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09-05 投稿



durably 发音

英:[?dj?r?bli]  美:[?dj?r?bli]

英:  美:

durably 中文意思翻译



durably 短语词组

1、durably made ─── 经久耐用

2、durably written to ─── 经久不衰地写信给

3、durably reducing transphobia ─── 持久减少性移行症

4、durably suppressed viral load ─── 持续抑制病毒载量

durably 相似词语短语

1、tunably ─── 可调地

2、curably ─── 可矫正地

3、mutably ─── adv.无常地;性情不定地

4、suably ─── 温和地

5、adorably ─── adv.美妙地;可崇敬地;可爱地

6、durables ─── n.耐用品;非消耗性用品(durable的复数)

7、endurably ─── adv.可忍受地;能忍耐地;能持久地

8、durable ─── adj.耐用的,持久的;n.耐用品

9、drably ─── adv.单调乏味地;无生气地

durably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Special rolls of screen device is designed, one is accepted accurately, durably, put and dismantle goldleaves fast and conveniently. ─── 特殊捲箔装置设计,捲收准确、耐用,装拆金箔快速方便。副机可增制电眼装置设备,作转印功能。

2、The surface of a little high-grade kitchen uses stainless steel shop to stick, brightness of this kind of qualitative material hides dazzlingly, durably, not easily corrupt clean easily. ─── 有些高档厨房的表面采用不锈钢铺贴,这种质材光亮刺眼、耐用、不易藏污并易于清洗。

3、Uses the Japanese high speed precision protractor, divides an essence,the performance is stable, excels in durably. ─── 采用日本高速精密分度器,分度精准、性能稳定、高强耐用。(英语)谢谢!!

4、Durably constructed with a single piece of high tech stainless steel. ─── 耐用构建了一个高科技不锈钢单件。

5、First, extend the traditional engineering, producing the furniture can maintain the public praise of sitting durably and looking beautifully; ─── 一是延续传统工学,出产家具都能保有耐坐又美观的口碑;

6、But bears durably dirty good tidies up into its merit. ─── 但耐用耐脏好收拾成为它的优点。

7、It is necessary to possess long-term stability in performance if solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) will operate durably. ─── 固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)要长期可靠运行,必须具有较高的稳定性。

8、Perfectly absorbed, it continuously saturates your skin from within and durably restores its ideal moisture level.Your skin is intensely hydrated and radiates with a healthy glow. ─── 抗炎抑菌,能收敛毛孔、滋养肌肤、抚平细纹,帮助受伤皮肤愈合,玫瑰纯露同时能舒解眼睛疲劳、结膜炎。

9、So how much is left of the belief that these reforms durably strengthened the UK economy? ─── 因此,还有多少人相信这些改革对英国经济起到了长久的推动作用?

10、Real Estate industry, which is based on plenty of funds, will not develop durably without financial support. ─── 房地产业作为一个资金高度密集型行业,其发展离不开强有力的金融支持。

11、Normal ratings (pressures, temperatures, time setting, etc.) shall be durably marked. ─── 正常极限。压力。温度。时间。将执久标示。

12、If you can come up with a different system that durably satisfies the aspirations of your people, we shall greet it with fascination and respect.If not, we too will suffer the negative consequences. ─── 如果你们能拿出一个不同的制度,能持久地满足你们人民的愿望,我们会为它入迷,向它致敬。”

13、The ground of children room should be had fight grind, the characteristic that cleans durably, easily. ─── 儿童房的地面应具有抗磨、耐用、易清洗的特点。

14、Ultra-thin, but durably constructed, the Ultimate Card Index is specially designed for reliable use in real-world performances. ─── 超薄,但是耐久地修建,最后卡片索引特别地设计可靠的用于真实世界的表现。

15、Fully regulate the evenness of complexion, enhance the skin resistance to free radicals, deeply whiten skin, keep skin fair and moist durably. ─── 全面调节肤色均匀度,增强肌肤预防和抵御游离基的侵害,深层润白肌肤,令肌肤长时间保持滋润白皙的光彩。

16、Our factory insists on selecting high-quality timber and solid hardwood for use.The craft is updated, and the product is beautifully , firmly , and durably. ─── 本厂坚持选用优质木材和坚实硬木,并工艺不断改进,做到外形美观、坚固、耐用。

17、The fiber dispersed homogeously in the composite and combined with the molecular of PP durably and improved the mechanical properties of PP composite obviously. ─── 在这种纳米复合材料中,纳米纤维分散均匀,与PP高分子结合牢固,对PP复合材料的力学性能改善明显。

18、Integrative system makes it easy to install and maintain, which in turn ensure its high durably and efficiency. ─── 使配置的机组具有很高的耐久性和更高的工作时效。

19、The ground of children room should be had fight grind, the characteristic that cleans durably , easily. ─── 儿童房的地面应具有抗磨、耐用、易清洗的特点。

20、Refusing to go with an irrational flow hurts performance for a while, and could prove durably stupid if the terrible event actually happens. ─── 拒绝追随无理性的大流,会在短期内影响业绩,而且,一旦灾难性事件真的发生,还可能长时间贴上愚蠢的标签。

21、Supply durably windproof, waterproof &breathable GORE-TEX fabrics in making uniforms and protective clothing for professionals from Law Enforcement &Security, Military, Fire &Safety Services etc. ─── 为警察与保安,军队,消防与救护等专业队伍提供耐用的GORE-TEX防风防水透气制服及防护服.

22、Normal ratings (pressures, temperatures, time setting, etc.)shall be durably marked. ─── 译:正常极限.压力.温度.时间.将执久标示.

23、Protecting revetment corner boards fast and durably. ─── 保护墙角,牢固耐磨;

24、But private investors may have been durably scared by the union's display of clout. ─── 但是私人投资者受到工会的这政治上的强烈恐吓。

25、But private investors may have been durably scared by the union's display of clout. ─── 但是私人投资者受到工会的这政治上的强烈恐吓。

26、Moreover, subsequent blood circulation as assessed by laser Doppler recovered completely after controlled reperfusion but stayed durably impaired after uncontrolled reperfusion (P=0.027). ─── 此外,经激光多普勒评定,经控制性再灌注后,后续的血液循环得到完全恢复,但经非控制性再灌注后,其后续血液循环持续受损(P=0.027)。

27、Remove free radicals, relieve stresses, abate fatigue, retain skin moisture durably and whiten skin steadily. ─── 清除游离基,舒缓压力,减轻疲劳感觉,帮助肌肤保湿持久,平稳美白。

28、The craft is updated, and the product is beautifully , firmly , and durably. ─── 诚此,敢请阁下放心使用劲力球台。

29、All MMVF waste must be put into heavy duty plastic bags, durably marked with labels (See Fig 5.7.3). ─── 必须将所有MMVF废料装入重载塑料袋中,贴上带有经久耐用的标签(见图5.7.3)。

30、Bearing for upper/lower corrugating rollers, and pressure roller, uses high-temperature lubricate grease to keep running smoothly and durably. ─── 上、下瓦楞辊及压力辊的轴承均采用高温润滑脂,以确保轴承寿命、运转顺畅。

31、Ultra - thin, but durably constructed, the Ultimate Card Index is specially designed for reliable use in real - world performances. ─── 超薄,但是耐久地修建,最后卡片索引特别地设计可靠的用于真实世界的表现。

32、High tension durably flat belt gain convenient replacement and low noise in operating. ─── 高张力平皮带方便保养及低噪音.

33、Conducting extensive, diverse forms of English extracurricular activities helps students to broaden their horizons so that they became interested in learning more durably; ─── 开展内容广泛,形式多样的英语课外活动,有利于开阔学生的视野,使他们学习的兴趣更浓,更持久;

34、Modify the skin tone durably and effectively, deeply whiten and care skin, leave skin white and healthy. ─── 强效持久地修正肤色,深层美白呵护肌肤,肌肤呈现亮白健康光泽。

35、When fortification, not only need be able to prevent the seepage, but also requests durably, when external force harm cannot present the leakage. ─── 设防时不但要能防止渗透,还要求耐久,当外力损害时也不应当出现渗漏。

36、Protecting revetment corner boards fast and durably . ─── 保护墙角,牢固耐磨;

37、The fault is the British establishment's and it must not be seduced and intimidated, so profoundly and durably, again. ─── 过错在于英国统治阶层。它在如此长的时间如此深深地被诱惑和恐吓,这样的事情再也不能发生。

38、Gas Chromatographs containing a radioactive substance must be clearly and durably labelled with radiation warning sign, activity, and the name of the radioactive material involved ─── 气相色谱仪带有放射性物质必须清晰而永久地标识辐射警示,并并标有放射性物质的名称和活性

39、Stable Mmaterial: To use the high cost construction steel, aluminum metallic material, guaranteed that post, the adjusting lever and link lever to use durably and not easy to damage. ─── 材料坚实:采用造价较高的钢、铝金属材料,确保立柱、调节杆、连接杆结实耐用,不易损坏。

40、No Asian country has honored Lincoln more durably than Japan. ─── 没有哪个亚洲国家能像日本那样长期对林肯保持尊敬。

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