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09-05 投稿



plaintively 发音

英:[?ple?nt?vli]  美:[?ple?nt?vli]

英:  美:

plaintively 中文意思翻译



plaintively 反义词


plaintively 词性/词形变化,plaintively变形

副词: plaintively |名词: plaintiveness |

plaintively 同义词

complainant | claimant | applicant | petitioner | accuser | appellant | litigant

plaintively 短语词组

1、plaintively adverb ─── 哀怨副词

2、plaintively noun ─── 哀怨名词

3、plaintively mean ─── 凄惨的

4、plaintively definition ─── 悲哀的定义

5、plaintively images ─── 哀怨的画面

6、plaintively picture ─── 哀怨的画面

7、plaintively antonym ─── 哀怨反义词

8、plaintively define ─── 哀怨地定义

plaintively 相似词语短语

1、palliatively ─── 减轻的;治标的;掩饰的

2、imaginatively ─── adv.想象上地

3、plaintiveness ─── 哀伤的

4、diminutively ─── adv.仅仅地;小地

5、positively ─── adv.肯定地;明确地;断然地;乐观地

6、punitively ─── adv.惩罚地;刑罚的

7、explanatively ─── 解释地

8、plaintive ─── adj.哀伤的;悲哀的

9、definitively ─── adv.决定性地;最后地

plaintively 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The guy who complains to editors that an article is too tough and too tedious, that he doesn't understand it, and who plaintively cries, "Why can't we have more features for the beginner?" ─── 那些常常向编辑抱怨文章太难太枯燥看不懂的人,还有那些可怜兮兮地叫嚷“为什麽不多写些适合初学者的文章呢?”

2、Birds cry plaintively before they die, men speak kindly in the presence of death. ─── 鸟之将死,其鸣也哀;人之将死,其言也善。

3、2. Birds cry plaintively before they die, men speak kindly in the presence of death. ─── 鸟之将死,其鸣也哀;人之将死,其言也善。收藏指正

4、She has the clove same color the clove same fragrance clove same sadness in rain plaintive paces back and forth plaintively; ─── 撑着油纸伞,独自彷徨在悠长、悠长又寂寥的雨巷,我希望逢着一个丁香一样地结着愁怨的姑娘。

5、Prissy rolled her eyes wildly, peeping first at the set face of her mistress and then at the cow which bawled plaintively. ─── 百里茜惊恐地转动着两只眼珠,先瞧瞧女主人板着面孔,又看看那头正在哀叫的母牛。

6、The stars tingled with self-aggrandisement, plaintively tugging at her attention. ─── 满天的星星变得更加耀眼,试图吸引她的注意。

7、Why? What did I do wrong?" he asks plaintively. ─── 为什么?是因为我过去做错了什么吗?”他忧伤地问道。

8、She glanced plaintively about the station. ─── 她用失望的眼神环视了一下车站。

9、Together we consumed our share of steak, bacon, and processed grains before he asked me rather plaintively one day whether I could do something good with brown rice. ─── 我们一同分享牛排、培根,和精制谷物,有一天,他非常之哀哀怨怨地问我,是否愿意行行好试下吃糙米。

10、The sledge slid along in the midst of a plaintively intense melody ─── 在这种如怨如诉的和谐乐声中,在这种极其紧张的气氛中,雪橇在疯狂奔驰。

11、The crickets chirred plaintively at the foot of the wall. ─── 蟋蟀在墙脚下哀鸣。

12、As one friend said plaintively, "Parents need special time, too. ─── 正如一个朋友哀怨地说:“家长也需要独处的时间。”

13、Mr Obama argued plaintively that he had nursed the economy through the crisis inherited from his predecessor. ─── 奥巴马哀怨地辩称,他带领美国经济度过了前任留给他的危机。

14、It's times like these that I plaintively cry for my phantom butler. True to form, he never shows. ─── 这个时候我总想要个随身仆人。事实上,他从未出现。

15、It's times like these that I plaintively cry for my phantom butler. True to form, he never shows. ─── 这个时候我总想要个随身仆人。事实上,他从未出现。

16、Just like the speech:"We will know its rarity after lost ".so,Let us go out plaintively, like that we will see anything we have. ─── 让我们走出哀怨,这样就可以看到什么是我们拥有的。

17、Just as Shiki is about to open the next door, for a moment he sees the next room full of freshly severed cat heads, mewling plaintively at him. ─── 就在志贵要把下一扇门打开的时候,在一瞬间他看见下一个房间放满了刚刚切下来的猫头,正向他哀伤地啜泣。

18、kitten lingered, brushing itself against our legs, and meowing plaintively. ─── 这只瘦得皮包骨的小猫赖着不走,在我们的脚边蹭来蹭去,叫得挺凄凉的。

19、“Why? What did I do wrong?” he asks plaintively. ─── “为什么?是因为我过去做错了什么吗?”他忧伤地问道。

20、"Why, Mr Eric, " a clearly confused Gadaffi plaintively asked me, "why are the Americans trying to kill me? " ─── “为什么,埃里克先生,”卡扎菲显然感到不解,他直截了当地为我,“为什么美国人要杀死我?”

21、"There is so much that you do not know about me," she told him plaintively. ─── 很多方面,你都不了解我,"她抱怨告诉他。"

22、The man goes a mouth outside, the woman digs potherb " , the Shanxi right jade on the history, hollowness bleak, this balladry depicted the misery of the common people on this land plaintively. ─── 男人走口外,女人挖野菜”,历史上的山西右玉,空旷苍凉,这首民谣如泣如诉地描绘了这块土地上百姓的苦难。

23、Here they were,regular customers,and she had turned them all down in favour of this comparative stranger. "What has he got that we haven't got?" demanded,plaintively,the drunkest of the three. ─── 顾客们到了,她把几个常来的客人弃在一边不管,去应酬这位比较陌生的顾客。“为什么他比我们优先?”三个中喝得最醉的一位哀怨地问道。

24、he last note of the song rang out plaintively. ─── 歌曲最后道出了离别的哀怨。

25、Users seem to ignore the plentiful invitations to get involved: "We're furniture in the living room, " he says plaintively. ─── 用户们似乎忽视了网站发出大量的邀请他们参与信息:“我们就是客厅来的家具,纯摆设,”他无奈地表示。

26、Plaintively demanding to be heard by someone anyone. ─── 就在他要陶醉于这天第一口烟的欢乐时,那个被遗弃在垃圾堆里的似乎故意要让别人听见的哀嚎婴儿撕碎了他的安宁。

27、"Where were the ethnic armies? " asked one resident of Yangon, plaintively, of the uprising against the junta in September. ─── “民族军队在哪儿呢?”仰光的一位居民悲哀地问到九月份的反军政府暴动。

28、She blinked up out of her avid shameclosing eyes, mewing plaintively and long, showing him her milkwhite teeth. ─── 它那双贪馋的眼睛原是羞涩地阖上的,如今眨巴着,拉长声调呜呜叫着,露出乳白色牙齿。

29、" demanded, plaintively, the drunkest of the three. ─── 三个中喝得最醉的一位哀怨地问道。

30、Birds cry plaintively before they die, men speak kindly in the presence of death ─── 鸟之将死,其鸣也哀; 人之将死, 其言也善。

31、Tom buried his head among his pillows, murmuring plaintively, "Alack, it was no dream!" ─── 汤姆把头埋在枕头里,伤心地低声说:“咳,这不是梦!”

32、He plaintively told a tale of boredom bumping along in the rut of routine. ─── 他沉郁地向我细诉自己那乏味而机械化的生活。

33、"There is so much that you do not know about me, " she told him plaintively. ─── 很多方面,你都不了解我,“她抱怨告诉他。”

34、"I'm such a silly," she said plaintively. ─── 现在他能看得见了,行动也不疼痛了。

35、It was cold and the cicadas were chirping plaintively. ─── 寒蝉凄切。

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