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09-05 投稿


brit 发音


英:  美:

brit 中文意思翻译



brit 词性/词形变化,brit变形


brit 短语词组

1、brit man ─── 英国男人

2、brit music ─── 英国音乐

3、brit pasta ─── 脆性糊状物

4、brit box subscription brit box ─── 订阅

5、brit box login brit box ─── 登录

6、brit sheer ─── 红粉恋歌

7、brit marlin ─── 英国马林鱼

8、brit pitt ─── 英国小型

9、brit marling ─── [人名]布里特马灵

10、brit box ─── 英式拳击

11、brit robinson ─── 英国罗宾逊

12、brit hume twitter ─── 英国休姆推特

13、brit floyd ─── 英国花车

14、brit harvey ─── 英国哈维

15、brit hume ─── 英国休谟

16、brit kiki ─── 英国kiki

17、brit awards ─── 英国奖项

brit 相似词语短语

1、brat ─── n.乳臭未干的小孩;顽童;n.(Brat)人名;(法、塞)布拉特

2、bit ─── n.[计]比特(二进位制信息单位);少量;马嚼子;辅币;老一套;一点,一块;vt.控制;adj.很小的;微不足道的;adv.有点儿;相当;vt.咬(bite的过去式和过去分词)

3、britt ─── n.小鲱鱼;海中微生物;英国人;n.(Britt)人名;(英、德、瑞典)布里特

4、brith ─── n.(犹太教)割礼式

5、brits ─── n.(Brits)英国人(Brit的复数);n.(Brits)(美、英、俄、澳、荷)布里茨(人名)

6、Grit ─── n.(Grit)(德)格里特(人名);n.(加拿大的)自由党成员;adj.(加拿大的)自由党的;n.(grit)砂砾;(金刚砂等磨料的)细度;粗砂岩;勇气;v.(grit)(尤指下决心时)咬紧(牙齿);在(结冰的路面)上撒砂子和盐;嘎吱嘎吱地移动

7、Brit ─── n.英国人

8、bruit ─── v.传播,散播;n.谣传;(尤指听诊中听到的)杂音

9、bait ─── n.饵;诱饵;诱惑物;被故意激怒;v.上饵;故意激怒,招惹;(放犬)折磨或攻击(动物);n.(Bait)(法、美、意)巴伊特(人名)

brit 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、80's cheeseeee glam rock, brit rock, pop rok, death head bang, punk alt rok, but why put all this names on good music, ─── 最后,看看一直在欧美学习音乐的陈伟是怎么说专辑里的摇滚,对了,他是美籍华人,打字时习惯用英文。

2、The winner of this year's Brit Award for the Best Live Act and this year's NME Awards for the Best Britist Band gave us an unforgettable evening. ─── Brit Awards最佳英国现场表演单位及NME Awards最佳英国乐队Muse献给香港乐迷一个难忘的夜晚。

3、(Brit)set of rooms in a larger building,esp the offices in the Inns of Court used by barristers for interviewing clients,etc ─── 大建筑物中的成套房间; (尤指法律协会的)办公室(讼务律师用以接待委托人等的).

4、( Brit)cauliflower cooked and served with a cheese sauce;Cauliflower cheese ─── 奶酪菜花.

5、conservation area( Brit)area protected by law from changes that would damage its natural or architectural character ─── 保护区(受法律保护维持其原有的自然风貌或建筑特色的地区.

6、Ancient monument:( Brit)old building,etc.recognized by the Government as worth preserving ─── 古迹(尤指英国政府认为值得保存的古代建筑物).

7、American drummer Stewart Copeland caught his act and convinced him to try rock. Joined by Brit guitarist Andy Summers, the trio formed the Police in 1977. ─── 三重唱,三人小组;斯汀与美国鼓手科普兰和英国吉他手萨姆斯在1977年共同组成了著名的“警察”乐队。

8、(Brit also medical social worker)social worker attached to a hospital ─── 医院中的社会工作者.

9、child benefit( Brit);payment made by the Government to parents of children up to a certain age ─── 儿童补助金(政府发给儿童的父母,到儿童某一年龄为止).

10、The Identification of Rutin by TLC in the Leaf of Sophora Japonica L. and s. Japonica L. f. Pendula Loud. Arb. Brit ─── 槐叶和龙爪槐叶中芦丁的薄层鉴别

11、"Americans approaching this new work of his are confronting not a hidebound Brit but a full-fledged citizen of Anglophonia" (Anthony Burgess) ─── “处理他这项新工作的美国人面对的不是一个墨守成规的英国佬,而是一个操英语的成熟公民”(安东尼·伯吉斯)

12、like the clappers(Brit infml);very fast or hard;vigorously ─── (口)很快;很用力;强有力地

13、2 [C](a)(Brit)small coin,esp an obsolete one worth three or six old pence ─── 小硬币(尤指已作废的面值三或六便士的旧币)

14、5. (Brit) cotton flannelette with a nap on both sides. ─── 只有一边有细毛的棉线纤维。

15、bed-sitting-room(also infml bed-sitter,bed-sit)n.(Brit)room used for both living and sleeping in ─── 口语亦作卧室兼起居室.

16、barley water( Brit)drink,sometimes flavoured,made by boiling barley in water and then straining it ─── 大麦汁(将大麦用水煮后过滤而制成的饮料,有时加入调料)

17、APS C, Reynolds F. The effect of concentration on vasoactivity of bupivicaine and lidocaine. Brit J Anesth, 1976,48:1171. ─── 熊君宇.利多卡因治疗心率失常时降颅压作用.国外医学麻醉与复苏分册,1990,11(5):303-304.

18、As a last wish for a little old lady, Ben the lawyer (Oliver James), his best friend Zach (Kristopher Turner), and a wacky Brit, Nigel (Rik Young), team up to find her missing granddaughter. ─── 是充满潮湿、野生及骇人听闻的背包旅程,还是一次充满刺激和恶搞的“扑水假期”?

19、attendance centre;( Brit)place where young offenders must go regularly for supervision,as an alternative to being sent to prison ─── 少年教导所.

20、Ency Brit ─── (=Encyclopaedia Britanica) (拉)大英百科全书

21、(Brit) seat in the House of Commons for a back-bencher ─── 後座议员席(英国下议院中後座议员的席位)

22、(Brit)record details of a motoring offence in(a driving licence) ─── 在(驾驶执照上)记录违章事项

23、a chinless wonder;(Brit infml)(esp young upper-class)person with a weak character ─── (口)(尤指上层社会的青年)性格懦弱者.

24、Well,as a Brit living in Australia, can I just say that we are immenselyproud of our British athletes that raised the Union Jack so brilliantlyduring these Olympic games. ─── 作为一个生活在澳洲的英国人,我只想说说我们为那位在奥运会比赛期间把英国国旗举的如此灿烂的英国运动员感到非常骄傲。

25、(Brit)Companion(of the Order)of the Bath ─── 最低级巴思爵士.

26、Gr. Brit. ─── =Gr. Br.

27、Torll S.et al.Anterolateral leg island flap. Brit J Plast Surg. 1987; 40: 236。 ─── 丰德宽等,小腿前外侧岛状皮瓣的解剖学观测及临床应用,中华显微外科杂志1989,12:223.

28、(U. S. & Brit Army, U. S. Air Force, U. S. & Brit Marine Corps) general; (U. S. & Brit Navy) admiral; (Brit. Air Force) air chief marshal ─── 上将

29、Special Report with Brit Hume ─── 布瑞特·休姆特别报道

30、Well, what IS an "average" Brit? ─── 什么是“一般”的英国人?

31、Lovesick Brit Piles on Pounds ─── 失恋的布莱妮体重倍增

32、They were working dressed in flourscent jackets, so some health and safety myths about china have been dispelled.These workers are harder than the average brit! ─── 他们穿着夹克衫,所以有关中国健康安全的一些神话也就此烟消云散了.这些工人比起一般的英国人都工作得要卖力!

33、The Bob and Rob Show: Weekly English lessons from a Yankee and a Brit. ─── 从美国或英国来的每周英语课堂.

34、clotted cream;( Brit)thick cream made by scalding milk ─── 凝结的乳脂(将乳类加热煮沸而成).

35、esp Brit)understand sb/sth fully;be able to manage,influence or control sb/sth ─── 全面了解某人[某事物];能管理、影响或控制某人[某事物

36、and I know many who have mastered the Brit accent so well that they have long-distance relationships with clients of companies that outsource their business to the call centers they work in. ─── 我就认识不少这样的人,他们有高学位,讲一口标准英国音的英语,在呼叫中心工作,和能给公司带来生意的客户依靠长途电话保持密切联系。

37、Gt. Brit ─── Great Britain

38、The retrograde metamorphism of the greenschist facies brittle ductile shear deformation and metamorphic zone,in conjunction with the brittle ductile,ductile brit... ─── 不同时期、不同成矿作用的叠加和多种有利因素的结合控制了滩间山金矿床的形成。

39、(Brit) monotonous urban sprawl of standardized buildings. ─── 在英国,指采取标准的建筑蔓延开来的单调的地区。

40、back-room boys;esp Brit)scientists,engineers, research workers,etc who receive little public attention ─── 在幕后默默工作的科学家、工程师、研究人员等.

41、House is sometimes used in the names of office buildings and large private homes or expensive houses. (mainly BRIT) ─── 有时用于办公大楼、大型的私有房屋或价格昂贵的房屋的名称(主要为英式英语)。

42、A Brit, a Frenchman and a Russian are viewing a painting of Adam and Eve frolicking in the Garden of Eden. ─── 英国人、法国人和俄国人一起看着一幅亚当和夏娃在伊甸园里嬉戏的画。

43、(Brit) closed railway carriage for luggage, mail or goods, or for the use of the guard ─── (铁路上运送行李、邮件或货物的)厢式货车,守车

44、I went to my very first football match at the weekend which was so cool, I feel like a true Brit now! ─── 上周末我第一次去看了足球比赛,真酷。我现在感觉自己像个真正的英国人了!

45、The rising of autonomy of the will related with BRIT in Christianism and developed by Canon law. ─── 在理论上,意思自治的兴起与教会的盟约思想相关,并经教会法而发展。

46、ancient monument:( Brit)old building,etc recognized by the Government as worth preserving ─── 古迹(尤指英国政府认为值得保存的古代建筑物).

47、coffee bar( Brit);place serving coffee,non-alcoholic drinks and snacks ─── 咖啡馆.

48、(U. S. & Brit Army, Brit Air Force, U. S. & Brit Marine Corps) corporal; (U. S. Navy) petty officer third class; (Brit. Navy) petty officer second class ─── 下士

49、(Brit)area in a town for specific or restricted use,(esp one where vehicles may not enter) ─── 城镇中有某用途的或受限制的地区;(尤指禁止机动车通行的)行人专用区

50、(Brit) (in the House of Commons) period of time during which ministers answer questions from MPs. ─── (下议院中的)质询时间(大臣答覆议员提问的时间)。

51、The Design Museum in London has announced the shortlist for annual exhibition and awards program the Brit Insurance Design Awards . ─── 设计博物馆在伦敦宣布入围的年度展览及奖励计划的英国保险设计奖。

52、big dipper( Brit)narrow railway at fairs with a track that rises and falls steeply ─── 云霄飞车,过山车(游乐场中沿陡峻铁道滑行的游戏车).

53、In a poll conducted by Star magazine on the 50 Most Annoying People of 2006, Spears captures the crown. "Brit was quite the headline maker this year! ─── 在《明星》杂志开展的“2006年最惹人厌的50大明星”评选活动中,布兰妮位居“厌星”之首。

54、(esp Brit)insurance,esp on sb's life ─── 保险(尤指人寿)

55、It's so teensy and glossy and perfect, you want to put it in your mouth like a hard candy.For that, blame Jonathan Ive, 38, the affable Brit who heads Apple's industrial-design department. ─── 从理论上来说,每个会上网的人都可以架设自己的部落格,那麽部落格的数目至少应该会和上网的人数一样多才是。

56、A forthcoming series of the BBC television show "Little Britain" features an unkempt middle-aged balding Brit looking for love in a Thai brides brochure. ─── 一出即将上档的英国广播公司剧集《小英国人》,主角是一个不修边幅的中年秃头英国人,在泰国新娘简介里寻找爱情。

57、(Brit) cotton flannelette with a nap on both sides. ─── 两边带有细毛的棉织法兰绒。

58、One friend who has lived in Asia for decades has noticed much the same thing.He is a long-married Brit who has watched many couples founder after moving overseas. ─── 有一位已在亚洲生活数十年的朋友,是个已婚多年的英国人,他对搬到外国生活后婚姻破裂的事情已是见怪不怪。

59、(Brit) an area of open or forested country. ─── 在英国,指开阔的或被森林覆盖的地区。

60、chartered accountant(Brit) (US,certified,public accountant);fully trained and qualified accountant ─── 特许会计师.

61、Worse, he wasn't even a Brit. ─── 更糟糕的是,他甚至不是一个英国人。

62、Taylor DG. Effect of iron supplementation on serum ferritin levels during and after pregnancy[J]. Brit J Obstet Gynecol, 1982,89 : 1011. ─── 林果为,黄一微,林佩娣,等.四种常用铁参数对铁缺乏症诊断价值的评价[J].中华血液学杂志,1990,11(6):282.

63、Cultures change constantly.Is it fair to say that today's average Brit is a real gent? ─── 文化在不断地变化,今天一般的英国人都是真正的绅士,这么说公正吗?

64、" Brit rockers Coldplay are living large, with "Viva La Vida" in the number two slot - knocking soulful British beauty Leona Lewis down a notch to number three with "Bleeding Love. ─── 他在迪奥工作了三年,随即因阿尔及利亚战争爆发被徵召入伍。而圣罗兰退伍后,贝基替他找了企业家做经济支柱,成立了自己的工作室,并在1962年推出自有专属品牌的服饰。

65、(esp Brit)insurance,esp on sb.s life ─── 保险(尤指人寿)

66、Ronaldo revealed that he did not know what is Coronation Street until he was told that the Brit population is absolutely obsessed with it. ─── 罗纳尔多透露,他一直不知道什么是“加冕街”,直到有人告诉他这是英国最受欢迎的一部肥皂剧,大家都着迷于它。

67、(Brit)motor-bike with a side-car attached to it ─── 带挎斗的摩托车.

68、(Brit) Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, for helping with negotiation during industrial disputes. ─── (在有工业纠纷期间协助谈判的)咨询调解仲裁处。

69、However, the Brit will need to be at his best next month, even if his promoter Frank Warren is banking on Barrera being a shot fighter. ─── 他的推广人弗兰克.沃伦认为巴雷拉只会挨打,然而下个月阿米尔.汉还得调整到最佳状态才行。

70、Gt. Brit. ─── abbr. =Great Britain 大英帝国

71、but it strikes me as a bit of a coincidence that Nick is name-dropping Brit now when Backstreet's got an album coming out soon. ─── 但我觉得这有点巧合的是,尼克是擅用他人名义英国人现在,当后街的相簿了出来不久。

72、I play mainly rock, brit rock and indie and this pedal fits my style perfectly. ─── 我玩,主要是岩石,英国摇滚和独立,这踏板适合我的风格完美。

73、cock sth up(Brit infml)spoil or ruin sth by incompetence;bungle sth ─── (口)把某事物搞糟

74、The Brit, though, still managed to hold onto his Championship lead by two points over his team-mate Fernando Alonso who claimed the victory. ─── 然而,在锦标赛中,这位英国小伙子还是尽力以两分之势领先于他的队友阿隆索。

75、Brit, I join you from the fabulous Diamond Resort's Polo Towers here in Las Vegas, we took tremendous care on who we recruited for this. ─── 布赖特,我在拉斯韦加斯这里的漂亮的钻石度假胜地的保罗大楼,我们非常小心地选择上我们节目的人。

76、give sb in charge;(esp Brit)hand sb over to the police ─── 把某人交给警方.

77、'If you have two candidates for a job [overseas] who are on all other grounds equal and one is American and one is British, the Brit is going to be cheaper because you don't have all that tax cost. ─── 如果一个海外职位有两个其他条件完全一样的候选人,而一个是美国人,另一个来自英国,雇用英国人的成本会低些,因为没有那么多税费。

78、Klass was appearing on Loose Women to talk about her return to work as the host of the Classical Brit Awards tomorrow. ─── Klass出现在《放松女人》,谈论她明天返回工作岗位继续做全英古典音乐奖的主持人。

79、The state of my mouth makes me a classic Brit. ─── 我的嘴巴让我成为一个典型的英国人了。

80、If I was not a self-effacing Brit. I would mention the book myself, and I would add that it's available in paperback. ─── 如果我不是一个谦逊的英国人的话,我会自己提到这本书,而且还会告诉大家它有平装版。

81、performed at the Brit Awards last week minus her wedding ring. ─── 在上星期的全英音乐颁奖典礼的表演上,她脱下了戒指。

82、Highlights of the Brit Awards 2007 ─── 回顾2007全英音乐奖

83、Twenty years ago, when he worked at a consulting firm headed by a Brit who commuted in a Rolls Royce, he acquired a taste for tweed jackets. ─── 20 年前,他在一家咨询公司工作,老板是个英国人,乘坐一辆劳斯莱斯上下班。爱尔兰就是在那个时候形成了对粗花呢外套的情有独锺。

84、5 Jastreboff PJ , Hazell JWP. A neural physiological approach to tinnitus : Clinical implications[J ] . Brit JAudiol ,1993 ,27 :7. ─── 6梁勇,钟乃川.从神经电生理的研究探讨耳鸣的发病机制[J].听力学及言语疾病杂志,1999,7:103.

85、I can see the light ...which brit brought... ─── 布布你好棒,我本来以为....你太能吓人拉

86、"From time to time, they also argue over her responsibilities toward Kevin," explains a Brit snitch. ─── "“每隔一段时间,他们还因为她对凯文的责任而争吵, ”某人解释道。

87、(Brit) submit(a motion or reportin Parliament, etc) for discussion ─── (在国会等)提出(动议或报告)供讨论

88、The BRIT awards are the British Phonographic Industry's annual pop music awards. ─── 英音乐奖是英国唱片产业协会的年度流行音乐盛典。

89、The Paul Smith True Brit ─── 保罗·史密斯真实英国展


A man wearing dark glasses taps his cane against the pavement. his German Shepherd leas him across an alley.


dark glasses: glasses with dark glass in them that you wear to protect your eyes from the sun or to hide your eyes

tap: v. hit sb/sth quickly and lightly

tap sth (against/on sth): strike (sth) lightly with sth

cane: n. a long stick used especially by old, ill or blind people to help them walk

pavement: n. (Brit) (US sidewalk) path with a paved surface at the side of a road for people to walk on

shepherd: v. guide or direct (people) as if they were sheep; guide sb or a group of people somewhere, making sure they go where you want them to go

shepherd: n. A shepherd is a person, especially a man, whose job is to look after sheep or someone takes somebody somewhere to make sure that you arrive at the right place safely

German shepherd (or Alsatian): a large brown and black dog, often used for guarding buildings and in police work

alley: narrow passage, esp. between or behind houses or other buildings, usu. for pedestrians only; path bordered by trees or hedges in a garden or park


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