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09-05 投稿


nebulous 发音

英:['nebj?l?s]  美:['n?bj?l?s]

英:  美:

nebulous 中文意思翻译



nebulous 网络释义

adj. 朦胧的;星云的,星云状的

nebulous 词性/词形变化,nebulous变形

名词: nebulousness |副词: nebulously |

nebulous 短语词组

1、nebulous meaning ─── 模糊的意思

2、nebulous game ─── 模糊游戏

3、nebulous clouds ─── 云雾

4、nebulous xword ─── 模糊的X字

5、nebulous io ─── 星云木卫一

6、nebulous urine ─── [医] 混浊尿

7、nebulous download ─── 模糊不清的下载

8、nebulous moulding ─── 云雾状装饰

9、nebulous definition ─── 模糊的定义

nebulous 相似词语短语

1、nebulium ─── n.过去假设星云中的化学元素

2、nebulosus ─── 薄幕状云

3、nodulous ─── adj.有小块的;有小结节的

4、fabulous ─── adj.难以置信的;传说的,寓言中的;极好的

5、nebulas ─── 星云;角膜云翳(nebula的复数)

6、nebulously ─── 星云的;星云状的;朦胧的;模糊的

7、emulous ─── adj.好胜的,竞争心强的

8、nebules ─── 云

9、bibulous ─── adj.吸水的;嗜酒的

nebulous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Their teamwork was impressive, and Zuckuss' nebulous instinctive style was complemented by 4-LOM's hard-edged logic. ─── 他们配合出色,扎库斯依靠模糊本能的办事风格与4-LOM的严密逻辑相得益彰。

2、There was much that was dim and nebulous in that world, but he saw it as a whole and not in detail, and he saw, also, the way to master it. ─── 那个世界有些部分还暧昧不明,但他看到的是全局而不是细部,而且看到了主宰那个世界的道路。

3、Social networking has rapidly transformed the way we interact with each other, and has started to redefine the idea of friendship, making it something much more nebulous than in pre-web days. ─── 社交网络迅速改变了我们彼此互动的方式,而且已经开始重新定义友情的概念,让它变得比前网络时代更为模糊。

4、nebulous ideas, plans, concepts, etc ─── 模糊的思想、 计画、 概念等.

5、These unusual celestial bodies are composed of single or multiple nebulous patches, some nearly stellar in appearance. ─── 这些异常天体,由单个或多个星云状斑组成,有的外形近于恒星。

6、The tegument provides ample protection to the worm as it migrates through our blood, but in the hands of scientists, it is extraordinarily fragile and nebulous. ─── 由于它的脆弱,使得连体壁的生物学这种最基本的问题都变得难以回答,例如,体壁中有哪些蛋白质?

7、He could still see the nebulous clouds roaming in her head denoting sadness and bewilderment. ─── 他可以感受到他的伤感与迷惘。

8、Contrary to popular belief, Soviet deep operations did not copy, nor was it similar to the nebulous, so-called "Blitzkrieg" methodology. ─── 与我们通常以为的相反,苏式纵深作战没有抄袭、更与模糊不清的所谓的闪击战学说大相径庭。

9、Along the way, this nebulous concept of 'testability' started to gel. ─── 渐渐地,“可测试性”这个模糊的概念开始凝聚升华。

10、Music is such a nebulous thing. ─── 音乐是如此朦胧之物。

11、The terms “purposeful” and “organized” are somewhat redundant with “group action,” nebulous when applied cross-species, and difficult to O p e r ationalize in a scientific study of war. ─── 鲍尔斯现在新墨西哥州圣菲学院担任行为科学计划负责人。他说:“这表明战争发挥了某种积极作用,它创造了具有尚武和无私精神的人。”

12、Special mapping is a rather nebulous term . ─── 专用地图是一个比较笼统的术语。

13、Desire is only a thought, an impulse. It is nebulous and ephemeral . ─── 渴望只不过是一个念头、一阵冲劲,稍纵即逝,而且朦胧缥缈。

14、Having been burned by hyperbole before, the talk around the team has become more restrained, predictions far more nebulous. ─── 以前已经说的太多了,围绕着这个队伍的话题已经被限制,预计都很模糊。

15、"such as diamond platforms, nets of pearls and nebulous clusters of flowers. ─── "或为金刚台,或作真珠网,或作杂华云,

16、in a nebulous and indefinite manner. ─── 以模糊的或者不确定的方式。

17、we children were able to form of the great world beyond were exceedingly nebulous. ─── 我们这些孩子对外部世界所能形成的认识是非常模糊的。

18、Jesse S.Somer is a storyteller spinning tales in the nebulous reality of virtuosity. ─── 杰西第somer是模糊不清的童话故事纺纱现实心悦诚服.

19、a concrete representation of an otherwise nebulous concept. ─── 一个模糊概念的具体化形象。

20、So-called truth is a nebulous thing at best. ─── 所谓真理是极其模糊,难于分辩的东西。

21、In 2005 America's congressmen, citing nebulous national-security concerns, scuppered the proposed takeover of Unocal, an American oil firm, by CNOOC, a state-owned Chinese one. ─── 2005年,美国国会援引模棱两可的国家安全法,最终迫使中海油(CNOOC.中国的一家国有企业)收购优尼科(美国石油公司)的计划胎死腹中。

22、disappear in tinged nebulous flowers again, ─── 又消失在淡色的云雾花丛中,

23、The rules are too nebulous to be applied consistently. The children had to be got under the stairs whenever there was an air raid. ─── 每当空袭就不得不把孩子们藏到楼梯底下。

24、a nebulous concept/description ─── 模糊的概念/描述

25、a nebulous idea ─── 一个模糊不清的观念

26、Visualizing a workflow, especially when talking about something as nebulous as content, can be a little confusing. ─── 观察某个工作流,有时会有一些困惑,特别是在讨论某些像内容这样笼统的东西的时候。

27、But this possession of her was dim and nebulous and totally different from possession as he had known it. ─── 但是这种占有德俄暧昧,跟他所知道的占有完全是两回事。

28、Yet bonuses - in the form of hard cash and shares - were paid out on the basis of this nebulous capital gain. ─── 然而以硬钱和股票存在的红包呢,则可以把这些让人一头雾水的资本收益给派发完。

29、Self-confidence, for example, is a particularly nebulous quality you can easily talk yourself out of having. ─── 比如说,自信,这是对自己品质非常模糊的一种描述。

30、There was in him, in some nebulous, unrecognizable form, a great artistic reality which was finer than anything she could plan for herself ─── 他的身上有一种依稀难辨的,伟大的艺术意境,比之她自己所设想的还要高明得多。

31、Desire is only a thought, an impulse. It is nebulous and ephemeral. ─── 渴望只不过是一个念头、一阵冲劲,稍纵即逝,而且朦胧缥缈。

32、Creativity is often made out to be a nebulous, messy, complicated, difficult thing, and it can be. ─── 创造力常常假装成朦胧的,复杂的,艰难的甚至乱七八糟的东西。它可以是这样。

33、Vague and nebulous is the beginning of all things, but not their end, ─── 含糊和混沌是一切的起始,却非结束。

34、The company only had a nebulous idea of the next model of car they would manufacture. ─── 该公司对他们下次要制造的车型只要模糊的概念。

35、For foreign business, the biggest risk is in the Chinese government's nebulous policies and laws as well as non-transparent information. ─── 对外商来说,最大的市场风险在于中国政府模糊的政策与法规,及资讯的不透明。

36、Ideas of fairness in taxation are usually nebulous. ─── 公平这一概念在税收领域一向是模糊不清的。

37、The company only had a nebulous idea of the next model of car they would manufacture. ─── 该公司对他们下次要制造的车型只有模糊的概念。

38、nebulous cluster ─── 伴云星团

39、The nebulous, luminescent cloud containing the nucleus and constituting the major portion of the head of a comet. ─── 彗发星云状的发光云体包括彗核、彗星头部的重要部分

40、Creativity is often made out to be a nebulous, messy, complicated, difficult thing, and it can be. ─── 创造力常常假装成朦胧的,复杂的,艰难的甚至乱七八糟的东西。它可以是这样。

41、It's not comfortable with nebulous concepts such as love, need and trust. ─── 它不适应思考像爱、需要、信任之类朦胧的概念。

42、The quality or condition of being nebulous. ─── 星云状态星云的性质或状态

43、red nebulous object (RNO) ─── 红色云状体

44、Defining what it takes to become dubbed a legend is impossible, as that term is one of those nebulous ones in the human lexicon with no how-to guide. ─── 界定需要什么才能成为传奇是不可能的,毕竟这是一个长久的,而且是含糊不清的,而且这方面在人类的词汇里没有“如何到达”这个词汇。

45、As if the canvasses were film negatives placed against a luminous source, nebulous human shapes gradually come into relief, thrust to the fore by the artist’s painted light intruding from behind. ─── 这些画布就好像是被放在强光下的胶片,大量的人形逐渐浮现,由艺术家在作品后部绘入的光线推上前来。

46、urine nebulous ─── 混浊尿

47、Performance is a nebulous issue. ─── 性能是一个较为模糊的问题。

48、gropes among cloudy issues toward a feeble conclusion; nebulous distinction between pride and conceit ─── 在模糊的问题中摸索着渺茫的结论;骄傲和狂妄之间模糊的区别

49、"These unusual celestial bodies are composed of single or multiple nebulous patches, some nearly stellar in appearance." ─── 这些异常天体,由单个或多个星云状斑组成,有的外形近于恒星。

50、24. The result is a pixilated bubble, a circular space for both transit and fantasy. Fragile, different, surprising, it is nebulous material, a place halfway between nature and artifice. ─── 其结果是幻动的泡泡,一个圆形的兼具通行与幻想的空间产生了。脆弱的,新奇的,令人惊讶的,运用含糊不清的材料,交织着自然与技巧的场所。

51、nebulous assurances of future cooperation ─── 对未来合作的含糊的保证

52、It is marked by a tendency to employ shapes of a deliberately nebulous character. ─── 它以故意模糊不清的朦胧形象为标志。

53、As CSR is a nebulous concept, it is worthy while to consider how CSR can be regulated, especially in regard to corporate law. ─── 而公司社会责任为一多义性概念,故从法律学之角度,特别是公司法之角度,如何规范公司社会责任,系值得检讨之议题。

54、He was now decently clothed in a "sport shirt," open at the neck, sneakers, and duck trousers of a nebulous hue. ─── 他现在衣服整齐一些了,穿着一件敞领的运动衫、一双运动鞋和一条颜色不清不楚的帆布裤。

55、nebulous moulding ─── 云雾状装饰线脚

56、Components of Corporate Culture Corporate culture is one of those nebulous terms that conjures up a variety of images. ─── 企业文化的组成部分企业文化是其中的一个含糊不清的术语想起了各种图像。

57、Until then we really do not know what we believe, for usually our assumptions are nebulous and vague. ─── 在此之前,我们实际上不知道自己所相信的东西,因为我们的假设是朦胧和模糊的。

58、But he, in his private observatory, cataloguing obscure and nebulous stars of the human mind, which as yet no man has thought of as such, - watching days and months sometimes for a few facts; correcting still his old records; ─── 然而,那个在自己隐秘的观察室里观察那些人脑模糊不清的思想,并为之编目的学者,则要经过数月的观察才能得到一些论据,而且还要纠正以前的记录。

59、Romance is a nebulous thing with the curious property of being describable but not definable. ─── "浪漫是可描述但却不容易被定义的一种带有新奇特性的朦胧事物。"

60、These nebulous conceptions of economic justice come down to us from medieval times. ─── 这些有关经济正义的含混概念是从中世纪流传下来的。

61、Temporary Heat Wave: Your lack of focus is rooted in the nebulous mess you call a workspace. Get organized and get rejuvenated! ─── 暂时情绪:妳无法集中注意力是因为工作环境一团糟。把让事物安排得井井有条、让自己精神焕发吧!

62、Fat people see all sides.The sides fat people see are rounded blobs, usually gray, always nebulous and truly not worth worrying about. ─── 胖人看到事情的方方面面,他们看到的都是圆圆的一滴,一般是灰色的,总是模糊不清,而且不值得担心。

63、The other more nebulous considerations must, for this time, be left to the philosophers and theologians. ─── 另一些情况不明、有待思考的问题暂且留待哲学家和神学去解决。

64、That role is often nebulous to many in the organization, and agile does not make things easier with its new product owner role. ─── 在许多组织中,该角色往往是模糊的,而敏捷新的产品负责人角色,并没有让事情变得更加简单。

65、Cross examined by the clever attorney who had been engaged by McGinty, they were even more nebulous in their evidence. ─── 天色已经昏黑,刮起一阵强烈的暴风雪,因此街上已经很少行人,只有少数几个闲逛的人跟在他们后面,壮着胆子大声诅咒被捕者。

66、The diurnal variation of Pn on cloudy day and the nebulous day is the unimodal curve.The photosynthetic rate in July is better than September;the diurnal variation of Pn is the bimodal curve. ─── 比较苹果在7月、9月的光合作用,发现7月的光合作用显著高于9月的光合作用,在7月叶片光合作用的日变化为双峰曲线,9月为单峰曲线。

67、cirrostratus nebulous ─── 薄幕卷层云

68、27、When the Moon in Opposition to the Sun is joined with nebulous stars, the Native will have some defect in his sight; ─── 盘中月亮与太阳对冲,且伴有星云的影响,会对盘主的视力造成障碍;

69、The evening films began to make nebulous pictures of the valleys. ─── 那时苍茫的暮色,已经开始把那些山谷染成一片烟霭凄迷的图画了。

70、An Architectural assemblage for a nomadic generation, where work and play coincide in nebulous zones of continuously shifting technological and cultural flows. ─── 这是一个为自由人士一代而建造的建筑,他们在技术和文化各不相同的“星云区”一边工作,一边娱乐。

71、Life in business is made up of ambiguous victories and nebulous defeats-claim them all as victories! ─── -R. Moran商海生涯,交织着似是而非的成功和不可捉摸的失败--将这一切都当作成功来欢呼!--莫兰

72、Your nearest relations are often no more for you than vague shadowy forms, barely outlined against a nebulous background of life and easily confounded again with the invisible. ─── 你的最亲的骨肉也会被你看作是些憧憧往来的黑影,几乎成了人生的穷途末路中一些若有若无的形象,很容易和无形的鬼魂混淆在一起。

73、nebulous urine ─── 模糊不清尿尿液混浊

74、1. the result is a pixilated bubble, a circular space for both transit and fantasy. fragile, different, surprising, it is nebulous material, a place halfway between nature and artifice. ─── 其结果是幻动的泡泡,一个圆形的兼具通行与幻想的空间产生了。脆弱的,新奇的,令人惊讶的,运用含糊不清的材料,交织着自然与技巧的场所

75、There was in him, in some nebulous, unrecognizable form, a great artistic reality which was finer than anything she could plan for herself. ─── 他的身上有一种依稀难辨的,伟大的艺术意境,比之她自己所设想的还要高明得多。

76、Nobody loves to talk about something they have trouble understanding, man. Everybody is busy, and we have no incentive to decipher your nebulous words. ─── 没人喜欢谈论晦涩难解的东西,老兄。大家都忙,你说的话模模糊糊,我们没有兴致去猜详。

77、" The people of the world possess more than enough. I alone seem to have lost all. I must be a fool, so indiscriminate and nebulous." ─── 众人皆有馀,而我独若遗。我愚人之心也哉!

78、a nebulous liquid ─── 云雾状的液体

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