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09-05 投稿



inundating 发音

英:[??n?nde?t??]  美:[??n?nde?t??]

英:  美:

inundating 中文意思翻译



inundating 词性/词形变化,inundating变形

形容词: inundatory |动词过去分词: inundated |名词: inundation |动词过去式: inundated |动词第三人称单数: inundates |动词现在分词: inundating |

inundating 相似词语短语

1、enunciating ─── vt.发音;阐明;宣布;vi.阐明;清晰地发音

2、insinuating ─── adj.暗示的;曲意巴结的;v.暗示;使…潜入;讨好(insinuate的ing形式)

3、inundation ─── n.洪水;泛滥

4、denudating ─── vt.使裸露(等于denude);adj.裸体的;赤裸的

5、inumbrating ─── 淹没

6、undating ─── 注明日期

7、antedating ─── v.(时间上)先于,早于;表明(文件等)发生的日期更早(antedate的现在分词)

8、liquidating ─── v.清算;清偿(liquidate的现在分词)

9、fecundating ─── v.使受孕;使多产;使丰饶;使富有成果(fecundate的现在分词)

inundating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Three Gorge Reservoir;Water Fluctuation Zone;Phosphorous Release;Inundating;Drying; ─── 三峡库区;消落区;磷释放;淹水;落干;

2、It's word of mouth marketing, just without spoken words or mouths -- there's nobody accosting you with annoying phone calls or inundating you with impersonal e-mails. ─── 这是一种口碑营销。甚至它都无需使用“口”:根本没人用电话调查来烦你,或是用群发电子邮件轰炸你的信箱。

3、So, inundating the tickets system will only slow our ability to respond to the specific ticket issues we deem vital at this time. ─── 如此, 淹没票系统只将减慢我们的能力反应我们视为重要此时的具体票问题。

4、This is more sincere praises for winners, than deep sorrow inundating me. ─── 那也不是遗憾,是对成功者赞叹;

5、The readers have since been inundating the forum with their postings,as many as 100 a day. ─── 此后,读者来信每日上百件,可谓人声鼎沸。

6、The deluge killed at least 220 people, inundating most of the country and pouring into some of the ancient temples at Ayutthaya. ─── 洪水在全国大部地区肆虐,淹没了一些位于艾尤塔雅的古寺庙,并至少造成220人死亡。

7、Like flood water, the rising swelled and spread, inundating all the districts even to the borders of Chiang Kai-shek's areas. ─── 它有如滚滚的洪流,奔腾向前,漫溢四方,直达蒋管区的边界。

8、The second patio is directly linked to the pool and the sauna which at times can overflow inundating the patio in a seasonal basis. ─── 第二庭院是直接关系到游泳池和桑拿有时可以溢出淹没天井在季节性。

9、Maximize your survival rate by inundating any and everything that could possibly be used for food, water, and light. ─── 准备吃的,喝的和照明的东西,越多越好。这将最大限度地提高生存几率。

10、1.Floodwaters are inundating states up and down the Eastern Seaboard. ─── 洪水淹没了东部沿海各州。

11、The Gongboxia reservoir is situated in Qinghai Province, mainly inundating plains and valleys which are in a good condition for agriculture along both banks of Yellow River. ─── 公伯峡水库位于青海省境内,主要淹没黄河两岸农业条件较优越的川水区,移民搬迁人数虽只有5413人,但淹没损失较大,并对当地经济发展造成了一定程度的影响。

12、The deluge killed at least 220 people, inundating most of the country and pouring into some of the ancient temples at Ayutthaya. ─── 洪灾致使至少220人死亡,洪水涌入国家大部分地区,倾入阿育他耶的一些古寺。

13、Guang Yaohua.A preliminary discussion on inundating waterloggings in karst areas of Guangxi.Journal of Geologic Hazards and Control in China, 1996,7(4). ─── [4]光耀华.关于岩溶浸没性内涝灾害初探[J].中国地质灾害与防治学报,1996,7(4).

14、Flood waters inundating Thailand north of Bangkok since July have made the journey south and reached the capital. ─── 七月以来淹没泰国曼谷北部的洪水向南逼进,目前已到达首都曼谷。

15、inundating flood ─── 泛滥洪水

16、inundating coastal areas and river deltas and endangering more than 100 million people. ─── 沿岸地区与河口三角洲会淹没,危及1亿以上的居民。

17、Study on the natural height of one landslide-dam andthe possibility of inundating the dam by flood ─── 某滑坡坝天然坝高评价及洪水漫坝可能性分析

18、A feeling of solitude likes an one hundred years of flood, inundating me. ─── 孤独的感觉像是一场一百年的洪水,正在淹没我。

19、Their invasion of the city has the effect of a tidal wave inundating first the immigrant colonies. ─── 他们的涌入城市,象潮头一样首先淹没了移民地带。

20、Their invasion of the city has the effect of a tidal wave inundating first the immigrant colonies . ─── 他们的涌入城市,象潮头一样首先淹没了移民地带。

21、But he is also an able guide to the details of such negotiations.That he is able to do this without inundating readers with a flood of incomprehensible acronyms is no mean feat. ─── 他能够让读者更加了解这些谈判的细节,而且不用一大堆难以理解的缩略词来充斥他们的大脑,毫无疑问,这点相当成功。

22、inundating process ─── 淹水过程

23、The Kosi river known in Bihar as the river of sorrow has changed course completely, inundating hundreds of thousands of houses. ─── 在比哈尔被称为“悲伤之河”的科西河现已完全改道,淹没了数十万座房屋。

24、The impacts of storm surge on coastal wetlands are extensive and long-term,which mainly contain inundating land,accelerating coastal erosion,damaging landform,destroying vegetation,intensifying... ─── 风暴潮对滨海湿地的影响是广泛而深远的,主要表现为淹没滨海低地、加速海岸蚀退、破坏地表结构、毁坏湿地植被、加剧海水入侵等,使滨海湿地不断损失退化,生态环境恶化。

25、Ben Giraud (voice-over): They've been inundating my inbox with messages like these, around the clock, for the past four days. ─── 本杰明(旁白):在过去的四天里,他们用这样的信息夜以继日填满了我的收件箱。

26、The Pyrite mine occurred accident of surface subsidence, it caused surface water threadding tunnel together andunderground mud-rock flow inundating nearly 2000 M tunnel,it lost ¥ 3100000. ─── 某硫铁矿发生地表塌陷,引起井巷与地表积水贯通,造成井下泥石流淹没近2000m巷道,损失达310万元的事故。

27、A feeling of solitude likes an one-hundred years of flood, inundating me。。。 ─── 孤独的感觉像是一场一百年的洪水,正在淹没我。。。

28、Maximize your survival rate by inundating any and everything that could possibly be used for food, water, and light. ─── 准备吃的,喝的和照明的东西,越多越好。这将最大限度地提高生存几率。

29、The readers have since been inundating the forum with their postings, as many as 100 a day. ─── 此后读者来信每日上百件,可谓人声鼎沸。

30、The second patio is directly linked to the pool and the sauna which at times can overflow inundating the patio in a seasonal basis. ─── 第二庭院是直接关系到游泳池和桑拿有时可以溢出淹没天井在季节性。

31、The Kosi river known in Bihar as the river of sorrow has changed course completely, inundating hundreds of thousands of houses. ─── 在比哈尔被称为“悲伤之河”的科西河现已完全改道,淹没了数十万座房屋。

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