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09-05 投稿



osseous 发音

英:[?ɑ?si?s]  美:[??si?s]

英:  美:

osseous 中文意思翻译



osseous 短语词组

1、intra-osseous intracavitary ─── [医] 骨髓内注射疗法

2、osseous polyp ─── [医] 骨性息肉

3、osseous hydatid ─── [医] 骨内棘球囊

4、osseous labyrinth ─── [医] 骨迷路

5、osseous lamella ─── [医] 骨板

6、osseous gouge ─── [医] 骨圆凿

7、osseous rheumatism ─── [医] 骨风湿病, 变形性关节炎

8、osseous lacunae ─── [医] 骨腔隙

9、osseous system ─── [医] 骨胳系统

10、osseous cells ─── [医] 骨细胞

11、intra-osseous anesthesia ─── [医] 骨内麻醉

12、osseous granules ─── [医] 骨颗粒

13、osseous sound ─── [医] 骨性音

14、osseous reamer ─── [医] 骨扩孔钻

15、osseous graft ─── [医] 骨移植物

16、osseous tissue ─── [医] 骨组织

17、osseous cochlea ─── [医] 蜗螺旋管

18、intra-osseous ─── [医] 骨内的

19、chondro-osseous ─── [医] 软骨与骨的

osseous 常用词组

osseous tissue ─── 骨组织

osseous 词性/词形变化,osseous变形

副词: osseously |

osseous 相似词语短语

1、rosaceous ─── adj.玫瑰色的;蔷薇科的;蔷薇似的

2、osseously ─── 骨瘦如柴

3、caseous ─── adj.干酪的;干酪似的

4、ossiferous ─── adj.含骨化石的;生骨的

5、gypseous ─── adj.石膏质的;含石膏的

6、gorgeous ─── adj.华丽的,灿烂的;极好的

7、corneous ─── adj.角质的;似角的

8、gaseous ─── adj.气态的,气体的;无实质的

9、griseous ─── adj.珍珠灰的,浅灰的

osseous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、All patients underwent an elective osseous surgical procedure on the forefoot. ─── 所有病人都作了前足的选择性骨手术。

2、If you shall send us inferior merchandise, we'll reserve the right to claim for osseous. ─── 如你方运来次品,我们将保留索赔权。

3、crestal bone denudation in osseous surgery ─── 术后骨嵴暴露

4、Effective evaluation on preventive health inspection in an osseous porcelain factory ─── 某骨质瓷厂预防性卫生监督的效果评价

5、Total claiculectomy may be a useful salage procedure for clinical situations in which the restoration of normal claicular osseous anatomy is impossible. ─── 全锁骨切除术可作为临床上无法恢复正常锁骨骨性解剖结构的补救治疗措施。

6、Progress of study on radiopharmaceutical therapy for bone pain caused by metastatic osseous lesions ─── 放射性药物治疗转移性骨癌所致骨痛的研究进展

7、When placed in an osseous environment,the cancellous structure allows easy ingrowth of living tissue for the host bed,which results in new bone formation and incorporation of that structure. ─── 多孔结构可以允许新生组织长入,并在适当的环境中形成骨组织。

8、multiple osseous metastasis tumor ─── 多发性骨转移瘤

9、Osteo uses the principle of osseous sound transmission, background noises are filtered out effectively. ─── Osteo使用骨的原则声音输送,背景噪音被有效地滤出。

10、Before locking, one should ensure that there is bone-on-bone contact because, without it, a reoperation may be necessary to achieve osseous union33. ─── 建议胫骨远近端静力锁定。在锁定前,医生应确定骨与骨接触良好,否则,会需要再次手术达到骨性愈合。

11、They appear as smooth rounded nodules consisting of extremely hard bone covered with normal skin and attached by a broad base to the medial portion of the osseous external auditory canal. ─── 它们为光滑的圆形结节,在正常皮肤下包覆著极硬的骨头,而且以宽阔的基底部附著在骨性外耳道的内侧部。

12、Complete osseous fill after therapy ─── 术后骨生成

13、Trifin nail and osseous pin are used to treat ulnar fracture ─── 三棱针加骨圆针内固定治疗尺骨骨折

14、The lesion was excised and histopathologic examination showed an osseous choristoma. ─── 此肿块经外科手术切除,组织病理检查发现为一骨性迷离瘤。

15、Computed tomography was the most useful radiological examination. It showed soft tissue or osseous hyperplasia in the lesion. ─── 放射检查以电脑断层扫描为主,可见颜面骨及鼻窦内有软组织或骨性增生。

16、Good posture is essential for teenagers to avoid osseous changes in the spine and the onset of disorders in the lumber region later in life. ─── 保持姿势正确对青少年绝对必要,这有助于预防脊柱变形,防止在以后的生活中发生腰区病痛。

17、Influence of trans-resveratrol on osseous changes in d-galactose induced aging rats ─── 反式白藜芦醇对d-半乳糖致老大鼠骨质影响研究

18、152 Cases of Osseous Gonarthritis Treated by Articular Cavity Injection Combined with Acupuncture ─── 关节腔内注射配合针刺治疗膝骨性关节炎152例

19、Unilateral osseous reconstruction of a dentate mandible after tumor ablation may be restored with implants and a removable partial denture. ─── 单侧骨重建一个齿状颌骨肿瘤切除后可能会恢复种植体和可摘局部义齿。

20、Report of 102 patients with osseous arthritis of knee joint treated with little knife ─── 小针刀治疗膝关节骨性关节炎102例报告

21、It is good to call metaplastic carcinoma with spindle cell and osseous differentiation. ─── 将之称为伴有梭形细胞分化和骨样分化的化生性癌好一些。

22、Only one recurrent case of the buccal mucosa and one malignant osseous tumor of the tongue have been reported in the literature. ─── 文献报告中,至今仅一例再发于颊黏膜,及一例发生于舌中段之恶性骨肉瘤。

23、Conclusions Osseous metastasis in lung cancer is characterized by multiple osteolytic damage. ─── 结论肺癌骨转移以多发性、溶骨性骨破坏为特征。

24、osseous cochlea ─── [医] 蜗螺旋管

25、Antigenicity of Osseous Tissue Influenced by Immunohistochemical Staining under Different Decalcification Conditions ─── 不同脱钙条件对骨组织免疫组织化学染色抗原性的影响

26、familial osseous dystrophy ─── 家族性骨营养不良, 离心性骨软骨发育不良, 莫尔基奥(氏)综合征

27、To systematically study the spine, shoulder straps, all the osseous pelvic girdle. ─── 将系统地学习脊柱、肩带、骨盆带的所有骨性。

28、Investigation on Osseous Condition of Female College Students and Analysis on Correlative Influence Factors ─── 女大学生骨质状况调查与相关影响因素分析


30、Lesser osseous pelvis ─── 小骨盆

31、The clinical analysis of vertebral posterior marginal osseous mass-typedisease concomitantprolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc. ─── 椎体后缘骨块类疾病伴腰椎间盘突出临床分析。

32、osseous surgery periodontal therapy ─── 牙周疗法-骨外科治疗

33、Treatment of Knee Joint Osseous Arthritis With External and Internal Use of Herbal Medicine ─── 中药内服外洗治疗膝关节骨性关节炎

34、One of the types of tissues that makes up bone is the mineralized osseous tissue, also called bone tissue, that gives it rigidity and honeycomb-like three-dimensional internal structure. ─── 构成骨组织之一的矿物化骨状组织,即骨组织,它使骨具备了硬性和蜂窝样三维结构。

35、congenital atresia of osseous auditory meatus ─── 先天性骨性耳道闭锁

36、High resolution micro-radiography and histological labeling are methods for assessing the mechanism and timing of osseous healing, maturation, and adaptation under different time of loading. ─── 在实验室中可使用高度显像的显微放射线技术配合组织标定的技术来评估植体植入后周围齿槽骨的愈合、成熟、以及对不同时期咬合负荷的适应程度。

37、prostate cancer with osseous metastasis ─── 前列腺癌骨转移

38、Only one recurrent case of the buccal mucosa and one malignant osseous tumor of the tongue have been reported in the literature. ─── 文献报告中,至今仅一例再发于颊黏膜,及一例发生于舌中段之恶性骨肉瘤。

39、Osseous obstruction of eustachian tube ─── 咽鼓管骨性梗阻

40、Congenital stricture of osseous meatus of middle ear ─── 先天性中耳骨道狭窄

41、osseous remains of animals ─── 动物遗骨

42、Methods 86 patients with severe brain injury of fronto-temporal side received craniectomies via extended pterional approach to remove the hematoma and osseous flap. ─── 方法对86例额颞部重型颅脑损伤患者行扩大翼点入路开颅术,清除血肿和去骨瓣减压。

43、Osseous portion of Eustachian tube ─── 咽鼓管骨部

44、Restrain rheumatism and arthritis, helpful for improve pain of articulation when cloudy and rain day and adjust osseous swell. ─── 有效调理风湿、节炎等症状;镇定变天时的关节骨头酸痛;改善风湿、椎、椎、骨神经,调理缓解骨质增生、刺的问题。

45、The mucosal lining of the cyst was grey in color and granular in texture: the osseous walls had a thickness of less than 1 mm. ─── 黏膜衬里的囊肿是灰色的颜色和颗粒的纹理:骨壁有厚度不到1毫米。

46、osseous chisel ─── (平)骨凿

47、osseous divide in vertebral canal ─── 椎管内骨性分隔

48、congenital exostosis of osseous auditory meatus ─── 先天性骨性耳道外生骨疣

49、alveolar osseous elevator ─── 牙槽骨(膜)剥离器

50、hemisepta in osseous surgery ─── 一侧骨壁缺损

51、Group A and B were all the same as the movement of normal teeth and osseous remodeling existed in group B. ─── 而A、B两组组织切片均为正常牙齿移动所见,且于B组可见膜内化骨现象。

52、CT demonstrates to better effect the osseous changes with a more accurate estimation of both diploic space widening and paranasal sinus changes. ─── CT在评价板障的增宽和副鼻窦的气化方面更加准确。

53、The initial osseous healing involves the bone modeling at the periosteal and endosteal surfaces followed by the bone remodeling occurred at the non-vital osseous interface. ─── 初期骨头愈合的反应主要包括了在骨膜及骨内膜表面进行的骨塑形以及随即发生于后的种植体-骨头交介面的骨重塑生长。

54、Keywords prostatic carcinoma;osseous metastasis;BALP;bone imaging;PSA;ALP; ─── 前列腺癌;骨转移;骨型碱性磷酸酶;骨显像;PSA;ALP;

55、Study on retaining or reconstruction partial posterior wall of osseous external acoustic meatus in mastoidectomy and tympanoplasty ─── 保留或重建部分外耳道后骨壁的乳突根治鼓室成形术

56、Patients with neuropathy or vasculopathy are at increased risk for both soft-tissue and osseous complications, including delayed union and nonunion. ─── 有肾脏病变或血管病变的患者发生软组织和骨并发症包括延迟愈合和骨不连接的风险增加。


58、osseous cells ─── [医] 骨细胞

59、He proposed an indicator of osseous development in children. ─── 他提出了一个儿童骨骼发育的指标。

60、Solitary osseous myeloma ─── 孤立性骨的骨髓瘤

61、anterior osseous ampulla ─── 前骨壶腹

62、Tooth essence makes the principal part of tooth body, be located in enamel and tooth osseous lining, not as hard as enamel, there is one cavity to call dental pulp tune inside its. ─── 牙本质构成牙体的主体,位于牙釉质与牙骨质的内层,不如牙釉质坚硬,在其内有一空腔称为牙髓腔。

63、All nonviable tissue, both osseous and soft tissue, should be removed. ─── 所有无活性的组织,包括骨组织和软组织,都应清除。

64、Methods After excision of local lesions, 37 patients had the osseous defects repaired with vascular, one sided or segmental fibular grafts. ─── 方法37例骨肿瘤或肿瘤样变,在作病灶彻底切除同时,分别采用吻合血管的腓骨长段充填植入,一侧嵌入式植入,节段性腓骨植入。

65、Local factors include cartilaginous, osseous, muscular, and aponeurotic structures and functional forces. ─── 局部因子包括软骨的、质的、肉的、膜结构与功能性力量。

66、Congenital atresia of osseous meatus of middle ear ─── 先天性中耳骨道闭锁

67、Preliminary inestigations suggest such treatment can dramatically improe the osseous integration of a press-fit implant and proide skeletal fixation as durable as bone ingrowth into a porous surface. ─── 初步研究表明这种处理方法可极大地促进紧压配合假体的骨结合,能为假体提供骨骼固定,直到骨长入到柄的多孔表面内。

68、Keywords zoledronic acid;radiotherapy;fraction module;osseous metastasis;pain; ─── 唑来膦酸;放射治疗;分割模式;骨转移癌;疼痛;

69、Study on the Time to Take Living Nursng for the Radiotherapy Patients of Malignant Tumor with Osseous Metastasis ─── 对恶性肿瘤骨转移放疗患者实施生活护理的时间研究

70、Methods: Injection of hyaluric acid sodium performed in 82 sides of 70 patients with knees osseous arthritis, once a week for 5 weeks. ─── 方法:对70例82侧膝骨性关节炎患者关节腔内注射透明质酸钠,每周1支,5支为1个疗程。

71、Review of the English-language literature revealed a total of 57 reported cases of osseous choristoma including the present case. ─── 文献回顾发现截至目前为止,英文文献报告之骨性迷离瘤包括本病例在内共有57例。

72、To our knowledge, this is the first case of an asymptomatic osseous loose body of the spinal canal to be published in the literature. ─── 据我们所知,这是首例无症状椎管内骨性游离体的报道。

73、Cook's osseous elevator ─── 库克(氏)牙槽骨挺

74、All bones consist of living cells embedded in the mineralized organic matrix that makes up the osseous tissue. ─── 所有骨都是由活的细胞组织,包容在矿物化有机质中,并构成骨。

75、Summarization on Treating 28 Cases of Fracture of Calcaneus by Internal Fixation With Per cutem Round Osseous Pin ─── 撬拨整复经皮骨圆针内固定治疗跟骨骨折28例小结

76、Computed tomography was the most useful radiological examination.It showed soft tissue or osseous hyperplasia in the lesion. ─── 放射检查以电脑断层扫描为主,可见颜面骨及鼻窦内有软组织或骨性增生。

77、Keywords Prostate cancer;Osseous metastases;Diagnosis;Treatment; ─── 前列腺癌;骨转移;诊断;治疗;

78、late osseous syphilis ─── 晚期骨梅毒

79、Murphy-Lane extension instrument for the reposition of osseous ends ─── 墨-累二氏骨端复位延长器

80、Keywords Periodontitis Periodontal osseous defects GTR; ─── 牙周炎;骨缺损;诱导牙周组织再生;

81、Objective: To quantitatively measure hormonal osseous blood flow in rabbits by radioactive microsphere techniques. ─── 目的:应用放射性微球技术检测激素性兔骨组织血流量。

82、Because the embryo has 3 systems to continue in the growth: Nervous system, osseous system and reproductive system. ─── 因为胎儿有3个系统是继续在发育的:神经系统、骨骼系统和生殖系统。

83、periosteal retention in osseous surgery ─── 保留骨膜手术

84、The applied research of restoring the osseous defects of alveoli by using variant porcelained bone dust in implant surgery ─── 异体复合陶瓷化骨粉修复种植牙骨缺损的应用研究

85、While shown to be curatie, total sacrectomy can produce large osseous and soft tissue defects that lead to ertical and rotational instability, necessitating reconstructie surgery. ─── 全骶骨切除尽管有治愈的可能,但会造成巨大的骨与软组织缺损,导致垂直和旋转的不稳定,从而需要进行重建手术。

86、Specialize in the top-grade osseous porcelain , strengthen porcelain , bone jade porcelain , Western-style porcelain , Japanese and Korean cooking series. ─── 专业生产高档骨质瓷、强化瓷、骨玉瓷、西式瓷、日韩料理系列。

87、crater in osseous surgery ─── 杯状骨缺损, 火山口状骨缺损

88、On the Tissue Development of the Osseous Labyrinth in Man's Inner Ear ─── 人内耳骨迷路的组织发生

89、Establishment of a prostatic carcinoma osseous metastasis model expressing enhanced red fluorescent protein ─── 一种表达增强型红色荧光蛋白的前列腺癌骨转移模型的建立

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