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09-05 投稿


sanctioning 发音

英:[?s??k?n??]  美:[?s??k?n??]

英:  美:

sanctioning 中文意思翻译



sanctioning 同义词

restriction | encouragement | OK | endorse | empower | indorsement | okay | permission | acceptance | authorization | authorize | O.K. | license | permit | accept | imprimatur | certificate | authorisation | favor | confirm |approve | support | penalty | pass | authority | enable | countenance | ban | concession | ordain | endorsement | allow | affirmation | o.k. | accession | subscription | warrant

sanctioning 常用词组

legal sanction ─── n. 法律制裁

economic sanction ─── [经]经济制裁

sanctioning 反义词


sanctioning 词性/词形变化,sanctioning变形

动词第三人称单数: sanctions |动词现在分词: sanctioning |动词过去式: sanctioned |动词过去分词: sanctioned |

sanctioning 短语词组

1、sanctioning authority ─── [法] 处分机关

2、sanctioning definition ─── 制裁定义

3、sanctioning define ─── 批准定义

4、sanctioning evil ─── 制裁邪恶

5、sanctioning syn ─── 批准syn

6、sanctioning fee ─── 批准费

sanctioning 相似词语短语

1、suctioning ─── n.吸,吸入;v.吸,吸入(suction的ing形式)

2、actioning ─── 行动

3、captioning ─── n.字幕;v.在…上加标题;为…配字幕(caption的ing形式)

4、functioning ─── n.运行,运作;[计]功能;机能;起酌(function的动名词);v.运行,起作用(function的现在分词形式)

5、sanctifying ─── vt.使圣洁;使神圣化;把…奉献给神;认可

6、stanchioning ─── n.支柱;vt.用支柱支撑

7、auctioning ─── n.拍卖;(桥牌)叫牌阶段;v.拍卖,竞卖

8、cantoning ─── n.(瑞士等国的)行政区,州;(纹章)矛面右上角方形部位;v.把……划分成州(或行政区);为(军人)分配营房

9、sectioning ─── n.分节;分割;解剖;v.把…切成片(section的现在分词)

sanctioning 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They won't sanction our spending on this scale. ─── 他们不会同意我们这麽大的开支.

2、However, a party which is engaged in maritime operations must comply with the sanction before filing a suit. ─── 但是,在海上作业的,必有先执行有关处罚决定。

3、Execution of a decision on a sanction given to a judge shall not be suspended during the period of reconsideration or petition. ─── 复议和申诉期间,不停止对法官处分决定的执行。

4、However, IOC finally decided to sanction an "International Winter Sports Week" at Chamonix, France, in 1924. ─── 1924年在法国的沙莫尼,国际奥委会最终决定批准一个“国际冬季体育周”。

5、Official sanction and funding are only the first hurdles. ─── 官方的批准和资金支持不过是第一道坎。

6、With a cry of triumph, the people gave their sanction to one of the boldest exploits which our history recorded. ─── 人民以胜利的欢呼,对我们历史上这一石破天惊的大事件,表示了他们的赞许。

7、Sanctioning infringement in relation to the law, required technical measures. ─── 制裁侵权行为,需要技术措施。

8、First the judges received monetary rewards for sanctioning the building of a new private-sector prison in their area. ─── 第一,法官因核准在他们的辖区内建立一所新的私人监狱而受到现金好处。

9、An official approbation; sanction. ─── 官方的批准;认可

10、In certain societies shame was the only sanction against wrongdoing. ─── 在某些社会中,羞耻曾是做坏事的唯一约束力。

11、The 1987 Amendments added a new subsection, 301(n), expressly sanctioning FDF variances for BAT and BCT. ─── 1987年修正案增加了一个新的细目,第301条(n),专门认可了“最佳现有技术”和“最佳控制技术”的“根本不同”差异。

12、He tried to get the government to sanction his plan. ─── 他设法使政府批准他的计划。

13、If you become WBO champion, will you accept to challenge the champions of the other major sanctioning bodies? ─── 如果你成为WBO冠军,你将挑战其它主要级别的体重的冠军吗?

14、To consent to officially or formally; confirm or sanction. ─── 官方地或正式地同意;证实或批准。

15、Mr Obama talks about sanctioning a search-and-destroy mission in Pakistan without the permission of that country's government. ─── 奥巴马称自己要在未经巴基斯坦政府许可的情况下,授权在其境内展开搜索轰炸行动。

16、To the direct responsible staffs and other direct liability personnel, impose the administrative sanction legally. ─── 对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予行政处分。

17、Each country in the world must strictly control the manufactures and issues of its currency and give criminal sanction to counterfeiting offenses. ─── 世界上的任何一个国家都必须对货币制作和发行实行严格的控制,对伪造货币的犯罪行为予以刑事制裁。

18、Various Members have suffered this sanction over the years. ─── 历年来一些会员国受到这一处罚。

19、Will China consider being involved with other countries in sanctioning the DPRK if it does in effect violate the UN rules in this matter? ─── 如果朝鲜在此事上确实违反安理会决议,中方是否会考虑与其他国家一起对朝实施制裁?

20、The efforts by the Judiciary to promote mediation are underpinned by a costs sanction. ─── 司法机构在促进调解方面的工作,亦得到讼费罚则的辅助。

21、His proposal was given official sanction. ─── 他的提议获得了官方的核可。

22、Execution of a decision on a sanction given to a public procurator shall not be suspended during the period of reconsideration or petition. ─── 复议和申诉期间,不停止对检察官处分决定的执行。

23、At least the US Senate can be partisan when it comes to sanctioning foreign countries. ─── 至少,美联储要制裁外国时,参议院盲目表示拥护了。

24、Thus, in order to make plunder appear just and sacred to many consciences, it is only necessary for the law to decree and sanction it. ─── 因此,为了使掠夺对很多善良的人们看似正义和神圣,仅需要使用法律判决和制裁。

25、At least the US Senate can be partisan when it comes to sanctioning foreign countries. ─── 至少,在它制裁其它国家时,美国参议院是衷心拥护的。

26、From 1998 to now, the United States persists in being hostile to Cuba, but looses the sanction and increases contact with Cuba. ─── 1998年至今,美国坚持对古巴敌视为主的政策,但放松制裁、增加接触,古巴则坚持原则、积极谋求改善双边关系,美古关系出现松动与缓和。

27、In many regulatory areas, the sanction the witness fears may be labeled a "civil penalty," a "forfeiture," or some similar term rather than a crime. ─── 在许多管理领域,证人担忧的制裁可能被冠以"民事处罚"、"罚款"或一些类似的词语而不是犯罪。

28、In Chinese society shame operates as the principal sanction. ─── 在中国的社会,羞耻心在道义上具有一种压倒一切的约束力。

29、The Kremlin might have expected a brutal dispersal of the crowd, but Mr Kuchma would not sanction the use of force. ─── 克里姆林宫也许意料到了对人群的野蛮驱散,但库科马却不会认可使用武力。

30、Authorization or certification; sanction, as given by a superior. ─── 准许授权或批准;准许(如来自上司的)

31、To make legal or lawful; authorize or sanction by law. ─── 使合法化,使符合法律;法律认可或批准

32、Official sanction has not yet been given. ─── 尚未获得正式批准。

33、We think, in the sanction of the fraud tort, it is necessary to introduce the compensation system of punishing nature. ─── 在欺诈侵权行为的制裁中,有必要引入惩罚性赔偿制度,这是国外值得借鉴的立法经验。

34、His conscience didn't sanction stealing. ─── 他的良心不允许他做偷窃的事。

35、His promise to the citizen made a strong sanction on him when making policies. ─── 在他制定政策时,他对市民的承诺对其有很大的影响力。

36、A state functionary who commits any of the acts as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be given an administrative sanction in addition. ─── “国家工作人员有前款所列行为的,还应当依法给予行政处分。

37、E. Experiential family therapy encourages open self-expression and negotiation to develop personal grower and healthy family sanctioning. ─── 如果你对他的教育方式,是要求他转过来用正面看你,那就表示他必须要用他的背看他的未来。

38、They showed their determination to oppose the sanction. ─── 他们表示坚决反对这项制裁。

39、An administrative sanction shall be imposed on the relevant person liable according to law by his entity or his upper level organs. ─── 对有关责任人员由其所在单位或者上级机关依法予以行政处分。

40、Some vendors tout their security certifications obtained from sanctioning entities. ─── 一些供应商会吹捧其产品获得了授权机构的认证。

41、And since law cannot operate without the sanction and support of a dominating force, this force must be entrusted to those who make the laws. ─── 因为没有主导力量的承认和支持法律便不能运行,这种力量必须委托给那么制定法律的人。

42、Thus religion too often debauches the morality it comes to sanction and impedes the science it ought to fulfill. ─── 因此,宗教常常会使它要支持的道德堕落沦丧,并妨碍它应该执行的科学任务。

43、Ni is betting that governments will sanction the LEV if it proves popular. ─── 倪捷乐观地相信,政府在看到LEV的普遍使用之后,会给予正式许可的。

44、"D'you mean to tell me that you're going to sanction this marriage?" asked the doctor. ─── “你的意思是告诉我,你打算同意这桩婚事吗?”医生问道。

45、The use of free will to put an end to one's life finds no sanction in the theology to which Van Dusen was committed. ─── 在VanDusen所献身的神学中,运用自由意志力是绝对禁止的。

46、Bush issued his ultimatum after U.N. allies refused to back his bid for a resolution sanctioning military force. ─── 在联合国的盟友拒绝支持他要求授权动武的决议后,布什发表了这一最后通牒。

47、As you know, the Administration has not shied from sanctioning such activities, as required by U. S. law. ─── 大家都知道,本届政府一直都在根据美国法律对这些活动予以制裁。

48、If fund is passivity completely, form hard to appearing on the market the sanction of company management layer, want to encourage it so. ─── 如果基金完全是被动的话,就难以形成对上市公司管理层的约束力,所以要鼓励它。

49、How can you sanction such rudeness? ─── 你怎么会准许这种粗鲁的行为呢?

50、In the last three years, the WBO has held more World and Regional Championships than any other world sanctioning organization. ─── 在过去的三年里,WBO举办的世界及地区冠军头衔赛,超过了其他世界(拳击)授权组织的举办数目。

51、Nor were they consistently wise in sanctioning clandestine operations that did not necessarily serve long-term U. S. interests. ─── 在支持一些未必对美国长期利益有利的秘密行动中也没表现出惯有的明智。

52、They were satisfied with this pragmatic sanction. ─── 他们满足于得到实用上的支持。

53、To sanction officially; authorize. ─── 官方批准;认可

54、The authority of government, to be strictly just, it must have the sanction and consent of the governed. ─── 从严格、正义的意义上讲,权威必须获得被治理者的认可或赞成才行。

55、They refused to sanction segregation. ─── 他们拒绝支持种族隔离。

56、Suggests the individual measures for recruiting, promoting and sanctioning his personnel to the Plant Manager. ─── 向厂长建议其下属人员的雇佣、提升等的标准;

57、The said proposal has received the sanction and approval of this Association. ─── 上述的提案得到协会的批准和赞同。

58、But the Austria Pama also indicated that applies severer sanction on Iran to need with countries and so on Russia and China carries on the cooperation. ─── 但奥巴马也表示,对伊朗实施更为严厉的制裁需要与俄罗斯和中国等国进行合作。

59、Bush issued his ultimatum after U. N. allies refused to back his bid for a resolution sanctioning military force. ─── 在联合国的盟友拒绝支持他要求授权动武的决议后,布什发表了最后通牒。

60、That the said proposal has received the sanction and approval of this Association. ─── 上述的提案得到批准和赞同。

61、Since then, Senegal had adopted such legislation, enabling it to regulate, to a remarkable degree, the matters concerned and to sanction piracy. ─── 因此,塞内加尔制定了有关法律,从而能够管理有关事务,打击盗版活动。

62、To mark with an indication of official sanction. ─── 使生效,批准带有政府允许表示标志

63、They are a virulent poison, giving the numbing illusion of moral sanction to every depravity ever hatched. ─── 它们是剧毒的毒药,使得道德约束力对于每一种,哪怕尚 未成形的恶习都形同虚设。

64、The main requirement is that the measures provided are effective and thus constitute a deterrent and sufficient sanction against the prohibited acts. ─── 其主要要求是,所提供的措施必须有效,从而能构成一种威胁,并对被禁止的行为给予足够的制裁。

65、The directly liable person-in-charge and other directly liable persons shall be given an administrative sanction. ─── 对负有直接责任的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分;

66、"Markets will be sensitive to any sign that G8 officials are sanctioning intervention to strengthen the US dollar," analysts at Calyon Capital Markets Research said. ─── “市场将对措施十分敏感,如果G8集团批准干预措施以加强美元的话。“资本市场分析员如是说。

67、Russia sided with France and Germany to block a Bush-backed U.N. resolution sanctioning military conflict to disarm Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. ─── 在谴责以布什对解除伊拉克总统萨达姆政权而采取的违反联合国宪章的军事行动上,俄罗斯和法国,德国立场一致。

68、After sanctioning the Italian's sale, Sir Alex Ferguson revealed that United do have the option to re-purchase Rossi in the future. ─── 再放走了意大利人之后,弗格森爵士披露曼联保留了未来回购罗西的条款。

69、In 2006, it performed a similar test that resulted in the adoption of a U.N.Security Council resolution sanctioning it. ─── 北韩2006年的那次核试验就曾导致安理会对其实行制裁。

70、Your father denies his Polish ancestry, since Poland is still a noncompliant nation, and under international sanction because of it. ─── 你父亲否认他的波兰血统,因为波兰一直是一个超生的国家,波兰也因此一直受国际制裁。

71、Don't think Blazers maniacs would sanction that sentiment after what they saw in a rousing March and April. ─── 他们在主场从球迷那获得忠诚,但是这也意味着更高的期待。

72、The Chapter Master's sanction given, Cassius pulled together his corps of Tyrannic War Veterans. ─── 卡修斯集结起了一支泰伦战争中的老兵组成的部队。

73、If the case is not serious enough to constitute a crime, he shall be given disciplinary sanction in accordance with law. ─── 尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分。

74、If the case is not serious enough to constitute a crime,he shall be given disciplinary sanction in accordance with law. ─── 尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分。

75、But analysts say such a punitive sanction would be more of a political move with a limited practical impact. ─── 但是分析家说这种惩罚性的制裁将会更多的造成一种限制性的实际影响。

76、Thus, the agency's decision simply to institute a formal proceeding may be a severe sanction. ─── 因此,行政机关仅仅作出提起正式诉讼的决定就可能是一个严厉的制裁。

77、Trade restrictions such as border taxes might also be the only credible sanction for climate treaties. ─── 对于气候协定而言,边境税等贸易限制可能同样也是唯一可靠的制裁措施。

78、You will need the sanction of the local authorities before you can knock down the office block. ─── 在拆除办事处集中街区的房屋前,你必须有地方当局的批准。

79、Sanction A coercive measure adopted usually by several nations acting together against a nation violating international law. ─── 国际制裁,通常指几国对一国违反国际法行为的合力制裁措施。

80、With a cry of triumph, the people gave their sanction to one of the boldest exploits which our history records. ─── 人民以胜利的欢呼,对我们历史上这一石破天惊的大事件,表示了他们的赞许。

81、Botswana will have increased political tolerance, and legal sanction against those who violate principles of accountability at all level of leadership. ─── 博茨瓦纳会在政治上更加宽容,并对各个领导层上违反责任制原则的人实行法律制裁。

82、By Bush's own account, revenge was among his chief motives in sanctioning torture. ─── 通过布什自己的话,我们可以得知,实施酷刑的主要动机是报复。

83、Official approval; sanction. ─── 官方的认可; 同意

84、Of ridicule is a very effective sanction. ─── 人们不做违法乱纪的事,其中一个重要因素就是怕人耻笑。

85、A holy war undertaken with papal sanction. ─── 圣战经教皇认可而发动的神圣战争

86、In many countries they choose only from a party list, with no way of rewarding or sanctioning individuals and no direct link to a constituency. ─── 在许多国家议员候选人的名单都事先列出来了,这些候选人的记录往往比较平庸并且也不能代表各个选区。

87、The sanction on the country evidently enraged its people. ─── 对于这个国家的制裁显然激怒了该国的人民。

88、While affirming the outside sanction, he points out that Bentham neglects the importance of personal ego development and educations. ─── 密尔对边沁的道德制裁理论进行了修正,他在肯定外在制裁力作用的同时,指出边沁忽视个人的自我发展和教育在道德理论中的地位。

89、Development of the integrated circuit in the early 1960s continued the minatory sanction process. ─── 在 1960 年初集成电路的发展继续了军事的程序。

请问在美式拳击比赛中, “ring 8”,和“fight card”是什么意思?

fight card 是“比赛名单的意思,也就是对阵名单”(其中也会有实力分析,比赛预测等信息)。ring 8 是“Ring 8 was created by the Veterans Boxers Association to help former boxers down on their luck.ring 8是由退役拳手协会创建来帮助过气拳手维持生计(luck应该在这翻译生计吧)。 The organization also has strong ties to the Daily News Golden Gloves.该组织还与每日新闻金手套有牢固的关系。For more than a dozen years now, Ring 8 has played host to Golden Gloves shows at the Elks Lodge on Queens Blvd.在过去十几年来,在皇后大道埃尔克斯洛奇ring 8已举办过(一些)金手套表演赛。 in Elmhurst.在艾姆赫斯特。 The events have also benefited USA Boxing-Metro, the sanctioning body for amateurs.该事件也得益于美国拳击新城,为业余爱好者制裁的身体。 ”翻译水平有限,反正就是这么个意思,你问的还真专业。

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