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09-05 投稿


basilica 发音

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basilica 中文意思翻译



basilica 网络释义

n. (古罗马)长方形会堂;长方形基督教堂;长方形廊柱大厅n. (Basilica)人名;(西)巴西利卡

basilica 词性/词形变化,basilica变形

形容词: basilican |

basilica 短语词组

1、basilica dc ─── 大教堂

2、Basilica di Santa Chiara ─── 巴西利卡-迪圣基亚拉

3、venae mediana basilica ─── [医] 贵要正中静脉

4、vena basilica ─── [医]贵要静脉:浅静脉,起于手背尺侧静脉网,上行经前臂与肱静脉合成腋静脉

5、basilica architecture ─── 巴西利卡建筑

6、domed basilica church ─── 多米德巴西里卡教堂

7、Basilica of the Holy Blood ─── 圣血的巴西利卡

8、basilica of san zeno ─── 圣泽诺大教堂

9、Basilica Cistern ─── 巴西利卡教堂

10、basilica de la sagrada familia ─── 圣母家族大教堂

11、basilica di santa maria ─── 圣玛丽亚大教堂

12、Roman basilica ─── [网络] 罗马会堂;长方形廊柱大厅

13、basilica church ─── 巴西里卡教堂

14、open-air basilica ─── 露天大教堂

15、Basilica of St Denis ─── 圣丹尼教堂

16、Villa Basilica ─── 巴西里卡别墅

17、cathedral basilica of st louis ─── 圣路易斯大教堂

18、basilica in france ─── 法国大教堂

19、venae basilica ─── [医] 贵要静脉

basilica 相似词语短语

1、basilicon ─── n.松脂石蜡软膏

2、basilic ─── adj.重要的;显贵的

3、basidia ─── 担子

4、basilisk ─── n.蛇怪,蜥蜴状妖怪(传说中的);一种老式火炮

5、basilical ─── 长方形

6、basilicas ─── n.(古罗马)长方形会堂;长方形基督教堂;长方形廊柱大厅;n.(Basilica)人名;(西)巴西利卡

7、basilican ─── adj.巴西利卡式的

8、basiliscan ─── 巴西斯坦

9、basilect ─── n.下层社会的语言

basilica 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Church:Building for Christian worship. The earliest Western churches were Based on the plan of the Roman Basilica. ─── 教堂:基督教徒作礼拜用的建筑物。最早的教堂以古罗马巴西利卡(即长方形会堂)的平面图为基

2、"Shepherd of the world's largest communion, Pope John Paul II delivers Easter greetings in 56 languages from the central loggia of St.Peter's Basilica. ─── 世界上最大教会的领导者约翰保罗教皇二世在圣彼得教堂的中心走廊用56种语言发表复活节祝贺词。

3、St Procopius Basilica, built as part of the Benedictine monastery in the early13 th century, is a remarkable example of the influence of Western European architectural heritage in this region. ─── 作为13世纪早期修道院的一部分,圣普罗科皮乌斯教堂是西欧建筑传统影响这一地区的一个典型例子。

4、From the Roman style, structures retained much of the form of the basilica; however, the floor plans began to take on the cruciform shape. ─── 它的结构形式大部分保留了巴西力卡的风格,但是平面上开始采取十字形状。

5、To the right, behind the listening crowd, is the-rch of Septimius Severus, and to the left the Arch of Tiberius and the Basilica Julia. ─── 右方的赛佛留斯凯旋门,以及左方的达台特斯拱门和艾米利亚圣堂则静静矗立于聆听君士坦丁演讲的人民身后。

6、When talking about Basilica di San Marco people usually think about that beautiful church in Venice. ─── 当提到圣马可教堂时,大部分的人都会直觉反应是在威尼斯的美丽教堂;其实,由于教堂本来就都是以圣人的名字来命名,因此,米兰也有个圣马可教堂就不那麽地奇怪了。

7、Italian architect who evolved the style known as High Renaissance.He provided the original central plan for the new Saint Peter's Basilica(begun in1506). ─── 布拉曼特,多纳托1444-1514意大利建筑设计师,他发展了文艺复兴时期的建筑风格。并提出了新圣彼得教堂(始建于1506年)的最初核心计划

8、The towers and domes of Renaissance Florence form a time-honored vista from the gardens of the Basilica of San Miniato al Monte. ─── 意译:迷人的佛罗伦斯图片集。塔群和圆屋顶是文艺复兴时期佛罗伦斯的风格一段光荣的时间街景从公园和长方形的圣母之花教堂。

9、High-end shopping mall just right beside Saigon Central Post Office and Saigon Notre-Dame Basilica. ─── 位于邮政局及教堂隔邻,是一间高级购物中心。

10、East of the Basilica in 1984 by the Qinhuai District People's Government listed as heritage conservation units. ─── 东面的大殿在1984年由秦淮区人民政府挂牌成为文物保护单位。

11、The Church is laid out in the typical Roman basilica design, with three aisles leading to a semicircular apse containing the altar. ─── 教堂的设计采用传统的罗马方堂建筑结构,有三条走廊通向放置圣坛的半圆形后殿。

12、Basilica momentum of the majestic, broad, deep into the third hall, the plane was vertical rectangle. ─── 大殿气势雄伟,面宽、进深各三开间,平面呈纵长方形。

13、People resting on the stairs in front of Sacre Coeur basilica Montmartre, Paris. ─── 圣心堂前阶梯上休息的人们。

14、Basilica and Diannei after a statue of Li Bing and Erlang. ─── 大殿及后殿内有李冰及二郎塑像。

15、Suspended Peak, five stamping on the Dougong, Liangjia Basilica structure and a slightly different approach. ─── 悬山顶,五踩斗拱,梁架结构与大殿做法略有不同。

16、Like so many churches in Palestine in Byzantine times, the Gethsemane building was in the form of a basilica with three aisles. ─── 就如许多在巴勒斯坦的教堂在拜占庭时期一样,革责玛尼大殿建筑的型式有三个中殿。

17、The man who just a short time ago, stepped on that balcony of Saint Peter's Basilica, now begins day one of his papacy. ─── 这个人刚在短时间以前,踏上圣彼德大教堂的阳台,现在开始他作为教皇的一天。

18、i ve had three audiences with pope john paul ii , and i was at the recent small prayer meeting at st . francis basilica in assisi , italy. ─── 我认识教宗约翰保禄二世很久,我们曾三度碰面,最近一次是在法兰斯大教堂的祈祷会。

19、Basilica said Main Hall, the main Buddhist reliance wall and some other types of Buddha sitting, up to 1 Zhang, the wall after Qianshou Kuanyin, Heavenly Kings Hall, Rohan Hall. ─── 大殿称大雄宝殿,主佛如来佛倚壁而坐,高达1丈,壁后为千手观音,还有天王殿、罗汉堂。

20、From the framework of research materials, Po-ling Temple Basilica early use may be building components and construction of the match, formed its own unique characteristics. ─── 从构架用料比例研究,宝宁寺大殿很可能是使用早期建筑构件相配而建造的,形成了自己独有的特点。

21、Basilica Liangjia and Dougong colored pattern on the Liao Dynasty, the walls are murals of the Yuan Dynasty, after the last millennium, and the painting has been clearly visible. ─── 大殿梁架和斗拱上有辽代彩画,四壁有元代壁画,历经近千年,而彩绘至今清晰可见。

22、"In a Basilican church (see Basilica), which has side aisles, nave refers only to the central section . ─── 在有侧堂的巴西利卡式教堂中,中堂仅指中央部分。

23、Like so many churches in Palestine in Byzantine times, the Gethsemane building was in the form of a basilica with three aisles. ─── 就如许多在巴勒斯坦的教堂在拜占庭时期一样,革责玛尼大殿建筑的型式有三个中殿。

24、Basilica area of 500 square meters, 12 meters high Dian, Mochizuki-storey 16 meters, Dianding green glazed tile, the entire design sophistication Dasi, a solemn majesty. ─── 大殿面积500平方米,殿高12米,望月楼高16米,殿顶为绿色琉璃瓦,整个大寺设计精巧,雄伟庄严。

25、One of the districts, san marco, is home to many of venice's main attractions, including st. Mark's basilica. ─── 拿破仑称圣马可广场为“欧洲最美丽的客厅”。

26、A tour boat floats along the Tiber River, with the dome of St. Peter's Basilica in the background. ─── 意译:浪漫的罗马图片画廊。一艘旅游船漂浮沿着台伯河,和那圆屋顶的圣?彼得的长方形教堂作为背景。

27、Peter’s Basilica, where the relics of the ‘Cure of Ars’ will be brought for the occasion by Bishop Guy Bagnard of Belley-Ars, France. ─── 教宗指出,“参与”基督的生命也成了一种权力,使“专心致力于成全的德行”成为“必要,甚至不可或缺”。

28、It has been performed since the 15th century in the Basilica of Saint Mary of Elche with special permission from the Pope. ─── 从15世纪开始,该剧就得到罗马教皇的特别许可在圣玛丽大教堂演出。

29、Nowadays, the piece is shown at the National Museum in Gdansk where it was recently moved from the Basilica of the Assumption. ─── 如今,曲子列在国家博物馆斯克近日从那里的教堂假设。

30、The church at Bethany was in the form of a three-aisle basilica. ─── 在伯达尼教堂是以三道侧廊的形式组成。

31、People resting on the stairs in front of Sacre Coeur basilica. ─── 在圣心堂前方阶梯上休息的人们。

32、Outwitting the massive crowds that visit the Vatican, we tour the Sistine Chapel and St.Peter’s Basilica in a couple of hours. ─── 我们比参观梵蒂冈的大批群众来得机灵,在一两个小时内就能游完西斯汀礼拜堂和圣彼得大教堂。

33、Speer built a scale model of how he planned to recreate the columns of St Peter s Square, which encircle the piazza in front of the Basilica. ─── 从发现的资料来看,施佩尔已经制作出了围绕广场的罗马圆柱的模型。

34、Tang Jian at the Basilica. ─── 唐时建大殿。

35、Lateran Basilica was first dedicated to Christ, the Most Holy Savior.Later, St.John the Baptist and St.John the Evangelist were added as co-patrons of the cathedral. ─── 拉特朗大殿从一开始就被奉献于至圣救主基督,后来,圣洗者若翰和圣史若望被追封为共同主保。

36、Work subsequently continued from April 19, 1922 to June, 1924 when the new basilica was consecrated. ─── 接下来的工作,从1922年四月19日到1924年六月宏伟的新大教堂终于竣工并被祝圣。

37、Basilica East and West, North and outside the bottom three masonry wall for legs, carved Yunqi, water, the dragon, elephant, fish, musselsBuddha figures and buildings, and so on. ─── 大殿东、西、北三壁下部内外砌石护脚,刻云气、流水、龙、象、鱼、蚌、佛像、人物和建筑物等。

38、Il Retablo maggiore di Ardara - Dedicato alla Basilica Nostra Signora del Regno ed al complesso pittorico con fotografie ed informazioni. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

39、BASILICAN_ STRUCTURES_ DESC; Large basilican structures, in a continuation of a tradition inaugurated by the early Christian basilica, were topped by wooden roofs. ─── 巨大的巴西利卡式建筑,风格上承袭了早期基督教长方形廊柱教堂的影响,屋顶一般是木质的。

40、As for the elementary knowledge of this dissertation, expatiate and analyze systematically basilica parts of an apparatus:TMS320VC5402 DSP. ─── 作为本课题的预备知识,对于本课题所用到的重要器件:TMS320V C5402 DSP芯片做了较系统地阐述和分析。

41、Peter's Basilica at the death of Donato Bramante, and took charge of virtually all the papacy's projects in architecture, painting, and the preservation of antiquities. ─── 布拉曼特死后,他担任了圣彼得大教堂的指挥工作,并在事实上负责教宗任期内建筑、绘画和文物保护方面的所有专案。

42、Early Christians created these mosaics as well, with some of the most significant examples still in existence in the catacombs beneath St.Peter's Basilica in Rome. ─── 早期基督徒创建这些马赛克,以及,一些最重要的例子仍然存在下面的墓穴圣彼得大教堂在罗马举行。

43、Pope Benedict swapped out his gold-coloured robes for a long-white apron.The Pontiff performed a feet-washing ceremony at St.John Lateran Basilica in Rome. ─── 教皇本笃十六今日解下金色长袍,换上白色围裙,在罗马圣约翰大教堂为信徒举行了濯足仪式。

44、Tower before the Qing Dynasty into the Basilica, after the new antique-style three floors, in 1991 the museum moved into the city of Lanzhou. ─── 塔前有清代改建的大殿,后为新建仿古式三层楼,1991年兰州市博物馆迁入。

45、Also known as the Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Stanis? aw and Vaclav, Wawel Cathedral was the traditional coronation site of Polish monarchs. ─── 瓦维尔大教堂又被称为圣旺斯拉斯和圣斯坦尼斯洛斯大教堂,是波兰皇帝的传统加冕礼举行地。

46、Peter's Square to the Basilica at about 5pm CET on Monday and will lie in state from Monday evening until Friday morning, with the church staying open late into the night. ─── 之前,教皇的遗体还由圣彼得广场运往罗马教堂,时间大约在礼拜一下午5点。周一至周五,将是教皇任人吊唁的时间,教堂的开放时间将延长到深夜。

47、"A full moon rises over the dome of St.Peter's Basilica. ─── 一轮圆月正从圣彼得大教堂的穹顶上空徐徐升起.

48、Galileo was buried in Florence's Santa Croce Basilica about 100 years after his death. ─── 伽利略死后大约一百年被安葬在佛罗伦萨的圣十字大殿。

49、The apse of the basilica of the Agony is built on a rocky outcrop which must have once formed the eastern boundary of the "Garden of Olives. ─── 在大教堂半圆型壁龛上建有一个突出的造型,之前它是橄榄园的东边边界。

50、Even after only three or four days' walking to Mariazell, we feel it the moment the towers of the basilica come into view. ─── 同样,在奥地利的玛利亚采尔,我们步行三、四天后,当圣母圣殿的钟楼终于映入眼帘的那一刻,也会为我们带来狂喜。

51、Basilica backyard center, is lined with a Tiezhu bonding Zhongxin, 1984 Ban Ruosi Suozhu disciple of the public and, above casting a "Prajna Temple said" four Chinese characters. ─── 大殿后院正中,屹立着铁铸宝鼎一尊,是1984年般若寺主持和众弟子所铸,上面铸有“般若讲寺”四个大字。

52、In place of rotunda and basilica of St.Vitus began building of a vast Gothic church, that have been completed almost six centuries later. ─── 圣维塔大教堂的几个参观重点包括20世纪的彩色玻璃窗、圣约翰之墓和圣温塞斯拉斯礼拜堂。

53、He provided the original central plan for the new Saint Peter's Basilica(begun in 1506). ─── 他并提出了新圣彼得教堂(始建于1506年)的最初核心计划。

54、The commotion occurred as the pope's procession was making its way toward the main altar and shocked gasps rang out through the public that packed the basilica. ─── 事件发生在教皇行进队伍走向主圣坛的途中,教堂中拥挤的人群中爆发出惊呼声。

55、Temple Basilica Yuan Jian, Dou Fang amount undershi shuo Chase, has obvious characteristics of non-generation. ─── 寺内大殿为元建,斗下施硕大通额枋,有明显的无代特征。

56、After getting up, Pope Benedict, flanked by tense bodyguards, resumed his walk to the basilica's main altar to start the Mass. ─── 教皇站起来以后,在保镖的严密护卫下继续走向教堂主圣坛,开始主持弥撒。

57、The glaze color is basilica yellow embedded with gold line.It seems like the gold-yellow color feature of the tea bud of Junshan Silver Needle Tea. ─── 本品特制高档颜色釉,瓷面的釉色似皇室宫廷黄,莹润均匀,嵌金以修饰,恰似“君山银针”芽身金黄之品质特征。

58、And the hands of the McAfee bullwhip also flying the Vatican basilica on the ginger. ─── 并且手中的那根长鞭也飞向了大殿之上的姜梵。

59、Located at the cross of Asian culture, Hinduism, Buddhism, basilica architecture and abundant nature resources make up of particular local tourism resources, making Nepal one of the countries most suitable for walking tour. ─── 尼泊尔地处亚洲文明的交叉地,印度教、教、宫建筑以及丰富多彩的自然资源构成了当地独特的旅游资源,是世界上最适合徒步旅行的国家之一。

60、He and his wife, Laura, attended services at Cua Bac Church, a concrete basilica built by the French more than a century ago. ─── 他及夫人劳拉,参加了在CuaBac教堂举行的仪式,这是法国人在一个多世纪前建造的混凝土长方形廊柱大厅式教堂。

61、Sacre Coeur basilica reflected in a puddle, Montmartre, Paris. ─── 反射在地板水渍上的圣心大教堂。

62、The Church is laid out in the typical Roman basilica design, with three aisles leading to a semicircular apse containing the altar. ─── 教堂的设计采用传统的罗马方堂建筑结构,有三条走廊通向放置圣坛的半圆形后殿。

63、Safely ensconced within Vatican City lie some of the worlds' most precious of treasures; the Gardens, St.Peter's Basilica, and the Vatican Palace, which houses the Vatican Library, and...the Pope himself. ─── 梵蒂冈城拥有部分世界最珍贵的宝藏:古希腊伊壁鸠鲁学派遗址、圣彼得长方形大教堂及梵蒂冈宫殿,宫殿内有梵蒂冈图书馆以及.......教皇本人。

64、John Lateran.The Lateran Basilica dates back to 311, when Constantine, the first Christian Roman emperor, donated the site and original palace to the pope. ─── 拉特朗大殿的历史可以追溯到三一一年,第一位受洗成为基督徒的罗马皇帝君士坦丁大帝,他将原址以及盖在上面的宫殿全部捐给了教宗。

65、Vatican City: Statues on the roof of St Peters Basilica are silhouetted under clouds . ─── 梵蒂冈城:圣彼得大教堂[译注:罗马天主教的中心教堂]屋顶上的雕像,在浮云前留下剪影.

66、Speer built a scale model of how he planned to recreate the columns of St Peter's Square, which encircle the piazza in front of the Basilica. ─── 施佩尔为希特勒构想了种种纳粹党统治下的柏林的宏伟蓝图已不是什么秘密,但计划在柏林修建一座立有墨索里尼塑像的德国版圣彼得广场还是让历史学家们大吃了一惊。

67、Basilica皆以Dougong tenon mao support, stout ancient DougongBlock after containing the Buddha, "made Shifo Block in mind. ─── 大殿皆以斗栱榫卯承托,斗栱粗壮古朴。

68、At the foot of its ramparts, on Red Square, St Basil's Basilica is one of the most beautiful Russian Orthodox monuments. ─── 在红场上防御城墙的脚下坐落的圣瓦西里教堂是俄罗斯传统艺术最漂亮的代表作之一。

69、Mark's Basilica stands at one end of St.Mark's Square. ─── 拿破仑称此广场为“欧洲最美的客厅”。

70、A gentleman unfolded himself from histiny car just down the colonnade from St.Peter's Basilica yesterday and the first thing apasserby noticed was the name emblazonedon his shirt. ─── 昨天,圣彼得大教堂的廊柱下,一位绅士从一辆微型汽车的车厢里费力地钻了出来。此时,如果一位路人经过,第一个注意到的就是他球衣上的名字了。

71、A portico or lobby of an early Christian or Byzantine church or basilica, originally separated from the nave by a railing or screen. ─── 教堂的西门廊早期基督教或拜占庭式教堂或罗马天主教长方形教堂的西门廊或门厅,早期用围栏或屏幕与中殿分开

72、It is designed like a generic Roman basilica, with three aisles and an apse. ─── 它设计得像一座普通的罗马长方形基督教堂,有三条走廊和一个半圆形的后殿。

73、An "apparently unbalanced" woman approached Pope Benedict XVI and caused him to fall Thursday as he entered St Peter's Basilica to celebrate Christmas Eve mass. ─── 本周四平安夜当晚,当罗马教皇本笃十六世走进圣彼得大教堂准备主持平安夜弥撒时,一名“貌似情绪不稳”的女信徒将其撞倒。

74、To the north, the belltower of the lavish Renaissance Basilica of San Bernardino also crumbled. ─── 文化部长说,“至少有四座罗马式的和文艺复兴时期的教堂被毁,还有一座16世纪的城堡也被毁了。”

75、The Basilica is the Mother Church of the Catholic faith here in Colorado, and is a beautiful building built from limestone imported from Indiana and granite mined in Gunnison, Colorado. ─── 在这里,科罗拉多州,大教堂是天主信仰源起之处,并且是一座极富美丽神话的建筑物,它由印第安那的石灰石以及从科州采矿而来的花岗石合力建成。

76、Architecture of Sacre Coeur basilica, Montmartre, Paris. ─── 圣心大教堂建筑。

77、Notable among its 400 bridges is the Bridge of Sighs and among its churches is St.Mark's Basilica. ─── 市里400座桥梁中的叹息桥和众多教堂中的圣马可大教堂最为著名。

78、We were thirty feet beneath the floor of St. Peter's Basilica, walking through a three-feet wide street hemmed in by the cement walls of mausoleums built by citizens of Rome. ─── 我们是在圣伯多禄大教堂地面下方30英尺的位置上。我们正在穿过一条三英尺宽的街道,周围是罗马公民们用水泥建造的陵墓墙壁。

79、Basilica before PricewaterhouseCoopers. 1990 re-opened. ─── 大殿前有古柏。1990年重开。

80、A statue of Virgin Mary queuing up to use a public telephone outside the Basilica de Guadalupe. ─── 意译:壮丽的墨西哥城市图片。一个圣母玛利亚的雕像排队用公共电话在瓜达卢普长方形教堂的外面。

81、The other 2 obelisks that I saw was located in front of the Santa Maria Maggiore basilica and at the center of the Piazza St Pietro. ─── 之前看到了两支分别在大圣母玛丽亚教堂前面和梵蒂冈圣彼得广场中央。

82、Thousands gathered at St.Peter's Basilica for the annual tradition. ─── 数千人聚集在圣彼得大教堂,共同庆祝圣诞。

83、He took his tools and went to the basilica at night time and carved “MICHEL ANGELUS BONAROTUS FLORENT FACIBAT” on the chest of the Virgin Mary. ─── 意思是说:来自翡冷翠的米开朗基罗做的。

84、Basilica was built in 1914, presided over by Jiushibanchan Qu Ji Nima construction. ─── 大殿建于1914年,由九世班禅曲吉尼玛主持修建。

85、On Sunday morning, Mr.Bush attended an ecumenical church service in an old French-built Catholic basilica to underscore the need for greater religious freedom. ─── 在周日下午,布什先生在一间陈旧的法式天主教堂时出席了一次日常的教堂活动,以强调对更宽松的宗教自由的需求。

86、Methods PICC catheter was inserted to superior vena cava through uninjured side basilica vein or median cubital vein for receving chemotherapy. ─── 方法经患者健侧上肢贵要静脉、肘正中静脉将PICC导管置入上腔静脉进行化疗。

87、Figure 1: The dome at St. Peter's Basilica, designed by Michelangelo. ─── 图一:米开朗基罗设计的圣彼得大教堂圆屋顶。

88、One of the districts, SAN Marco, is home to many of Venice's main attractions, including St.Mark's basilica. ─── 行政区之一的圣马可是许多威尼斯主要旅游景的中心,包括圣马可大教堂。

89、And with the time machine, as we turn, I can see the Basilica Julia as was reconstructed in 320 A.D. I keep turning, and I now see the Rostrum. ─── 在这部时光机的帮助下,在我们转身时,我能看到朱利亚会堂在公元320年重建后的情景。我接着转身,现在我能看到演讲台。

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