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09-05 投稿


confessant 发音

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英:  美:

confessant 中文意思翻译



confessant 短语词组

1、confessant definition ─── 自白定义

confessant 相似词语短语

1、confessable ─── 可信性

2、confessions ─── n.自白,招供;忏悔录(confession的复数形式)

3、confess to ─── 承认;坦白

4、confessants ─── n.忏悔者;供认者

5、confessed ─── adj.坦白的,认罪的;众所公认的,不容怀疑的,公开的,众所周知的;v.坦白;承认(confess的过去式和过去分词)

6、confessing ─── v.忏悔(confess的ing形式);[法]供认

7、confess ─── vt.承认;坦白;忏悔;供认;vi.承认;坦白;忏悔;供认

8、conferment ─── n.(学位、荣誉的)授予;给予;商量

9、conversant ─── adj.熟悉的;精通的;亲近的

confessant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Caught in the act, he had no alternative but to confess. ─── 他被当场抓住,除了招供别无出路。

2、"I confess I did believe things would turn out badly," the doctor procded. ─── “我承认我相信事情也许会弄得很糟,”医生开始说。

3、If he chose to confess, there might be some undeveloped reasons for clemency. ─── 如果他肯认罪,说不定有什么还没有发现的理由可以对他实行宽大。

4、She was reluctant to confess her ignorance. ─── 她不愿承认她的无知。

5、I confess I felt a little shy. ─── 坦白地说,我倒有点害臊。

6、Leniency to those who confess, severity to those who resist. ─── 坦白从宽,抗拒从严。

7、Stay here until the police comes, you'd better confess! ─── 在这等着警察来,你最好招认!

8、Rawdon was obliged to confess that he owed al these benefits to his wife. ─── 劳登不得不承认,他的所有这些好处都是靠妻子得来的。

9、He was not man enough to confess the truth. ─── 他没有足够的勇气去承认事实真相。

10、Don't confess to your crushes. ─── 不要承认你热恋的对象。

11、I must confess I didn't believe you at first. ─── 必须承认,起初我并不相信你。

12、I confess that I am a rather unfeeling person. ─── 但是,今天由于书包实在是太重了,连我这虎背熊腰的家伙都受不了了,也就没带书出门了。

13、They tortured the man to make him confess his crime. ─── 他们拷打那个人, 使他招认他的罪行。

14、Her to confess to the police. ─── 向警方自首。

15、I must confess, it was a tense time for me. ─── 应该说那段时期我很紧张。

16、The traitor refused to confess and was racked at last. ─── 叛徒拒不招供,最后被拖到拉肢刑架上施刑。

17、The generally clueless Tenma finds it difficult to confess her love to him. ─── 她一直暗恋着一个叫做乌丸大路的男生。

18、The suspect will do their usual number--protest innocence--and then confess. ─── 嫌犯们总会来他们的老套,先说他们是无辜的,然後才供认罪行。

19、 双语使用场景

20、The suspect confess to the crime. ─── 嫌疑犯供认了罪行。

21、He might have been able to confess to Simonetta. ─── 他也许能向西蒙内塔忏悔。

22、If he doesn't confess soon we shall have to put the screws on. ─── 如果他还不马上承认,我们得给他施加压力。

23、To answer that, I should confess to you. ─── 回答您这一个问题,我必须向您忏悔了。

24、Just Evidences,who the Truth confess, . ─── 公道的证物,它道出真诚,.

25、I confess my iniquity; I am troubled by my sin. ─── 18我要承认我的罪孽。我要因我的罪忧愁。

26、You could confess your sin sand beg for absolution,come clean. ─── 你可以坦诚你犯过的错,求她有的原谅你,让你放下心中的重担。

28、If both confess, they both get jail but not a fine as well. ─── 如果他们彼此告发则全部入狱,不会被罚款.

29、Most people confess to a bad memory. ─── 大多数人都承认记性差。

30、He refused to confess to his crime. ─── 他拒绝认罪。

31、Princess :I come to beg u to confess all and swear allegiance to the king that he may show u mercy. ─── 伊沙贝拉:我来这里求你,按照英王所想的认罪并且发誓效忠与他吧,这样或许他会对你开恩.

32、To confess to something such as a crime. ─── 意为供认做了某事,如犯罪等。

33、Lumiere: There will be music. Romantic candlelight, provided myself, and when the time is right, you confess your love. ─── 吕米埃:到时会有音乐。还有我为你准备的浪漫烛光。到时候你就向她表白你的爱。

34、He's weakening quickly, so ask him more questions and he will confess. ─── 他很快就招架不住了,所以现在问他问题,他会招的。

35、If the suspect doesn't confess soon we may have to turn on the heat. ─── 如果那嫌疑犯不马上坦白的话,我们也许不得不对他施压力。

36、Did you confess your love for her? ─── 你有没有向她表白?

37、Will you confess this in the letter? ─── 你能在信中承认这一点吗?

38、You must confess that I am right. ─── 你得承认我是对的。

39、She dared not confess it to her sister in any direct statement. ─── 她不敢直截了当向姐姐承认这一点。

40、I was obliged to confess, and in recompense for my cowardice and inhumanity was sent out of the house. ─── 就因为我的卑怯和狠心,我得了报应,被主人撵出家门。

41、"I must confess that he did not speak so well of Wickham as he formerly did. ─── “这我得承认,他不象从前那样器重他了。

42、If doomed to have to use the life to confess, I rather static waiting death. ─── 如果注定要用一生来忏悔,我宁愿静静的等待死亡。

43、To fess up is to confess or admit something. ─── fess up就是承认,坦白的意思。

44、Scripture tells us also to confess our sins to fellow believers. ─── 圣经告诉我们要同样地向肢体夥伴认罪悔改。

45、A priest visited her to confess her every day. ─── 一位神父天天前来听她忏悔。

46、It was, I confess, the musical side of Methodism which I liked best. ─── 其中有优美的宗教诗。

47、Never confess to past infidelities. ─── 不要承认过去的不忠。

48、He was going to confess, and clear his conscience, and make his peace with God," even if they hanged him for it. ─── 他决定去自首,他希望能无愧于良心,求得心灵上的安宁,即使他们绞死自己,他也毫无怨言。

49、The torture made him confess. ─── 严刑拷打使他招供了。

50、Confess to God in the presence of a priest,as in the Catholic faith. ─── 与天主教信仰有关的一个词,是指在牧师在场的情况下向上帝表示自己的悔意。

51、If you have quenched the prophetic anointing in your life, confess it as sin. ─── 如果你销灭生命中先知性的恩膏,为此认罪。

52、My loneliness is killing me I must confess I still belive! ─── 寂寞正在折磨着我,我必须承认我仍然相信.

53、He would only confess under extreme torture. ─── 不动大刑,他是不会招认的。

54、Palmer: I must confess that the air trip is really a long one. ─── 帕:我该承认这次乘飞机航程够长的了。

55、His conscience compelled him to confess . ─── 他的良心迫使他承认。

56、Confess your sins to God and he will forgive you. ─── 向上帝忏悔,上帝就会宽恕你。

57、The Catholic religion does not bind us to confess our sins indiscriminately to everybody. ─── 天主教并不规定我们不加区别地向一切人都坦白自己的罪过。

58、He had a chance to confess and expiate his guilt. ─── 他有认错和赎罪的机会。

59、Made her confess to her crime. ─── 她的犯罪感使她供认了自己的罪行。

60、Confess your own wrongdoing rather than bringing up anything they did. ─── 坦承你做错的事,而不是指责他们的行为。

61、For me, her pettishness is one of her charms, I confess it. ─── 对我来说,我承认,她的怪脾气正是她的可爱之处。

62、If I could have just one request, stay with me girl I confess. ─── 假如我可以,我只有一个请求,女孩!留在我身边,我承认

63、This elderly Italian guy goes to his parish priest to confess. ─── 一位年长的意大利男人来向他的神父告解。

64、If you confess your sins to God, he hears you. ─── 如果你跟上帝承认你的罪过,他听到你。

65、They confess to murders they haven't committed. ─── 他们供认了自己未犯的谋杀罪。

66、Admit often unwillingly I'm rather bored, I must confess. ─── 我不得不承认我有点厌烦了。

67、He was taken before the headmaster and made to confess. ─── 他被叫到校长面前承认错误。

68、Never am I ashamed to confess my ignorance of what I do not know. ─── (因此)我是不知道的事就承认说不知道,并不害羞。

69、Let a man learn as early as possible honestly to confess his ignorance,and he will be a gainer by it in the long run. ─── 如果让一个人尽可能早地坦白承认自己的无知,从长远的观点来看,他会由此获益匪浅。

70、Is it necessary to confess to a priest and not to god directly? ─── 一定要向祭司告解而不可直接向上帝告解吗?

71、If you want to do better, you'd better confess to your weakness at first. ─── 如果你要做得更好,你最好先承认你的弱点。

72、The suspect will do their usual number protest innocence and then confess. ─── 嫌犯们总会来他们的老套,先说他们是无辜的,然後才供认罪行。

73、I have to confess to having done that. ─── 我不得不坦白干了那事。

74、The suspect will do their usual number protest innocence and then confess. ─── 嫌犯们总会来他们的老套,先说他们是无辜的,然后才供认罪行。

75、All it took to confess was a word. ─── 它所代表的只有一个词。

76、For the first time in my life I could not confess all my sins to the priest. ─── 在我生命中,我第一次无法向神父忏悔我所有的罪孽。

77、Most murderers are easily apprehended and readily confess. ─── 大多数犯罪的人易于捕获,也肯于认罪。

78、Nor am I ashamed to confess my ignorance of what I do not know. ─── 因此我是不知道的事就承认说不知道,并不害羞。

79、You are going to come back with us alive and confess to your climes. ─── 你打算回到我们这里一起生活,并承认你的罪。

80、He is take before the headmaster and make to confess. ─── 他被带到校长面前认错。

81、Little princess in a terrible mess - a kingdom alone but no lovers confess. ─── 小公主现在心乱如麻,拥有一个王国,却不能拥有自己心爱的人。

82、Harlequins Kiss confess rending on attacks. ─── 丑之吻在攻击中适用撕裂规则。

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