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09-05 投稿



embossment 发音

英:[?m?bɑ?sm?nt]  美:[?m?b?sm?nt]

英:  美:

embossment 中文意思翻译



embossment 词性/词形变化,embossment变形


embossment 短语词组

1、embossment def ─── 浮雕定义

2、embossment relief ─── 浮雕 ─── 浮雕

3、embossment meaning ─── 浮雕意义

4、embossment ftb ─── 浮雕ftb

5、embossment inker ─── 压花油墨机

embossment 相似词语短语

1、embodiments ─── n.体现;化身(embodiment的复数)

2、embasements ─── 大使馆

3、embowment ─── n.弯成弓形

4、embowerment ─── 实动力

5、embroilment ─── n.混乱,搅乱;纠纷,争执

6、embo?tement ─── 套管,套管

7、embowelment ─── 栓子

8、embodiment ─── n.体现;化身;具体化

9、embasement ─── 防腐

embossment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The souvenir medal is made of pure silver, adopting the embossment color printing technology. ─── 此款纪念牌分为纯银材质,浮雕彩印工艺。

2、Embossment is one of the treasures of architecture arts and many experts surprised. ─── 浮雕是建筑艺术的瑰宝珍品,使不少专家学者叹为观止。

3、The name and address of the firm is emboss on its paper . ─── 公司的文件上印有凸起的该公司的名称和地址。

4、Produces the leather embosses the mold including to emboss the version and to emboss the drum, the pattern nature, lifelike, stereoscopic effect, durable, sells well domestic and foreign. ─── 所生产的皮革压花模具包括压花版和压花滚筒,花纹自然,逼真,立体感强,经久耐用,畅销国内外。

5、The embossment of this machine is conducted by steel roller to fiber roller with folding pattern by air absorption. ─── 本机采用钢辊对纤维辊压花,气吸附折叠形式。

6、The chiseled print decoration of Yaozhou Kiln in five generation period is famous for its precise carving, sharp lines, and rich layers, it has an embossment effect. ─── 耀州窑五代时期的剔刻花装饰以刀法精湛、纹路清晰,层次丰富著称,具有浮雕效果。

7、Nothing beats a direct physical emboss for degree of relief. ─── 没有什么比直接物理浮雕的程度的减免。

8、-named pipe emboss screen software examples, in this case on the basis of little changes can make their own residences screen software. ─── 命名管道 拷屏软件的实例,在本例基础上稍加修改即可造就自己的拷屏软件。

9、Color Emboss... ─── 彩雕...

10、This kind of wallpaper destiny makes the plain glass dye printing, to have the light dye printing, the single color to emboss, the dye printing to emboss several types. ─── 这种壁纸常分作平光印花、有光印花、单色压花、印花压花几种类型。

11、The knight carved the chariot and the chameleons that had embossment become. ─── 骑士割开战车和上面变成了金文的蜥蜴。

12、With the algorithm of emboss bump mapping, the bumped text texture is implemented and can substitute for text created by modeling. ─── 运用浮雕凸凹纹理映射算法,实现具有凸凹感的文本纹理,可以替代真实的文本造型。

13、Embossment is one of the treasures of architecture arts and many experts surprised. ─── 浮雕是建筑艺术的瑰宝珍品,使不少专家学者叹为观止。

14、The ability to emboss holograms directly during the printing phase has proved a great advantage in the prevention of counterfeit cigarette packets. ─── 的能力,浮雕全息图直接在印刷阶段已经证明是一个很大的优势在防止假冒卷烟盒。

15、The embossment under the eave demonstrates its age, it was a primary school, now it's a residents' committee, and it will be removed soon. ─── 屋檐的浮雕可见其历史,曾经是一所小学,现在改为居委会,将会被拆除。

16、Follow the images below for the settings of the Layer Style. We will be using Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Outer Glow, Bevel and Emboss and Color Overlay. ─── 依照下面的图片设置图层的风格。我们将要使用投影,内阴影,外发光,斜面和浮雕和颜色叠加。

17、The bottom and the four walls of the wagon must be fairly flat, without any spine or obvious embossment to diminish damage to the goods due to shake, abrasion or bumpiness during transportation. ─── 车厢底部、四壁平整度良好。不能有尖刺或明显的凸起物,减少货物在运输过程中因振动、摩擦、颠簸造成的外包装破损。

18、NOW I NEED 1 OLD ITEM OF MENS U.C.O.M ARABIC SLIPPER SIZES 40-45 PVC OUTSOLE,WITH UPPER EMBOSS MATERIAL.. ─── 各位:我是做鞋的,一客户告诉我他要做一种鞋。但我不知道这是什么材料,为了更好的得到大家的帮助,我把原件摘要如下:

19、Our company handicraft department supplies various glass handicraft products, crystal handicraft products and embossment glass handicraft products, with interesting, novel, and generous shape. ─── 信息描述:我公司工艺品部长期供应各种玻璃工艺品,水晶工艺品和浮雕玻璃工艺品,造型别致,美观大方。

20、Use tools such as red-eye reduction, crop, sharpen, blur, and emboss to enhance or correct your images. ─── 使用工具削尖红(色)眼睛减少, 收成, 污点, 和提高或者改正你(们)的图象的压花。

21、Add a Bevel and Emboss, as well as a Gradient. ─── 添加一个斜面和浮雕,以及渐变。使用所示设置。

22、Embossment pattern is chosen by customers. ─── 压花型式由用户选择。

23、2.Although it as the academically discussing,I think the width of blade and the embossment were lacked of harmony,the upside and downside of gloze looked cabined and a little loose. ─── 既是作学术的探讨,在下也觉得刀刃宽度与刀镡的浮雕文饰的配合上欠缺些应有的总体布局协调,上下的文饰显得拘束而左右则显得有点宽松,小觅的疑问我也有此感。

24、Embossment, which was carved in the participation of Quyang carving artists, on the Monument to the people's Heroes. ─── 曲阳雕刻艺人参与雕刻的革命史浮雕。

25、Application: wide material sheets cutting; embossment or sign board making. ─── 适用范围:较大幅面的面块切割,大型浮雕和标牌的制作。

26、There are some actors who only want to emboss their own characters without thinking of the flow of the story. ─── 有些演员只求演好自己的角色而忽略了故事的流程;

27、As per customers' request, it can be equipped with clear embossment unit on paper. ─── 根据要求可配装纸面压花装置,压花明显清晰。

28、For the bullet hole part it's really simple, we use an Emboss with these settings. ─── 子弹孔部分的样式设置很简单,我们在这里用了浮雕的效果。

29、The offer for adding embossment unit or ply number of rewinding can be decided through negotiation. ─── 增加压纹或增加复卷层数,设备价格面议。

30、In the forming process of the solder embossment, a top (27) of a plurality of solder embossments (22) is flatted and roughened. ─── 在焊料突起成形工序中,对多个焊料突起(22)的顶部(27)进行平坦化及粗糙化。

31、We are now providing our valuable customer with packaging solution in the range of emboss carrier tape, top cover tape and plastic reel etc.etc... ─── 华景微机电有限公司成立于西元二零零二年三月,地处风光秀丽的苏州市木渎镇。

32、The inner building equipment is well cultured,like the burnished floor oard,,color pitures,the painting on roof, embossment and etc, these make people can't help admiring it. ─── 楼内设施也很讲究,如地板磨光,彩图:屋檐的绘画,浮雕等等,更使人赞美。

33、Embossment pattern is chosen by customers themselves. Two sets of embossment units can be adopted to produce hitting dot by hitting dot products. ─── 压花型式由用户选择,可采用双套压花生产点对点产品。

34、Keywords Release paper;Emboss;Leather;Polypropylene;Polyethylene;Extrusion coating; ─── 离型纸;压花;皮革;聚丙烯;聚乙烯;挤出涂覆;

35、" We'll be going down the list and also adding an Inner Shadow, Inner Glow, Bevel and Emboss, Satin, and Stroke. ─── 同样我们也增加一些内阴影的效果。

36、After that go to Layer>Layer Style>Bevel and Emboss. ─── 这之后我们再去图层面板,图层样式,斜面与浮雕。

37、A new type of diffraction grating called compound-modulated grating, acting as a beam splitter through the surface embossment and the refractive index modulation in the medium, is brought forward. ─── 提出利用表面既有浮雕,体内又有折射率调制的一种新型衍射光栅来实现光束分束功能。

38、Emboss a design on a coin. ─── 在硬币上浮雕出图案

39、The pillow effect is accentuated by intricate blind emboss stitching and Soft Touch varnish. ─── 枕头的作用是错综复杂的加剧盲目压花拼接和柔和的手感清漆。

40、Its main products includes house gate without paint, cupboard door, embossment door with no paint and solid wood door. ─── 主要产品生产设计免漆家装大门,厨柜门,免漆浮雕门及贴皮实木门。

41、emboss screen software examples, in this case on the basis of little changes can make their own residences screen software. ─── 拷屏软件的实例,在本例基础上稍加修改即可造就自己的拷屏软件。

42、With QuickTime Pro, you can add special effects such as blur, emboss, and film noise to a movie before you export it. ─── 使用“QuickTime专业版”,您可以在输出影片之前,给影片添加柔化、浮雕和电影胶片噪音等特效。

43、Embossment pattern is chosen by customers themselves. Two sets of embossment units can be adopted toproduce hitting dot by hitting dot products. ─── 本设备由打孔复卷机和锯带式分切机各一台配套生产。

44、Bevel and Emboss ─── 斜面和浮雕

45、Cotton core is packed by toilet paper and finalized by net embossment. ─── 卫生纸包裹棉芯,棉芯网压定型。

46、Advertisement,crafts,wooden artwork and gift box,paper cutting , bamboo and wooden embossment, crystal nameplate, ornaments, frame fabrication, decorating ,marble engraving, stone engraving,etc ─── 广告标牌、工艺及礼品盒、剪纸工艺、竹简、木板画、水晶制作、旅游品、像框制作、装饰装潢、大理石影像雕刻、园陵石碑肖像雕刻。

47、Weight of equipment: about 4t (with two embossment stands, two paper holders) . ─── 设备重量:约4吨(双压花架双放纸架型).

48、Note) TR is recommended for emboss taping and reel specification. ─── 注)TR是推荐的压纹带卷包装规格。

49、decorative embossment ─── 装饰浮雕

50、A 200-meter high lime peak by the Lingyin Temple.There are a lot of embossment engraved from the Five Dynasties to the Yuan Dynasty in its holes and caves. ─── 在灵隐寺旁,是一座高200米左右的石灰峰,在玲珑剔透的怪石和洞穴之中,布满五代至元代的大批造像。

51、Cotton core with embossment, generally the embossment pattern are net type,also it can be designed as the customer's request. ─── 棉芯压花,花型通用为网格,可以按客户花型定制。

52、1. Our company handicraft department supplies various glass handicraft products, crystal handicraft products and embossment glass handicraft products, with interesting, novel, and generous shape. ─── 信息描述:我公司工艺品部长期供应各种玻璃工艺品,水晶工艺品和浮雕玻璃工艺品,造型别致,美观大方。收藏指正

53、Embossment pattern is chosen by customers. ─── 压花型式由用户选择。

54、Embossment patterns can be chosen by customers. ─── 可根据要求选择花纹辗压辊型式。

55、It offers tools to resize, crop, flip, emboss, diffuse, smooth and sharpen images. ─── 把工具提供给再大小,庄稼,弹,饰以浮饰,散播,光滑和磨快图象。

56、The cap was based on Bericap standard design SK40/24 PV with customized knurl finish and embossment with CA star or Chevron logo on top of the cap. ─── 上限是根据百利盖标准设计SK40/24光伏定制隆起完成和浮雕与CA明星或雪佛龙标志上方帽。

57、The jade kylin embossment on the General Tower is showing its originality and vividness.The Great Wall is winding on the hills like a golden dragon with majestic vigor. ─── “将军楼”上玉麒麟浮雕,匠心独运,栩栩如生,长城如金龙盘踞,蜿蜒起伏,气势磅礴。

58、The silver vase is emboss with a design of flower. ─── 这银花瓶上刻有花卉浮雕图案。

59、Watermark emboss brings your impalpable feeling ─── 水纹浮雕涟漪心情

60、What a fine carving.It's a pity that mine is hollow.Yours has embossment mostly. ─── 好精致的雕花,我的可惜是镂空的,你的是浮雕的多。

61、projection, embossment, forme, Reflection, shadow, grain, slope, shadeLines, circumgyrate ─── 投影,浮雕,印版,倒影,阴影,纹理,倾斜,渐变,旋转

62、5. stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block. ─── 用印版在书上压印或浮雕出来一个标题或图案。

63、It can be equipped with programmable controller to materialize auto monitor production procedure, embossment roller temperature, driving speed and so on. ─── 采用可编程控制器自动控制生产程序、压辊温度、传动速度等技术参数。

64、Use a layer with multiply mode and a Bevel and Emboss layer style to apply more details in your surfaces, but use a bright colour when drawing to keep transparency. ─── 我倾向于在拖延前止步很久,因为它太容易丢失过详细木制样式。上下简单的高光,看看木材参考图片了解样式。

65、Embedded - Reserved flag for the embedded herd emboss ─── 保留的用于嵌入式环境的参数

66、What a fine carving. It's a pity that mine is hollow. Yours has embossment mostly. ─── 好精致的雕花,我的可惜是镂空的,你的是浮雕的多。

67、To mark or emboss with a gridiron. ─── 受烤炙用烤架烙上印记或花纹

68、Made of high quality genuine Italian Leather.This long, classic style wallet comes from Marshal with exquisite embossment on the leatheer. ─── 意大利皮革世家马萨克,以真皮精致而成的长型钱包,是浮雕艺术展现于皮具上的又一精品,专为行政人员而设。

69、Coatings can be designed freely for embossment, orange-peel of mirror style with metalline touch. ─── 涂膜设计风格自由,可以加工成浮雕状、桔皮状、镜面状等,有金属板的优美质感。

70、In opposition, there are also actors who make the story live and at the same time emboss their own characters as well. ─── 相反,有些演员在演好自己的角色的同时,也会希望把故事演活出来。

71、You can enhance your photos using filters including sharpen, blur, contrast, emboss, smoothing noise and color balance. ─── 你能够增加使用包括的过滤器的你的相片磨快,模糊,对照,饰以浮饰,使噪音光滑和给平衡上色。

72、bevel and embossment arithmetic ─── 斜面与浮雕算法

73、- Lot of filters and effects(emboss, blur, edge enhance, engrave... ─── ) -大量的过滤器和效果( e mboss,模糊,边缘增强,雕刻.

74、stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block ─── 用印版在书上压印或浮雕出来一个标题或图案

75、emboss print ─── 浮凸印刷

76、vacuum-dryer,settingout machine,felt,emboss roll,hot plate,wringing machine,dust collector etc leather machine. ─── 真空干燥机,平展机,毛毡,压花辊,电热板,挤水机,集尘器网等皮革机械。

77、emboss leather. ─── 使皮件印有凸纹

78、The embossment requires at least 500 skill in Leatherworking to remain active. ─── 雕饰需要至少500点制皮技能才能生效。

79、Through coloring, the concavity and convexity of leather carvings become much more obvious.This proved that leather carvings have the characteristics of both embossment and painting. ─── 皮雕即是浅浮雕,上色可以使深浅凹凸更明显,兼备浮雕及绘画的特质。

80、After you have achieved the shape you need, double-click the layer to enter the Blending Options and add a Bevel and Emboss with the settings shown below. ─── 做好要用的形状后,双击这个新层,然后到斜面和浮雕选项,如图所示加上效果。

81、Cotton core is pached by toilet paper and finalized by net embossment. ─── 卫生纸包裹棉芯,棉芯网压定型。


83、Set layer blend mode to screen (this will make black dots invisible).Then, use layer effects (such as inner glow, drop shadow, bevel and emboss) to make dots look like bubbles. ─── 将图层混合模式设置为滤色(这会让黑色的点不可见),然后应用图层样式(内发光,投影,斜面和浮雕)让圆点看起来更像泡泡。

84、This paper mainly introduces the project planning and realization method of a kind of CAD application for designing embossment with plane geometry patterns. ─── 本文介绍了一种平面图案浮雕CAD软件的方案设计和实现方法。

85、Embossment pattern is chosen by customers themselves .Two sets of embossment units can be adopted to produce hitting dot by hitting dot products. ─── 压花型式由用户选择,可采用双套压花生产点对点产品.

86、It can be adopted with programmable controller to materialize auto monitoring production procedure, embossment roller temperature, production speed and so on. ─── 采用可编程控制器自动控制生产程序、压辊温度、生产速度等技术参数。

87、We need to apply the following Bevel and Emboss style to get there.Let's see the settings. ─── 我们需要应用“斜面和浮雕”样式获取更好的效果。

88、Use the image below for the values of the Bevel and Emboss. ─── 用这个底层的图片为斜面与浮雕设置值。

89、The Application of Emboss Bump Texture Mapping ─── 浮雕凸凹纹理映射的应用

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