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09-05 投稿



swordplay 发音


英:  美:

swordplay 中文意思翻译



swordplay 网络释义

n. 击剑,剑术;针锋相对的争论

swordplay 相似词语短语

1、wordplay ─── n.文字游戏,双关语

2、foreplay ─── n.前戏;性交前的爱抚

3、word plays ─── 文字游戏

4、word play ─── 文字游戏

5、swordplayer ─── n.击剑,剑术;针锋相对的争论(swordplay的变形)

6、power-play ─── 高压攻势(政治);集中攻势(球赛)

7、swordsman ─── n.剑客;武士;军人

8、sword lily ─── 剑兰

9、power play ─── 高压攻势(政治);集中攻势(球赛)

swordplay 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was more interested in the balletic choreography, which enhanced and revitalized the swordplay sequences. ─── 他对芭蕾舞般的动作设计更感兴趣,因为这可以加强击剑的效果。

2、Taking a look at thier performances , so many kinds of performances ,such as dragon dance , lion dance , swordplay, Tai, jumpping the fire circle , Celestial Beauty Scattering Flowers etc. ─── 看看他们的表演,什么都有,有舞龙,舞狮子,舞剑,太极,钻火圈,天女散花等等。

3、Swordplay Alliance is a group of schools that teach various forms of sword fighting. ─── 击剑联盟是一个教授各种击剑技巧的学校联盟。

4、Swordplay which fuses entertainment, leisure, body-building together is appreciated by the office white-collared workers. ─── 击剑,集娱乐休闲、美体健身与一体,在上海正日益为年轻人、尤其是公司白领所喜爱。

5、The single exercise series of Sun-style Taiji Swordplay is divided into two parts.The upper sword one is from the 1st form to the 38th form.The lower sword one is from the 39th form to the end. ─── 孙氏太极剑单练套路分上下两路,上剑套路从第一式至第三十八式,下剑套路从第三十九式至结束。

6、to brandish a sword; to perform swordplay ─── 舞剑

7、eight-fairy swordplay ─── 八仙剑

8、So through teaching practice I come to master the three steps on Elementary Swordplay teaching. ─── 笔者在教学实践中逐渐摸索出初级剑教法三步骤,从而取得了较满意的教学效果。

9、The fearless, peerless turns from Chow and Gong Li demonstrate how the fiercest swordplay can come from two charismatic stars staring daggers at each other. ─── 巩俐和周润发的表演,不顾一切,无与伦比,你能感受到,当两个魅力超群的高手过招时,那种精彩绝伦的较量。”

10、"No, really.Maybe we should all be practicing swordplay and crossbow technique, leaps and high jumps. ─── “不,说真的,也许我们应该正在练习击剑、弩艺,跳远、跳高。

11、This swordplay is now used mainly for entertainment and health-preservation and is very popular throughout the country. ─── 剑式优美,现在作为健身的表演套路,可视性强,深受武术爱好者的喜爱,流传甚广。

12、When your father first taught us swordplay you were always the better pupil. Is this your work? ─── 当初你父王教我们剑术时,你可是学得比我好。你刻的?

13、3.Sabreplay, swordplay, spearplay and cudgelplay all have their own set patterns. ─── 刀术、剑术、枪术以及棍术各有自己的一套套路。

14、It shows the most excellent moments in various kinds of sports like basketball, table tennis, volleyball, swordplay and so on. ─── 经过1分多钟的快节奏的短镜头切换之后,已经让观众热血沸腾,跃跃欲试。

15、The Mu style of boxing and swordplay is well-known throughout Yunnan.I can remember some of it, and can show you how it goes. ─── 杨溢之道:“沐家拳、沐家剑在云南流传已久,小人倒也记得一些,我演几套请公公指点。

16、Pao Hsueh Li, the director of such popular pure kung fu films as the boxer From Shantung, created this critically acclaimed tale of the supernatural as well as swordplay. ─── 本片为金汉与凌波夫妇1971年合作的作品,由鲍学礼导演、邱刚健编剧。

17、Once, his body has accidentally been rested upon by the God of Sword (Au Kam Tong, Stephen) and he has become the master of swordplay since. ─── 一次,喜意外被干将(欧锦棠)神灵附在身上,从此用剑如神。

18、There are many swordplay in monetary theory, these divarication should attribute to the conversion of monetary fuctions. ─── 在今天,大量的金融创新、发达的网络支付系统,使货币理论必须跟随经济的这种变化,在新的经济条件下有更好的解释力。

19、7.The amphitheater was a sealed off round structure. Swordplay, wresting, gladiatoral and other contests were held there. ─── 该竞技场为四周封闭式结构,可以举行斗剑、格斗、斗兽及其他竞赛项目。

20、Sixth, you must learn how to do swordplay and squash. ─── 第六、你一定要学会击剑,打壁球;

21、wushu, martial arts such as shadowboxing, swordplay, etc., formerly cultivated for self-defence, now a form of physical culture ─── 武术

22、Chinese Swordplay Movies into the New Century ─── 审视进入新世纪的中国武侠片

23、He is not a master of swordplay nor strategy. ─── 他不是剑术和军略上的专家。

24、Keywords elementary swordplay;teaching method;three steps; ─── 初级剑;教法;三步骤;

25、They said there's a samurai around here famous for his swordplay. Where's he? ─── 听说这一带有一个人的刀很快,不知道他在不在。

26、It's said she practised her swordplay on her own reflection because she could find no worthier opponent. ─── 没人知道他的来历,只是听说,他喜欢对着自己的倒影练剑。

27、Swordplay is always impressive and performance is my specialty. ─── 一舞剑器动四方,表演却是我所长。

28、The IAIDO(Japanese Swordplay) course includes: Formality &of Appreciation of Japanese Sword. ─── 课程以居合道(日本刀剑术) 为主,包括:礼仪、套路、日本刀鑑赏。

29、Adam then performed his swordplay after Chan Bo Chu gave him the sword, a soldier was supposed to come out to catch the sheath for Adam, but he hadn't come out. ─── 秋官的一脸的严肃、焦急,因为他要是不把鞘抛下,他就没办法边唱歌边舞剑。

30、A performance of swordplay by the Crown Prince Wuluan and the Imp. ─── 剑术,表演,太子殿下,羽林卫。

31、flourish a sword; give a performance of swordplay ─── 耍刀

32、With its help Fang Gang is able to master a new one-armed style of swordplay, making him stronger than before. ─── 方刚不忍师父唯一的女儿受到伤害,不顾小蛮的劝阻,到郑家迎救师兄妹三人,同时也被师妹揭穿他的身份。

33、There are some practice shadowboxing and swordplay while others run, walk or dance with music. ─── 有的打太极拳、练剑;有的跑步、散步或随着音乐跳舞。

34、He is not a master of swordplay nor strategy. ─── 他不是剑术和军略上的专家。

35、Molly: I met a desperado cowboy at swordplay class. ─── 莫莉:我在击剑课上认识了一个牛仔似的孤胆英雄。

36、It's said she practised her swordplay on her own reflection because she could find no worthier opponent. ─── 没人知道他的来历,只是听说,他喜欢对着自己的倒影练剑。

37、Technical Act is at : martial arts, cudgel, spear, broadsword, swordplay, Sanda attack, and other training devices for a total of 100 variants. ─── 按技术法又分:拳术、棍术、枪术、刀术、剑术、技击散打、器械对练等共有一百多种。

38、A few years later, a legend about a swordsman with a mysterious history started to spread in the martial arts words.People said he likes to practice his swordplay on his own reflection. ─── 数年后,江湖上出现了一个奇怪的剑客,没有人知道他的来历,只知道他喜欢跟自己的倒影练剑。

39、The amphitheater was a sealed off round structure. Swordplay,wresting,gladiatoral and other contests were held there. ─── 该竞技场为四周封闭式结构,可以举行斗剑、格斗、斗 兽及其他竞赛项目。

40、Shanghai Shili Swordplay Club is a school focus on promoting, popularizing, advocating the culture of swordplay. ─── 上海实力击剑俱乐部是一所专门宣传、普及、推广击剑运动暨文化的学校。

41、group swordplay ─── 集体剑

42、I also learned swordplay at Wu Dang Mountain When I was only ten years old. ─── 我还在武当山学过剑术,那时我才十岁。

43、7. Wushu, the martial arts, such as shadow-boxing and swordplay, is formerly cultivated for self-defence and now a form of physical culture. ─── 武术--太极拳、剑术等--原来是一种防身术,现在成了一项体育运动。收藏指正

44、The Three Steps Teaching Method on Elementary Swordplay ─── 初级剑的三步教学法

45、He wakened Liu Kun, saying, "Although this crowing is annoying, we can put it to good use by using it as a signal to get up and practice swordplay. ─── 这天晚上,半夜过后,祖逖忽然被一阵鸡鸣声吵醒,他连忙把刘琨唤醒说:“这鸡鸣声把人吵醒,虽然很讨厌,但我们可以趁此机会早些起床练习武艺。”

46、Some are perform ing swordplay. ─── 有的在舞剑。

47、Brief Introduction: This swordplay is the most elegant one in Shaolin weapons. ─── 少林清风剑是剑法中最飘逸的剑法。

48、swordplay circular movements ─── 剑术圆运动

49、From Legendary Action Director Ching Siu Tung (A Chinese Ghost Story, Dragon Inn, The Duel, And The Jet Li Blockbuster Hero) comes this dazzling martial arts / swordplay extravaganza! ─── 明朝年间,尚书陆鼎文之女扮男装女儿陆剑萍及褓姆武妈,意外结识两个化缘小和尚,还救了一个重伤书生水岩寒。

50、Wushu, the martial arts, such as shadow-boxing and swordplay, is formerly cultivated for self-defence and now a form of physical culture. ─── 武术--太极拳、剑术等--原来是一种防身术,现在成了一项体育运动。

51、Swordplay to express righteousness. ─── 舞剑表示正义.

52、Based on the classic martial arts novel by renowned novelist Liang Yusheng, SEVEN SWORDS is an epic story of love, betrayal, friendship, heroism, and masterful swordplay. ─── 大清八旗军军纪严厉,入关后推行高压手段,大肆屠杀练武庶民,引起民情澎湃,局势一时大乱。

53、when having dinner, we better not think about the swordplay anymore. ─── 我们吃饭就不要再想剑术了。

54、A14. Horseback riding, swordplay , Japanese dance, tennis. . . ─── 骑马,比剑,日本舞,网球…好多像这样的事情。

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