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09-05 投稿



inessential 发音

英:[??n??sen?l]  美:[??n??sen?l]

英:  美:

inessential 中文意思翻译




inessential 网络释义

adj. 无关紧要的n. 无关紧要的东西

inessential 同义词

extraneous |accidental | surplus | superfluous | nonessential | unessential | secondary | extra | redundant | unnecessary | unneeded | worthless | dispensable | nothing

inessential 短语词组

1、inessential data ─── 非必要数据

2、inessential unessential ─── 不重要的 ─── 不重要的

3、inessential set ─── 非本质集

4、inessential error entry ─── [计] 非基本错误项, 非实质性的错误项

inessential 反义词


inessential 词性/词形变化,inessential变形

名词: inessentiality |

inessential 相似词语短语

1、essential ─── adj.基本的;必要的;本质的;精华的;n.本质;要素;要点;必需品

2、non-essential ─── adj.非本质的;n.不重要的人

3、inessentiality ─── 非本质性

4、nonessential ─── adj.非本质的;n.不重要的人

5、coessential ─── adj.同质的;同素的(名词coessentiality,副词coessentially);同体的

6、quintessential ─── adj.典型的,完美的;精髓的

7、unessential ─── adj.非本质的,不重要的;n.非本质的事物,不重要的事物

8、unessentials ─── adj.非本质的,不重要的;n.非本质的事物,不重要的事物

9、inessentials ─── adj.无关紧要的;n.无关紧要的东西

inessential 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Luxury Something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort. ─── 奢侈品使人愉快、舒服但非必需的东西。

2、Ordinary Japanese have cut back on inessential spending, in a mood of sacrificial restraint. ─── 日本老百姓都减少开支省吃俭用,自我牺牲克己复国。

3、The more inessential the information in the name, the less likely it is to persist across changes. ─── 名称中的信息越是无关紧要,它能够坚持不改变的可能性就越小。

4、Fortunately, three days before we were due to leave, the ban on inessential travel to Luxor was lifted. ─── 幸运的是在我们出发前三天,禁止前往卢克索“非必要旅行”的禁令取消了。

5、inessential singularity ─── 非本性奇点

6、Chinese business is an old company, has a long history, seniority on business, not inessential stuff, but have been trying to do a thing, this is the core of the human resource strategy. ─── 中华商务是一家老企业,历史悠久,工龄长对中华商务来说,不是可有可无的东西,而是一直努力做好的事情,这是人才战略的核心。

7、Maybe just always ask some inessential and boring stuff since I am a person who is hardly to make a decision. ─── 应该会经常问一些有的没的无聊问题吧,我是一个很难做决定的人。

8、inessential game ─── 非本质对策

9、Leave inessential equipment behind. ─── 把不重要的设备撇开。

10、We usually pay attention to some inessential details,but throw away what are more invaluable. ─── 我们往往注重一些无关紧要的细节,而丢弃了更为宝贵的东西。

11、Something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort. ─── 奢侈品使人愉快、舒服但非必需的东西

12、he doesn't answer my question but talk inessential things. ─── 他不回答我的问题而是在不着边际地兜圈子。

13、Leave inessential equipment behind. ─── 把不重要的设备撇开。

14、2. In naturalistic novels such inessential things as a minor character's physiognomy and costume are depicted in minute detail. ─── 在自然主义的小说里,有些不关本质的东西,像一个次要人物的面貌和衣服之类,都描写得很详细。收藏指正

15、Insignificant or inessential matters; trifles. ─── 琐事,小事不重要的或次要的事情;琐事,小事

16、it's inessential whether she join us. ─── 她是否参加我们的活动无关紧要。

17、inessential mapping ─── 非本质映射

18、inessential luxuries ─── 不必要的奢侈

19、Many inessential factors are becoming more important,such as the viscous dissipation,axial conduction and surface wettability. ─── 许多在常规尺度下不重要的因素如黏性耗散、轴向热传导和表面浸润性等都开始变的突出。

20、The traditional views of metaphor define metaphor as a figure of speech, playing decorative but inessential role. ─── 传统隐喻理论认为隐喻只是一种起着装饰性作用的修辞手段。

21、inessential general game ─── 非本质一般对策

22、Is the self an amalgam of perceptions and memories and feelings, or are these too, like the physical body, inessential to its real nature? ─── 自我是否是各种五官感觉、记忆、情感的混合物? 五官感觉、记忆、情感这些东西是否与物体类似,对其真正的本性并无实质性意义?

23、So why do I talk about the benefits of failure?Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the 17)inessential. ─── 那我为何要谈失败的好处呢?很简单,因为失败意味着剥离一切多余的事物。

24、Failure meant the stripping away of the inessential. ─── 失败意味着剥离无关紧要的一切。

25、Simply since failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. ─── 因该失败将那些非本质的物品都剥离了。

26、This, actually, is the cause of another characteristic of inferior translation, which consequently we may define as the inaccurate transmission of an inessential content. ─── 事实上,这也是造成劣等翻译的另外一个原因,我们可以把这种低劣翻译称作无关紧要内容的不准确翻译。

27、Then we will have the sound out alone and dispense with the inessential. ─── 现在,我们要把声音单独提炼出来,扬弃那些剩下的渣滓。

28、Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the 17)inessential. ─── 很简单,因为失败意味着剥离一切多余的事物。

29、inessential cooperative game ─── 非本质合作对策

30、the estranged and the inessential are classified into neutral, evilness and wrongs. ─── 有害的为非,疏远的、无关紧要的则将之归类为中性、恶、非等。

31、In note-taking, a strict discipline has to be kept to and all inessential details ignored and unnecessary words eliminated. ─── 在做笔记时,必须遵守严格的规则,所有无关紧要的细节和不必要的词句都得被删掉。

32、So why do I talk about the benefits of failure?Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. ─── 为什么我说失败是有好处的?因为失败将那些非本质的东西都剥离了。

33、If you argue with other people, do not adhere stubbornly to your own opinion, conform to the public on inessential matter. ─── 如果两个人在争论,不要固执己见。在无关紧要的事情上要同意大多数人的意见。

34、because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. ─── 因为失败意味着剥离掉那些不必要的东西。

35、Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. ─── 这只是因为失败意味着你丢弃了不必要的东西。

36、If you argue with other people, do not adhere stubbornly to your own opinion, conform to the public on inessential matter. ─── 如果两个人在争论,不要固执己见。在无关紧要的事情上要同意大多数人的意见。

37、Failure also stripped away the inessential, said Rowling, who signed her first (and very modest) book contract in 1996. ─── 失败还。。。。。,罗琳说,她1996年签约了第一本(也是最开始的)那本书。

38、In order to present the spirit, the writer must discard some secondary and inessential elements, and highlight some important and essential ones. ─── 为了传神,作家可以舍弃一些次要的、非本质的方面,而突出重要的、本质的方面。

39、Then dividing background block and foreground block and binarying image.The purpose of thinning image is to reduce a lot of inessential information and to get very integrated minutiae information. ─── 然后,分割背景和前景块,二值化、细化并去除噪声,消去大量的指纹冗于信息,得到较完整的细节特征信息。

40、Inessential or unrelated to the topic or matter at hand; irrelevant. ─── 无关的对主题或手头的事情无关紧要的或无关的;没有关系的

41、inessential error entry ─── [计] 非基本错误项, 非实质性的错误项

42、These references are not just inessential vestiges of the initially intersubjective character of language, capable of being weeded out by devising an artificially subjective language for sense data. ─── 它们并不只是语言最初的主体间性的无关紧要的残留,从而可以通过设计一种用于感觉材料的人为的主观语言即可加以去除。

43、Why do so many people (like myself) choose careers for the wrong reasons?Rowling touched on this when she observed, “Failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. ─── 为什么那么多人(例如我吧)会用错误的理由来选择职业呢?

44、How is it possible to write about Frank Sinatra in a manner that suggests his music is in some way extrinsic to him(Barbara Grizzuti Harrison.What isextraneous comes from without and is inessential or irrelevant: ─── 以把音乐和弗兰克 新纳特拉分开的方式,怎么可能去写关于他的文章呢?(芭芭拉 格里朱迪 哈里森)。Extraneous是指无本质联系或无关的:

45、we show our best aspects in important issues,and reveal the true face in some inessential things. ─── 2我们在重要的事件中显示自己最好的方面,在无关紧要的小事中露出自己本来的面目。

46、The delivery of every office baby is marked by the delivery of an office e-mail that is long on exclamation marks, lame puns and inessential detail, but is quite nice nevertheless. ─── 每有一个办公室同事生孩子,就会向整个办公室发送一封电子邮件,邮件内容很长,且充满感叹号、蹩脚的双关语和无关紧要的细节,但相当温馨。

47、In naturalistic novels such inessential things as a minor character's physiognomy and costume are depicted in minute detail. ─── 在自然主义的小说里,有些不关本质的东西,像一个次要人物的面貌和衣服之类,都描写得很详细。

48、Economic model: is the tool used to examine the relationship between various variables by including only the essential details and leaving out some inessential details. ─── 经济模型:是用来探讨各种变量间关系的工具,这些工具只讨论必要条件而忽略非必要信息。

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