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09-05 投稿


commending 发音

英:[k??mend??]  美:[k??mend??]

英:  美:

commending 中文意思翻译



commending 常用词组

highly commended ─── 高度赞赏;受到好评的

commend me to ─── ◎请代我问候…,请代我向…致意

commending 词性/词形变化,commending变形

名词: commendableness |动词现在分词: commending |动词过去分词: commended |副词: commendably |动词过去式: commended |形容词: commendable |动词第三人称单数: commends |

commending 短语词组

1、commending define ─── 赞扬定义

2、commending meaning ─── 赞扬意义

3、commending meeting ─── 表彰会

4、commending definition ─── 赞扬定义

5、commending synonym ─── 称赞同义词

6、commending role models ─── 表扬榜样

7、commending antonyms ─── 赞扬反义词

8、commending on the remark ─── 赞扬这句话

9、commending means ─── 赞扬手段

10、commending ceremony ─── 表彰仪式

commending 相似词语短语

1、companding ─── v.用压缩扩展器减低(信号)的信噪比(compand的现在分词)

2、contending ─── v.奋斗,竞争;主张,认为,声称(contend的现在分词)

3、commenting ─── 评论;注解;说明(comment的现在分词)

4、commercing ─── n.贸易;商业;商务

5、communing ─── v.谈心,亲密交谈(精神上)与……很亲近;密切联系(commune的现在分词形式)

6、commerging ─── 商业化

7、commencing ─── v.开始,着手(commence的现在分词)

8、commanding ─── adj.指挥的;居高临下的;威风凛凛的;v.指挥;统帅;负责(command的ing形式)

9、recommending ─── vt.推荐,介绍;劝告;使受欢迎;托付;vi.推荐;建议

commending 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Students file their composition in group language folders accordingly to be read and commend on in the following week. ─── 学生将作文归档在各自相应小组档案袋,以供次周阅读和评议。

2、Introduce the result of several type of liquid Optical Brightening Agent (OBA)test,commend the test method of OBA use for coating color. ─── 介绍了几种液体增白剂的性能试验结果,及用于铜版纸涂料中的液体增白剂的选择试验方法。

3、He told me that I would recommend the club after he chose me and I said, I commend all. ─── 他告诉我在俱乐部推荐我之后他就选择了我并对我说,所有人都称赞我。

4、It is the purpose of "Most Valuable Professional" award that commending those who contributed to various field of human resource. ─── "中国人力资源最有价值专家"奖项致力于对中国人力资源各个领域做出卓越贡献的专家和精英进行表彰。

5、Under the commending of the special person, dismantle the lift as the opposite order of installment. ─── 升降机的拆卸应在专人指挥下,按与安装相反的顺序拆卸。

6、Conduct a "diaper equity" survey of local establishments. Commend managers who provide changing tables in men's as well as women's restrooms. ─── 在当地建立一个“平等的工作台”的调查。

7、But let me begin by commending you all for the successful Olympic Games. ─── 但是,请允许我首先就奥运会的成功举办向在座的各位表示祝贺。

8、On the meeting, kang Bai was done to acting circumstance of 97 years sum up and review, undertook commending to making the agent that stresses outstanding achievement. ─── 会上,康柏对97年的代理情况做了总结和回顾,对做出突出业绩的代理商进行了表彰。

9、You can neither blame nor commend him without some twinge of conscience. ─── 你无论是责备他或是称赞他,良心上总不免有点刺痛的意味似的。

10、Brother, we really appreciate your forwarding this question to us, and we commend your keenness on getting yourself well-acquainted with the teachings of Islam. ─── 兄弟,我们非常感谢你向我们提这个问题,我们赞赏你在获取你所熟悉的伊斯兰学说中的敏锐。

11、The gainer of award of 17 contribution that help deficient up such as Ding Haisong, also got commend at the same time today. ─── 丁海松等17名扶贫贡献奖获得者,今天也同时受到了表彰。

12、Three times he abdicated the throne, as such people cannot find an appropriate title to commend his deed. ─── 他三次让位给别人,人民都不知如何称颂他。”

13、In the campus, I commend the people are kind-hearted mother is a good mother. ─── 在校园里人们都称赞我妈妈是一位善良的好妈妈。

14、She is an excellent interpreter before so I commend her to my boss. ─── 她过去是一个出色的口译员,因此我把她推荐给我的老板。

15、Prepare to commend on the text. ─── 准备评述课文。

16、This would hardly commend him to the new African states. ─── 仅此一点就很难使他为非洲的新兴国家所欢迎。

17、After unloading the materials, the working staff leave the coop, make the safety inserting block draw back, give commending signal to the operation staff. ─── 卸料完毕,工作人员离开吊笼,操纵手柄使安全插块退回后,给操作者一指挥信号,操作者接到信号后方能继续开机.

18、He is a promising young man who is now studying at our graduate school. As his supervisor, I would like to commend him to your notice. ─── 他是一个有前途的年轻人,现就读于我们的研究生院。我以他导师的身份向您推荐他。

19、They are waiting for your commending about this thing. ─── 他们正在等你对此事的评论。

20、His suggestions do not commend themselves to the committee. ─── 他的建议不会被委员会接受。

21、but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. ─── 只将真理表明出来,好在神面前把自己荐与各人的良心。

22、After get the commend signal, the operation staff can operate, during the working, should pay attention to watch the suspension coop. ─── 3 3操纵人员必须在得到指挥信号后才能进行操作,作业时思想要集中,注意观察吊笼,停放准确。

23、He admired Aeschylus and Pindar;but when some one was commending them, he said that Aeschylus and the Greeks, in describing Apollo and Orpheus, had given no song, or no good one. ─── 他尊敬埃斯库洛斯和品达,可当有人赞扬他们时,他却说:“埃斯库洛斯和希腊人在描写阿波罗和奥费尤利斯没有写出歌,或写得不好。

24、Parents commend your works to their children and tell them your feats. ─── 世世代代应宣扬你的工程,世世代代应传述你的大能:

25、Day in and day out his company works hard at commending God to clients-God, the supreme master of detailed design. ─── 他的公司每日都尽心尽力在客户当中见证神——那位最匠心独运的超级设计大师。

26、October 13, 2004 2 2003 class 003-2004 annual Pacesetter College dormitory, 03-student dormitory civilization commend representatives. ─── 2004年10月13日2003级2003-2004年度学院标兵寝室、文明寝室表彰大会03届学生代表发言。

27、Ok, you maybe don't want a expensive apartment taking price in consideration.So I will commend another one-bedroom apartment to you, it meets your requirements. ─── 好吧,要是考虑钱的话,你可能就不想要贵的房子。那我可以给你推荐另外一个单人间,也应该适合你的。

28、In charge of matters on local etiquette setting,educational propaganda,religionary sacrifice, commending faith and filial piety,etc. ─── 主管全府的礼制制定、教育宣传、宗教祭祀、表彰忠孝等方面事务。

29、The Delegation of Nigeria wished to commend the Secretariat for the usual hard work and efficiency in providing relevant documents. ─── 尼日利亚代表团要称赞秘书处,因为,同往常一样,秘书处通过艰苦工作有效地提供了文件。

30、She is owing to has collectivism spirit to suffer to commend. ─── 她由于有集体主义精神而受到表彰。

31、The hope suffers commending unit to make persistent efforts, greater success is gained henceforth in helping deficient up to work together. ─── 希望受表彰的单位再接再厉,在今后的联手扶贫工作中取得更大成绩。

32、Commending an invention for facilitating child labor is now a matter of distant history. ─── 因发明便于童工操作的机器而受到颂扬,已是陈年往事。

33、The method of his organisation work is worth commending. ─── 他的组织工作的方法值得称道。

34、Of all wonderful scenes that the modern theatre knows, commend me to that in the first act of Wagner's 'Tristan," where Tristan and Isolde drink the death draught. ─── 他们此外别无选择,因为崔斯坦爱着伊索德,也被她爱着,可仍得送她漂洋过海去给自己的朋友马克国王做新娘。

35、In 2004, SCBC's annual manufacture and sale was on the top of three in Baoshan District and won commend from the government. ─── 2004年,中集宝伟销售产值跃居宝山三甲,并跻身上海99家“亿美元出口群企业”,获得市政府“上海外贸出口百强企业铜奖”荣誉表彰。

36、Particular should be:1.good commend of English,speaking,writing and reading2.familiar and experience in internat...... ... ─── 公司名称:广州市利达美好百货贸易商行工作地点:广东省广州市发布时间:2009-3-28

37、I commend you for your integrity. Together we shall know prosperous times. ─── =>我希望你是正直的,那样的话我们就能共同进退。

38、The major gives tom a title of honor to commend the contribution that he contributed to education business. ─── 市长授予汤姆一个荣誉称号,以表彰他对教育事业所做出的贡献。

39、The said civil affairs administrative department shall, if intending to commend a donator in public, solicit this donator's opinions in advance. ─── 对捐赠人进行公开表彰,应当事先征求捐赠人的意见。

40、His ideas do not commend themselves to me. ─── 他的看法没给我留下好的印象。

41、To commend officially for meritorious action in military service. ─── 嘉奖官方赞扬军事服务中的有功行为

42、We refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God's word, but by the open statement of the truth we would commend ourselves to everyone's conscience in the sight of God. ─── 不行诡诈,不谬讲神的道理,只将真理表明出来,好在神面前把自己荐与各人的良心。

43、His paintings commend him to the artistic world. ─── 他的画将他推荐进了艺术界。

44、On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. ─── 只将真理表明出来,好在神面前把自己荐与各人的良心。

45、Christ spoke a few further words commending those who had accepted the fact of his resurrection by faith. ─── 基督继而称赞那些凭信心相信他复活的人。

46、She knows a fair look is but a dumb orator to commend virtue, therefore minds it not. ─── 她知道美丽的容颜只是品德的无言体现,因此不加留意。

47、From this respect, pipelining has everything to commend it. ─── 从这点来说,管路乐于被人们采用。

48、we are not commending ourselves to you again. ─── 我们不是向你们再举荐自己。

49、I find it really weird that no one is commending Ravan for not forcibly... ─── |我觉得奇怪的是 居然没人夸罗婆那没霸王硬上弓...

50、Almighty Father, we commend all who suffer to your loving care. ─── 全能的圣父,我们将所有受苦受难的人托付于您的关爱。

51、Good commend of spoken and written English and computer skills. ─── 具有良好的英文读写能力,熟悉电脑操作。

52、Nevertheless, Mr Sarkozy could expect congratulation on his return to France, with some French media outlets already commending his tactics. ─── 不管怎样,萨科奇可以期望回国后得到人们的恭贺,而一些法国媒体已经在赞扬他的战术。

53、She is an excellent worker and I commend her to you without reservation. ─── 她工作出色,我毫无保留地把她推荐给你。

54、Commander in Chief Anqieluodi also expresses commending to the team. ─── 主帅安切洛蒂也对球队表示赞许。

55、Not only are there some very fine twaddle entries from the first nine months of the year, but even in the past three months there has been much to commend. ─── 不仅前9个月有部分非常杰出的蠢话入围,而且后三个月里也很有些蠢话值得称道。

56、I conceive you to be now commending the similes . ─── 我想你现在在称赞这个比喻了。

57、Although I am only now becoming familiar with your work, I must commend the vastness of your approach to fulfilling the needs of those around you. ─── 尽管我刚刚熟悉你的工作,但我还是要赞美你,因为你满足了你周围人那么多的需求。

58、I feel lucky to live in an era where my relationship can be considered legally legitimate and I commend the UK Government for embracing this very basic Civil Liberty. ─── 住在一个我们这样的关系能被视作合法的地方,我深感荣幸。我也要对英国政府能够包容这个最基本的公民自由表示感谢。

59、Oxbridge College has perfect excellence appraisal system to commend outstanding students in character and learning awarded certificate issued by KUST. ─── 学院拥有完善的评优机制嘉奖品学兼优的学生,颁发昆明理工大学获奖证书,还设有各类社会奖学金和“云南省政府奖学金”。

60、Here I stress to commend our product --- tungsten-copper composites. Our WCu composites are offered with 10-40wt.% Cu. ─── 如果您有任何疑问,请不要犹豫联系我们!我们真诚地希望与你合作,在这条线在未来!您的提示信将受到赞赏!

61、In v. 2 he warned against giving from a wrong motive - the praise of men.If we read the words carefully, we will see that he was commending giving to those in need. ─── 他在第2节提醒我们,不可抱着为了受人称赞的错误动机,来作任何善事。

62、An order was issued to commend them. ─── 他们被通令嘉奖。

63、The woman was very good at commending: her orders were all couched in soft-toned imperative sentences. ─── 女人发号施令的手段很高明,使用的都是口气柔和的祈使句。

64、He commend them for their enthusiasm. ─── 他称赞他们的热情。

65、His outspoken behaviour did not commend itself to his colleagues. ─── 他直言不讳的行为不受他同事的欢迎。

66、Commend while others are criticizing. ─── 当别人批评时你赞扬。

67、The audience then sings commending or derogatory songs. ─── 人们常和着乐曲唱赞美或贬义之词,

68、Let me begin by commending you all for the successful Olympic Games. ─── 首先请允许我就奥运会的成功举办向在座的各位表示祝贺。

69、Ladies and gentlemen, I conclude by commending the good guidance that the ACCCI has given to the Australian business community and wishing it a more successful year ahead. ─── 女士们、先生们,在我结束讲话前,我要对澳中工商会给予澳工商业者的良好指导表示赞赏,祝它在下一年度取得更好的业绩。

70、Conference total associate with flowed to call for paper the activity develops a case, to calling for paper unit of bear the palm and individual undertook commending. ─── 会议总结交流了征文活动开展情况,对征文获奖单位和个人进行了表彰。

71、Charles Chao and his Reformation Translation Fellowship was the leader in commending the Reformed faith among the Chinese people. ─── 在那个年代,从事改革宗信仰的传播事工,华人中间,首推赵中辉牧师的基督教改革宗翻译社。

72、It will thus become able authoritatively to commend or condemn politicians and to wield great influence over opinion, even in the army. ─── 因此,它将成为能够以当局的赞扬或谴责政客的维护者,舆论的强大影响力,甚至在军队。

73、On the one hand, it seemed to him that he heard "his Ursule" supplicating for her father and on the other, the colonel commending Thenardier to his care. ─── 他仿佛一方面听见“他的玉秀儿”在为她的父亲向他央求,一方面又听见那上校在叫他照顾德纳第。

74、Here chat in any language is OK except Chinese. We commend using English! ─── 在这里聊天用任何外语都可以,只要不是中文,我们推荐大家使用英语!

75、And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified. ─── 如今我把你们交托神和他恩惠的道;这道能建立你们,叫你们和一切成圣的人同得基业。

76、The state will award and commend those bodies and individuals who have made outstanding contributions in the development of non-state education undertaking. ─── 国家对为发展民办教育事业做出突出贡献的组织和个人,给予奖励和表彰。

77、Reprove your friend privately, commend him puBlicly. ─── 对朋友要私下责备,公开赞扬。

78、Today, I commend you for a bcd-225mjvw Samsung refrigerators, the current price of 4250 yuan, interested friends can look at. ─── 今天笔者就为大家推荐一款三星bcd-225mjvw冰箱,目前价格为4250元,感兴趣的朋友可以关注一下。

79、Nevertheless,he remained a bachelor,and when his brother died,commending to Ludwig's care his only son Karl,he dismissed forever the thought of marriage. ─── 不过,他却终身未娶,他弟弟临终时将独生子卡尔托孤给他,他也就从此打消了结婚的念头。

80、You need to give a commend, You had seen the sample. ─── 你已看过我们的样本你自己说吧先进!

81、The hope suffers commending advanced unit and advanced individual to make persistent efforts, guard against arrogance, gain greater success. ─── 希望受表彰的先进单位和先进个人再接再厉,戒骄戒躁,取得更大成绩。

82、"Commending is buyer " it is this meaning. ─── “褒贬是买主”就是此意。

83、I will therefore like to commend the Public Clinic Society for expending its operations and taking the step to meet the increasing need of the community. ─── 因此,我要在此赞扬大众医院,在不断扩展院务的同时,还着手计划如何庆付广大民众日益增加的需求。

84、He obtains consistent commending the same day in the stage performance, but he sends out the charm, makes under the stage the audience looks as if deluded. ─── 他当日在舞台上的表现获得一致赞许,而他所散发出的魅力,令台下的观众看得如痴如醉。

85、This refers to the system aimed at compensating or commending the special group of people who have rendered meritorious services to the state and society. ─── 优抚安置制度是指对国家和社会有功劳的特殊社会群体给予补偿和褒扬的一种制度。

86、Commend a book to the reader. ─── 向读者推荐一本书。

87、The state shall give tax preference to the citizens, legal persons or other bodies that make donations to non-state schools and commend them. ─── 国家对向民办学校捐赠财产的公民、法人或者其他组织按照有关规定给予税收优惠,并予以表彰。

88、Build operators training plan and ensure good executive. Bring up, commend, select good employee for company development. ─── 制订与推动执行员工培训计划,对优秀员工的教育、培养、推荐、选拔;

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