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09-05 投稿



ejaculated 发音

英:[i?d??kjule?t?d]  美:[i?d??kjule?t?d]

英:  美:

ejaculated 中文意思翻译



ejaculated 词性/词形变化,ejaculated变形

动词现在分词: ejaculating |动词过去式: ejaculated |动词第三人称单数: ejaculates |动词过去分词: ejaculated |名词: ejaculator |

ejaculated 相似词语短语

1、ejaculate ─── vt.突然说出;射出;vi.射精;射出液体;n.一次射出的精液

2、ejaculates ─── vt.突然说出;射出;vi.射精;射出液体;n.一次射出的精液

3、jaculated ─── vt.向前掷;vi.投掷

4、recalculated ─── vt.重新计算;重新估计

5、jaculates ─── vt.向前掷;vi.投掷

6、ejaculator ─── n.射出肌;突然叫喊的人

7、maculated ─── v.使有污点,弄污;adj.有污点的,弄污的

8、emasculated ─── adj.柔弱的;被阉割的;去势的;v.阉割;使柔弱(emasculate的过去分词)

9、jaculate ─── vt.向前掷;vi.投掷

ejaculated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If ejaculated when the foreplay, had better not use a foreplay to solve the problem of premature ejaculation so. ─── 若在前戏时就射精了,那么就最好不要采用前戏来解决早泄的问题。

2、I ejaculated an unrestrained "Huh!" and he must have heard me, for he went on nervously: ─── 我忍不住叫了一声“嘿”,他也一定听到了,因为他很紧张地往下说:

3、"You came in opportunely!" ejaculated Bossuet. ─── “太好了!”公白飞说。

4、As we know ,the analysis of sex chromosome on ejaculated spermatozoa from the patient with a 46,XY/47,XXY by X/Y dual probe was reported for the first time in China. ─── 这是国内第1例用双色荧光原位杂交检测46,XY/47,XXY少精子征患者精子性染色体的报告。

5、I ejaculated mentally, 'you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality.' ─── 我心里直叫,“只为你这样无礼待客,就该一辈子跟人群隔离。”

6、In the course of a man's life, most of his sperm cells are ejaculated under conditions that offer no chance for a fertilization. ─── 男性一生中,绝大多数的精子在无受精机会的情形下被射出。

7、Those that are not ejaculated are simply reabsorbed into the body. ─── 没有通过射精排出的精子只不过被机体吸收了而已。

8、"Now wouldn't that rattle you?" he ejaculated under his breath. ─── “这一下不把你弄糊涂了吗?”他低声叫道。

9、Methods: The number of X and Y chromosomes of the ejaculated spermatozoa from the patient with mosaic 46,XY/47,XXY was analysed by X/Y dual fluorescence in-situ hybridization(FISH). ─── 方法:用双色荧光原位杂交技术对手淫取精液的精子进行X染色体和Y染色体数目检测。结果:受检的100个精子中,X精子占49%,Y精子占48%,无杂交信号的精子占3%。

10、" "That's true," ejaculated Joly, striking into the dialogue, "an old goat is an old abi" (ami, friend). ─── “这话对,”开始加入谈话的若李大声说,“一件旧衣服就是一个老盆(朋)友。”

11、It has been obsered that een in normal, fertile specimens, as much as 50% of the ejaculated sperm population may be abnormally formed and a similar proportion may lack mobility. ─── 正常生育男性射精的精子高达50%是非正常形态,类似比率的精子缺乏活动度。

12、As a result of the operation, the sperm cells can no longer become part of the ejaculated fluid but are absorbed by the body. ─── 输精管被切断和结扎后,所射出的精液不再含有精子,它们被身体所吸收。

13、Watched by a team of researchers, the woman was vaginally stimulated by her husband until she reached orgasm, climaxed, and then ejaculated, releasing noticeable amounts of fluid. ─── 这一整个过程都被研究人员观察到了。

14、"Watch out!" he ejaculated. ─── "当心!"他突然喊道。

15、"The Amontillado !" ejaculated my friend not yet recovered from his astonishment. ─── “阿芒提拉多!”他叫了起来,仍然惊魂未定。

16、‘Wretched inmates!‘ I ejaculated, mentally, ‘you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality. ─── 卑鄙的家伙,我突然在心里骂道,就冲你的无礼和冷漠,你就应该同你的同类永远隔绝。

17、I ejaculated an unrestrained “Huh!”and he must have heard me, for he went on nervously:“What I called up about was a pair of shoes I left there. ─── 我忍不住叫了一声“嘿”,他也一定听到了,因为他很紧张地往下说:“我打电话来是为了我留在那里的一双鞋。

18、In the course of a man's life, most of his sperm cells are ejaculated under conditions that offer no chance for a fertilization. ─── 男性一生中,绝大多数的精子在无受精机会的情形下被射出。

19、ejaculated Javert between his teeth, "he must have been the most valuable of the lot. ─── 沙威咬牙切齿地说,“也许这正是最肥的一个!”

20、I ejaculated, pushing through a gap which the man was repairing, and making straight to the high road. ─── 我突然喊叫起来,冲过那个人正在修补的一个裂口,直往大路跑去。

21、Keywords Ureaplasma Urealyticum;Ejaculated sperm cells;Apoptosis;Male infertility; ─── 解脲支原体;精液细胞;凋亡;男性不育;

22、The other night I sort of ejaculated in my dream. ─── 当软盘遇上硬盘西方人放屁也臭,也有坏人,垃圾。

23、3.Preventing the sperm from becoming part of the ejaculated fluid (vasectomy). ─── 3. 防止精子成为精液的组成成分(输精管结扎术)。

24、The amount of semen ejaculated during one orgasm is usually about a teaspoonful . ─── 一次性高潮期间的射精量通常约一茶匙的量。

25、ejaculated a voice; ─── 一个嗓音叫道。

26、It is put on a man's erect penis and physically blocks ejaculated semen from entering the body of a sexual partner. ─── 避孕套覆盖住勃起状态的阴茎,从而硬性阻止精液被射入性伴侣的体内。

27、In a few men, certain internal muscles operate in such a way that the semen is not ejaculated to the outside, but instead into the bladder from where it then later is passed off with the urine. ─── 在少数男性,他们的生殖管道平滑肌以这样的一种方式运作:精液不是被射到体外,而是射进了膀胱,然后再从膀胱随著尿液一起排出体外。

28、"Him!" ejaculated Birkin. "Poor Gudrun, wouldn't she suffer afterwards for having given herself away!" He was hugely delighted. ─── “嗨!”伯金惊叫了起来。“可怜的古娟,她露了相之后一定会悔恨的!”他高兴万分。

29、Functional Expression of Adenylyl Cyclase and Phosphodiesterase in Ejaculated Human Spermatozoa ─── 腺苷酸环化酶和磷酸二酯酶在人成熟精子的表达及临床意义

30、I ejaculated mentally, `you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality. ─── 我心里直叫,“只为你这样无礼待客,就该一辈子跟人群隔离。

31、Furthermore, even sperm cells that have been ejaculated outside the vagina can move inside by themselves as long as they are in contact with a moist surface. ─── 甚至于已经射在阴道之外的精子只要与湿润的体表接触,也能够自己游进阴道内。

32、Judas! traitor! ' I ejaculated. 'You are a hypocrite, too, are you? A deliberate deceiver. ' ─── 犹大①背信的人!”我突然叫出声来。“而且你是个假冒为善的人,不是吗?一个存心欺人的骗子。”

33、ejaculated his wife, "where do you suppose it came from? ─── 那妇人说,“你要它从什么地方来?

34、"What a grenadier! " ejaculated Javert; "you've got a beard like a man, mother, but I have claws like a woman. " ─── 沙威说,“老妈妈!你有男人的胡子,我可有女人的爪子。”

35、'Him! 'ejaculated Birkin. 'Poor Gudrun, wouldn't she suffer afterwards for having given herself away! 'He was hugely delighted. ─── “嗨

36、'My blood!'ejaculated the vexed coachman,'and not atop of Shooter's yet!' ─── “操!”赶车的心烦意乱,叫道,“还没爬上射手山!”

37、'My blood' ejaculated the vexed coachman, 'and not atop of Shooter's yet! Tst! ─── “操

38、Semen ejaculated in orgasm. ─── 精液在性高潮中射出的精液

39、ejaculated Javert; "you've got a beard like a man, mother, but I have claws like a woman." ─── 沙威说,“老妈妈! 你有男人的胡子,我可有女人的爪子。”

40、""Yes, yes, I understand very well," ejaculated the baroness;"never, I swear to you. ─── 一坐进车厢里,她就从口袋里摸出一块极厚的黑色面纱,绑在她的草帽上。

41、ejaculated Carrie, seeing at a glance. ─── "嘉莉不由自主地喊了起来,一眼看出了他的用意。

42、" "I know," ejaculated Gavroche, "it's the dogs who eat everything. ─── “我知道,”伽弗洛什说,“狗把所有的东西全吃了。”

43、'Wretched inmates!'I ejaculated, mentally, 'you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality. ─── “卑鄙的家伙,”我突然在心里骂道,“就冲你的无礼和冷漠,你就应该同你的同类永远隔绝。

44、I was astounded at this insinuation and simply ejaculated: "Caroline!" ─── 我对她能说出这种嘲讽的话感到吃惊,大声叫道:“卡罗琳!”

45、"That's right, old street," ejaculated Gavroche, "put on your night-cap. ─── “就得这样,老腐败街,”伽弗洛什说,“戴上你的睡帽吧。”

46、However, having studied for an interval, with a fist on either knee, and a cloud of meditation over her ruddy countenance, she ejaculated: ─── 但是,她沉思了一会,把拳头放在膝上,她那红红的脸上罩着一层冥想的云雾,突然失声叹道:

47、How much semen is ejaculated? ─── 射精量是多少?

48、This may indicate that after electroejaculation, the sperms accumulate in the posterior segment of vas deferens and the opening of the seminal vesicle just before they ejaculated out. ─── 而且在贮精囊问口处亦有部份死亡精虫聚集,其数目亦明显高于正常大白鼠之贮精囊开口处,这显示电激后精虫聚集在贮精囊开口再排出是最可能的反应机转。

49、Conclusion:The ejaculated,epididymal and testicular spermatozoa used in ICSI achieved comparable clinical results. ─── 结论:采用精液、附睾和睾丸精子行ICSI可获得相似的治疗结果。

50、It was the first time for me to come the British royal atmosphere of Rose House and then enjoy the royal service, I ejaculated mentally:” Rich is great. ─── 今天第一次来到这家具有英国贵族气氛的古典玫瑰园,享受了皇家的服务,心里直呼:“有钱真好!”

51、They produce sperm which may be ejaculated through a system of genital ducts. ─── 产生能通过生殖管道系统射出的精子。

52、Results No difference wasexisted between fresh and cryopreservated groups in fertility, oocyte cleavage and clinical pregnancy rate with ejaculated sperm(79. ─── 结果射出精子新鲜组和冷冻组受精率、卵裂率和临床妊娠率(分别为79。

53、8.However, having studied for an interval, with a fist on either knee, and a cloud of meditation over her ruddy countenance, she ejaculated: ─── 但是,她沉思了一会,把拳头放在膝上,她那红红的脸上罩着一层冥想的云雾,突然失声叹道:

54、Sperm ejaculated into a woman's vagina can live in a woman's reproductive tract for up to five days or perhaps even longer. ─── 射入女性阴道的精子可以在女性生殖管道存活至多5天,甚至更久。

55、It is possible that a man's orgasm produces no visible ejaculation, because the semen is ejaculated into the urinary bladder. ─── 极有可能男性会发生没有看得见射精的性高潮,因为精液被射入了膀胱。

56、"Sakes alive!" ejaculated the American girl. ─── “哎呀,我的天哪

57、"ardie!" ejaculated his wife, "where do you suppose it came from? Through the window, of course." ─── “见鬼!”那妇人说,“你要它从什么地方来?是从窗口来的。”

58、Ancient Greek and Roman physicians believed that unreleased semen could become poisonous and therefore had to be ejaculated at regular intervals. ─── 古希腊和古罗马的内科医生认为未被释放的精液可能会变得有毒,因而必须在每隔一定的时间被释放出去。

59、The amount of semen ejaculated during one orgasm is usually about a teaspoonful. ─── 一次性高潮期间的射精量通常约一茶匙的量。

60、The blind passages make it likely that sperm will be ejaculated into the wrong place and thus fail to fertilise the duck's eggs. ─── 憩室的作用则是让精液无法达到正确的地方来授精。

61、The little boy ran and ejaculated "weird man" when he saw an old man flying. ─── 当小男孩看到一个老人在飞的时候,他边跑边说“怪人”。

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