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09-05 投稿



expatriated 发音

英:[?ks?p?tr?e?t?d]  美:[?k?spe?tri?e?t?d]

英:  美:

expatriated 中文意思翻译



expatriated 词性/词形变化,expatriated变形

动词现在分词: expatriating |动词过去分词: expatriated |动词第三人称单数: expatriates |动词过去式: expatriated |名词: expatriation |

expatriated 同义词

pilgrim | transport | refugee | deport | migrate |emigrant | expat | tax exile | dispossess | colonial | exile | deportee

expatriated 反义词


expatriated 相似词语短语

1、repatriated ─── 把…遣返回国;回国;寄(钱)回国(repatriate的过去式,过去分词)

2、expatiated ─── vi.详述;细说;漫游

3、expatriation ─── n.放弃国籍;流放国外

4、expatiates ─── vi.详述;细说;漫游

5、expatiate ─── vi.详述;细说;漫游

6、expatriates ─── n.外派人员(expatriate复数);移居海外的人;亡命国外者;v.使出国流亡;使移民国外(expatriate的三单形式)

7、expatriate ─── v.移居国外,定居国外;流放,放逐;n.移居国外者,侨民;被流放者;adj.移居国外的;被流放国外的

8、expatriating ─── v.移居国外,定居国外;流放,放逐;n.移居国外者,侨民;被流放者;adj.移居国外的;被流放国外的

9、patriated ─── v.控制自治国的权力

expatriated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They expatriated Jews from Germany. ─── 他们将犹太人自德国放逐。

2、Henry James expatriated himself. ─── 亨利·詹姆斯脱离了国籍。

3、to significant higher wages, expatriated managers also don't have a strong social network. ─── 高的工资不说,派遣到中国的经理同样没有很强的社交网络。

4、He expatriated himself for years at Paris. ─── 他移居巴黎多年。

5、"operation capability of HR department": the ability to evaluate the impact that expatriated HR activities impose on the operation. ─── “人资部门的经营能力”:评估外派人力资源活动对营运影响的能力。

6、In recent years, CHM has attracted a large number of expatriated hotel management staff who came from some well-known hotel management company and brand hotels for business expansions. ─── 近年来,CHM因应急速扩张的业务,以宽广博大的胸怀,广纳海内外贤才,吸引了一大批来自国际知名酒店管理公司和品牌酒店的精英人士加盟。

7、Further, expatriated individuals will be subject to U. ─── 他在高中时随父母来美,并取得了绿卡身份。

8、"management effectiveness of salary and benefits for expatriates": expatriated personnel's salary and benefits should have incentive effects; ─── “薪资福利面”:具激励效果的驻外薪资福利;

9、Residing in a foreign country; expatriated. ─── 定居在国外的;移居国外的

10、Lawyers say most are wealthy Americans who have expatriated to all manner of countries. ─── 律师们说,其中大部分是富人,他们移民到了各种国家。

11、His wife due to long-term melancholy committed suicide during her expatriated work in the countryside at Qingming in 1972. ─── 妻子因长期精神抑郁,1972年清明在农村插队期间自杀。

12、He expatriated himself and lives in America. ─── 他放弃原国籍,现居美国。

13、It also expatriated the contents and execution of these five strategies. ─── 着重论述了这五大管理对策的具体内容与实施方式。

14、In this paper,the current status and existing problem in Guigang Chinese medicine industry in were expatriated. ─── 阐述了贵港市中草药产业发展现状和存在的问题,提出了加强政策引导和支持,营造良好的投资发展环境;

15、an immigrant whose citizenship was revoked and who was expatriated because he had concealed his criminal record. ─── 这位移民因为隐瞒了犯罪的事实被取消了国籍并被驱逐出境。

16、He was expatriated on suspicion of being a spy. ─── 他因间谍嫌疑而被放逐出国.

17、Followed by exploring status quo of expatriated HR in Taiwan enterprises through empirical study.Finally explored how the expatriate HRME influences performance of an expatriate. ─── 再经由实证研究,探讨目前企业界外派人力资源管理现况,并运用本研究发展之外派人力资源管理效能量表,探讨其管理效能对外派人员海外绩效的影响;

18、Henry James expatriated himself. ─── 亨利·詹姆斯脱离了国籍。

19、She expatriated herself for years at New York. ─── 她移居纽约多年。

20、They expatriated themselves for years at London. ─── 他们移居伦敦多年。

21、She was expatriated for some political reason. ─── 她因某种政治原因而被流放国外。

22、This study employed a sample of managers who are possibly expatriated to overseas branches by multinational firms in Taiwan. ─── 摘要本研究以台湾多国籍企业中未来可能被派遣至海外分支机构之企业干部为研究对象。

23、Then, the jurisprudence basis, characters, nature and classification of contractual collateral obligation are expatriated on. ─── 本文从比较各国的合同附随义务入手,明确了合同附随义务的概念,并在此基础上,阐述了合同附随义务的法理基础、特征、性质及其分类。

24、She was expatriated for some political reason. ─── 她因某种政治原因而被流放国外。

25、An immigrant whose citizenship was revoked and who was expatriated because he had concealed his criminal record. ─── 这位移民因为隐瞒了犯罪的事实被取消了国籍并被驱逐出境。

26、She expatriated from her homeland. ─── 她已移居国外。

27、Vinnie Sinistra,age 43 ,an expatriated Cuban,was "exported" by Castro in the late 80`s Sinistra had been involved in organised crime all his life. ─── 维尼-辛斯塔尼,43岁,由卡斯特罗80年代“出口”的古巴移民,在此之前辛斯塔尼一直在一个犯罪组织中讨生活。

28、Expatriated colleague's legal employment and residence papers, update Rep office registration and Certificate of Organization Code. ─── 外籍雇员合法雇用和居留证件申请,更新代表处的登记证和组织机构代码证;

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