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09-05 投稿



glib 发音

英:[ɡl?b]  美:[ɡl?b]

英:  美:

glib 中文意思翻译



glib 网络释义

adj. 口齿伶俐的,油嘴滑舌的

glib 短语词组

1、glib-tongued ─── 油嘴滑舌;巧舌如簧

2、glist glib ─── 油腔滑调

glib 词性/词形变化,glib变形


glib 相似词语短语

1、lib ─── n.(用于组织名)解放,解放运动组织(liberation的非正式简写);abbr.图书馆(library);图书馆员(librarian);自由主义者(liberal)

2、gib ─── n.拉销;凹形楔;雄猫;vt.用扁栓固定

3、glim ─── n.灯火;蜡烛;眼睛;微弱的迹象

4、glid ─── 滑溜的

5、Talib ─── n.(Talib)人名;(阿拉伯、巴塞、乌兹)塔利布

6、guib ─── 薮羚

7、glia ─── n.神经胶质(等于neuroglia)

8、glit ─── 闪光

9、glob ─── n.一滴;水珠;一团;n.(Glob)人名;(丹)格洛布

glib 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、While learning the ropes from Jack, she challenges his glib approach to race. ─── 当她知道了杰克的圈套,质疑他对待种族问题的做法。

2、Aggressive, glib, or showy talk should be completely avoided. It just lowers you in the esteem of your acquaintances. ─── 应该完全避免攻击性的、牙俐齿的、而不实的谈话,这只会使认识你的人越加瞧不起你。

3、There's the obvious and rather glib reason for this: an Obama victory would be a win for 'change' just as Cameron hopes to be. ─── 这里面很明显的有相当圆滑的原因:奥巴马的胜利将带来“改变”,这对卡梅伦来说正中下怀。

4、Reason to believe adds substance to what you’re saying and assures potential customers there is more to what you offer glib marketing spiel. ─── 可靠的理由可以让你的诉求更具体,还可以让潜在顾客相信,公司能给顾客的,不会只是浮夸的广告辞藻。

5、The glib answer is that America has two economies: residential construction and car production are in a slump, but the rest is still chugging along. ─── 一个圆滑的解释是,美国经济目前可以分为两个部分:正处在衰退中的住房建造业和汽车制造业以及依旧马里十足的其他行业。而后者让美国人感到乐观。

6、Bree: Don't be glib .Did you hire someone to attack Orson?Karl: Yes.Bree: Are you insane? ─── 一个叫马克的男人和母亲一起在电视上看完了这个令人震惊的新闻,然后,马克回过头说:“老天,谁能想象一个母亲能做出这么绝望的事情!”

7、"Was I too glib about eternal things?" (Theodore Roethke). ─── “难道我对不朽事物太过于油嘴滑舌? (西奥多·罗特克)

8、A glib door to door salesman sold her a set of books that she did not want. ─── 她本不需要这套书,但是这个挨家挨户卖书的推销员很是伶牙俐齿,硬把这套书卖给了她。

9、You are certainly.blessed with a glib tongue. ─── 你倒真会说话。

10、When domestic war erupts, quarrel as his glib, fight not as strong as him, unripe fuggy hurt the body. ─── 家庭战争爆发时,吵架不如他伶牙俐齿,打架不如他身强力壮,生闷气则伤身体。

11、A glib salesman sell her a set of dish that she do not want ─── 一位言词伶俐的推销员卖给她一套本来她不要的碟子。

12、"In Spite of the Sky or the Human Life, Hearts Are Same Alike"--A glib analysis of the new love standard in Liu Yong's love poems ─── "算得人间天上,惟有两心同"--浅析柳永恋情词中新的爱情追求

13、The spokesman' s answer was just too glib. ─── 发言人的回答太圆滑了。

14、To utter in a glib, rapid, or mechanical manner. ─── 喋喋不休地说滔滔不绝地、急迅地或机械地说

15、Glib, rapid speech, as of an auctioneer, a salesperson, or a comedian. ─── 快板,顺口溜滔滔不绝的、快速的言语,如拍卖商、小商贩或喜剧演员等的言语

16、His glib talk sounds as sweet as a song. ─── 他说的比唱的还好听。

17、I am afraid you have been taken in by the glib tongue of the salesman. ─── 恐怕推销员的花言巧语欺骗了你。

18、Glib tongue for campus English ─── 巧嘴英语逛校园

19、You are certainly blessed with a glib tongue! ─── 你倒真会说话!

20、Your big mouth and glib tongue are spouting all kinds of nonsense. ─── 你只靠一张油嘴,胡说八道。

21、His glib manner palls on me with in a short time of firs meeting him. ─── 初次见面没多长时间,我就开始讨厌他那油滑的举止了。

22、a glib tongue; a smooth-tongued hypocrite. ─── 三寸不烂之舌;油腔滑调的伪君子。

23、Because fund has professional knowledge, have government experience, information content is abundant, glib, still have social force. ─── 因为基金有专业知识、有管理经验、信息量充沛,能说会道,还有社会影响力。

24、No glib works or tricky actions can change these basic facts, nor can it be changed by any unilateral action by any foreign country. ─── 任何巧言令色,外国任何单方面的行动,都不能改变这一基本事实。

25、a glib remark, speech, etc ─── 八面锋的言语、 演说等

26、device, clock and watch, optics measuring appliance, mechanical device, bearing, glib oil pump, spurt plate oftextile machine, filter and all kinds of spare parts with requirement. ─── 光学仪表,机械设备,轴承,油嘴油泵,纺织行业喷丝板,过滤器及各类有精度要求零部件的清洗。

27、David: Too glib, and it’s been done. ─── 大卫:太随便了,而且,这已经做了。

28、glib promises; a slick commercial. ─── 不可靠的承诺;圆滑的商业交易。

29、Showing off one's eloquence, or only doing glib talk with no action. ─── 卖弄口才,或光说不做。

30、Glib tongue for business English ─── 巧嘴英语商务谈

31、Glib Tongue for Telephone English ─── 巧嘴英语打电话

32、He has a glib tongue. Few people can argue him down. ─── 他有三寸不烂之舌,几乎没人能把他驳倒。

33、A glib salesman sell her a set of dish that she do not want. ─── 一位言词伶俐的推销员卖给她一套本来她不要的碟子。

34、to have a glib (or silver; smooth; oily; ready) tongue ─── 巧舌如簧

35、Function creates a GLib event loop, gets a connection to the session bus, and integrates the D-BUS event handling into the Glib event loop. ─── 函数创建一个GLib事件循环,获得会话总线的一个连接,并将D-BUS事件处理集成到Glib事件循环之中。

36、In that situation, it's harder to put younger players in." Keane is never glib about United, and considers sitting on the bench there a privilege. ─── "曼联作为英超最好的球队之一,每一分都是至关重要的.在那样的情况下,他们很难让年轻人上场.

37、There are among us, however, another kind of people who, armed with a glib tongue, indulge in incessant self-glorification and, like the above-mentioned cackler, hold on to the coop without laying any egg. ─── 但也有一种人,嘴尖舌长,能说会道,自我吹嘘,滔滔不绝,像那只爱唱的母鸡一样,占着个鸡窝不下蛋。

38、Fully resort to one's glib tongue ─── 充分发挥三寸不烂之舌

39、I'm loud and a little aggressive. I'm sometimes a little glib andcavalier and can just jump right in there before everything has beenthought through. ─── 嗓门大,说话冲。有时我有点牙尖嘴利,在事情还没想清楚之前就侃侃而谈了。

40、She's always ready with a glib excuse. ─── 她老是有圆滑的藉口。

41、an obsequious person who flatters others by his glib tongue in order to gain favors ─── 佞人

42、He speaks glibly.; He has a glib tongue. ─── 他说起话来油腔滑调的。

43、With a glib tongue, she can make things sound reasonable even when they are unreasonable. ─── 她这张利口,没理都能搅三分。

44、glib phrase ─── 善辩的语句

45、A glib door to door salesman sold her a set of books that she did not want. ─── 能说会道的推销员,向她推销了一套她根本不想买的书。

46、It is the goal-oriented, with C language and the establishment of the GLib on. ─── GNet是一个简单的网络库。它是目标定向的,用C语言编写,并建立在GLib上。

47、Why not to be a glib man with kind heart? ─── 为什么不能做个心好嘴滑的男人呢?

48、Eg . She was not the shrew who had a glib tongue to defend herself with a vicious vocabulary and a fast lip. ─── 她不是那种伶牙利齿的泼妇,不会用恶毒的词句和如簧之舌来保护自己。

49、His glib tongue made every one who was present sincerely convinced. ─── 他的伶牙利齿把在座的人都说得心服口服。

50、Microsoft has reason to be glib. ─── 微软有理由油腔滑调。

51、He is by no means the deep thinker he imagines himself to be, but he's a glib speaker, even when he has no idea what he's talking about. ─── 他并不是一位他自己所想象的深刻的思想者,但他巧舌如簧,即使不知道自己在说些什么也能滔滔不绝。

52、Glib Tongue English for Travelling Abroad ─── 巧嘴英语国外游

53、The solution used by GLib is to use the GType library which holds at runtime a description of all the objects manipulated by the programmer. ─── GLib用的解决办法是,使用GType库来保存在当前运行环境中的所有由开发者描述的对象的描述。

54、A glib door-to-door salesman sold her a set of books that she did not want. ─── 一位挨户访问言辞伶俐的售货员卖给她一套她本来不要的书。

55、glib politician ─── 善辩的政治家

56、A type, as manipulated by the Glib type system, is much more generic than what is usually understood as an Object type. ─── 动态类型系统Glib的类型系统,是非常灵活、强大、动态的类型系统。

57、have a glib tongue; sharptongued ─── 伶牙利齿

58、To confront people with a glib tongue often makes them detest you. ─── 孔子说,“能说会道有什么用呢?巧嘴利舌地与人争辩,常常被人厌恶。

59、Yet rather than do any, I dispatched a few glib e-mails about the night before and then felt the need for coffee, a Danish pastry and a Diet Coke. ─── 不过我先没有动笔写文章,而是发了几封油腔滑调的邮件,说到了前夜的经历。然后我想去喝点咖啡,吃点丹麦酥皮饼,喝一杯减肥可乐。

60、His answer was just too glib. ─── 他的回答太圆滑了。

61、7. But the other night an old woman shattered my belief that a glib response could smooth over the rough spots of dealing with other human beings. ─── 但是,那天晚上,一位老妇人的出现彻底瓦解了我的信念:嘴巴乖巧并不意味着就能顺利与人打交道。收藏指正

62、production and maintenance of the automobile,motorcycle,engine,aeroplane,Metal press piese,oil,pump glib,compressor part and spinneret and washing,filtration of core of chemical fibre industry. ─── 应用范围:电子电器零件、医疗器械、汽车、摩托车、机车、飞机零部件的生产与维修,金属冲压件、油泵油嘴、压缩机零件及化纤行业的喷丝板与过滤芯的清洗。

63、" triumphant Yi ridicules, "The view of glib is, this is the seat that in adornment Tai Tan Buddhist nun captures date to go up simply. ─── 凯伊揶揄道,“油腔滑调的说法是,这简直是在装饰泰坦尼克号上的座椅。”

64、Both the mouth and tongue are glib ─── 口舌便给

65、‘Ah, you little boy, how glib you are! You look honest, which is your mask. I didn't misestimate you. You really own a great wisdom.’ ─── ‘哈,你这个小东西,挺能说会道的嘛。看上去很忠厚,原来只是个面具。不管怎么说,我没看错你,你很聪明。’

66、have the gift of the gab; have a nimble [glib] tongue; good at talking; be a good talker; with a facile tongue; smooth-spoken ─── 会说会道

67、Bards, a completely revised class for Second Edition, are "glib of tongue, light of heart, and fleet of foot. ─── 吟游诗人,在第二版中获得全面修改的职业,他们能说会道、心地善良而开溜的时候又“动则脱兔”。

68、His glib talk sounds as sweet as a song. ─── 他说的比唱的还好听。

69、a glib tongue ─── 三寸不烂之舌

70、He carried the others off their feet, glib, dexterous, voluble ─── 他叫大家发起狂来,讲得口若悬河,伶俐乖巧,滔滔不绝。

71、Obama got in trouble in his talk last August with Rick Warren for saying that the question of when life begins was "above my pay grade." But just because he was glib doesn't mean he was wrong. ─── 奥巴马因在去年八月底和华里克的对话中说过一个生命在何时开始的问题“超出了我被付钱讨论的范围”而惹火上身,但是,只是因为他的圆滑并不能说他就错了。

72、A glib response to a complex question. ─── 对一复杂问题作出即兴回答

73、He has a glib tongue. ─── 他口舌伶俐。

74、B: You do seem to have a glib tongue. ─── 你真能胡搅蛮缠。

75、Nietzsche wouldn't have been so glib if he'd been prescribed melarsoprol. ─── |要是Nietzsche被诊断美拉胂醇的话,他就不会那么会说了.

76、Aggressive, glib, or showy talk should be completely avoided.It just lowers you in the esteem of your acquaintances. ─── 应该完全避免攻击性的、伶牙俐齿的、华而不实的谈话,这只会使认识你的人越加瞧不起你。

77、No glib words or tricky actions can change this basic fact, nor can it be changed by any unilateral action by any foreign country. ─── 任何巧言令色、任何外国单方面的行动都不能改变这一基本事实。

78、But the other night an old woman shattered my belief that a glib response could smooth over the rough spots of dealing with other human beings. ─── 但是,那天晚上,一位老妇人的出现彻底瓦解了我的信念:嘴巴乖巧并不意味着就能顺利与人打交道。

79、He is glib and quick-tongued so you cannot win in arguing with him. ─── 他是个能言善辩的人,你说不过他的。

80、When asked about the recent controversy engulfing John Terry, Blatter's response was as glib and offensive as it was baseless. ─── 当被问到特里近期卷入的争议时,布拉特的回答油嘴滑舌、言辞粗鲁,并且毫无依据。

81、he spoke with a thick tongue; she has a glib tongue. ─── 他的说话方式很沉稳。

82、He speaks glibly.; He has a glib tongue. ─── 他说起话来油腔滑调的。

83、Some traditional men regard speaking affective words as the behavior of glib,flirtatious and disgusting,so they would rather not to say. ─── 一般的好男人以为说情话是油嘴滑舌,轻浮肉麻的表现,所以不愿去做。

84、Glib Tongue English for Secretary ─── 巧嘴英语当秘书

85、Up until then, it had all been glib and throwaway . ─── 在那之前,都是些唱罢就丢的粗浅之作。

86、She has a deep sense of justice, loyalty (faithful) and responsibility. She has a glib tongue, practical and realistic. She is also trustworthy and generous to people. ─── 以维护正义为已任,矢志忠诚,责任感极强。伶牙利齿,实事求是,而且为人慷慨大方,赢得一致信任。

87、glib response ─── 圆滑的回答

88、a slick writing style.See Synonyms at glib ─── 华而不实的文体参见

89、12.He detested people who showed off their cleverness in glib phrases, and believed that only a nincompoop could indulge in such petty tricks of speech just to get a laugh from the ladies. ─── 他恨这种卖弄小聪明的俏皮话,他以为最无聊的人方才想用这种口舌上的小戏法来博取女人们的粲笑。

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