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09-05 投稿



incommunicable 发音

英:[?nk?'mju?n?k?b(?)l]  美:[,?nk?'mj?n?k?bl]

英:  美:

incommunicable 中文意思翻译



incommunicable 网络释义

adj. 不能传达的;被单独监禁的;不能与他人接触的

incommunicable 词性/词形变化,incommunicable变形

名词: incommunicability |副词: incommunicably |

incommunicable 相似词语短语

1、intercommunicable ─── 对讲电缆

2、excommunicable ─── adj.应革出教会的,可革出教会的

3、incommunicado ─── adj.不得与外界交流的;不愿被打扰的;adv.不得与外界交流地;不愿被打扰地

4、noncommunicable ─── adj.不会传染的

5、incommunicably ─── 单独地

6、communicably ─── 可交流的

7、uncommunicable ─── 不能传达的

8、communicable ─── adj.可传达的;会传染的;爱说话的

9、incommunicative ─── adj.沉默寡言的;不爱说话的

incommunicable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Let every land have joy of its poet;for the poet is the land itself,all its greatness and its sweetness,all that incommunicable heritage for which men live and die. ─── 我深深知道一点,那穿越了亘古的声音,传到我这里也只不过是那微弱而又残破的回音了;

2、An incommunicable disease. ─── 一种被禁止与外界接触的疾病

3、Recently some Buddhist inquired about politics and religion, and that person's view seemed to regard the two spheres as incommunicable. ─── 近来有佛友问及政治与宗教,而其见解似为两者不可交涉。

4、But the combined beauty of the sound, the form and the meaning of the Chinese reduplicated word is to some extent incommunicable in English. ─── 但是,问题在于,汉语叠词这种字音、字形、字意相结合的美是通过英语很难传译的。

5、He can extend one scene of missing and incommunicable, by folding the voice and the rencontre of life. ─── 他将话声与生活会面的皱摺,延展出一个错过与不可沟通的场景。

6、The sudden flash, the boom, the acrid stench and utter randomness of death were as haunting as they were incommunicable. ─── 突如其来的闪光、爆炸、刺鼻的臭气和完全随机的死亡无法说出口,所以才那么阴魂不散。

7、I explain myself badly, and it is not a sensation I could expect anyone save Laura to understand, but of such incommunicable quirks is the private mind made up. ─── 但人的心灵深处本来就充满着这样一些不可言传的隐秘古怪的念头。

8、According the result, the loss of DALY in Anhui province from 1996 to 2000 was 54.33 million DALY, 69.35 percent of which was caused by incommunicable diseases. ─── 传染性疾病造成的损失占15.03%,非传染性疾病造成的损失占绝大部分,达到76.31%,伤害占8.65%;

9、He can extend one scene of missing and incommunicable, by folding the voice and the rencontre of life. ─── 他将话声与生活会面的皱摺,延展出一个错过与不可沟通的场景。

10、an executive who was virtually incommunicable. ─── 一个实际上很孤僻的总经理

11、for the poet is the land itself, all its greatness and its sweetness, all that incommunicable heritage for which men live and die. ─── 因为诗人就是这国度本身,就是它的伟大和温馨所在,就是人们置生死于不顾而要继承的只可意会而不可言传的遗产。

12、Young people often complain that their parents are incommunicable. ─── 年轻人常抱怨无法与父母沟通思想。

13、In this manner Van Til discusses all the incommunicable attributes of God: aseity, immutability, infinity, and unity. ─── 范泰尔这样讨论了上帝所有不可传递属性﹕祂的自足性、不变性、无限性和合一性。

14、Viewed from this perspective, translation shouldn't set its goal merely as an exchange of messages, but should aim, instead, for the incommunicable dimensions of language. ─── 从这个角度来看,翻译的目标,不应仅是两种语言之间语意的转换,应该设定为展现语言中无法传递的部分。

15、21 And this became a snare for mankind, that men enslaved to either grief or tyranny conferred the incommunicable Name on stocks and stones. ─── 这便成了人生的隐祸,因为遭受不幸,或受暴君压迫的人们,将“那不可道出的名字,”加给了木石。

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