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09-05 投稿



duping 发音

英:[?dju?p??]  美:[?du?p??]

英:  美:

duping 中文意思翻译



duping 词性/词形变化,duping变形

动词过去式: duped |名词: dupability |动词过去分词: duped |形容词: dupable |动词现在分词: duping |动词第三人称单数: dupes |

duping 相似词语短语

1、-tuping ─── 图平

2、-ruping ─── 汝平

3、-upping ─── 站起身,提高(价格等)(up的现在分词)

4、dupping ─── v.打开;abbr.两倍的,双重的(duplex);复制的(duplicate);abbr.(DUP)民主统一党(主张北爱尔兰归属联合王国的北爱尔兰政党)(theDemocraticUnionistParty);n.(Dup)(白)杜鄱(人名)

5、bumping ─── n.[分化]暴沸;[机]锤击;造成凹凸;v.碰撞;使撞击(bump的ing形式);颠簸地行驶

6、doping ─── n.[体育]使用(或服用)兴奋剂;[电子学](在半导体材料中)掺杂(质);[工程]上涂料;v.(dope的ing形式)给…服用毒品;强迫…吸毒

7、duplying ─── 欺骗

8、burping ─── n.打嗝;饱嗝儿;vi.打嗝;打饱嗝;vt.使打嗝

9、dumping ─── n.(危险物质的)倾倒,倾泻;倾销;v.倾倒(垃圾等);(非正式)抛弃;倾销(dump的现在分词)

duping 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And there is a signal receiver or dupe: the animal that cannot effectively distinguish between the model and the mimic. ─── 拟态是无数代自然选 择和遗传变异的进化而获得的有利特征的结果。比如,有些特征有利于伪装,那么具有这 些特征的植物就比不具有的易于生存。

2、They struck in with him and helped him to dupe the old man. ─── 他们勾结他,帮助他哄骗那老人。

3、He held the blotter in his hand and contemplated it in stupid delight, almost ready to laugh at the hallucination of which he had been the dupe. ─── 他拿着那吸墨纸,不断地看,呆头呆脑地感到幸运,几乎笑了出来,说自己竟会受到错觉的愚弄。

4、dupe:an easily deceived person. ─── 易受骗的人.

5、Life was easy, ascension was easy, but without the vital lessons of coming to understand the dark, the dark can dupe the souls of the light whom failed to learn such lessons in full. ─── 生活是容易的,提升是容易的,但没有重大的课程去理解黑暗,黑暗能欺骗光明灵魂,让光明灵魂无法充分地学会这些课程。

6、Though much publicized to dupe the people,this pledge came to nothing. ─── 此保证曾被大作宣传欺骗人民,但没有收到效果。

7、HGL couldnt have a SoJ like or HR based economy, simply because those were enabled by rampant duping which they didnt try to stop. ─── 只要措施得当,基于物品复制包括金币复制的经济模型将失去任何意义。

8、Color Duplicate (DUPE) Negative: Duplicate with a negative color image; made from a negative color original. Typically used for making release prints. ─── 彩色翻底片:复制彩色负像;从原底片复制。在制作发行拷贝时常会使用。

9、dupe positive ─── 复制正片

10、Protection Master: A master positive (MP) from which a dupe negative can be made if the original is damaged. ─── 保护性翻正片:翻正片,当原底片被破坏时,可用它来制作翻底片。

11、2.Though much publicized to dupe the people, this pledge came to nothing. ─── 国民党曾经借此大作欺骗宣传。后来,这些决议都没有实行。

12、Is duping still as big a problem FFXI Giltoday as it was 4-5 years ago? ─── 是欺骗还是一大问题FFXI Giltoday因为它是4-5年前?

13、Yet, ego is so terribly convincing, and we have been its dupe for so long, that the thought that we might ever become egoless terrifies us. ─── 然而,自我却如此可怕得令人信服,长久以来我们都被它骗了,因此只要想到无我,就会吓坏了。

14、A gullible person; a dupe. ─── 易上当之人;笨蛋

15、Dupe this and keep one copy. ─── 复印一下这东西,留一份起来。

16、hoodwink; dupe; pull the wool over sb.'s eyes ─── 欺瞒

17、A person used to carry out the designs of another; a dupe. ─── 爪牙用来实现他人计划的人;傀儡

18、to hoodwink; to dupe; to pull wool over somebody's eyes; to befool; to defraud ─── 欺蒙

19、A person who is easily tricked or cheated; a dupe. ─── 傻子,呆子容易被玩弄或欺骗的人;容易上当受骗的人

20、3. life's geatest ignorance is dupe. ─── 三,人生最大的无智是欺骗。

21、Sporting the same DNA, and thus matching physical features, identical twins can get away with duping friends and family. ─── 享有相同的DNA,因此体貌特征也相当匹配,同卵双生儿可以此轻松愚弄朋友和亲属。

22、Duping is another word for deception, for tricking people into some kind of action or misunderstanding. ─── 是表示欺骗的另一个单词:欺骗别人去做某事或误导别人。

23、INTERNAL. releases, as they wont be dupe'd on it. ─── INTERNAL.发布版本,这样不会引起混淆。

24、when one does have it, one is no longer a dupe, one does not stupidly allow one's self to be exiled like Cato, nor stoned like Stephen, nor burned alive like Jeanne d'Arc. ─── 一旦掌握了它,谁也就不上当了,谁也就不会再傻头傻脑,象卡托那样任人放逐,象艾蒂安那样任人用石头打死,象贞德那样任人活活烧死了。

25、Sporting the same DNA, and thus matching physical features, identical twins can get away with duping friends and family. ─── 享有相同的DNA,因此体貌特征也相当匹配,同卵双生儿可以此轻松愚弄朋友和亲属。

26、Even then, the random-looking differences would appear to be noise acquired while duping a digital tape through an analog CD player (as is normally done). ─── 即使这样,因为差别看起来是随机的,人们会认为是在用模拟CD播放器复制数字带时(通常就是这么做)产生的噪音。

27、A victim or dupe. ─── 受害者,傀儡

28、In Afghanistan itself the Taliban have been adept at duping foreign forces into becoming their recruiters through the killing of civilians. ─── 仅在阿富汗,塔利班就很熟练的利用国外军队造成的平民伤亡进行征兵宣传。

29、A stupid or unimaginative person dupe n. ─── 傻瓜,易受骗的人。

30、But he was not for a single instant the dupe of her blundering alacrity ─── 但是他一刻也不会上当去相信她这种冒冒失失的殷勤。

31、dupe the people ─── 愚弄人民

32、I won' t be his dupe any longer. ─── 我再也不受他的骗了.

33、He looked rather foolish at this answer, and then attempted to correct himself so as not to appear a dupe. ─── 他听了这个回答发了一会儿呆,然后他竭力要掩饰自己露出的傻相。

34、It is better to wake up, even to suffer, rather than to remain a dupe to illusions all one's life. ─── 比起一生都被幻象所蒙骗,还是觉醒好,即使这意味着承受痛苦!

35、I won't be his dupe any longer. ─── 我再也不受他的骗了。

36、In ancient Japanese folktales, monkeys often appear as tricksters, cleverly duping other animals out of their rice ball or persimmon fruit. ─── 在古老的日本民间故事里,猴子往往扮演爱恶作剧的妖精,狡狯地骗走其它动物的饭团或柿子。

37、DUPE - Dupe is quite simply, if something exists already, then theres no reason for it to exist again without proper reason. ─── 很简单。如果某个电影发布已有,那么没有合适的理由就不因该允许它的存在。

38、There is a model: the animal, plant or substrate being imitated. There is a mimic: the organism that imitates the model. And there is a signal receiver or dupe: the animal that cannot effectively distinguish between the model and the mimic. ─── 一是被模仿者,动物、植物或是生态基层,二是模仿者,即那些去模拟其他东西的生物,三是上当受骗者,即不能分辨模仿者与被模仿者的动物。

39、So when you think about it, the gold dupe hack is perfectly named -- because the Dupe is the player who downloads one.Be careful to avoid downloading any so-called "WoW hacks" on torrent networks. ─── 保持轻松的情绪,减少压力 心情郁卒容易诱发癌症,许多罹癌的人回顾发病前两、三年,常是身心处于压力的状态。

40、Just as getting a degree is a matter of duping one's professors with a thesis, so teaching is a matter of duping the students with the lecture material. ─── 得学位是把论文哄过自己的先生; 教书是把讲义哄过自己的学生。

41、Do not attempt to dupe Yahoo, though, and only include keywords that genuinely appear on your page and are relevant to your topic. ─── 不要试图欺骗雅虎, 虽然, 和只包括出现在您的页和与您的题目真正地是相关的主题词。

42、A person who is the intended victim of a swindler; a dupe. ─── 易受骗的人,笨蛋受骗子故意欺骗的受害人; 笨蛋

43、To clear up any questions you may have about this dupe, I will point some things out before hand. ─── 我先说明一些事项,以消除你对此软件的疑问.

44、s tD test dupe ─── 欺骗

45、In any case, I am not his dupe." ─── 总而言之,我还没有上他的当。”

46、One who is easily swindled; a dupe ─── 傻瓜容易上当受骗的人;易被愚弄的人

47、to dupe someone into playing a trick ─── 哄骗某人玩弄诡计

48、"Such high-flown talk," said Hsieh-ch'an with a smile, "should be saved for your editorials to dupe your readers." ─── 斜川笑道:“这些大帽子活该留在你的社论里去哄你的读者的。”

49、By playing favourites with its trading partners, a country can dupe itself into paying more for its imports. ─── 其本国内的消费者可能不从成本低的供货商那购买,二是转向成本昂贵的供货商。

50、One who is easily swindled; a dupe. ─── 傻瓜容易上当受骗的人; 易被愚弄的人

51、Prosecutor Amanda Ring said Connally, 36, used the aliases along with false birth certificates, drivers' licences, pay slips and a passport to dupe banks and stores on more than 100 occasions. ─── 控方指陈三十六岁的被告用假的出世纸,驾驶执照,粮单及一本护照,做成多个假身份,向银行及商店行骗,逾一百次。

52、Be the dupe of the infinite! ─── 为永生之说所愚弄!

53、We will continue to monitor for duping. ─── 如果再有人复制,将马上被封。

54、The malicious apps were capable of duping customers into giving up their i Cloud passwords and opening dangerous websites. ─── 这些恶意软件可以骗用户说出他们的苹果云秘密,或者打开危险的网页。

55、Some people get a thrill from lying to others and getting away with it - a phenomenon called 'Duping Delight. ' ─── 一些人从撒谎中得到刺激感而且侥幸没有被识破——这是一种叫做“快感指数”的现象。

56、The act of duping or the condition of having been duped. ─── 欺骗的行为或被欺骗的状况

57、Slang A person who is the intended victim of a swindler; a dupe. ─── 易受骗的人,笨蛋:受骗子故意欺骗的受害人;笨蛋

58、DUPE - QUOTE: Dupe is quite simply, if something exists already, then theres no reason for it to exist again without proper reason. ─── DUPE很简单。如果某个电影发布已有,那么没有合适的理由就不因该允许它的存在。

59、It is those we live with and love and should know who dupe us. ─── 总是那些我们相处、相爱本该相知的人在蒙蔽我们。

60、"There is a dupe somewhere." ─── “其中肯定有一个受骗的人。”

61、he confessed to duping investors in a Ponzi scheme. ─── 他对于在庞氏骗局中诈骗投资者一案认罪。

62、the characteristic of general layout of duping hydropower station and it could be refereed to in similar projects in the future. ─── 简析都平水电站枢纽布置的特点,为今后同类工程的设计提供借鉴。

63、Yet, ego is so terribly convincing, and we have been its dupe for so long, that the thought that we might every become egoless terrifies us. ─── 然而,自我如此可怕得令人信服,长久以来我们都被它骗了,因此只要想到无我,就会吓坏了。

64、Dupe a person and then pull the ladder from under him ─── 上树拔梯

65、To swindle (a victim) by first winning his or her confidence; dupe. ─── 欺诈:通过先赢得他或她的信任后再欺骗(受害者)

66、The Internegative, also known as, a dupe negative (DN) can be printed with one-light (one set of timing lights) since all color corrections were made in the interpositive (IP). ─── 中间负片也称作翻底片,由于全部色彩校对都已经在中间正片上了,所以通过一个光源(一组配光光号)就可以进行拷贝。

67、Hopefully, there will be many changes, specifically cheap wow gold changes dealing with duping and the rarity of the albeit extremely powerful(and fun! ─── 我们希望,将有许多变化,特别是黄金价格的变化哇处理愚弄和稀有的但非常强大的(而且好玩!

68、ensnaring an unsuspecting dupe with fast talk ─── 用迅速的谈话纠缠一个轻信的受骗人

69、You see something you want and you ask the owner if you can dupe it. ─── 你看到某件你想要的东西,就去问那东西的主人能否让你复制一份。

70、In Afghanistan itself the Taliban have been adept at duping foreign forces into becoming their recruiters through the killing of civilians. ─── 仅在阿富汗,塔利班就很熟练的利用国外军队造成的平民伤亡进行征兵宣传。

71、Ms. Su thinks duping her parents is worth any accompanying pangs of guilt so she can buy time to develop her career. ─── 苏女士认为,即使有负罪感的代价,用这种方式哄骗一下父母也是值得的,这样她可以赢得更多的时间来自我发展。

72、make a dupe of a person ─── 欺骗 [愚弄] 人

73、The mind is always the dupe of the heart. ─── 理智总是为情感所惑。

74、he confessed to duping investors in a Ponzi scheme. ─── 他对于在庞氏骗局中诈骗投资者一案认罪。

75、Dupe: An abbreviation for duplicate. A second-generation negative. ─── 复制片:复制胶片的缩写,是底片的第二代。

76、ensnaring an unsuspecting dupe with fast talk; ─── 用迅速的谈话纠缠一个轻信的受骗人;

77、You wonder why they can clone sheep but you can't dupe the cows. ─── 你不明白为什么他们能克隆羊而你不能复制牛。

78、DUPE Dupe is quite simply, if something exists already, then theres no reason for it to exist again without proper reason. ─── dupe 很简单,如果某个电影发布已有,那么没有合适的理由就不因该允许它的存在。

79、Deceive one's superiors and dupe one's subordinates ─── 欺上瞒下

80、to dupe someone into doing something ─── 哄骗某人去做某事

81、With the IP in hand, an Internegative (IN or DN) is made which becomes the printing master or dupe negative (DN) for making multiple release prints. ─── 有了中间正片,可以制作中间底片,而它用作拷贝母片或是翻底片来制作大量的发行拷贝。

82、That he could have chosen to dupe her in so ready a manner seemed a cruel thing. ─── 他竟会毫无顾忌地想要欺骗她,在她看来真是太残忍了。

83、dupe reversal ─── 复制反转影片

84、How to dupe the error. ─── 怎样处理错误。

85、3.Their aim is to train intellectuals who will serve their interests and to dupe the people. ─── 其目的,在于造就服从它们的知识干部和愚弄广大的中国人民。

86、The duping of humanity has a long history and cause. ─── 人类的愚弄有很长的历史及致因。

87、A person who is the intended victim of a swindler;a dupe. ─── 易受骗的人,笨蛋受骗子故意欺骗的受害人;

88、As the hook to dupe users into opening the message, the emails are personalised and bypass URL filtering with a different link sent to each recipient. ─── 作为欺骗用户打开邮件的诱饵,这些垃圾邮件都已被私人化,它使用不同的链接发送给每一个收件人,从而绕过URL的过滤。

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