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09-05 投稿



dandyism 发音


英:  美:

dandyism 中文意思翻译



dandyism 短语词组

1、dandyism meaning ─── 花 ─── 花公子的意义

2、dandyism wilde ─── 花 ─── 花公子王尔德

3、dandyism def ─── 花 ─── 花公子定义

4、dandyism define ─── 花 ─── 花公子的定义

5、dandyism hobby ─── 花 ─── 花公子嗜好

6、dandyism wiki ─── 花 ─── 花公子维基

7、dandyism 1917 ─── 花 ─── 花公子主义1917

dandyism 词性/词形变化,dandyism变形

副词: dandyishly |形容词比较级: dandier |名词: dandyism |形容词最高级: dandiest |名词复数: dandies |形容词: dandyish |

dandyism 同义词

superb |peacock | fashion plate | cracking | gallant | coxcomb | cool | yawl | great | peachy | sheik | keen | slap-up | not bad | beau | swell | nifty | clotheshorse | neat | smashing | excellent | fop | corking | fine | bully | groovy | dude | bang-up

dandyism 反义词


dandyism 相似词语短语

1、dowdyism ─── 道达尔主义

2、Gandhism ─── 甘地主义

3、zanyism ─── n.笑剧;滑稽表演

4、sandyish ─── 桑迪什

5、ladyism ─── 淑女主义

6、dandyish ─── adj.爱修饰的,时髦的

7、handism ─── n.对左撇子或右撇子的歧视

8、dandyishly ─── 花花公子

9、Gandhiism ─── n.不使用暴力的抵抗主义;甘地主义

dandyism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The dilemma of dandyism deeply reflects the paradox of aesthetic modernity. ─── 纨绔主义的困境,深刻反映了审美现代性中的矛盾命题。

2、Author Yang Dandi;Long Dahong;Xuan Aiguo;et al.(Department of Anatomy;Guangzhou Medical College;Guangzhou 510182;China); ─── 作者杨丹迪;龙大宏;宣爱国;冷水龙;

3、The dilemma of dandyism deeply reflects the paradox of aesthetic modernity. ─── 纨绔主义的困境,深刻反映了审美现代性中的矛盾命题。

4、Beau Brummel was a noted representative of dandyism. ─── 蒲鲁马是出名的公子哥儿代表人物。

5、Merry exalted few dollars Dandyism people , a woman is more blood and sweat from adversity death from the Warriors . ─── 极少风流倜傥纨绔之人,多是满脸血汗,从从逆境中拼杀出来的勇士。

6、July 8 1828 in Zhangjiajie Yongshun to line sections of the town of Dandi occurred Landslide caused by the 20-meter section of road was buried by mud and gravel. ─── 湖南省交警总队指挥中心今日接到张家界市交警支队的紧急通报:张家界、湘西两地因暴雨袭击造成山洪暴发,交通一度中断。

7、Author Luo Xiumei;Long Dahong;Pan Xuebing;Yang Dandi;Xuan Aiguo;Li Jiamei (Department of Anatomy;Guangzhou Medical College;Guangzhou 510182); ─── 作者罗秀梅;龙大宏;潘学兵;杨丹迪;宣爱国;李佳楣;

8、Not like the dandyism, but for the westlife! ─── 不赶时髦,对西城男孩津津乐道。

9、However, Wilde’s personal life and works are also closely associated with “dandyism”. ─── 其实除这两者外,王尔德的个人生活及作品也深受花花公子做派的影响。

10、Author Luo Xiumei Long Dahong Pan Xuebing Yang Dandi Leng Shuilong (Department of Anatomy;Guangzhou Medical College;Guangzhou 510182;China); ─── 作者罗秀梅;龙大宏;潘学兵;杨丹迪;冷水龙;

11、Of Dandyism in Aesthetic Modernity ─── 审美现代性中的纨绔主义

12、Author Xuan Aiguo;Long Dahong;Yang Dandi;Gu Haigang;Leng Shuilong(Department of Anatomy;Guangzhou Medical College;Guangzhou 510182); ─── 作者宣爱国;龙大宏;杨丹迪;谷海刚;冷水龙;

13、On the march to Dandi even a plate of ice cream it was forbidden to take. ─── 向丹地海岸跋涉途中他们连一碟冰淇淋都不准吃。

14、a secular living manner as well as a pursuit of aesthetic judgment on arts, dandyism typically reflects the aesthetic nature of modern culture. ─── 纨绔主义既是一种凡俗的生存风格,也是一种艺术审美诉求,典型地体现了现代文化的审美性质态。

15、On Dandyism and Aesthetic Modernity ─── 关于纨绔主义与审美现代性

16、Merry exalted few dollars Dandyism people, a woman is more blood and sweat from adversity death from the Warriors. ─── 极少风流倜傥纨绔之人,多是满脸血汗,从从逆境中拼杀出来的勇士。

17、But many suffer and small city, commerce walking street is dandyism symbol, seemly walking street namely civilization symbolize, namely city flourish embodiment, no matter what succeed or defeat. ─── 而一些中小城市则将商业步行街作为一种时髦的标志,纷纷效尤,似乎这步行街就是文明的象征,就是城市繁荣的体现,无论它成功与否。

18、The developing and changing process of dandyism in Europe in 19th century was a process in which aesthetic judging factors were successively enhanced in this movement. ─── 纨绔主义在19世纪欧洲的发展演变过程,也是审美性因素在这个运动中不断增强的过程。

19、Dandi JI ─── 丹地剂

20、Dandyism is basically about border crossing. ─── 浪荡子美学的基本概念是越界。

21、Based on its high technology development, Beijing Dandi Automatic System and Engineering Corporation mainly undertakes various automatic system projects. ─── 以高技术开发为主体,承接各类自动化系统工程,并进行产品开发及科研仪器销售工作,是技、工、贸结合的实体。

22、Fei and Gu Gu Shuitan water flow, a small waterfall, Piaojin Tam, Tanzhong deepened, and build Dandi, across streams for water, a swimming pool for tourists in the water play. ─── 飞水潭积水汩汩而流,形成小瀑布,飘进潭内,潭中挖深,筑起石堤,横跨溪涧,用以蓄水,形成泳池供游客在水中嬉戏。

23、Beijing Dandi Automatic System and Engineering Corporation belongs to the Institute of Mechanics, Academia Sinica. ─── 北京丹迪自动化系统工程公司是中国科学院力学研究所所办公司。

24、Author Yang Dandi;Long Dahong;Xuan Aiguo;Hong Lepeng (Department of Anatomy;Guangzhou Medical College;Guangzhou 510182); ─── 作者杨丹迪;龙大宏;宣爱国;洪乐鹏;

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