him ─── 不过就帕格来说,互不交谈倒是好事,因为他可以细细体会自己心头洋溢的令人惊异的快乐的情绪。

7、The sound of her voice speaking these simple words enthralled Pug. ─── 她说这几句简单的话的声音叫帕格感到心醉神驰。

8、Nonplussed for a moment, Pug realized that the heavy pleasantry was intended as a kindness. ─── 帕格一时不知所措,而后意识到这种叫人吃不消的取笑是存心表示亲热。

9、She still like-perhaps loved-and feared Pug, but his career was a growing disappointment. ─── 她仍然喜欢-也许爱着-并且敬畏着帕格,然而他的事业日益使她感到失望。

10、The general laid his living hand over the artificial one on his desk. He was wearing what Pug thought of as "official" face. ─── 将军把那只好手搁到书桌上那只假手上面,脸上浮现出一种在帕格看来是在“摆官架子的”神色。

11、Pug rubbed a hand over his grimy stubby face ─── 帕格伸手摸了摸他那肮脏的、胡子拉茬的脸。

12、They settled back into their old routines, and Pug soon was too preoccupied to worry much about Rhoda's moods, which had always been jagged ─── 他们又过起以前那样的日常生活来,帕格也忙得顾不及去怎么担心罗达那一直也不平衡的情绪了。

13、Pug hoped he put the right puzzlement, tinged with anger, in his tone ─── 帕格希望从语调里显露出适当的迷惑不解,再加上一点儿愤怒的意味。

14、Vacuum System of De-airing Pug Mills ─── 关于真空练泥机的真空系统

15、Right now, CPR really need some help in foster care for some of the pugs.If you would like to help care for a pug, then this is the right duty for you! ─── CPR目前就在为几只巴哥犬寻找寄养家庭,如果你想帮忙照顾巴哥犬,这正是好机会。

16、” In the presence of strong technological Terminal, thought is a brother of content providers had Pug are enslaved by others. ─── 在强大的技术终端面前,曾以为是一哥的内容提供商难免也沦为别人的八哥。

17、Pug saw no reason not to relieve Hickman straight off. ─── 帕格发现没有理由不去马上接替希克曼。

18、"Say, Pug," said Hopkins in a faded voice. ─── “你瞧,帕格,”霍普金斯有气无力地说。

19、The minister fell to talking business almost at once, while Pug and Pamela drank highballs. ─── 帕格和帕米拉喝着冰镇苏打威士忌,大臣几乎马上就谈起正经事来了。

20、Pug picked at food. ─── 帕格一口一口地吃饭。

21、-Don’t have everyone be too excited and surround the pug, it might scare him/her. ─── - 不要在新狗周遭有太大的骚动以免它受惊吓。

22、An irritated look crossed pug's face. ─── 帕克马上露出不快之色。

23、"What's that, Pug?" the President asked, cocking an ear as he sliced meat. ─── “帕格,你在说什么?”总统一边切肉,一边竖起一只耳朵问道。

24、Pug Henry was content in the War Plans Division. ─── 帕格?享利安于呆在作战计划处。

25、effect of the technological conditions such as molding method, raw material proportioning, pugging times and sintering system on the performances of porous permeable bricks was studied. ─── 研究了成型方法、原料配比、成型压力、练泥遍数及烧成制度等工艺条件对多孔透水砖性能的影响。

26、Her son's silence and the rigid face made Pug very uneasy. ─── 儿子的沉默和他那张发僵的脸使帕格感到很不安。

27、The child was too small to climb,we had to pug him up. ─── 孩子太小,爬不上去,我们只得将他拉上来。

28、three-shaft horizontal vacuum pug mill ─── 三轴卧式真空练泥机

29、"I said I know nothing about this," Pug reacted in a quick hard fashion. ─── “我说过我对这种情况一无所知。”帕格做出迅速而强硬的反应。

30、Whichever you choose, you are doing a good deed in helping another pug! ─── 不管是任何方面的协助,你已为一只巴哥犬付出心力了。

31、Including Beagle, American Boxer, Bulldog, Bloodhound, Collie, Dalmatian, Siberian Husky, Labrador, Chihuahua, Pug, Sharpie and Rottweiler. ─── App Store 的英文介绍: A variety of sound effects from a number of canines.

32、A forlorn pug photographed as he waited for his owner by the side of the road has been acclaimed as the world's saddest dog. ─── 一只被遗弃的哈巴狗在路边等待主人时被拍到,此后被誉为世界上最忧伤的狗。

33、loam pug mill ─── [机] 捏泥砂机

34、With the reduction in the money allowed,we shall have to pug back on our spending. ─── 原来答应给我们的钱减少了,我们得紧缩开支。

35、Pug's cable from Pearl Harbor had both gladdened and humiliated Kirby. ─── 帕格从珍珠港发来了海底电报,使柯比既高兴又感到惭愧。

36、Why a Pug is Not Collie? ─── 哈巴狗是怎么“炼”成的?

37、Pug got along well with Burne-Wilke, who had fully grasped the landing craft problem. ─── 伯恩威尔克已经充分地掌握了“登陆艇”这个问题,帕格同他合作得很好。

38、{0>A drop in the President's tone, a shift of his eyes to Hopkins, told Pug he was now overstaying his time. ─── 总统的声调突然沉了下去,目光向霍普金斯一瞥,这使帕格知道他逗留的时间已经过长。

39、Pug Henry pulled from his case sketches and production tables. ─── 帕格·亨利从皮包里拿出草图和产品目录。

40、At this grand moment Pug Henry's thoughts were prosaic. ─── 在这个伟大的时刻,帕格?亨利的思想却毫无诗意。

41、Pug feared that he faced a heavy meal, but the fare was plain. ─── 帕格先生还怕会吃上一顿油腻的饭菜,可是菜很清淡。

42、Pug looked at her with special warmth. ─── 帕格带着特殊的温情望着她。

43、"The sudden popularity of the puggle, a dog bred from a pug and a beagle, has started up a long-running argument among animal lovers about mixing breeds and species." ─── “由哈巴狗和小猎犬混种而来的哈巴小猎犬的突然流行,已经在动物爱好者中间再度激起了那场关于品种杂交的长期争论。”

44、You never know with a woman, Pug, do you? ─── 女人总叫你捉摸不准,帕格,你说是吗?

45、Pug's hopes died as quickly as they had flared. ─── 帕格很快燃起的希望又很快黯淡下去。

46、"I know," Pug said in a dry tone, that guillotined the conversation, and the captain left ─── “我知道”,帕格冷漠的口气打断了谈话,于是舰长走了。

47、After Pug's swift passage through war-torn Russia Moscow appeared to him about as untouched, peaceful, well-kept, and cheery as San Francisco ─── 帕格仆仆风尘走遍了饱受战火蹂躏的俄罗斯前线之后,莫斯科在他眼中简直象旧金山一样未受损伤、和平安静、安然无恙,气氛欢快。

48、He said some genial words about Pug's football prowess against Army in the old days. ─── 他就帕格从前同陆军进行的足球比赛中所显露的锋芒说了几句亲切友好的话。

49、Pug was eagerly tearing open the envelope, addressed in Pamela's mannish vertical hand ─── 帕格急切地撕开信封,信封上是帕米拉那男人般的竖体字迹。

50、A verse from Psalms knifed into Pug's mind: "put not your trust in princes." ─── 《诗篇》里有一句话闪过帕格的脑海:“不要相信王侯。”

51、The harnessing of noise and smust to boiler are studied, pugging and ventilation are adopted to harnest noise of fan. Desulfurizing QYD type dust-remove equipment is adopted to harnest smust. ─── 通过对煤矿锅炉噪声治理和烟尘治理的研究,阐述了通过采用隔声罩和机械通风冷却设施对引风机和鼓风机的降噪治理。

52、Epicopeiidae; pug moths ─── 凤蛾科

53、"He is a grannd fellow," Pug said. ─── “他是个挺不错的人,”帕格说。

54、They searched the other room, but without much hope. "Where the hell else can we look?" asked Pug. ─── 他们搜查了另一个房间,但没有多大希望。“到底还有哪里可找呢?”帕格问道。

55、Everyone in the navy who knew Pug Henry called him a comer. ─── 在海军中每一个熟悉帕格·亨利的人说他有前途。

56、The pug, a Jack Russell terrier, and a West Highland were recently confiscated from a Rome pet shop as part of an investigation conducted by the Italian forestry service. ─── 作为意大利林务局进行的调查中一部分,这只哈巴狗,一只杰克罗塞尔猎犬和一个西高地犬最近在罗马一家宠物店被没收。

57、In the Bashir interviews, the singer said his father ridiculed him for his pug nose and adolescent acne. ─── 在巴索的采访中,这位歌唱家说,他父亲嘲笑他的狮子鼻和青春豆。

58、"I'm pleased you could come," said Hussein Ala, with a penetrating look into Pug's face. ─── “您能光临我很高兴,”侯赛因?阿拉用锋利的目光朝帕格的脸上望了望,说。

59、Pug didn't consider himself a fool, only rusty and nervous. ─── 帕格并不认为他自己是个笨蛋,只不过老朽了,神经过于紧张罢了。

60、September was crisping the Berlin air and yellowing the leaves when Pug got back. ─── 帕格回去的时候,柏林的九月空气清新,树叶正在变黄。

61、After Pug's swift passage through war-torn Russia Moscow appeared to him about as untouched, peaceful, well-kept, and cheery as San Francisco. ─── 帕格仆仆风尘走遍了饱受战火蹂躏的俄罗斯前线之后,莫斯科在他眼中简直象旧金山一样未受损伤、和平安静、安然无恙,气氛欢快。

62、The party separated into three cars, with Pug driving the British guests. ─── 客人们分乘三辆汽车,帕格开着送英国客人的那辆。

63、Trying to stave off that tricky topic, Pug asked,"Sir, why don't we take in a lot more refugees!" ─── 为了竭力回避这个不好对付的话题,帕格问道:“先生,我们为什么不多接受难民呢?”

64、"He is a grand fellow," Pug said. ─── “他是个挺不错的人,”帕格说。

65、Trying to stave off that tricky topic, Pug asked, "Sir, why don't we take in a lot more refugees!" ─── 为了竭力回避这个不好对付的话题,帕格问道:“先生,我们为什么不多接受难民呢?”

66、Pug no longer tried to fathom the President's purposes. ─── 帕格不想再去探测总统的意图。

67、Pug gave his wife an absent kiss. ─── 帕格心不在焉地吻了一下他的妻子。

68、"The United States Navy is ready," Pug shot back. "I've been working like a bastard all day on a general operation order for convoy." ─── “美国海军已经准备好了。”帕格反击说。“我象孙子似的整天在起草一份护航总行动的训令。”

69、A couple of times he shot at Pug the nasty glare he had first flashed in the leningrad apartment ─── 他用恶狠狠的眼色朝帕格瞪了两眼,就象上次他在列宁格勒公寓里那样。

70、A pug puppy rejected by his mother has found a new, more welcoming family a cat and her three kittens. ─── 一只遭母亲一遗弃的八哥幼犬找到了欢迎它的新家,这个家却是由一只母猫和三只小猫组成的。

71、"Does your good Majesty mean to beggar me?" whined Pug. ─── “尊敬的陛下,您不是要我沦落为乞丐吧?”帕格哀求道。

72、On Pug's chart these reports looked thrilling. ─── 在帕格的战图上,看来这些报告是激动人心的。

73、Burne-Wilke's good claret and Pug's presence in time helped matter . ─── 勃纳--沃克的上好的红葡萄酒和帕格的在场,终于使情况有所好转。

74、They had ascribed Pug's boozing and his depression to his loss of the California. ─── 他们把帕格喝酒和垂头丧气归结为失掉“加利福尼亚号”的缘故。

75、Pug thought that the Wotje fiasco must be weighing on him as a blight on that career. ─── 帕格心想,沃特杰岛一战的惨败必定使他心情沉重,认为是对前程的一个很大打击。

76、Pug decided to risk a probe. ─── 帕格决定冒昧试探一下。

77、Her little pug ran alongside. ─── (她的狗狗在旁边跑)。

78、The general laid his living hand over the artificial one on his desk. He was wearing what Pug thought of as"official"face. ─── 将军把那只好手搁到书桌上那只假手上面,脸上浮现出一种在帕格看来是在“摆官架子的”神色。

79、She had been as faithful to Pug Henry as he had been to her. ─── 但是她跟帕格·亨利对她一样,始终对他坚贞不渝。

80、Pug said haltingly "If it makes you sad, that's different, but I am interested." ─── 帕格吞吞吐吐地说:“如果说起来使你伤心,那就算了,不过我倒是很感兴趣。”

81、The pug Olympics was one tough cookie for the public to master.Most pugs (including Fudge) rather wanted to have some treats than to go through a tunnel or walk on a sea saw! ─── 一般来说奥林匹克大赛是个很艰难的挑战,大多数的巴哥犬(包括我的华吉在内)都宁可享受美味狗食而不愿过长隧道或走跷跷板!

82、Pug did not know why he was back in her good graces, or why he had fallen out in the first place. ─── 帕格不知道他为什么又重新得到了她的宠爱,或者起先为什么会失掉。

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