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09-05 投稿


chlorinated 发音

英:[?kl??r?ne?t?d]  美:[?kl??r??ne?t?d]

英:  美:

chlorinated 中文意思翻译




chlorinated 词性/词形变化,chlorinated变形

动词过去分词: chlorinated |动词现在分词: chlorinating |名词: chlorination |动词第三人称单数: chlorinates |动词过去式: chlorinated |

chlorinated 常用词组

chlorinated polyethylene ─── [化]聚氯乙烯

chlorinated rubber ─── 氯化橡胶

chlorinated paraffin ─── [医]氯化石蜡

chlorinated 短语词组

1、chlorinated biphenyls resin ─── [化] 氯化联苯树脂

2、chlorinated lime ─── [化] 漂白粉 ─── [医] 氯化石灰, 含氯石灰, 漂白粉

3、chlorinated additive ─── [建] 氯化添加剂

4、chlorinated compound ─── [建] 氯化化合物

5、chlorinated acetone ─── [机] 氯化丙酮

6、chlorinated rubber paint ─── [化] 氯化橡胶漆

7、chlorinated resin ─── [建] 氯化树脂

8、chlorinated methans ─── [建] 氯代烷系烃, 甲烷的氯化物

9、chlorinated amide ─── [化] 二氯酰胺; 氯化酰胺(RCCl-2NH-2)

10、chlorinated polyvinyl chloride ─── [化] 氯化聚氯乙烯

11、chlorinated polyvinyl chloride fibre ─── [化] 过氯纶

12、chlorinated paraffin ─── [医] 氯化石蜡

13、chlorinated polyethylene ─── [化] 氯化聚乙烯

14、chlorinated camphor ─── [医] 氯化樟脑

15、chlorinated paraffin (wax) ─── [化] 氯化石蜡

16、chlorinated rubber ─── [化] 氯化橡胶

17、chlorinated paraffin wax ─── [建] 氯化石蜡

18、chlorinated butyl rubber ─── [化] 氯化丁基橡胶

19、chlorinated kerosene ─── [医] 氯化煤油

chlorinated 相似词语短语

1、dechlorinated ─── v.脱氯

2、unchlorinated ─── 不含氯

3、chloridate ─── v.使成为氯化物;以氯化物处理

4、chloridated ─── v.使成为氯化物;以氯化物处理

5、chlorinate ─── vt.用氯消毒;使氯化;使氯发生作用

6、chlorinator ─── n.[冶]氯化器;加氯器;加氯杀菌机

7、chloridates ─── v.使成为氯化物;以氯化物处理

8、chlorinised ─── 氯化的

9、chlorinates ─── vt.用氯消毒;使氯化;使氯发生作用

chlorinated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is supplied at 55 percent silicone solids and may be further diluted with aromatic, aliphatic or chlorinated solvents. ─── 它具备55%的固成分,可用芳香族及脂肪族或氯化溶剂进一步稀释。

2、A highly toxic chlorinated hydrocarbon, C12H8OCl6, used as an insecticide. ─── 安特灵,异狄氏剂一种剧毒的氯化碳氢化合物,C12H8OCl6,用于杀虫剂

3、Preceding coats: Any shop primers or chlorinated rubber aluminum antirust paint or high build epoxy tar antirust paint. ─── 前道配套用漆:可以是各种车间底漆,或氯化橡胶铝粉防锈漆或环氧沥青厚浆型防锈漆。

4、It's a finishing coat based on Chlorinated Rubber resin. Physically drying. ─── 以氯化橡胶树脂为基料而配制的面漆,属物理干燥型。

5、Matherson L J, Tramyek P G Reductive dehalogenation of chlorinated methanes by iron metal. Environ Sci &Technol., 1994, 28(12):2045. ─── 何小娟,刘菲,黄园英,等.利用零价铁去除挥发性氯代脂肪烃的试验[J].环境科学,2003,24(1):139-142.

6、Information is being provided to the community and water points are being chlorinated. ─── 正在向社区提供信息并对供水点进行氯化。

7、When it is used as a ship bottom anticorrosive paint, one coat of chlorinated rubber antirust paint should be applied on it, then followed by antifouling paint. ─── 作为船底防腐用漆时须在该漆上涂一道氯化橡胶防锈漆然后再涂刷防污漆。

8、The isotropic plastic magnetic strip used for refrigerators, produced by extrusion moulding with CPE (chlorinated polyethylene)and magnetic particles as raw material has been introduced. ─── 介绍以氯化聚乙烯、磁粉等为原料,采用挤出工艺成型电冰箱用的各向同性磁性塑料条。

9、The thermal behavior of chlorinated polyethylene (CPE) modified bitumen(PMB-CPE)samples were characterized by four components analytical method, TGA and DSC thermal analysis. ─── 摘要 文章应用四组分分析法、热重分析法(TGA)和示差量热扫描法(DSC)对氯化聚乙烯改性沥青PMB-CPE的热性能进行了研究。

10、When we do burning process, these mineral will be condensed to triple.Bamboo charcoal in water, adsorb chlorin also supply scant mineral. ─── 在高温闷烧制成竹炭时,矿物质会被浓缩成三倍左右,在自来水中加入竹炭,可以吸附馀氯亦可补充日常生活中不足的矿物质。

11、Rare earth elements in the aqueous leaching liquor of chlorinated mine mud from Sichuan West is of lower content, they can be separated by naphthenic acid extraction. ─── 川西稀土矿泥氯化后水浸液中,稀土含量较低,可借助环烷酸萃取法分离出稀土元素。

12、A variety of microorganisms are able to degrade chlorinated solvents through cometabolism. ─── 多种多样的微生物能够通过共代谢途径降解有机氯溶剂。

13、Excellent compatibility with chlorinated rubber primer. ─── 与氯化橡胶底漆具有极好的配套性。

14、Reduction products of chlorinated hydrocarbons are different if they with different reductive system, for example, the main products of HCA are PCE, TCE, trans-DCE and cis-DCE with Ag/Fe system, but that is ethane with Pd/Fe system. ─── 含氯有机物在不同的还原体系中会生成不同的还原产物,六氯乙烷在Ag/Fe体系中主要还原产物为PCE、TCE、trans-DCE和cis-DCE,而在Pd/Fe还原体系中则主要为乙烷。

15、Abstract: A multiply copolymerized chlorinated polypropylene was prepared by means of solution method with multiple monomers grafted to chlorinated polypropylene(CPP). ─── 摘要: 采用溶液法以多元单体接枝共聚氯化聚丙烯(CPP),制得氯化聚丙烯的多元共聚物。

16、As antirust paints for ship hull in non-immersed areas, compatible with alkyd, phenolic and chlorinated rubber finish. ─── 主要用于船体水线以上部分的防锈用漆,可与醇酸、酚醛、氯化橡胶面漆配套使用。

17、The devolatilization process with chlorination liquid of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride as raw material by the atomization technology was studied,and good results were obtained. ─── 以过氯乙烯氯化液为原料,研究了氯化液喷雾脱挥工艺,取得了良好的效果。

18、Lubricant, Dispersant, Spangle agent, Micro waxes, Polyethylene waxes, Oxy polyethylene waxes, Propylene waxes, Chlorinated paraffin. 4. ─── 四、兼营:三氧化二锑、十溴二苯醚、八溴醚。

19、Simutaneous Detection of Chlorinated and Organophosphorus Pesticides in Water with GC-ECD. ─── GC-ECD检测水中有机氯和有机磷农残研究

20、The paper introduced the properites, uses, process and technical improvement of chlorinated rubber, and gave an advance on its development. ─── 摘要介绍了氯化橡胶的性质和用途,详述了生产方法及技术进展情况,并提出了发展建议。

21、The wash primer can be compatible with a wide range of antirust paints such as alkyd, phenol, chlorinated rubber, epoxy and epoxy-tar coating systems. ─── 可与醇酸、醛、化橡胶、氧和环氧沥青等各类防锈底漆配套使用.

22、As examples, the fungus degrades benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (the so-called BTEX compounds), chlorinated compounds such as 2,4,5trichloroe- thylene (TCE), and trichlorophenols. ─── 例如,这种真菌降解苯、甲苯、乙苯、和二甲苯(所谓的BTEX化合物),氯化物如2,4,5一三氯乙烯,三氯苯酚。

23、In the production of chlorinated isocyanuric acids, the smoking cause of bag filter was analyzed.Through a series of correlation test, the main cause was found and the safety measures were made. ─── 对氯代异氰尿酸除尘设备冒烟事故的起因做了详细的分析,并通过相关试验找出了事故发生的主要原因,制定出安全防范的对策。

24、In this Paper,author introduces current production situation,supply and demand,and develo pment forecast for the year 2000 of domestic chlorinated methanes(CMS). ─── 介绍了国内甲烷氯化物(CMS)生产现状、供需、2000年发展预测及技术进展。

25、It can be compatible with chlorinated rubber, epoxy, epoxy-tar, tar, epoxy ester, phenol, alkyd paint systems. ─── 与氯化橡胶、环氧、环氧沥青、沥青系、环氧酯、酚醛、醇酸等体系的涂料配套使用。

26、Underneath a neighborhood in the southeastern part of town lies a groundwater plume contaminated with chlorinated solvents. ─── 市区东南的一个地下水源,已经给含氯溶剂污染了。

27、The problem with pool sex is the chlorinated water rushing in and out of your lady, which can cause damage and infection. ─── 游泳池的一大问题便是常用氯气消毒,而池水会在你女伴性器官进出,这会导致伤害和感染。

28、It can be compatible with chlorinated rubber, epoxy, epoxy-tar, tar, epoxy ester paint systems. But it is incompatible with oil base, alkyd, polyester coating systems. ─── 与氯化橡胶类、氧类、氨酯类、氧沥青、青系、氧酯等体系的涂料配套使用。但不能与油性、酸、漆配套使用。

29、Normally none. May be topcoated with most generic types of paints like vinyls, acrylics chlorinated rubbers, epoxies and polyurethanes. ─── 一般不要求,也可以复涂以大部分常用漆,如:乙烯漆、丙烯酸漆、氯化橡胶漆、环氧漆、聚氨酯漆等。

30、However, chlorin will interact with the organics remained in the water and form halohydrocarbon, chloroform and other cancer-causing toxic compounds. ─── 但同时,氯与水中残留的有机物相互作用,会形成卤代烃、氯仿等有毒的致癌化合物。

31、The chlorinated rosin soap lye thus made can be used as surfactant and lubricant in place of chlorinated paraffinum, as it is characterized by its properties of better condensation and antifrication. ─── 并首创将氯化松香皂用于表面活性剂与极压添加剂,比氯化石蜡有更好的抗磨性和冷却作用。

32、Title: Determination on Amino Acid, Heavy Metal, and Remnant of Chlorinated Pesticide in Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. ─── 关键词:一点红;氨基酸;重金属;有机氯农药残留

33、Biotreatment technology of waste water contaminated with chlorinated aromatic compounds is a new studyingfield in wastewater biotreatment. ─── 含氯代芳香族化合物废水的生物处理技术是当前废水生物处理研究的又一新领域。

34、It's a quick-drying, chlorinated rubber paint. Physically drying. ─── 为快干氯化橡胶漆,属物理干燥型。

35、Poor: Backwashing frequencies do not meet Company recommendations; chlorinated water not used for backwashing. Disinfection system(s) is not functioning properly. ─── 差:反洗频率不符合公司推荐要求;未使用氯水进行反洗。消毒系统运行不正常。

36、In order to study the affecting factors in the degradation of chlorinated hydrocarbon, tetrachlrethene (PCE) was selected as target contaminant and Ni/Fe bimetal was used as reactants in batch experiments. ─── 以四氯乙烯 (PCE)为目标污染物 ,利用批试验研究Ni/Fe双金属对氯代烃脱氯的影响因素 .

37、Subsequent coats: Chlorinated rubber topcoat, long term high build antifouling paint and long term antifouling paint. ─── 后道配套用漆:各色氯化橡胶面漆、氯化橡胶防污漆、长效防污漆。

38、ABS water-resistant, inorganic salts, alkalis and acids, alcohols and insoluble in most hydrocarbon solvents, soluble in aldehydes, ketones, esters and certain chlorinated hydrocarbons in. ─── ABS耐水、无机盐、碱和酸类,不溶于大部分醇类和烃类溶剂,易溶于醛、酮、酯及某些氯化烃中。

39、Methods : Each 200 L of water was collected separately from Huai river source water , water of clarifying filt ration , chlorinated tap water and reservoir’s water. ─── 方法:采集淮河水源水、自来水厂滤池出水、氯化消毒自来水及大型贮水箱水各200 L 。

40、Preceding coats: Chlorinated rubber aluminum antirust paint or high build epoxy tar antirust paint. ─── 前道配套用漆:氯化橡胶铝粉防锈漆或环氧沥青厚浆型防锈漆。

41、TKL-03:Using chlorinated isobutylene rubber for pasting-up. ─── TKL-03型:采用氯化聚异丁烯橡胶做粘结剂。

42、Preliminary research about emulsification of chlorinated polypropylene(CPP) was carried out. ─── 对氯化聚丙烯的乳化作了初步探索。

43、Can be topcoated with epoxies, polyurethanes, epoxy coal tars, vinyls, chlorinated rubbers, acrylics or others as recommended. ─── 可以复涂以环氧、聚氨酯、环氧煤焦油、乙烯基、氯化橡胶、丙烯酸或其他推荐的常用类型面漆。

44、Do not use PORTA-BLU in conjunction with disinfectants or chlorinated products, acids, formaldehydes or other toilet chemicals. ─── 不要把PORTA-BLU与消毒剂或氯化物产品、酸类、甲醛或其它厕所化学清洁剂混合使用。

45、scientists in Europe have found infants who swim regularly in chlorinated indoor pools are more at risk of developing asthma and bronchitis. ─── 欧洲科学家发现,经常在室内氯化泳池游泳的婴儿更容易患哮喘和支气管炎。

46、Compatible with epoxy , chlorinated rubber, alkyd, polyurethane, phenolic top coatings and pitch epoxy rust inhibiting paint. ─── 可以与环氧面漆、氯化橡胶面漆、醇酸面漆、聚氨酯面漆、环氧沥青防锈漆、酚醛面漆等配套使用。

47、The best conditions of producing fow clinker cement by chlorinated residue are found and the properties of the low clinker cement are primarily studied. ─── 找出了利用氯化残渣生产低熟料水泥的最佳条件;并对低熟料水泥性能进行了初步探索。

48、The effect of several kinds of antioxidant on heat resistance properties of chlorinated polyethylene (CPE) was investigated. ─── 摘要研究了几种防老剂对几种氯化聚乙烯(CPE)胶料耐热性能的影响。

49、The entire water system had to be water-proof so that the chlorinated water would not leaked into the ground and contaminate natural water. ─── 整个系统是不透水的,这样才能避免这些含有氯的水漏出去污染大自然。

50、Other germs may live for a few minutes or a few hours in a chlorinated pool: Giardia, Shigella, and E. Coli may cause diarrheal illnesses. ─── 在用氯消毒过的泳池内,有些细菌能够存活几分钟或是几小时:鞭毛虫,志贺氏杆菌,大肠杆菌。它们都能引起腹泻。

51、The UV Curing polyurethane(PUA) was blended with chlorinated polyvinyl chloride(CPVC) for Pervaporation membranes, which were used to separate ethanol water mixture. ─── 将聚氨酯丙烯酸酯齐聚物(PUA)与过氯乙烯(CPVC)共混制成渗透汽化膜并用来分离乙醇水溶液。

52、TAIC is widely used as a coagent for peroxide crosslinking or radiation crosslinking of Chlorinated Polyethylene (CPE) EPDM Fluroelaster and so on. ─── TAIC作为过氧化物交联或自由基反应交联的助交联剂被广泛应用,如氯化聚乙烯(CPE),EPDM,氟橡胶等等。

53、Chlorinated paraffin wax was painted uniformly on the surface of the softening annealing metal sheet with remaining heat for lubrication. ─── 在有余热的软化退火板料上涂覆氯化石蜡润滑,使润滑剂均匀粘附在板料表面,润滑效果好。

54、It has been developed for chlorinated and plasticized polymers such as poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC). ─── 已经开发出用于聚氯乙烯(PVC)等氯化和塑化聚合物的产品。

55、Compatible with epoxy, chlorinated rubber, alkyd, polyurethane, phenolic top coatings and pitch epoxy rust inhibiting paint. ─── 可以与环氧面漆、化橡胶面漆、酸面漆、氨酯面漆、氧沥青防锈漆、醛面漆等配套使用。

56、Preceding coat: Chlorinated rubber aluminium or high-build pitch epoxy antirust paints, or spay directly onto bare steel. ─── 前道配套用漆:氯化橡胶铝粉防锈漆或环氧沥青厚浆型防锈漆,或于裸钢上直接喷涂。

57、As a general purpose primer for MCB's chlorinated rubber paint series on interior and exterior steel in moderately to severely corrosive environment. ─── 可作为名盾牌氯化橡胶漆系列的通用底漆涂于中等至严重腐蚀环境中的钢结构内外表面。

58、When it is used as an anticorrosion paint, one coat of chlorinated rubber antirust paint should be applied on it. ─── 作为船底防腐用漆时,须在该漆上涂一道氯化橡胶防锈漆。

59、It can be compatible with chlorinated rubber, epoxy, epoxy-tar, tar, vinyl paint systems. But it is incompatible with oil base, alkyd, polyester coating systems. ─── 与氯化橡胶、环氧、环氧沥青、沥青系、乙烯等体系的涂料配套使用。但不能与油性、醇酸、聚酯类油漆配套使用。

60、May be topcoated with epoxy,phenolics,epoxy coal-tars,vinyls,polyurethane, chlorinated rubber,acrylics, or other coatings recommended. ─── 可以复涂以环氧、酚醛、环氧煤焦油、乙烯基、聚氨酯、化橡胶、丙烯酸,以及其它推荐配套涂层。

61、Water is usually chlorinated in public swimming baths to keep it pure. ─── 公共游泳池的水通常用氯气消毒,以保持干净。

62、This conditioner is said to work wonders on hair damaged by routine swimming in chlorinated water. ─── 这个护发素对于日常在受过氯处理的水中游泳而使头发受损有惊人的效果。

63、Chlorinated water main products are manganese, aluminum manganese alloy, polypropylene and ammonium alloy casting agents from loss. ─── 主要产品有无水氯化锰,铝锰合金,聚丙烯酸铵和合金浇铸脱摸剂等。

64、When we do burning process, these mineral will becondensed to triple.Bamboo charcoal in water, adsorb chlorin alsosupply scant mineral. ─── 在高温闷烧制成竹炭时,矿物质会被浓缩成三倍左右,在自来水中加入竹炭,可以吸附于氯亦可补充日常生活中不足的矿物质。

65、The transformation product of chlorin in sediment during diagenesis process was determined using HPLC and LC-MS-MS technique. ─── 利用高效液相色谱(HPLC)、液相-双质谱联用(LC-MS-MS)技术研究沉积物中绿素及降解产物的种类及分布。

66、Introduce the property, present production situation and development and application in domestic and abroad, make an analysis to the wide market prospect of chlorinated PVC. ─── 介绍了氯化聚氯乙烯的性能、国内外生产现状及开发应用,分析了氯化聚氯乙烯具有广阔的市场前景。

67、A group of insecticides called chlorinated hydrocarbons illustrate this effect. ─── 一大批称为氯化烃的杀虫剂阐明了这种放大作用。

68、MCS resin was prepared from the copolymexization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) and styrene (S) with chlorinated polyethylene (CPE) by the method of suspension-swelling graft copolymerization. ─── 将甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)、苯乙烯(S)在氯化聚乙烯(CPE)存在下进行悬浮接枝共聚,获得MCS树脂。

69、For example, roughly half a dozen states currently list levels of chlorinated solvents in groundwater that could cause vapor intrusion problems in houses. ─── 举例来说,目前有六个州公布了地下水含氯溶剂标准,超过就可能造成蒸气入侵问题。

70、Mechanical performance and film-coating performance of the mechanochemical copolymer of methyl methacrylate on chlorinated polyethylene were studied. ─── 主要研究了甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)与氯化聚乙烯(CPE)力化学共聚物的力学性能和涂膜性能。

71、Can be topcoated with epoxy, phenolics, epoxy coal-tars, vinyls, polyurethanes, chlorinated rubber, acrylics, or other as recommended. ─── 可以复涂以环氧、酚醛、环氧煤焦油、乙烯基、聚氨酯、氯化橡胶、丙烯酸,以及其他推荐配套涂层。

72、Thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer(TPU) with chlorinated polyethylene (CPE) and CPE/HPVC (high molecular weight PVC) as modifiers was studied systematically by melt blending. ─── 以CPE和CPE/HPVC为改性剂,用熔融共混的方式对TPU的共混体系进行了系统的研究。

73、Regenerate the softener before you use it. Use clean, chlorinated water to backwash the filterbed. ─── 在使用前需要清洁软水器。使用干净的、氯化消毒水反复清洗过滤床。

74、Chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives are the persistent organic compounds, which are toxic or not easy to degrade. ─── 氯代芳烃及其衍生物是一类毒性强、难降解的持久性有机化合物。

75、Deng B, Burris D R, Campbell T. Reduction of vinyl chlorinated in metallic iron-water system[J], Environ Sci &Technol., 1999,33(15):2651. ─── 全燮,杨凤林,薛大明,等.钯-铁催化还原法对水中三氯乙烯的快速脱氯研究[J].大连理工大学学报,1998,37(1):46-48.

76、Measures for the protection of the stratospheric ozone layer have led to the phase-out of all chlorinated compounds including hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). ─── 出于保护大气臭氧层的需要,传统的HCFC类制冷剂R22等已经或者即将停止使用,在制冷空调领域,对于新型环保制冷剂的研究正在兴起。

77、Apply over suitable primed surfaces, as recommended.Can be used on top of vinyl, epoxy, chlorinated rubber, polyurethane and most types of aged coatings. ─── 推荐施工于适当的底漆之上,推荐用于乙烯基、环氧、氯化橡胶、聚氨酯和大部分系统的旧涂层上。

78、Pesticide residues, chlorinated solvents, MTBE petrol additives and oil and petrol may pose a threat to clean groundwater. ─── 农药残留,氯化溶剂,汽油添加剂,油和汽油都可能威胁到地下水的清洁。

79、Once buried, the waste leaches poisons like chlorinated solvents and heavy metals into soil and groundwater. ─── 一旦被掩埋,电子废品的有毒渗滤液如氯化溶剂、重金属溶液等便会进入土壤和地下水。

80、Some chlorinated hydrocarbons are used as insecticides, e.g. aldrin, dieldrin, and DDT. ─── 如艾氏剂、狄氏剂和DDT。

81、Chlorinated polypropylene (CPP) grafted by hydroxylethyl methacrylate (HEMA) was prepared with free radical process in the presence of toluene as solvent and dibenzoyl peroxide (BPO) as initiator. ─── 以甲苯为溶剂,过氧化二苯甲酰(BPO)为引发剂,采用甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯(HEMA)通过自由基聚合接枝氯化聚丙烯(CPP);

82、Chlorinated paraffin wax was painted uniformly on the surface of the softening annealing metal sheet with remaining heat for lubrication. ─── 在有余热的软化退火板料上涂覆氯化石蜡润滑,使润滑剂均匀粘附在板料表面,润滑效果好。

83、Other commercial disinfectants include HTH, or calcium hypochlorite, which is available at swimming pool supply stores, and powdered, chlorinated lime, which is available at building supply stores. ─── 其他容易获得的消毒剂还有漂粉精或次氯酸钙,可在游泳池用品店买到;另一种容易获得的消毒剂是含氯的石灰粉,在建筑用品店可买到。

84、It is a quick-drying coating based on chlorinated rubber resin. Physically drying. ─── 是一种以氯化橡胶树脂为基料的快干涂料,属物理干燥型。

85、Abstract In terms of the identification of risk and environment factors during the transportation of liquid chlorin,the possible risks were analyzed and the existing risks were evaluated with L. ─── 摘要 从液氯运输过程中的风险因子和环境因素的识别出发,对液氯运输过程中可能存在的风险进行了分析,并采用L.

86、Water should be regularly chlorinated in public swimming baths to keep it pure. ─── 公共游泳池的水应定期使用氯气消毒,以保持干净。

87、The entire water system had to be water-proof so that the chlorinated water would not leaked into the ground and contaminate natural water. ─── 整个系统是不透水的,这样才能避免这些含有氯的水漏出去污染大自然。

88、Preceding coats: Chlorinated rubber antirust paint or high build epoxy tar antirust paint. ─── 前道配套用漆:氯化橡胶防锈漆或环氧沥青厚浆型防锈漆。

89、The side chains of o xylene were chlorinated in presence of the catalyst N,N dimethylformamide . ─── 以邻二甲苯为原料,在催化剂二甲基甲酰胺存在下进行侧链氯化反应。

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