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09-05 投稿


conjunctival 发音

英:[?kɑ?nd???k?ta?vl]  美:[?k?nd???k?ta?v?l]

英:  美:

conjunctival 中文意思翻译



conjunctival 短语词组

1、conjunctival coat of eyeball ─── 眼球结膜外套

2、conjunctival ring ─── [医] 结膜环

3、conjunctival tubules ─── [医] 结合小管(肾)

4、conjunctival reflex ─── [医] 结膜反射

5、conjunctival corpuscle ─── [医] 结膜小体

6、conjunctival glands ─── [医] 结膜腺, 克劳泽氏腺

7、conjunctival layer of eyelids ─── [网络] 眼膜结膜层

8、conjunctival veins ─── 结膜静脉

9、conjunctival sac ─── [医] 结膜囊

10、conjunctival butter ─── [医] 结膜试验(检伤寒和结核病,检花粉致敏性)

11、conjunctival semilunar fold ─── 结膜半月襞

12、conjunctival fold ─── [医] 结膜褶

13、conjunctival reaction ─── [医] 结膜反应, 眼反应(检伤寒和结核病)

14、conjunctival cul-de-sac ─── [医] 结膜穹窿

15、conjunctival crypt ─── [医] 结膜隐窝

16、conjunctival follicle ─── [医] 结膜滤泡

17、conjunctival layer of bulb ─── [网络] 灯泡结膜层

18、conjunctival cyst ─── [医] 结膜囊肿

19、conjunctival coat ─── [医] 结膜

conjunctival 词性/词形变化,conjunctival变形

名词复数: conjunctivas |形容词: conjunctival |

conjunctival 相似词语短语

1、conjunctively ─── adv.结合地

2、conjunctive ─── adj.连接的;结合的;n.连接词

3、conjunctiva ─── n.[解剖]结膜

4、conjunctives ─── adj.连接的;结合的;n.连接词

5、conjunctional ─── adj.连结的;连接词的;逻辑乘的

6、conjunctivae ─── 结膜

7、conjunctural ─── 连接性的

8、conjunction ─── n.结合;[语]连接词;同时发生

9、conjunctivas ─── n.[解剖]结膜

conjunctival 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The skin can have palpebral convulsion after erosion agent and eye contact, conjunctiva oedema, hyperaemia, serious person for corneal ulcer. ─── 皮肤糜烂剂与眼接触后可有眼睑痉挛,结膜水肿、充血,严重者为角膜溃疡。

2、Methods Patients with systemic or local risk factors were defined according to their immune states and the appearance of their eyelids and conjunctiva. ─── 方法手术前根据患者全身免疫状况及眼睑和结膜的表现确定有无全身或局部危险因素。

3、A comprehensive reevaluation of surgical anatomy, techniques,indications and clinical outcome of conjunctival Tenon's mobilisation will be presented. ─── 本文拟从外科解剖、技术、指征以及临床结果诸方面对结膜眼球筋膜松动术作一综合性的重新评价。

4、Conclusion Narrow-strip conjunctival autografting appears to be an effective surgical technique in preventing pterygium recurrence. ─── 结论窄条自体结膜瓣移植是预防翼状胬肉复发的有效方法。

5、groups? Bacterial cultures of conjunctival sac were negative. ─── 组结膜囊细菌培养均为阴性。

6、The most common bacteria isolated from the conjunctiva are small numbers of coagulase-negative staphylococcus and diphtheroids. ─── 从结膜最常分离的细菌包括少量的凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌和类白喉菌属。

7、Viewing of ophthalmologic treatments, such as using eye drops/ointment, irrigation of? conjunctival sac, lacrimal passages and so on. ─── 参观点药水、上眼膏、洗眼、冲洗泪道、球结膜下注射、包眼、门诊小手术等治疗。

8、Extreme dryness and thickening of the conjunctiva, often resulting from a deficiency of vitamin A. ─── 干眼病由于缺乏维生素A而引起的严重的眼球干燥和结膜增厚

9、The conjunctiva! sac was examined everyday in one week and at 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18 weeks postoperatively. ─── 手术后1周内每天及手术后2、3、4、6、8、10、12、16、18周观察术眼局部反应、创口愈合状况;

10、We present this case to remind ophthalmologists of such a rare cause of recalcitrant conjunctival inflammation in immunocompetent patients. ─── 此一病例报告呈现出麴菌也可以在免疫健全的情况下,造成一长期结膜发炎的表现。

11、Methods The bacterias from conjunctival sac secret were cultured, the antibiotic sensitivity tests were performed in 242 in juried eyes of 236 patients. ─── 方法对236例(242眼)眼外伤者结膜囊分泌物进行细菌培养和药敏试验。

12、D. Inspect conjunctiva for color, edema, or lesions by gently depressing lower lid with thumb pressed against bony orbit. Ask client to look up. ─── 检查结膜颜色、水肿,或拇指靠住眼眶轻轻按压下眼睑检查有无损伤。嘱受检者抬眼。

13、Because of perfect and filterable configuration of decompression chamber under conjunctiva and scleral lamella after 8 weeks, ophthalmotonus could maintain in the perfect level. ─── 术后8周,结膜及巩膜瓣下房水减压房完好,能有效维持滤过,且降眼压效果明显。

14、Objective: To investigate the condition of bacteriology in the conjunctival sac and drug sensitive tests of PDR patients. ─── 摘要目的探讨增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变患者结膜囊细菌学分布状态及药物敏感试验,为临床用药提供依据。

15、Conjunctival cultures were obtained prior to preoperative antibiotics and povidone-iodine. ─── 在用任何抗生素之前采集结膜囊标本做培养、鉴定和药物敏感性试验。

16、Methods Bulbar conjunctiva of normal human and patients with SS were examined using immunoperoxidase staining. ─── 方法采用链菌素-过氧化物酶法检测正常人与SS患者球结膜组织免疫淋巴细胞。

17、Accordingly, to the skin, those who observe mucous membrane of armour bed, oral cavity and eye conjunctiva is cadaverous, anaemic to judgement existence has clinical value more. ─── 因此,相对于皮肤来说,观察甲床、口腔粘膜和眼结膜的苍白,对判断贫血的存在则更有临床价值。

18、Conclusions Taking the bacterial culture and sensitive tests of conjunctival sac of PDR patients were necessary before surgery. ─── 培养出的革兰氏阳性菌对万古霉素、利福平、庆大霉素敏感,对环丙沙星、氧氟沙星耐药性有所增加;

19、The goblet cell density (GCD) of conjunctival epithelium was significantly related to the intraoperative use of MMC and postoperative bleb shape. ─── 术后远期眼表上皮杯状细胞密度(GCD)与术中MMC的使用及术后滤过泡的形态呈负相关。

20、Objective To investigate the culturing technique for conjunctival epithelial cells and to evaluate the facibility of serum-free culture system on culturing conjunctival epithelial explants. ─── 摘要目的研究结膜上皮细胞体外培养的方法,并进一步探索无血清培养系统用于结膜上皮细胞培养的可行性。

21、Methods 23 cases (23eyes) with globe disorders and conjunctival sac atrophy were operated by eviseration, HA implantion and the improved conjunctical sac plasty. ─── 方法23例(23只眼)眼球严重损害伴部分结膜囊缩窄患者,在对其进行眼内容物摘除、羟基磷灰石义眼座植入的同时联合结膜囊成形改良术。

22、Methods: Interventional case report Results: A 35-year-old male presented with unilateral eye itch and conjunctival injection, which was initially treated as allergic conjunctivitis. ─── 方法:病例报告结果:一位35岁男性有右眼搔?感以及结膜发炎的症状,最先被认为是过敏性结膜炎并治疗之。

23、Inspect conjunctiva for color, edema, or lesions by gently depressing lower lid with thumb pressed against bony orbit. Ask client to look up. ─── 检查结膜颜色、水肿,或拇指靠住眼眶轻轻按压下眼睑检查有无损伤。嘱受检者抬眼。

24、Production of pregnant women suffering from gonorrhea can be transmitted to the baby gonorrhoeae, the cause of neonatal gonococcal conjunctival keratitis, causing blindness. ─── 患淋病的孕妇生产时可将淋球菌传播给婴儿,引起新生儿淋球菌性眼结膜角膜炎,造成失明。

25、Results: All the conjunctival wounds were healing well and there were no complications. ─── 结果:所有兔结膜手术切口均愈合良好,未出现明显的并发症。

26、Clinical examination discovers, acute again the clinical body of barrier asks for expression to be anaemic countenance, eyelid conjunctiva and armour bed are cadaverous. ─── 临床检查发现,急性型再障的临床体征表现为贫血面容,睑结膜及甲床苍白。

27、A. I ect eye position with eyes open. Note if any portion of lower conjunctiva is visible. ─── 受检者睁蛝,检查眼睛位置。注意结膜是否理垂。

28、Objective To investigate the effect of using two different eyewashes for students,whose eyes need conjunctiva sac flushing(short term:eye washing). ─── 目的:探讨用两种洗眼液进行结膜囊冲洗(简称洗眼)对眼部的影响效果。

29、The grade of conjunctival squamous metaplasia, the conjunctival goblet cell density and the score of FL were significantly related to the control condition of DM. ─── 杯状细胞密度和结膜上皮细胞鳞状化程度与糖尿病患者血糖控制情况呈显著性相关。

30、Must not go to briny lane in the eye, lest cause eye conjunctiva loss. ─── 千万不要把盐水弄到眼睛里去,以免造成眼结膜损伤。

31、Clinical study on modified trabeculectomy with double layer of high position conjunctival flap. ─── 改良式双层高位结膜瓣小梁切除术的临床观察

32、often the digestive tract, urinary tract, eye conjunctival hemorrhage, a small number of retinal hemorrhage. ─── 常有消化道、泌尿道出血,眼结合膜下出血,少数视网膜出血。

33、Objective To understand the presence of the bacteria from conjunctival sac in traumatic and find the proper antibiotics. ─── 目的了解眼外伤结膜囊带菌情况及细菌耐药性。

34、Several live worms were found in his conjunctiva sac. ─── 后来在门诊中发现结膜囊里有数只活寄生虫。

35、On admission the clinical findings were confined, and she was found to have herpes labialis and conjunctival infection. ─── 住入该院时临床所见被进一步证实,并发现她有唇疱疹和结膜炎。

36、There are epiphora,conjunctival hyperemia.Press the area of the dacryocystitis there is mucous or mucopurulent secretion flowing out from the lacrimal punctum..... ─── 泪溢、结膜充血。挤压泪囊区有粘液或粘液脓性分泌物自泪小点流出。

37、Its complications included conjunctival rupture, artificial eye mount partially exposure, etc. ─── 并发症有术后球结膜裂开,义眼台部分外露等。

38、Methods: The operation of baggy eyelid plasty was performed through conjunctival incision in patients with fatty baggy eyelid. ─── 方法:选择脂肪疝型眼袋患者,用新型激光行结膜囊内切口眼袋成形手术。

39、Methods Twenty-one eyes of twelve patients with epiphora from aged relaxed bulbar conjunctiva underwent a surgical excision of the relaxed bulbar conjunctiva. ─── 方法通过对门诊和住院的12例21眼老年结膜松弛隘泪病人进行结膜新月形切除术等手术治疗。

40、External examination revealed erythema, warmth, eyelid edema, marked proptosis, conjunctival chemosis and complete ophthalmoplegia in the right eye. ─── 外眼检查发现右眼红、热、眼睑肿胀、明显凸眼、结膜水肿以及完全眼肌瘫痪。

41、There was correlation between improving of bulbar conjunctival microcirculation and the changes of hemodynamic parameters after oral nicorandil on patients with AMI. ─── 急性心肌梗塞服用尼可地尔后微循环的改善和血流动力学指标的变化有很好的相关性。

42、We put cotton pellets which were dipped in 0.04% mitomycin solution on conjunctiva about 3 minutes, then douche conjunctival sac by 20 ml isotonic Na chloride. ─── 用一块经0.04%丝裂霉素溶液浸泡过的棉片,填压在结膜下3分钟,然后用20mL生理盐水充分冲洗。

43、The eye was irrigated with saline immediately, but the initial slit-lamp examination showed diffuse punctate epithelial keratopathy, prominent conjunctival injection and chemosis. ─── 病人在急诊室立即接受大量生理食盐水冲洗,随后之眼部细隙灯检查发现左眼有明显之点状角膜上皮缺损及结膜充血水肿。

44、Complete resection of recurrent conjunctival papilloma frequently may be exceedingly difficult, since such lesions are typically friable and multiobulated. ─── 摘要复发性结膜乳头状瘤由于病灶呈多处性而且组织脆弱容易出血,常造成外科手术无法完全切除乾净。

45、Methods 18 eyes of 18 patients with chemical and thermal burns were studied. We found all patients with necrosis and melting in cornea and conjunctiva. ─── 方法 18例 ( 18眼 )连续病人 ,因化学伤及热灼伤后 ,角结膜组织坏死、融解并形成睑球粘连。

46、Objective To understand the presence of the bacteria from conjunctival sac in traumatic and find the proper antibiotics. ─── 摘要目的了解眼外伤结膜囊带菌情况及细菌耐药性。

47、In conclusion, conjunctival blue nevus can be multifocal and masquerade as melanoma. ─── 总之,结膜色素痣可以是多发的,貌似黑色素瘤。

48、Objective To research the method of rejuvenation of aging lower eyelid through the combined incisions of lateral canthus and conjunctiva. ─── 目的:探索利用经外眦及结膜联合入路下睑年轻化美容整形术的方法。

49、ObjectiveTo evaluate the topical prophylaxis of 0.3% ofloxacin and conjunctiva sac washing for post-lasik infection. ─── 目的探讨0.3%氧氟沙星滴眼液手术前点眼以及结膜囊冲洗对预防LASIK术后感染的作用。

50、O.C.The lesions were found in the conjunctiva, episclera, cornea, iris, lens, vitreous, and retina. ─── 病变部位包括结膜、表巩膜、角膜、虹彩、水晶体、玻璃体、及视网膜等。

51、Objective To investigate the effect of covering conjunctival flaps were replaced by wearing therapeutic soft lenses after removing the focus of fungal corneal ulcer. ─── 目的探讨真菌性角膜溃疡病灶切除后用亲水性治疗性接触软镜(以下简称治疗软镜)替代结膜瓣掩盖创面的治疗效果。

52、Inspect eye position with eyes open. Note if any portion of lower conjunctiva is visible. ─── 受检者睁蛝,检查眼睛位置。注意结膜是否理垂。

53、A. Inspect eye position with eyes open. Note if any portion of lower conjunctiva is visible. ─── 受检者睁蛝,检查眼睛位置。注意结膜是否下垂。

54、Objective To observe application of allosclera in reconstruction of conjunctival socket. ─── 目的探讨异体巩膜在结膜囊成形中的应用。

55、Objective To investigat the clinical valvue of dilater curing contract of conjunctival sac. ─── 摘要目的探讨结膜囊扩张器在治疗结膜囊狭窄与萎缩的价值。

56、This drug also can be used by many ways, such as vein, internal canalis spinalis, nasal cavity, conjunctiva and so on. ─── 也可用于术后患者静脉及硬膜外镇痛、分娩镇痛、晚期癌症患者镇痛。

57、Excise the vitreous body of be put into trouble with vitreous body cutter, issue inject antibiotic to vitreous body antrum, vein and ball conjunctiva. ─── 用玻璃体切割器切除受累的玻璃体,并向玻璃体腔、静脉和球结膜下注射抗生素。

58、Objective To make objective criteria for evaluation of conjunctival impression cytology(CIC)in early screening of vitamin A deficiency(VAD)in children. ─── 目的探讨眼结膜印迹细胞法(CIC)在儿童维生素A缺乏(VAD)早期筛查中的评价标准。

59、Complete excision through conjunctival approach cured it without recurrence in a 7-month follow-up. ─── 我们经由结膜侧将此囊肿完全切除,追综7个月没有复发的现象。

60、Are to strengthen the muscle to take the corresponding rectus conjunctiva arc ended Department manner conjunctival incision line. ─── 均为加强肌对应的结膜采取直肌止处的弧行结膜切口方式。

61、For instance some people are kneaded with the handEyeProduced conjunctiva to bleed. ─── 比如有的人用手揉眼睛就发生了结膜出血。

62、Occasionally eye itself has the conjunctiva of canthus, corneal loss possibly, the bacterium that after be being kneaded with the hand, gets hurt can be affected. ─── 有时候眼睛本身就可能有眼角的结膜、角膜损伤,用手揉后受伤的细菌就会感染。

63、Never let the Salbes mineral salt water into eyes so as to avoid any damage to conjunctiva. ─── 千万不要把索贝斯矿盐水弄到眼睛里去,以免造成眼结膜损伤。

64、Objective: An retrospective analysis on the clinical effect of 38 prosthetic eyes weared after conjunctival sac plasic operation. ─── 目的:回顾分析38例患者眼球摘除术后,因结膜囊变浅、缩窄,致使义眼脱落。

65、the first method, one drop of this dilution is dropped into the conjunctival sac. ─── 第一种方法是将一滴这种稀释液滴入结膜囊。

66、The clinical symptoms of infected patients include high fever, myalgia, weakness, conjunctival suffusion, lymphadenopathy and calf muscle tenderness. ─── 感染的病人其临床症状为高烧、全身酸痛、乏力、结膜充血、淋巴结肿大和明显的腓肠肌疼痛。

67、Objective:To evaluate the value of amniotic membrane transplantation in reconstruction of conjunctival sac. ─── 目的:观察和评价羊膜在结膜囊成形术中的应用价值。

68、Under normal conditions,limbal stem cells have protective screen function for cornea,and they can prevent conjunctival epithelium and new blood vessel from growing to cornea. ─── 正常情况下角膜缘干细胞具有上皮屏障的作用,能阻止结膜上皮及血管向角膜内生长。角膜缘干细胞缺乏将导致各种眼表功能异常。

69、AIM: To review the demographic and other clinical features of conjunctiva l intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) in south-eastern Nigeria. ─── 目的:回顾尼日利亚东南部结膜上皮内瘤(CIN)的人口统计学及其它方面的特点。

70、On admission the clinical findings were confined, and she was found to have herpes labialis and conjunctival infection. ─── 住入该院时临床所见被进一步证实,并发现她有唇疱疹和结膜炎。

71、Propionibacterium was found in the conjunctival sac of one patient, but negative in the other three. ─── 1例自结膜囊培养出丙酸杆菌,3例微生物培养均为阴性。

72、D. I ect conjunctiva for color, edema, or lesio by gently depre ing lower lid with thumb pre ed agai t bony orbit. Ask client to look up. ─── 检查结膜颜色、水肿,或拇指靠在眼眶轻轻按压下眼睑检查有无损伤。嘱受检者抬眼。。

73、The reason that was failure is scar of between sclera lamella and bulbe r conjunctiva. ─── 手术失败的主要原因是巩膜瓣间、球结膜瘢痕化。

74、Methods Scraping off the focus of the frngal cornea ulcer, cauterizing it with tincture of iodine, spreading with triazole poder, covering with conjunctiva. ─── 方法进行溃疡病灶刮除,碘酊烧灼、三唑粉涂撒、结膜瓣掩盖等综合治疗。

75、Objective To evaluate the relation between conjunctival congestion pain and eyewash in patient after lasik. ─── 目的探讨患者结膜充血和疼痛感与洗眼液的关系。

76、Because lachrymal bursa flesh breaks down,reach the reason such as conjunctivitis, inside next conjunctiva bursa, often tear accumulates sluggish or spill over. ─── 由于泪囊肌瘫痪及结膜炎等原因,在下结膜囊内,常有泪液积滞或溢出。

77、Methods Remove the pterygium totally,including the underneath proliferated tissue.Translocated the adjacent health conjunctiva with sem cells to cover the naked sclera. ─── 方法逆行将翼状胬肉头部自角膜上分离,向泪阜方向及上下方向钝性分离结膜及其下方增生变性组织,直至近半月皱襞处,全部切除胬肉。

78、Objective: To study the effects of Xueshuantong Injection on hemorheology indices in rats and on microcirculation of bulbar conjunctiva in rabbits. ─── 摘要目的研究血栓通注射液对大鼠血液流变学及兔眼球结膜微循环的影响。

79、Hmm! are you sure? Those basic tear secretions are produced in the conjunctiva, the membrane that coats the entire surface of the eye. ─── 哈哈!你确定吗?那些基本的眼泪分泌物是由眼结膜制造出来的。这层膜是整个眼睛表层的外衣。

80、Methods Scraping off the focus of the frngal cornea ulcer,cauterizing it with tincture of iodine,spreading with triazole poder,covering with conjunctiva. ─── 方法进行溃疡病灶刮除,碘酊烧灼、三唑粉涂撒、结膜瓣掩盖等综合治疗。术后随访1月,观察其效果。

81、Methods To adopt partial mydriatic, then inuect gentamycin sulfate and dexamehasone beside the bulbar or under the conjunctiva for ten endphthalmitis patientes. ─── 方法对10例(10眼)眼内炎?用局部散瞳、球旁或结膜下注射庆大霉素+地塞米松治疗。

82、Allergic conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva (the membrane covering the white part of the eye) due to allergy. ─── 什么是'过敏性结膜炎-类型的粉红色的眼睛造成过敏'?

83、Hair disease state is have disease suddenly, expression is calorific, have a headache, hyperaemia of myalgia, conjunctiva. ─── 发病症状为突然起病,表现为发热、头痛、肌痛、结膜充血等。

84、Methods 128 eyes of 120 patients with ptosis were operated with combined surgery of conjunctiva and skin incisison. ─── 方法对120例(128眼)先天性上睑下垂采用结膜面及皮肤面切口的联合手术方法进行上睑提肌缩短术。

85、The nasal septal chondromucosal island flap pedicled with the nasal alar basal artery and nerve can be used to repair the conjunctival defects of eyelid or tarsus. ─── 以鼻翼基底动脉和鼻翼基底神经为血管神经蒂的岛状鼻中隔软骨粘膜瓣 ,可转移到眶区修复眼睑衬里粘膜和睑板的缺损。

86、Objective To assess the efficiency of filtering blebs with a big or a small conjunctival flap and postoperative effect of glaucoma filtering surgery. ─── 摘要目的评估大结膜瓣和小结膜瓣对青光眼滤过术后滤过泡的功能及眼压的影响。

87、Hyperemia bulbar(Acute red eye):Engorgement of conjunctival blood vessels in association with acute anterior eye reaction. ─── 球结膜充血(急性红眼):眼前节急性反应诱发的球结膜血管充盈。

88、Ocular tumors in dogs are found in the eyelid, conjunctiva, third eyelid, cornea, sclera, iris, ciliary body, retina, choroid, optic nerve, and orbit. ─── 犬类的眼部肿瘤发现于眼睑,结膜,第三眼睑,角膜,巩膜,虹膜,睫状体,视网膜,脉络膜,视神经和眼眶。

89、Anterior segment changes include chemosis and engorged episcleral and conjunctival blood vessels and signs of anterior segment ischemia. ─── 前段的变化包括:结膜水肿、巩膜结膜上血管块扩张和前段局部缺血。

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