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09-05 投稿


belch 发音

英:[belt?]  美:[belt?]

英:  美:

belch 中文意思翻译





belch 网络释义

vi. 打嗝;喷出vt. 打嗝;喷出n. 打嗝;喷出物n. (Belch)人名;(英)贝尔奇

belch 词性/词形变化,belch变形


belch 常用词组

belch out ─── 喷出

belch 短语词组

1、belch crossword ─── 比利时纵横填字游戏

2、belch sound effect youtube ─── 打嗝音效

3、belch def ─── 打嗝def

4、belch definition ─── 打嗝定义

5、belch it ─── 打嗝

6、belch mountain ─── 打嗝山

7、belch and fart ─── 打嗝放屁

belch 相似词语短语

1、belah ─── 白木麻黄

2、felch ─── 费尔奇

3、beech ─── n.山毛榉;adj.山毛榉木材的;n.(Beech)人名;(英)比奇

4、bench ─── n.长凳;工作台;替补队员;vt.给…以席位;为…设置条凳;n.(Bench)人名;(英)本奇;(德)本希;(丹)本克

5、beach ─── n.海滩;湖滨;vt.将…拖上岸;vi.搁浅;定居;n.(Beach)人名;(英)比奇

6、belches ─── v.打嗝;喷出;n.打嗝;冒烟;n.(Belch)(美、英、荷)贝尔奇(人名)

7、belcher ─── n.白点蓝围巾;n.(Belcher)人名;(英)贝尔彻

8、Welch ─── n.韦尔奇(姓氏)

9、belched ─── v.打嗝;喷出;n.打嗝;冒烟;n.(Belch)(美、英、荷)贝尔奇(人名)

belch 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Did a stomach to excise operation time still short, be in renew crucial period, belch and lumbar back ache attribute normal phenomenon. ─── 做了胃切除手术时间尚短,正处于恢复要害时期,嗳气和腰背疼痛属于正常现象。

2、This is the town that the machine and pipes everywhere, and the trail of the pipe belch out at all time, never stop. ─── 一个美国口音的男人告诉他的邻居,他已经好久没有与现在的雇主在一起了,他很害怕他们会把他解雇了.

3、Tall chimneys belch [vomit] forth black smoke. ─── 高高的烟囱喷吐出黑烟。

4、to belch on one's friend ─── 告发朋友

5、Get a baby's wind up,ie cause it to belch by stroking or patting its back ─── 让婴儿胃里的气出来(拍抚其后背使之打嗝)

6、Climate scientists have suspected - but never been able to prove - that the CO2 was the result of a huge belch of gas from the oceans. ─── 气候学家猜测——但仍未被证明——二氧化碳是来自海洋的大规模气体喷发的结果。

7、Half the time, he would slam to a stop and the old truck would belch a cloud of smoke. ─── 过了一会儿,他会砰地让车停下然后那老卡车就会冒出一股浓烟。

8、I will punish Bel in Babylon and make him belch out what he devoured. No longer will nations stream to him. The wall of Babylon has fallen. ─── 我必惩罚巴比伦的贝耳,由他口里夺出他所吞灭的,万民必不再向他涌来,因为巴比伦的城墙已倒塌。

9、After letting out the belch on he would push, battling his way, every muscle taut and straining, a giant whom nothing could stop. ─── 打出这个嗝,他继续往前奔走,往前冲进,没有任何东西能阻止住这个巨人;

10、It what method there is is OK to what method there is stanch belch? ─── 有什么方法可以止住打嗝?

11、Yet even after years of government-mandated cleanup efforts the region's factories belch black smoke. ─── 但即使政府已经整顿了数年,这个地方的工厂仍然吐着黑烟。

12、Often the person of belch, heartburn belongs to key crowd. ─── 经常打嗝、烧心的人属于重点人群。

13、A little absence makes the heart grow fonder, especially when we're able to swill beer, belch, call our friends names you'd find offensive, and make stupid jokes you'd be embarrassed to hear me say. ─── 适当的“放风”会让我们特别放松,特别是那个时候我们可以大口的喝酒,打嗝,大声叫我们朋友的名字,开一些很低级的玩笑,而平时里你不会让我这么说的。

14、Cucumber makes me belch. ─── 黃瓜吃得我打嗝。

15、Forget it. Not after your cousin who could belch the alphabet. ─── 算了吧。继你上次那个打嗝会嗝出字母的表哥,别再介绍一个来。

16、"Impossible of course, " the doctor answers, "Nevertheless, so said to cure her belch. ─── “当然不可能,”医生答道,“不过,这么一说就治好了她的打嗝。”

17、He sat back and gave a loud belch. ─── 他靠到椅背上,大声打了个嗝。

18、Chimneys belch out smoke. ─── 烟囱冒出浓烟。

19、Meet the man whose belch is louder than a jet airliner, another with a nauseating fascination for barf bags and an Australian woman who sends poo through the mail. ─── 观乎排行榜,当中不乏外表可爱的动物;所以谓,凡事岂能十全十美,体臭可能也算是缺憾美的一种。

20、He sat back and gave a loud belch. ─── 他靠到椅背上,大声打了个嗝。

21、Belch is a proverb of hiccup, this symptom is a phenomena of diaphragm muscle spasm.If this disease happens, it will bring discomfort and suffering. ─── 呃逆俗称打嗝,是膈肌痉挛的表现,发作时会给人带来不适以至痛苦。

22、Behold, they belch forth with their mouth; Swords are in their lips, For, they say, "Who hears?" ─── 诗59:7他们口中喷吐恶言、嘴里有刀、他们说、有谁听见。

23、Tall chimneys belch [vomit] forth black smoke. ─── 高高的烟囱喷吐出黑烟。

24、These vents are known as black smokers for the plumes of dark hydrogen sulfide they belch into the ocean. ─── 这些喷口因为向海洋喷射出黑色的硫化氢热柱而被称为黑烟囱。

25、"Santa asked me to let him know if the sun was about to belch a solar flare, " says Yau. ─── “Santa说如果太阳那天要发飚的话,一定要告诉他,”姚说。

26、He sat up straight on the edge of the bed, held his breath, and issued a long, resonant belch. ─── 他笔直地坐在床沿上,屏住呼吸打了一个大响嗝。

27、It is not proper to belch out so loudly. ─── 发出如此大声是不适当的。

28、Go up to having abdominal distension, belch is the patient of main symptom, can take drug of motivation of bowel of a few stomaches appropriately. ─── 对于有上腹胀,嗳气为主要症状的患者,可以适当服用一些胃肠动力药。

29、I'm heard of that fart anf belch make carbon dioxide. So, please hold in case! ─── 听说放屁和打嗝都会产生二氧化碳,所以,请憋住哦!

30、As for Aunt Pitty, she was nervously trying to stifle a belch, for the rooster they had had for supper was a tough old bird. ─── 至于皮蒂姑妈,她正神经质地强忍着不要打出嗝来,因为他们那天晚餐吃的是一只硬邦邦的老公鸡。

31、1. belch:To expel gas noisily from the stomach through the mouth; burp. ─── 打嗝:从胃部通过嘴有声音地排出气体;打嗝。

32、I will not get very far with this attitude. I will not belch the National Anthem. ─── 我再也不在唱国歌时打嗝了。

33、belch tube ─── 嗳气治疗管(兽医用)

34、Power plants and factories in this smoggy capital were forced to switch to diesel and fuel oil, which belch more air pollution and have nearly quadrupled the cost of producing electricity. ─── 在烟雾弥漫的智利首都圣地牙哥,电厂和工厂被迫改用会制造更多空气污染的柴油和燃油,且发电成本增至将近4倍。

35、He is obviously drunk and staggers up to the bar, seats himself on a stool and, with a belch, asks the bartender for a drink. ─── 他显然喝醉了,摇摇晃晃坐在了酒吧的登子上。他打了个嗝,让服务生来一杯酒。

36、To cast a favorable glance upon one and Belch its growth ─── 垂青嘘植

37、It continued to belch hot gas and ash on Monday, sending sooty emissions as far as neighboring Argentina. ─── 图为在阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚市的艾斯圭尔,居民戴著外科手术的口罩外出。

38、Said from it that it has not looked like the factory which London's these belch smoke all day long; ─── 从它里面说,它没有像伦敦的那些成天冒烟的工厂;

39、They belch out with their mouth: swords are in their lips: for who, say they, doth hear? ─── 他们口中喷吐恶言,嘴里有刀,他们说有谁听见。

40、Forget it!Not after your cousin who could belch the alphabet. ─── 算了吧,从你那会喷出字母块的表兄后,我再也不敢领教了。

41、However, I have seen a lot of people just belch like that after eating. ─── 然而,我见过许多人吃饱饭就那样打嗝。

42、Get a baby's wind up, ie cause it to belch by stroking or patting its back ─── 让婴儿胃里的气出来(拍抚其後背使之打嗝)

43、He is obviously drunk and staggers up to the bar, seats himself on a stool and, with a belch, asks the bartender for a drink. ─── 他显然喝醉了,摇摇晃晃坐在了酒吧的登子上。他打了个嗝,让服务生来一杯酒。

44、Most patient is without a symptom, if semiotic much performance is meal hind full bilge, ache of belch, anorexia, disgusting, epigastrium is unwell, or angular, anaemic, glossitis, diarrhoea. ─── 大多数病人毫无症状,如有症状多表现为饭后饱胀、嗳气、食欲减退、恶心、上腹部疼痛不适,或消瘦、贫血、舌炎、腹泻等。

45、How to treat ceaseless belch? ─── 如何治疗不停的打嗝?

46、to belch about how bad they treat him ─── 抱怨他们如何虐待他

47、give a loud belch ─── 大声地打了一个嗝.

48、Monica: Forget it. Not after your cousin who could belch the alphabet. ─── 算了吧。继你上次那个打嗝会嗝出字母的表哥,别再介绍一个来。

49、Many methanogens feed directly on hydrogen gas (H2) and CO2 and belch methane as a waste product; ─── 许多产甲烷菌直接摄取氢气(H2)与二氧化碳,排出的废气即为甲烷;

50、Mike: [Sniffing] OK, but can you belch? ─── 迈克:那好吧,你能打嗝吗?

51、Belch after a solid meal ─── 吃饱后打嗝

52、The Outer Rim planet is too small to hold an atmosphere of its own, so its surface is marked by massive air-producing factories that belch out breathable air. ─── 这个外星域星球因为太小,无法吸住自己的大气层,所以表面有大型的空气制造厂,放出可呼吸的大气。

53、Plant chimneys belch out dense smoke. ─── 工厂的烟囱冒出滚滚浓烟。

54、This just applies to gastralgia of Xu Han sex, belch queasy, vomiting, bilge gas combats the disease such as acid, have medicinal powder cold, with stomach, acetanilide effect. ─── 此方适用于虚寒性胃痛、打嗝反胃、呕吐、胀气反酸等症,有散寒、和胃、止痛的功效。

55、Belch;Burp; hiccup ─── 打嗝

56、Factories belch forth clouds of smoke. ─── 工厂喷出团团烟雾。

57、Prejudicial model patient of the hernia that crack aperture is behaved only for breastbone hind the stomach after unwell feeling or meal bilges gas, belch, belch. ─── 偏心型裂孔疝病人仅表现为胸骨后不适感或饭后胃胀气、嗳气、打嗝等。

58、What idea does the dot belch of 4 many months have not belch? ─── 4个多月的小孩子打嗝有什么办法不打嗝?

59、That's because Belch Powder isn't found in the Devices index, which is where the "Items" heading would take you, it's found on the page for Jokes. ─── 那是因为belchpowder不在“物品”字样所链接的装置设备的目录上,而是在有关笑话及恶作剧的页面。

60、belch beltF v.;n. v. ─── 打嗝, (火山、炮等)冒烟、喷出;

61、When a sudden blast would not let him breathe he would keep his mouth closed for some minutes, then let out a belch, as if he had taken a header into deep water. ─── 猛的一股风顶得他透不出气,闭住口,半天,打出一个嗝,仿佛是在水里扎了一个猛子。

62、As it was, she was so full of food and so tightly laced that she feared every moment she was going to belch. ─── 实际上,她吃的这么饱,腰带勒得这么紧,时时都怕自己呕吐。

63、The reader's report is: Scull form mires style of? of epiphysis of aim tadpole belch is pure and fresh and plain, press close to lives. ─── 这种情况对理论界的震撼是巨大的。读者的反映是:书中文字简洁明快,风格清新质朴,贴近生活。

64、But he felt the suck and ooze and squelch. And he heard the beach go burp and belch. ─── 但他感觉到了沙子的松软。他听到了海滩打嗝。

65、I have stricken a belch , have opened the faucet , the headman hold up go in “, not drinking can make it? ─── 先前很多网友在发生活类贴子时所遇到的要花很多文字去描述位置点或路线的问题由此将迎刃而解。

66、It's said that when you are making a belch, think of something else and the belch will be off. ─── 有人说当你打嗝儿时,想想别的事就会好的。

67、He took a deep swallow of beer, let forth a mighty belch, and grinned. ─── 他喝了一大口啤酒,好好地打了个响嗝,然后咧着嘴笑了起来。

68、Burp You burp rudely in XXX's face. /You let out a loud belch. ─── 你对着XXX的脸打嗝。/你打嗝,声音很大。

69、As for Aunt Pitty, she was nervously trying to stifle a belch, for the rooster they had had for supper was a tough old bird. ─── 至于皮蒂姑妈,她正神经质地强忍着不要打出嗝来,因为他们那天晚餐吃的是一只硬邦邦的老公鸡。

70、He drank and stifled a belch. ─── 他喝了一口,强忍住打嗝。

71、water belch emulsification ─── 水喷射乳化器

72、belch out ─── 喷出

73、With a sickly belch from the desert creature, it seemed as if Fett's career as the galaxy's most notorious bounty hunter was brought to an end. ─── 这位银河最恶名昭彰的奖金猎人的生涯似乎就此结束了。

74、I can't eat, I can't breathe, I can't snore, I can't belch or yodel anymore, ─── 我不能吃,不能呼吸,不能打鼾,不能打呃也不能唱歌

75、Never blow your nose, burp, belch at and around the table. ─── 绝对不要在餐桌上或在餐桌旁撸鼻子或打饱嗝。

76、He gave a loud belch ─── 他打了一个响嗝。

77、All I ask is that you don't follow that performance with a belch. ─── 我想知道的是,作了这么精彩的表演表演之后,你不会打嗝吧。

78、a belch of angry words ─── 冲口而出的气话

79、July 2, 2003: Blistering-hot volcanoes that belch snow. ─── 喷发白雪的沸腾火山;

80、It's said drinking some warm water can help get over the belch. ─── 有人说打嗝时喝点儿热水就会好的。

81、Belch in public. Then sigh contently. ─── 当众打嗝。然后心满意足地长舒一口气。

82、That would be fatal, as only old men and very old ladies could belch without fear of social disapproval. ─── 那样就糟糕透顶了,因为只有老头儿和老太太才不怕当着众人的白眼呕吐哩!

83、belch timbre ─── 音乐

84、Harry tied to argue back but his words were drowned by a long, loud belch from the Dursley's son, Dedley. ─── 哈利还试图争辩,但他的话被达斯利的儿子达力一声又长又响亮的饱嗝打断了。

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