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09-05 投稿



uninstructed 发音

英:[??n?n?str?kt?d]  美:[??n?n?str?kt?d]

英:  美:

uninstructed 中文意思翻译



uninstructed 同义词

bland | tame | dull |boring | undistinguished | lackluster | lifeless | lacklustre | uneventful

uninstructed 反义词


uninstructed 相似词语短语

1、unconstructed ─── 不用衬垫的;不定型的

2、misinstructed ─── 误会

3、unconstricted ─── adj.不受约束的,不受限制的

4、unobstructed ─── adj.没有障碍的;畅通无阻的

5、uninstructive ─── 无建设性

6、uninstructedly ─── 毫无建设性地

7、undistracted ─── adj.注意力集中的;不分心的;心神不烦乱的

8、instructed ─── adj.受教育的;得到指示的;v.指示;教育(instruct的过去分词形式)

9、constructed ─── vt.构造,建造;创立,构筑;搭建(construct的过去分词)

uninstructed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When an uninstructed multitude attempts to see with its eyes, it is exceedingly apt to be deceived. ─── 当没有受过教育的人们试图用自己的眼光来看问题时,是极其容易上当的。

2、A person uninstructed in natural history, his country or sea-side stroll is a walk through a gallery filled with wonderful works of art. ─── 对于不了解自然史的人,他在乡间或海滨的散步等于穿过挂满精美作品的画廊。

3、uninstructed by an incantation, ─── 如果没有人给它念咒语,

4、an uninstructed representative at a political convention. ─── 在政治会议上没有被指示的代表

5、The Master said, "To lead an uninstructed people to war, is to throw them away. ─── 14冉子退朝。子曰:“何晏也?”对曰:“有政。”子曰:“其事也?如有政,虽不吾以,吾其与闻之。”

6、A painter wants to be a musician and paint symphonies, and he is grieved because the uninstructed cannot hear his pictures, although the colors do swear at each other. ─── 没有了性,也照样可以在一起,那已经不是亲热了,而是恩爱。

7、And what harm is done or what is there strange, if the man who has not been instructed does the acts of an uninstructed man? ─── 考虑一下是否你还不如谴责自己,因为你没有预先就料到这种人会以这种方式犯错误。

8、an uninstructed young mind. ─── 没有知识的幼稚见解

9、The other boys agreed that there was reason in what Tom said, because an ignorant lump of bread, uninstructed by an incantation, could not be expected to act very intelligently when set upon an errand of such gravity. ─── 另外,两个孩子认为面包无知无觉,如果没有人给它念咒语,它去干这么重大的事情,决不会干得那么出色。 所以他们同意汤姆说的有道理。

10、16 Otherwise, if you pronounce a blessing (with) the spirit, how shall one who holds the place of the uninstructed say the "Amen" to your thanksgiving, since he does not know what you are saying? ─── 不然,假使你以神魂赞颂,那在埸不通语言的人,既不明白你说什么,对你的祝谢词,怎能答应"阿们"呢?

11、23 8 So if the whole church meets in one place and everyone speaks in tongues, and then uninstructed people or unbelievers should come in, will they not say that you are out of your minds? ─── 所以全教会共同聚在一起时,假使众人都说起语言来,如有不通的人,或有不信的人进来,岂不要说:你们疯了吗?

12、A person uninstructed in natural history, his country or sea-side stroll is a walk through a gallery filled with wonderful works of art. ─── 对于不了解自然史的人,他在乡间或海滨的散步等于穿过挂满精美作品的画廊。

13、A painter wants to be a musician and paint symphonies, and he is grieved because the uninstructed cannot hear his pictures, although the colors do swear at each other. ─── 画家则想当音乐家,想把交响乐画出来,并很苦恼那些缺乏修养的人听不出他画中的音乐,因为那些色彩明明在互相咆哮着。

14、uninstructed young minds ─── 未被灌输的思想

15、24 But if everyone is prophesying, and an unbeliever or uninstructed person should come in, he will be convinced by everyone and judged by everyone, ─── 但是,如果众人都说先知话,既便有不信的人或不通的人进来,他必被众人说服,也必被众人所审察,

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