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09-05 投稿


sedan 发音

英:[s??d?n]  美:[s??d?n]

英:  美:

sedan 中文意思翻译




sedan 词性/词形变化,sedan变形


sedan 短语词组

1、sedan chair controversy ─── 轿子之争

2、sedan wagon ─── 轿车

3、sedan husain ─── 然后是侯赛因

4、sedan style ─── 轿车风格

5、sedan kia ─── 宽分离器

6、compact sedan ─── 款别克中级车

7、luxury sedan cars ─── 豪华轿车

8、sedan chair n. ─── 轿子

9、sedan car ─── 小汽车; ─── 小轿车

10、exclusive sedan ─── 专享轿车

11、executive sedan ─── 行政轿车

12、flagship sedan ─── 旗舰轿车

13、sport sedan ─── 运动轿车

14、notchback sedan ─── 凹背轿车

15、convertible sedan ─── 活顶轿车

16、Sedan (automobile) ─── 轿车(汽车)

17、sedan suv ─── 轿车suv

18、sedan definition ─── 轿车定义

19、sedan ks weather ─── 轿车ks天气

sedan 常用词组

sedan chair ─── 轿子

sedan car ─── 小轿车

sedan 相似词语短语

1、soldan ─── n.(中世纪埃及等伊斯兰教国家的)苏丹

2、sedans ─── n.箱式轿车(sedan的复数)

3、sean ─── n.肖恩(男子名)

4、sedate ─── adj.安静的;沉着的;vt.给…服镇静剂

5、Medan ─── n.棉兰(印尼城市)

6、sedent ─── 沉着的

7、redan ─── n.凸角堡

8、Sedan ─── n.轿车;轿子;n.(Sedan)人名;(英)塞丹

9、sewan ─── 西温(北美印第安人所用的贝壳货币)

sedan 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keeping the interior functional and ergonomic the Citroen C4 Sedan offers many useful storage compartments. ─── 保持室内功能和人体工程学的雪铁龙C4轿车提供了许多有益的储物箱。

2、If you need a lesson on Mercedes' ever-growing list of acronyms, check out our sedan review. ─── 如果您需要的课程梅塞德斯越来越多的缩写,请参阅我们的轿车审查。

3、The hatchback is priced the same as the sedan, and adds a wiper/washer on the liftgate window. ─── 五门揭背式的汽车定价同三厢轿车一样, 并增加后雨刮连洗窗器在尾门窗。

4、Sedan chair was an important means of man-carrying transportation in ancient China. ─── 古代,轿子是中国非常重要的载人交通工具。

5、He would drive a rental truck loaded with his belongingsI would follow him in his sedan, then fly back. ─── 到时他将开租来的卡车拉上全部家什,我跟在后面帮他把小车开过去,乘飞机返回。

6、But the GT stands higher than the sedan but lower than an SUV, although BMW is not calling it an MPV as such. ─── 但是,GT的主张高于轿车,但低于一辆SUV,但宝马并不声称这是多功能车等。

7、Peter gick sedan och ringde mamma. ─── Peter 后来去跟他妈打电话。

8、He hated the way the sedan bearers meandered along and preferred to get off the chair and walk by himself. ─── 只嫌轿子走得不爽气,宁可下了轿自己走。

9、On the day of the marriage, one sits in a brightly decorated bridal sedan chair, barely able to breathe. ─── 到了过门的时候,用一顶红红绿绿的花轿,坐在里面,连气也不能出。

10、In preparation for its upcoming Ghost sedan, Rolls-Royce is planning to increase its manufacturing workforce by 50%. ─── 为筹备即将举行的幽灵轿车,罗尔斯罗伊斯公司正计划增加其制造业劳动人口的50%。

11、Unfortunately, the CC also reminds us of the Genesis sedan in the way it handles and rides. ─── 不幸的是,消委会也提醒我们的成因轿车的方式处理和游乐设施。

12、The piston rod of family sedan's rear snubber fractured duringearlier stage of rotary bending fatigue test. ─── 家轿后减振器活塞杆在进行旋转弯曲疲劳试验时出现早期断裂。

13、Both of them are used in an independent suspension system of a sedan. ─── 它们两者都用于轿车的独立悬吊系统。

14、Company-owned car plant is the cradle of China's car industry, "Red Flag" sedan is the first Chinese car brand. ─── 公司所属轿车分厂是中国轿车工业的摇篮,“红旗”轿车是中国轿车第一品牌。

15、Discover the new BMW 7 Series: the best driving luxury sedan. ─── BMW全新7系将让您叹服:不愧为拥有最佳驾驭感的豪华四门轿车。

16、Captured in these latest spy shots are several test-mules that are thought to be for the upcoming car, with both sedan and wagon variants present. ─── 可能抓获这些最新的间谍投几个试验骡子这被认为是为即将到来的汽车,既有轿车和旅行车的变种存在。

17、She went home in a sedan chair and a flood of tears. ─── 她泪如泉涌,坐着轿子打道回府。

18、People on foot , donkeys, the standard sedan, lorries, bicycles, people on skates. ─── 徒步的人、驴、标准的轿车、货车、自行车、穿冰鞋人。

19、My parents own a Ford sedan. ─── 我父母有一辆福特牌轿车。

20、He would drive a rental truck loaded with his belongings and I would follow him in his sedan, then fly back. ─── 到时他将开租来的卡车拉上全部家什,我跟在后面帮他把小车开过去,然后乘飞机返回。

21、The only other sedan that does look like this is the Mercedes CLS. ─── 唯一的其他轿车,它的外观,这是梅赛德斯华彩。

22、Toyota, meanwhile, is assembling its Prius gasoline-electric sedan only in Japan and China. ─── 同时丰田也仅仅在中国和日本生产其油电混合产品普瑞斯...

23、From a distance, it could be a Hyundai Genesis sedan. ─── 从很远的地方,这可能是一个现代成因轿车。

24、Front and rear lights are similar to the 5-Series GT and 7-Series sedan, correspondingly. ─── 前部和后部照明灯,类似于5系列GT和7系列轿车,相应。

25、Headlights flashed on and a battered sedan pulled up to him, the door swinging open. ─── 一辆汽车的前灯亮了,这辆破烂不堪的小轿车停在他跟前,车门也同时打开了。

26、Seriously speaking, I have no issue using a sedan although a 4WD, with high clearnance, is preferred. ─── 严格说起来,虽然底盘高的4WD较好,我对开小房车倒是无意见.

27、He said he was thinking of buying one to keep his Mercedes S-Class sedan from getting dinged up on visits to the mine. ─── 他说,他正在考虑买辆悍马,免得他的奔驰S级轿车在去矿上的时候磕磕碰碰。

28、It will be known as the sedan car at the time. ─── 当时,它将被称为轿车。

29、Once in the sedan chair he sat dejectedly, not knowing why it was considered a virtue to speak frankly. ─── 上了轿子,闷闷不乐,不懂为什么说话坦白算是美德。

30、There is no going heaven in a sedan. ─── 坐轿上天堂,从来无此事。

31、The chauffeur turned the sedan about. ─── 司机把轿车掉头。

32、The emperor would be carried in his sedan over the stone carving and was the only person allowed to pass over it. ─── 皇帝会座在轿中从这石雕丹陛上越过,他是唯一一个被允许跨越它的人。

33、As Lexus′ popular flagship vehicle, the LS430 has become a strong contender in the luxury executive sedan segment. ─── 作为LEXUS雷克萨斯倍受欢迎的旗舰豪华轿车,LS430已成为顶级豪华轿车中的有力竞争者。

34、Its North American arrival could coincide with the rumored TSX Type S high-performance sedan. ─── 其在北美的到来可以配合传言多伦多S型高性能轿车。

35、As a result, NVH levels between the sedan and convertible are nearly identical. ─── 因此,NVH水平和轿车之间的转换几乎是一样的。

36、There is no going to Heaven is a sedan. ─── 坐轿子到不了天堂。

37、One crane dipped into No.2 hold and came up with a " Shanghai" sedan. ─── 一架起重机的吊杆伸入二号舱,吊出一辆上海牌轿车。

38、But the DTS isn't, since it's still based on the last generation of General Motors luxury sedan technology and design. ─── 但是,DTS是没有,因为它仍然是基于上一代通用汽车豪华轿车技术和设计.

39、The German automaker is working on an entry-level sedan to be slotted below the A4, an Audi official told BusinessWeek. ─── 德国汽车制造商正在开发的入门级轿车将开槽以下的A4,奥迪官员告诉商业周刊。

40、With a heart in getting back at them, he drove slowly beside the couple, wanting them to spot him in his luxury sedan. ─── 带着某种报复的心理,他缓缓地开在他们边上,希望他们注意到豪华轿车中的他。

41、From behind the wheel the sedan seems bigger than it is, or maybe it's actually bigger than it seems it should be. ─── 从在轮子后面看,乐骋私家轿车似乎比它原来的更大,也许它实际上似乎就应该是那么大。

42、The Sonata mid-size sedan was up a modest 3. 9%, but remained the company's best-seller. The redesigned Elantra compact was a strong second. ─── 索纳塔中型轿车的销量勉强达到3.9%,但却是公司产品中销量最好的。重新设计的伊兰特小型客车销量第二。

43、As Don Corleone stood greeting guests, a black Chevrolet sedan came to a stop on the far side of the paved mall. ─── 当堂-科利昂站着迎接客人们时,一辆黑色雪佛兰轿车来到铺好的林荫道远侧停下。

44、For example, the query term car results in the following suggested synonyms: automobile, auto, vehicle, van, and sedan. ─── 例如,查询条件car将建议下列同义字:automobile、auto、vehicle、van和sedan。

45、The resemblance to Mitsubishi's rally-bred super sedan goes beyond the gaping grille and reshaped headlights. ─── 三菱用于纽约车展暗示在大的事情来的欧蓝德交叉。

46、As she reached a road intersection, a Ford sedan stopped. ─── 她走到交叉路口时,一辆福特牌轿车停了下来。

47、He left the steps of the house and walked across the mall to where the black sedan was parked. ─── 他离开这所房子的台阶步行穿过林荫道,到那辆黑色轿车停着的地方。

48、We know that our CFMA team is as excited as we are to bring this "Successful Elite" sedan to the market. ─── 大家一定与我们一样对福特蒙迪欧-致胜这款旗舰车型的上市感到兴奋。

49、The dirt road is accessible by normal sedan car. ─── 这条土路可以让普通的小轿车通行。

50、five years, this luxury sedan loses 84% of its purchase price. ─── 五年之后,这款豪华轿车的售价下降了84%。

51、As a mode of transport the sedan chair is as head as a dodo. ─── 作为一种交通工具,轿子已完全过时了。

52、Exterior appointments include a rear deck lid spoiler (low profile on sedan) and front and rear Si emblems. ─── 外观任命包括后方甲板扰流(低调轿车)及前后硅标志。

53、I want to rent a large sedan. ─── 我要租一辆大轿车。

54、The four - door sedan goes in for the longer, lower appearance. ─── 四门轿车的特点是外形上比较长,比较低。

55、If you drive it out of town, I would suggest a luxury sedan. ─── 如果你驾车出城,我建议你租一部房车。

56、"Do you mean to tell this court that you followed your wife in your brand-new Plymouth sedan?" the DA asked him on cross examination. ─── “你是说你开着你嘎嘣新的普利茅斯车跟踪你的妻子,对吗?”检察官盘问安迪说。

57、German troops in Sedan in May 1940. Once the Germans had crossed the Meuse, French resistance on the river line largely collapsed. ─── 德军1940年5月于色当,一旦德军越过默兹河,法军沿河的抵抗就已经在很大程度上崩溃了.

58、In mid-2005, BYD launched its first car, a small sedan called the F3. ─── 2005年中期,比亚迪推出了第一款名为F3的小型轿车。

59、The domestic market share of sedan, light and mini vehicles is around 20%. ─── 产品在国内轿车、轻微型车配套市场占有率达20%左右。

60、In ancient times, the bride is carried in a bridal sedan chair to her husband's home. ─── 在古代, 新娘要由彩轿抬到丈夫家。

61、If you already own an IS sedan, you will feel perfectly at home in the cabin of the convertible. ─── 如果您已拥有一个是轿车,你会觉得完全在家里在船舱的兑换。

62、"SDL listing after emerging from the shadow of the Fit sedan Guangzhou Honda has become a headache for most things. ─── “思迪上市后如何摆脱三厢飞度的影子成了广州本田最头疼的事情。”

63、The Volt is by no means a sports sedan, but it will briefly chirp its tires when pulling away from a stop. ─── 伏安绝不是运动轿车,但将其简单地啁啾时轮胎脱离停止。

64、While that convertible makes a case for itself, the sedan is outdone by just about every other vehicle in its class. ─── 尽管该车型确立了自身的地位,但轿车车型几乎被所有的同级车所超越了。

65、Sedan used for diplomatic work? ─── 外交工作用车?

66、In late 2007 BMW CEO Norbert Reithofer revealed plans for several all-new models including a design study called the Progressive Activity Sedan (PAS). ─── 在2007年年底宝马总裁诺伯特雷瑟夫透露计划的几个全新的模式,包括设计研究所谓进步活动轿车(PAS)等。

67、My host family and I left the city behind in their Lada sedan, which still runs despite being nearly 30 years old. ─── 我和主人家庭一起,乘坐他家有三十年车龄的拉达轿车离开城市。

68、For Chinese people, the biggest focus at Shanghai Auto Show 2009 is more than Shanghai sedan's renascence. ─── 在4月举行的2009上海国际车展上,对于国人来说,最大的看点莫过于“上海牌”轿车的浴火重生了。

69、Teana, a luxury sedan successfully launched in Japan in February 2003, will also be produced by the new company in 2004. ─── Nissan2003年2月份在日本市场成功上市的豪华型轿车Teana也将于2004年在新公司投产。

70、FAW has also utilized the capital market to directly finance, and now owns three domestic listed companies, such as the "FAW sedan", etc. ─── 一汽还利用资本市场直接融资,现已拥有“一汽轿车”等三家境内上市公司。

71、The shape brings more practicality than a notchback sedan, and it makes for a beautiful, sleek roofline. ─── 形状带来了更多的实用性比客货两用车轿车,它使一个美丽的,圆滑的车顶。

72、Test the remarkably spacious, comfortable seats in the BMW 3 Series Sedan and you′ll understand. ─── 但如果您坐到BMW 3系轿车宽敞舒适的座椅上,这一切就勿庸解释了

73、The firm provide us with a sedan. ─── 公司供给我一辆轿车。

74、Live From California: Tesla Model S Sedan Juiced Up And Ready To Go! ─── 住在加州:特斯拉型号S轿车极品醉车,准备出发!

75、In the German system of high-performance sedan, FAW-Volkswagen-speed consumers have been vacated. ─── 在德系高性能轿车中,一汽大众速腾一直受到消费者喜爱。

76、A black Maybach sedan parked alone in the hall on the right side of the door. ─── 中英文对照:一辆黑色的迈巴赫轿车孤零零的停靠在大堂门口右侧。

77、An hour after he was wounded, Gordon was in an ambulance headed toward an evacuation hospital in Sedan. ─── 受伤一个小时之后,戈登已经身在往色当野战医院转运伤员的救护车中。

78、He was making his way in broad daylight through the tattered streets of Gaza City when his sedan turned into a fireball. ─── 他正通过加沙城街头的破烂轿车的路上时,他将变成一个火球在光天化日之下。

79、The "Running Horse"dancers would dance all the way behind the sedan. ─── 参加"跳马夫"的人,始终伴着神驾在其前后跳舞;

80、In 1997, Shanghai General Motors was formed, and a year later the first Buick sedan rolled off the production line there. ─── 1997年,上海通用汽车有限公司成立。一年后,这家公司的生产线制造了第一辆别克轿车。

81、All I can afford is a standard sedan. ─── 我只能买得起一般轿车。

82、VW says a new mid-size sedan will roll off the assembly lines here as part of a plan to triple US sales by 2018. ─── 大众汽车还说,在此,一款新型中型轿车将下线,成为美国市场2018年前销售额三倍计划的一部分。

83、So in essence, “the Taurus is a sedan that's all about me. ─── 因此,从本质上说,“金牛座是轿车的所有关于我的。”

84、She had just had a drink of hot water, and the redness in her face still hadn't faded by the time she stepped back into her sedan chair. ─── 她刚喝了热水,脸上的红到上轿还没褪。

85、The Transformative KIA Forte Sedan is on US Dealer lots ready to go. ─── 复地的变革起亚轿车是美国经销商很多准备。

86、Toyota added a hybrid system to their Lexus LS sedan to give it the power of a V12 while improving fuel economy. ─── 丰田公司为雷克萨斯配备了v12混合动力发动机,增强了其燃油经济性。

87、The ride is not smooth enough to be a true luxury sedan, and its handling isn't quite good enough to make it a sport sedan. ─── 该机不顺利,足以成为一个真正的豪华轿车,它的处理不太好,使它成为一个运动轿车。

88、Like we said in the Genesis review, you can't be a luxury sedan and a sport sedan at the same time. ─── 就像我们说的成因审查,你不能成为豪华轿车和运动轿车在同一时间。

89、"I'm always in a hurry," says a smartly-dressed man in a white sedan, before zipping away with his burger. ─── 一个穿着简洁驾驶着一辆白色轿车的男子在撕开汉堡包准备进食前说“我总是匆匆忙忙的”。

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