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09-05 投稿


overmastering 发音

英:[???v??mɑ?st?r??]  美:[?o?v?r?m?st?r??]

英:  美:

overmastering 中文意思翻译



overmastering 词性/词形变化,overmastering变形

动词第三人称单数: overmasters |动词过去分词: overmastered |动词过去式: overmastered |动词现在分词: overmastering |

overmastering 短语词组

1、overmastering feeling ─── 过度控制感

2、overmastering definition ─── 过度掌握定义

overmastering 相似词语短语

1、overmeasuring ─── n.剩余量;过高的估量;vt.对…估量过高

2、overcasting ─── n.包边缝纫;v.遮盖;使阴暗;包边缝纫(overcast的现在分词)

3、overwatering ─── v.给(植物、体育场等)浇水过多;adj.水上的

4、overmaster ─── v.征服;压倒;打败

5、overmasting ─── 过度咀嚼

6、overmastered ─── v.征服;压倒;打败

7、overmasters ─── v.征服;压倒;打败

8、outmastering ─── 超越

9、overmatching ─── v.比……强;与更强的对手比赛;n.劲敌,高手

overmastering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、overmastering opponents by techniques, suppressing opponents by force so as to control opponents' transmission. ─── 以技制人,以武压人,控制对方传播。

2、1.overwhelming; overmastering 2.to overwhelm; to bear down; to weigh down; to prevail over; to overcome; to steamroller; to overtake ... by (or with) ─── 压倒

3、Victory, in this struggle with the powers of darkness, is the baptism into the glorious company of heroes, the true initiation into the overmastering beauty of humam existence. ─── 上面的一段话虽然赞颂了争取自由的胜利,但是从根本上来讲,人在自然面前仍然是眇小的。

4、Men overmaster women by conquering the world; women conquer the world by overmastering men. (Everybody knows this truth, however, how many people can really realize their motives? ─── 男人通过征服世界而征服女人;女人通过征服男人而征服世界。(这个道理大家都懂,但真正达到目的的人又有几个?)

5、overmastering desire ─── 压制不住的欲望

6、Paul was not given a message or a doctrine to proclaim, he was brought into a vivid, personal, overmastering relationship to Jesus Christ. ─── 保罗不是接受了一个信息或教条去传扬,而是被带进了一个活泼的由耶稣基督主导的个人关系之中。

7、This paper roundly discussed the basic characters of instruction art in teaching,which include its characteristics in performance,creativity,aesthetics,sentiment and overmastering. ─── 论述教学过程中讲授艺术的表演性、创作性、审美性、情趣性、征服性等基本特性。

8、an overmastering passion ─── 压抑不住的强烈情感

9、women conquer the world by overmastering men. (Everybody knows this truth, however, how many people can really realize their motives? ─── 女人通过征服男人而征服世界。(这个道理大家都懂,但真正达到目的的人又有几个?)

10、AMBITION, n. An overmastering desire to be vilified by enemies while living and made ridiculous by friends when dead. ─── 雄心:一种渴望活着被敌人诋毁,死后为友人讥笑的强烈欲望。

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