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09-05 投稿



gnome 发音

英:[n??m]  美:[no?m]

英:  美:

gnome 中文意思翻译



gnome 网络释义

n. 土地神;格言;箴言linux下的桌面环境

gnome 短语词组

1、gnome's calf ─── [医] 球形腿

2、felted gnome ─── 野地侏儒

3、Sylph Gnome ─── 精灵侏儒

4、ill-tempered gnome ─── 脾气暴躁的侏儒

5、garden gnome ─── 花园地精 ─── 花园小矮人

gnome 词性/词形变化,gnome变形

形容词: gnomish |

gnome 相似词语短语

1、genome ─── n.基因组;染色体组

2、gnomic ─── adj.含格言的;精辟的

3、nome ─── n.(古埃及的)省;(现代希腊的)州;n.(Nome)人名;(葡)诺梅

4、ancome ─── 钩体

5、gnoses ─── n.灵知;真知;直觉(gnosis的变形)

6、gnomes ─── n.侏儒;地精;小矮人;格言(gnome的复数)

7、gnomon ─── n.指时针;日晷

8、agnomen ─── n.绰号;附加名

9、income ─── n.收入,收益;所得

gnome 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A gnome bard renowned for his cleverness has just died, leaving behind a puzzle box that no one can open. ─── 一个以机智而闻名的侏儒诗人刚刚去世,留下了一个无人能解开的难题箱。

2、51 Gnome pranksters have angered a village of humans. ─── 51侏儒的玩笑惹火了人类村庄。

3、Perhaps she was a witch or a gnome? ─── 也许她是个女巫,或者是个精灵?

4、The main goal is to provide a multi-tabbed/paged terminal for GNOME which is simple, configurable, and quick to use. ─── 主要目标是为 GNOME提供一个多标记的或多页面的终端,此GNOME是简单的、可配置的、并能快速应用。

5、English: GNOME includes most of what you see on your computer, including the file manager, web browser, menus, and many applications. ─── GNOME包含了计算机上最常用的应用程序,包括文件管理器、网页浏览器、管理菜单等等。

6、52 Ruins of a wondrous gnome city, full of illusory magic, lie at the bottom of a huge lake. ─── 52一座布满幻术的侏儒城市遗迹躺在巨湖之底.

7、GNOME also includes a complete development platform for applications programmers, allowing the creation of powerful and complex applications. ─── GNOME同时还为应用程序编写者提供了一套完整的开发平台,能够创建复杂而强大的应用程序。

8、Task will install both the Gnome and KDE desktop environments. ─── 任务将同时安装Gnome和KDE桌面环境。

9、A crazed, frail-looking leper gnome peers out from within a massive suit of steam-powered armor. He snickers maliciously, swinging the massive club-like right arm of his battle suit. ─── 一个疯狂,面貌虚弱的麻风侏儒从一台巨大的蒸汽动力装甲中向外凝望。他满怀恶意地窃笑着,摇晃着巨大的棍棒一样的他战斗服的右臂。

10、23 A group of dwarf and gnome miners needs an escort to a distant mining site. ─── 23一队矮人与侏儒矿工需要到远方矿场的护送。

11、A gnome bard has enchanted several locals and then disappeared with them. ─── 一个侏儒诗人魅惑了几个当地人,并与他们一同消失了。

12、A technological mockery of a 10-foot-tall gnome stands before you, clunking and whirling with steam power. ─── 一个十尺高的侏儒形态的机械站在你面前嘲笑着,发出沉闷的声响并使用蒸汽动力快步疾走着。

13、GNOME needs programmers, but it also needs translators, documentation writers, testers, artists, writers, and more. ─── GNOME需要程序员,但也需要翻译者、文档撰写者、测试者、美工、作家等等。

14、Fortunately she's helped by a little gnome who shows up and offers to help in exchange for a small trinket. ─── 幸运的是,一个小侏儒出现并提供了帮助,不过要答应他一件小事。

15、A gnome community needs help exploring a nearby series of caverns. ─── 一个侏儒社团需要帮助以探索附近一系列的洞穴。

16、As demonstrated well by the Planet GNOME aggregator, the output is much more attractive when it includes the whole weblog entry. ─── Planet GNOME聚集器很好地证明了,当包括了所有weblog的入口时,它的输出就会非常具有吸引力。

17、You can see some pictures of the seaside (my favourite bit), the flowers in my parent's garden (and the gnome), the puffin (a funny sea bird) and me watching Bath Rugby at the rugby cup final. ─── 你可以看到一些的海边(我非常喜欢的地方)照片,还有我父母花园里的花,海燕(一种有意思的海鸟)和我在看沙滩橄榄球决赛的照片。

18、The captain of a gnome mercenary company is looking for a good supplier of horses and weapons. ─── 一个唯利是图的侏儒公司的头目正在寻找一个良好的马匹与武器供应源。

19、English: GNOME also includes a complete development platform for applications programmers, allowing the creation of powerful and complex applications. ─── GNOME同时还提供了一套完整的开发平台,以帮助程序员创建复杂强大的应用程序。

20、Never punt a gnome without due cause. ─── 不要随便踢侏儒。

21、46 A gnome community holds a series of athletic and weapon competitions. ─── 46一个侏儒社团举办了一系列的运动与武器竞赛。

22、A goofy set of eyes for the GNOME panel. They follow your mouse. ─── 一个傻瓜眼睛配置的GNOME面版.他们跟随你的鼠标.

23、English: The GNOME Desktop is easy to use and incorporates many accessibility features. ─── GNOME桌面是易于使用,并且具备许多辅助功能特性。

24、A high-priced gnome assassin is rumored to be in the area. ─── 传闻一个被高价悬赏的侏儒刺客正在附近。

25、A group of dwarf and gnome miners needs an escort to a distant mining site. ─── 一队矮人与侏儒矿工需要到远方矿场的护送。

26、100 Gnome merchants are paying adventurers to clear and secure a trade route to a distant city. ─── 100侏儒商人正在雇用冒险者扫清并保护通往一个遥远城市的贸易之路。

27、76 A gnome mayor wants extra security for a special party he's throwing. ─── 76一名侏儒市长需要在他举办的一个特殊聚会上得到额外的保护。

28、English: GTG is a personal organizer for the GNOME desktop environment, it focuses on ease of use and flexibility, while keeping things simple. ─── GTG是面向GNOME桌面环境的个人信息组织工具,它专注于方便使用及灵活。

29、Cannot initialize GNOME VFS monitoring Some real-time auto-detect function will not be available! ─── GNOME VFS监察无法起动一些即时自动侦测功能将无法使用!

30、34 A gnome community has uncovered the tomb of a lost human king. ─── 34一个侏儒公社揭发了一座失落的人类国王之墓。

31、This package contains the core components of GNOME Accessibility. if you need to use Assistive technology, install it. ─── 11这个软件包包含了GNOME接入的核心组件。如果你要使用援助技术,请安装它。

32、But I continued to use it by only modifying themes via gnome-look, even though it wasn't able to play any of my media files. ─── 但我仍继续使用它,即使只能通过gnome-look来改变主题,即使我不能用它播放我的媒体文件。

33、GNOME to start preferred Mobility assistive technology application during login. ─── GNOME将要在登录时启动的首选移动辅助技术应用程序。

34、55 A huge, choking cloud of dust settles over a vast area, threatening several dwarf cities and gnome villages. ─── 55一阵巨大的令人窒息的沙尘云层覆盖了相当大的一个区域,威胁到了几个矮人城市以及侏儒村庄。

35、A gnome sorcerer has gone missing. ─── 一个侏儒术士突然不见了。

36、Cannot communicate with GNOME Keyring daemon. ─── 26无法与GNOME钥匙圈服务程式联络。

37、Put Gnome in bag, beat bag with staff and meet me after gnome is tenderized. ─── 一个侏儒还有统御法杖。把侏儒装进袋子;用法杖打袋子;

38、49 The captain of a gnome mercenary company is looking for a good supplier of horses and weapons. ─── 49一个唯利是图的侏儒公司的头目正在寻找一个良好的马匹与武器供应源。

39、They could see the ancient Gnome standing outside, his long unfurled beard blowing in the light breeze. ─── 他们看到一个老侏儒站在外面,他长长两旁伸展的胡子在微风中来回晃动。

40、30 A gnome sorcerer has gone missing. ─── 30一个侏儒术士突然不见了。

41、85 Gnome merchants need protection while ferrying their goods down a dangerous river. ─── 85侏儒商人在运送他们的货物渡过一条危险河流的时候需要保护。

42、FreeBSD also provides a responsive and pleasing desktop environment, using X.org's X server and Gnome, KDE, or any desired window manager. ─── FreeBSD还使用X.org的X服务器和Gnome、KDE以及其它Window管理器提供了反应快速和令人满意的桌面环境。

43、Eye of GNOME could not determine a supported writable file format based on the filename. ─── 22 GNOME之眼无法从文件名推测出被支持的可写入的文件格式。

44、A gnome bard, known for spreading falsehoods, claims that he knows the location of a forgotten tomb full of treasure. ─── 一名以散布假消息而著名的侏儒诗人,声称他知道一座藏满宝藏的古墓的位置。

45、A gnome bard has charmed a powerful stone giant and doesn't know what to do with it. ─── 一个侏儒诗人魅惑了一个强大的石巨人,但却不知道将他怎么办。

46、27 A gnome alchemist has found a new way to shape metal, and dwarf craftsmen don't want the method known. ─── 27一个侏儒炼金术士发现了一种锻造金属的新工艺,而矮人工匠们却不希望这个方法公布于世。

47、89 Giant ants plague a gnome village. ─── 89巨蚁困扰着一个侏儒村庄。

48、75 A gnome bard renowned for his cleverness has just died, leaving behind a puzzle box that no one can open. ─── 75一个以机智而闻名的侏儒诗人刚刚去世,留下了一个无人能解开的难题箱。

49、Whether the GNOME keyring is locked before the computer enters suspend. This means the keyring will have to be unlocked on resume. ─── 03是否当电脑在进入暂停状态前锁住GNOME密码匙圈。这表示当电脑回复时密码匙圈要重新解锁。

50、Touchy people will notice that I didn't mention the Darf, Gnome and Faery systems, and there is a good reason! ─── 不耐烦的人都会注意到我没有提及黑暗精灵、侏儒和仙女的系统。不过我很好的理由的。

51、It turns out to be something like a gnome or an elf. ─── 它看起来像一个侏儒或一个矮人。

52、57 Gnome bards have lost the power of their bardic music abilities, ─── 57侏儒诗人失去了他们诗人音乐技巧的力量。

53、41 A gnome bard has charmed a powerful stone giant and doesn't know what to do with it. ─── 41一个侏儒诗人魅惑了一个强大的石巨人,但却不知道将他怎么办。

54、A powerful gnome illusionist has built a tower full of magic mirrors, illusions, and extradimensional spaces. ─── 一个强大的侏儒幻术师建造了一座充满魔镜,幻象与。

55、Ruins of a wondrous gnome city, full of illusory magic, lie at the bottom of a huge lake. ─── 一座布满幻术的侏儒城市遗迹躺在巨湖之底。

56、GNOME GNU Network Object Model Environment ─── GNU 网络对象模型环境

57、66 Gnome illusionists sell false wares, then flee the city. ─── 66侏儒幻术师出售虚造的陶器,然后逃离了城市。

58、A gnome inventor claims he can build a flying ship. ─── 一个侏儒发明家声称他可以制造一价飞船。

59、For an even better Torvalds flame, check out this post he made calling GNOME developers "interface nazis. " ─── 一个更加男人的攻击,点开他所作的邮件,在里面他竟给GNOME的开发者做了一个“纳粹界面”。

60、Site dedicated to developers of GNOME applications ─── 专用于GNOME应用程序开发者的站点

61、Gnome Male -"You know, I really wish I had a garden where I could put a couple of human statues." ─── 你知道,我真的希望能拥有一座花园,放一些人类雕像什么的。

62、In writing your applications, you can use all the shared facilities of the GNOME platform, making your development time even more efficient. ─── 在编写应用程序时,您可以使用 GNOME 平台的所有共享工具,从而使您的开发时间更加高效。

63、A gnome mayor wants extra security for a special party he's throwing. ─── 一名侏儒市长需要在他举办的一个特殊聚会上得到额外的保护。

64、GNOME has a new set of features for text controls. ─── GNOME 拥有一组新的用于文本控件的特性。

65、Either display manager will suffice, and after installation you will be able to run both GNOME and KDE session types.Feel free to try KDM. ─── 01这两种桌面环境的显示管理工具都很够用,在安装后你就能同时执行GNOME与KDE的工作阶段种类。

66、A huge, choking cloud of dust settles over a vast area, threatening several dwarf cities and gnome villages. ─── 一阵巨大的令人窒息的沙尘云层覆盖了相当大的一个区域,威胁到了几个矮人城市以及侏儒村庄。

67、88 A high-priced gnome assassin is rumored to be in the area. ─── 88传闻一个被高价悬赏的侏儒刺客正在附近。

68、72 A gnome bard has enchanted several locals and then disappeared with them. ─── 72一个侏儒诗人魅惑了几个当地人,并与他们一同消失了。

69、A gnome community has uncovered the tomb of a lost human king. ─── 一个侏儒公社揭发了一座失落的人类国王之墓。

70、45 A gnome fighter known for his knife-throwing ability is leading a huge expedition into the subterranean depths. ─── 45一名因投掷飞刀而著名的侏儒战士带领一大群探险者进入了一个地下深渊。

71、A matching game played with Mahjongg tiles. Mahjongg is a part of GNOME Games. ─── 31用麻将牌玩的连连看游戏。麻将连连看是GNOME游戏的一部分。

72、Gnome children are born with gemlike eyes. Many believe this to be a great portent, but divinations are silent, ─── 82侏儒的孩子生来拥有宝石般的双眼,许多侏儒认为这是一个明显的征兆,但是这个预言却毫无记载。

73、A crazed, frail-looking leper gnome peers out from within a massive suit of steam-powered armor. ─── 一个疯狂,面貌虚弱的麻风侏儒从一台巨大的蒸汽动力装甲中向外凝望。

74、His interests include the GNOME desktop, human computer interaction, and Linux systems programming. ─── 他的兴趣范围包括GNOME桌面、人机交互和Linux系统编程。

75、A gnome alchemist has found a new way to shape metal, and dwarf craftsmen don't want the method known. ─── 一个侏儒炼金术士发现了一种锻造金属的新工艺,而矮人工匠们却不希望这个方法公布于世。

76、The Running Efficiency Research of CORBA ORBit under GNOME Environment ─── CORBA orbit在GNOME环境中的效率研究

77、Gnome Racial Ability: Escape Artist Escape artist works against movement impairing effects such as snares or roots, not stuns/fears/incapacitates or other forms of CC. ─── 为了控制玩家在墓地周围战斗,这个设定可以使玩家更注重性命,而不是想都不想直接冲进战场死掉然后立刻复活重复。

78、77 Dwarf miners have discovered a plentiful vein of gold. but gnome diviners say it shouldn't be mined. ─── 77矮人矿工发现了一条丰富的金矿矿脉,但是侏儒占卜者却说它不应被开采。

79、For example, in the default GNOME panels, you can launch applications, see the date and time, control the system sound volume, and more. ─── 例如,在默认的GNOME面板上,您可以启动应用程序,查看时间和日期,控制系统音量等。

80、Select this option to have certain keyboard shortcuts passed to the X windowing system instead of being handled by GNOME. ─── 24选择此项,当前键盘快捷键会传递到X窗口系统,而不是由GNOME处理。

81、Do you have any idea what the Gnome mount will be? ─── 你知道侏儒的坐骑将会是什么么?

82、A gnome fighter known for his knife-throwing ability is leading a huge expedition into the subterranean depths. ─── 一名因投掷飞刀而著名的侏儒战士带领一大群探险者进入了一个地下深渊。

83、GNOME and KDE allow you to lock down the system easily, up to a kiosk level. ─── GNOME和KDE也支持轻松地限制系统,甚至可以把系统限制到kiosk的水平。

84、"Then we will take a really different view of it, since it will become more of a GNOME package than it is now, " he said. ─── “然后,我们将用真正不同的眼光来看待它,因为它将比现在更象是GNOME包的一部分”,他说。

85、40 Gnome children uncover a statue that animates under the full moon and speaks of long-forgotten treasure, ─── 40小侏儒们发现了一个在满月下会活动的雕像,而它讲出了一份被长久遗忘的宝藏。

86、The GNOME and KDE desktop projects originally developed their own extensions to the ICCCM to support these features; ─── 为了支持这些特性,GNOME和KDE桌面项目最初都对ICCCM进行了自己扩展。

87、GNOME includes most of what you see on your computer, including the file manager, web browser, menus, and many applications. ─── GNOME囊括了计算机上最常用的应用程序,诸如文件管理器、网页浏览器、管理菜单等。

88、There's a bit of extra magic: a family of "osso_. . . " functions, which are wrappers around the normal Gnome dbus functions. ─── 还有一点不可思议的地方是“osso_…”系列函数,它们是常规Gnomedbus函数的包装器。

89、A middle mouse button is by no means necessary to use GNOME. ─── 一个鼠标中间键是不指定必须在使用gnome






== 更新两个容易混淆的种族 ==

半身人属于小型类人生物,一般属于中立阵营,说半身人语或通用语,寿命比人类较长,是机智的生存者和投机主义者,经常活跃在人类领地的周边,战斗方面善于在隐蔽的情况下进行远距离攻击。很多人经常会把半身人和侏儒混淆,比如中文版的魔法门英雄无敌2中就把术士族的半身人翻译成了侏儒。另外在指环王中,霍比特人也被称为半身人,那只是形容霍比特人身高只有人类的一半,龙与地下城中没有霍比特人这个种族,可以说霍比特人和半身人是两个世界的生物。但有传闻说半身人正是源自霍比特人的设定(身高,战斗特性,包括读音 Halfling vs Hobbits )。





地精、侏儒和矮人到底有什么区别? - 知乎


我最推崇的CentOS,它是来自于Red Hat Enterprise Linux依照开放源代码规定释出的源代码所编译而成,不用像REHL的授权,而且在服务器上面运行高度稳定和每个版本的 CentOS都会获得十年的支持。


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