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09-05 投稿



predominate 发音

英:[pr?'d?m?ne?t]  美:[pr?'dɑm?'net]

英:  美:

predominate 中文意思翻译



predominate 网络释义

vt. 支配,主宰;在…中占优势vi. 占主导(或支配)地位;占优势

predominate 词性/词形变化,predominate变形

副词: predominately |名词: predomination |动词第三人称单数: predominates |动词过去分词: predominated |动词过去式: predominated |动词现在分词: predominating |

predominate 短语词组

1、predominate over ─── 占优势

2、predominate over sb ─── 支配某人, 统治某人

predominate 相似词语短语

1、predominator ─── 支配者

2、prenominated ─── 预先提到;预先命名

3、predominates ─── vt.支配,主宰;在…中占优势;vi.占主导(或支配)地位;占优势

4、predominately ─── adv.占优势地;有影响力地;更大量地;占绝大多数地;主导性地;多数情况下(同predominantly)

5、prenominates ─── 预先提到;预先命名

6、predominance ─── n.优势;卓越

7、predominant ─── adj.主要的;卓越的;支配的;有力的;有影响的

8、prenominate ─── 预先提到;预先命名

9、predominated ─── vt.支配,主宰;在…中占优势;vi.占主导(或支配)地位;占优势

predominate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Traditional entertainment, download kind of website to live hard, portal of electronic business affairs, place and trade information website replace gradually predominate. ─── 传统的娱乐、下载类网站生存艰难,电子商务、地方门户以及行业资讯网站则取而代之逐渐成为主流。

2、The views of the left wing have tended to predominate within the party. ─── 左翼的观点趋向于在该党党内占支配地位。

3、They predominate and are of greatest concentration in the forea, the central part of the retina. ─── 它们在网膜中部一小穴内占优势,具有最大的浓度。

4、He soon began to predominate over them ─── 他不久就开始支配他们了。

5、But women predominate in the lower-paying, menial, unrewarding, dead-end jobs, and when they do reach better positions, they are invariably paid less than a man for the same job. ─── 妇女主要从事工资低、伺候人、没有前途的工作。即使她们获得较好的职位,他们的工资也总是比同样工作的男人低。

6、Helically wound multi-filar cables and braids now predominate. ─── 多股绞绕与编织在当代是占优势的。

7、He wants to create a society where Islamic principles predominate. ─── 他想创建一个伊斯兰教信念占主导地位的社会。

8、1.dominant; predominant; prevailing; advantaged; 2.to predominate; to preponderate; to reign ─── 占优势

9、In Sinjar, west of Mosul, some Yazidis, who predominate there, say the Kurds want to force them to vote for the Kurdish list. ─── 在Sinjar,摩苏尔以西,一些Yazidis人,他们在那儿占据人口多数,说库尔德人想强迫他们为库尔德候选名单投票。

10、So we can predominate the trends of epidemic situation better than before. ─── 从而更好地掌握未来疫情动态发展趋势。

11、Roses predominate in our garden. ─── 在我们的花园中玫瑰最多。

12、Exhibit in the division grand furniture this year on, the furniture combination predominate of metabolic multiterminal, the individuation that makes furniture is used becomes reality. ─── 在今年的科隆家具展上,变化多端的家具组合方式成为主流,使家具使用的个性化成为现实。

13、Dermacentor species predominate as a cause in North America, while Ixodes mainly causes the disease in Australia. ─── 在北美,该疾病主要由革蜱属的蜱引起,而在澳大利亚则主要由硬蜱属的蜱引起。

14、Parabasal cells predominate ─── 副基底细胞为主

15、"This is the Internet advertisement pattern that began to appear last year, meet this year the pattern of Internet video business of predominate, everybody is in this special value. ─── “这是去年开始出现的互联网广告模式,今年会成为主流的互联网视频商业模式,大家在这块都非常看好。”

16、A branch enters the bay and recurves W along the N coast of Spain, but over most of the bay the currents are highly variable with a tendency for directions between E and S to predominate. ─── 一个新水流进入海湾转向西班牙的西海岸和北海岸,但过了海湾后,现时水流方向改变了,主要趋向西部和南部。

17、The vehemence of emotion, stirred by grief and love within me, was claiming mastery, and struggling for full sway;and asserting a right to predominate: to overcome, to live, rise and reign at last; ─── 情感的旋流,激起我心中悲与爱的交织.试图控制我左右我的行动,主导我并战胜其它,得以存活,生长并统而治之;

18、The Ideological Elements in the Soviet"Predominate" Diplomatic Decision ─── 向苏联"一边倒"外交决策中的意识形态因素

19、French-speaking people predominate in QueBec. ─── 在魁北克说法语的人较多

20、A smallgroup has begun to predominate in policy making. ─── 一小撮人在制定政策中已开始起主导作用.

21、Because there is at this stage no acquired immunity, the bacilli multiply rapidly, eliciting an exudative inflammatory response in which polymorphonuclear leucocytes and monocytes predominate. ─── 因为在此阶段并无后天免疫,杆菌繁殖迅速,从而引起渗出性炎症反应,其中以多形核白细胞和单核白细胞居支配地位。

22、In addition, the nodules are patchy in distribution and predominate in relation to thickened interlobular septa. ─── 另外,结节呈斑片状分布,大多和增厚的小叶间隔相关。

23、But women predominate in the lower-paying, menial, unrewarding, dead-end jobs, and when they do reach better positions, they are invariably paid less than a man for the same job. ─── 妇女主要从事工资低、候人、有前途的工作。即使她们获得较好的职位,他们的工资也总是比同样工作的男人低。

24、The standpoint of predominate position in China philosophy history think LaoTze's way is an objective spirit essence, LaoTze's philosophy is objective idealism. ─── 摘要中国哲学史界占主导地位的观点认为,老子所讲的“道”是个客观的精神性的本体,因此认为老子的哲学是客观唯心主义。

25、Candida still atalutely predominate among thase strains, accounting for 95. 7%. The most dctected strains of yeast - like fungi was Candida albicans(62. 3% ) and the second was Candida tropicalis(11.1% ). ─── 念珠菌属仍处于绝对优势地位,占95.7%,检出最多的是白色念珠菌(62.3%),其次为热带念珠菌(11.1%)。

26、Daffodils predominate in our garden. ─── 在我们的花园中水仙花最多。

27、In patients with sarcoidosis, septal fibrosis can predominate if septal granulomas were present in the actie phase of disease. ─── 在结节病,如果小叶间隔的肉芽肿处于活动期则可以小叶间隔纤维化为主要表现。

28、But the pro-Israel heavy guns still predominate. ─── 但是亲以色列的重量级团体仍是占据主流。

29、G- bactria still predominate in hospital infection in this area both G- and G+ bacteria are sensitive to the antibiotics of Cefotaxine and Cefoperazone. ─── 在延边地区的细菌感染中G-杆菌占主导地位,头孢噻肟和头孢哌酮对G+球菌和G-杆菌敏感率都较高。

30、It is hardly possible to predominate English within two years. ─── 两年里掌握英语几乎是不可能的。

31、The front fascia also looks to have bolder character lines with the signature Volvo grille now looking more predominate. ─── 前筋膜还期待有更大胆的特征线,签字沃尔沃格栅现在看起来更占主导地位。

32、In this area immigrant predominate over the native of the place. ─── 在这一地区,移民在数量上超过了本地人。

33、In the guidance radar network, system error compensation is the predominate condition for information sharing and data fusion and is a key technique. ─── 在制导雷达网中进行精确系统误差补偿是实现制导雷达组网信息资源共享与数据融合的先决条件,是实现制导雷达组网的关键技术之一。

34、The Shiite Muslims who predominate there revere Hizbullah for pressuring Israel to withdraw in 2000. ─── 控制此地区的什叶派穆斯林,因2000年真主党迫使以色列撤军的行为表示钦佩有加。

35、1.to lean to one side; to side with somebody without reservation; 2.to predominate; to enjoy overpowering superiority ─── 一边倒

36、predominate stockholder ─── 一股独大

37、predominate over ─── vt. 对 ... 占优势

38、Predominate the product:Perfume, foundation cream sweet , the article of skin care. ─── 主导产品:香水护肤品化妆品。

39、The corrective theory based upon a conception of multiple causation and curative-rehabilitative treatment, should clearly predominate in legislation and in judicial and administrative practices. ─── 复杂的因果关系与治愈-康复性治疗的概念之上的矫正理论,显然应该在立法、司法及行刑实践中占主导地位。

40、Most state-owned enterprises where women predominate have established gynecological clinics, rest rooms for pregnant women, breastfeeding rooms, nurseries and kindergartens. ─── 女职工比较多的国有企业大都建立了女职工卫生室、孕妇休息室、哺乳室、托儿所、幼儿园等设施。

41、Christianity is the dominant religion in America and Protestant is predominate . ─── 基督教在美国是最主要的宗教,而其中新教徒占绝大多数。

42、In this area immigrants predominate over the native of the place ─── 在这一地区,移民在数量上超过了本地人

43、Russian Jews, in fact, predominate in both countries. ─── 事实上,在这两个国家都是俄国犹太人居多。

44、A small group has begun to predominate in policy making. ─── 一小撮人在已经开始在制定政策中起主导作用。

45、Between the two they proved the saying that wars are about whose version of history will predominate. ─── 他们之间的辩论完全证明了这样一条谚语:战争就是要看谁对历史所做的解释能占上风。

46、But in judicial practice, using of“Encouragement” and it obtains evidences in conformity with the law.It's more difficulty to predominate then, because they have little difference. ─── 但在司法实践中,“诱惑侦查”的使用和其取得的证据的合法与否,往往在一线之差,准确把握难度较大。

47、Two Chinese the style of period lamp is exquisite and practical, from quality of a material, tao Zhideng predominate, shi Deng and iron lamp, zoomorphism lamp also appear gradually. ─── 两汉时期灯的样式精巧而实用,从质地上,陶质灯成为主流,铁灯、石灯和动物形象灯也逐渐出现。

48、In this area immigrants predominate over the natives of the place. ─── 在这一地区,移民在数量上超过了本地人。

49、Biological production and consumption of DMS, primarily taking place within the marine euphotic zone, are considered to be the predominate source and sink of DMS in seawater. ─── DMS的生物生产与消耗主要发生在海洋真光层。

50、The light transmitted by the analyzer will therefore predominate in red, and will have a pinkish hue . ─── 因此由检偏振镜透射出来的光将以红光为主,吐粉红色。

51、Semidiumal tides predominate in the Atlantic, whereas diumal tides are found on the coasts of Alaska, the Philippines and China. ─── 半日潮主要出现在大西洋,而全日潮出现在阿拉斯加、菲律宾和中国的沿海。

52、They predominate and are of greatest concentration in the central part of the retina. ─── 它们在网膜中部占优势,具有最大的浓度。

53、On one hand, work stress plays a predominate role in ensuring normal operation of organization and society as well as improving job performance. ─── 工作压力在保证组织和社会正常运作、提高其运作绩效方面起着举足轻重的作用。

54、And it is tribal, family or Muslim affiliations that usually predominate, not the concept of nation; or not as Obama uses the word. ─── 而且通常占主导地位的是部落、家族或穆斯林从属关系,而非国家这个概念,至少不是奥巴马用这个词的意思。

55、1.to dominate; to dictate; to govern; to predominate; to rule the roost; 2.an arbitrator; a ruler ─── 主宰

56、The patients affected with echinocoecosis de- veloped a strong humoral and celular immune response and CD_8~+ ells predominate in the lesions of the liver. ─── 在肝实质区的灶状坏死区内,CD_8~+细胞占优势。

57、You cannot trade.One can predominate over the other. ─── 你不能做交易,不能一个占主导地位而略过另一个。

58、The polymorphonuclear leukocytes predominate. ─── 多核白细胞占优势。

59、By moving the "party member merchants" to predominate the chamber of commerce, KMT could carry out its controling intention. ─── 在四十年代后期的动荡时局下,上海市商会无论在经济、政治还是社会领域都表现得异乎寻常的活跃。

60、On the ambry market 2004, the oak, Qi Hejin that bake belongs to aluminous predominate. ─── 2004年的橱柜市场上,橡木、烤漆和金属铝成为主流。

61、To develop the economic predominate crop and livestock was the best choice of prompting degenerating tillage by peasants themselves and preventing repetitious reclamation. ─── 坝上地区发展经济高效性的作物及畜种是促进农民自动退耕并防止复垦的最佳选择。

62、Be overwhelmingly superior (to the other side); predominate ; prevail ─── 一面倒

63、Came several years in the past, industry is made for many times " mobile phone video applies predominate " fatidical, but this just predicts all the time just. ─── 专业创作人员针对特定受众制作的视频内容将大幅增长,广告客户认为在这些内容中投放广告“万无一失”。

64、The light transmitted by the analyzer will therefore predominate in red, and will have a pinkish hue ─── 因此由检偏振镜透射出来的光将以红光为主,并有粉红色。

65、Late in the political despair, the idea of thinking before transferring to predominate Hermit birth, born with Confucian thinking. ─── 后期,在政治上绝望之后,道家的出世隐逸思想才转占主要地位,同时兼有儒家出世思想。

66、Such a state is only possible when sensate values predominate. ─── 这样的状态只有当感官价值占据主导地位才会发生。

67、Life is made up of sob, sniffle, and smile, with sniffle predominate. ─── 人生是以哭、泣、笑三者构成的,尤以泣为最。

68、That pushes people toward the rented apartment blocks which predominate in city centres, especially when, as in Berlin, rents are very low. ─── 这种观点促使人们更倾向于在市中心租房,特别是在租金很低的柏林。

69、Very little light filters through the canopy of leaves and branches in a rain forest to reach ground level—or close to the ground—and at those levels the yellow-to-green wavelengths predominate. ─── 在雨林中,很少有光透过树叶和树枝形成的树荫到达地面——或者接近地面——在这些高度上,黄色到绿色的波长占主导地位。

70、Due to incessant practice, now we have predominate prolifically technical experience, and our manufacture have been sold overseas. ─── 经过不断的实践,已掌握了丰富的技术经验,产品已打入国内外市场。

71、Conservatives might predominate in the government ─── 保守派人士有可能在政府中占优势。

72、It indicates the need to reconsider concepts and convictions that predominate cross-cultural research and to adopt norms of reflexivity that transcend existing notions of "cultural relativism. ─── 它表明必须重新考虑跨文化研究中占支配地位的概念和信条,采用自反的方式改进文化相对主义的现有观念。

73、But women predominate in the lower-paying, menial, unrewarding, dead-end jobs, and when they do reach better positions, they are invariably paid less than a man gets for the same job. ─── 但干着工资低、侍候人、不给人心灵以满足、没有前途的工作的则绝大多数是妇女。即使当她们得到较好的职位时,她们的工资也永远低于做同样工作的男子。

74、If rational ideas predominate, classicism will be expressed; ─── 如果理性成分占上风,那么它就偏向古典主义;

75、When viscous forces predominate the flow is proportional to the pressure drop across the element. ─── 当粘滞力起主导作用时,流量当通过主要部分的压力降或正好。

76、Sunny days predominate over rainy days in desert regions ─── 在沙漠地带,绝大多数时间都是大晴天,下雨天极少。

77、Females predominate in number over males in all the residential neighborhoods and in the suburbs of the city ─── 在城市的居住地区和郊区地带,女性人口数量要远远超过男性人口数量。

78、If the day comes when comrades around 40 predominate at meetings like this, it will be a sign that our cause is vigorous and flourishing. ─── 如果有一天在座听报告的同志中,四十岁左右的占了主导地位,那是我们的事业兴旺发达的标志。

79、Indeed, the Pew poll shows an 89 percent favorability rating among Nigerian Christians and only 32 percent among Muslims, who predominate in the north. ─── 事实上,佩尤民调显示尼日利亚信仰基督教的人中支持率达百分之九十八,北部穆斯林控制的地区只有百分之三十二。

80、The front fascia also looks to have bolder character lines with the signature Volvo grille now looking more predominate. ─── 前筋膜还期待有更大胆的特征线,签字沃尔沃格栅现在看起来更占主导地位。

81、Urban Predominate Space ─── 城市主流空间

82、White on the head should not predominate, and the eyes must be fully surrounded by color and pigment. ─── 白色在头部不能占据主导地位,且眼睛周围必须有颜色围绕,眼圈必须色素充足。

83、Private interest was not allowed to predominate over the public good. ─── 私人利益不得置于公众利益之上。

84、Most of Germany has a temperate seasonal climate in which humid westerly winds predominate. ─── 大部分的德国有一个季节性的温带气候,以潮湿的西风为主。

85、Females predominate in number over males in all the residential neighborhoods and in the suburbs of the city. ─── 在城市的居住地区和郊区地带,女性人口数量要远远超过男性人口数量。

86、Elastic cartilage, with chondrocytes and matrix as before, but elastic fibers predominate and take a specific stain. They always look very distinct and dark and show many branchings. ─── 弹性软骨,同样有软骨细胞和基质,但弹性纤维染色不同。它们染色深看起来很清楚、有分支。

87、predominate industr ─── 主导产业

88、This year is RMB fund gradually the process of predominate. ─── 今年就是人民币基金逐渐成为主流的过程。

89、The patent that "big easy" design essence- regarding horizontal plank of many layers as predominate the principle to conceive outline; ─── “大容易”设计精髓-以多层横板为主导理念的专利构思;

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