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09-05 投稿


deflection 发音

英:[d??flek?n]  美:[d??flek?n]

英:  美:

deflection 中文意思翻译



deflection 词性/词形变化,deflection变形


deflection 常用词组

bending deflection ─── 弯曲挠度

deflection angle ─── 偏转角;挠角;倾斜角

beam deflection ─── 射束偏转;梁的挠度;梁弯曲度

deflection 短语词组

1、asymmetrical deflection ─── [电] 不对称偏转

2、deflection circuit ─── [电] 偏转电路

3、deflection command ─── [计] 偏转命令

4、deflection defocusing ─── [电] 偏转散焦

5、air deflection ─── [机] 空气偏转

6、beam-deflection tube ─── [电] 射束偏转管

7、deflection curve ─── [机] 挠曲线

8、deflection electrode ─── [电] 偏转电极

9、deflection coil ─── [电] 偏向线圈

10、deflection computer ─── [计] 偏离计算机

11、deflection function ─── [化] 偏离函数

12、balanced deflection ─── [电] 平衡偏向

13、deflection ancle ─── [电] 偏转角

14、allowable deflection ─── [化] 容许挠度

15、beam deflection ─── [计] 电子束偏转; 光束偏转

16、auricle deflection ─── [医] 心房偏转, 心房波

17、angle of deflection ─── [电] 偏转角度

18、deflection control ─── [电] 偏转控制

19、deflection factor ─── [电] 偏转因数

deflection 相似词语短语

1、deflectional ─── 偏斜的

2、defections ─── n.背叛;缺点;变节;脱党

3、deflections ─── n.变形量;歪斜(deflection的复数形式)

4、deselection ─── n.阻止现任国会议当选

5、reflections ─── n.反光;反响,回声;回旋曲

6、reflection ─── n.反射;沉思;映象

7、defecation ─── n.排便;澄清,净化

8、defection ─── n.背叛;缺点;变节;脱党

9、defaecation ─── n.澄清;通便

deflection 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Stiffer racquets don’t deflect as much on impact, resulting in less power drain than a flexible racquet. ─── 但是不管你出于什么原因而准备购买新拍子,有一些东西是你做决定的基础。

2、Physicians experience smoother deflection and greater predictability. ─── 医生能调节更平滑的弯曲,并有更大的可预见性。

3、The first goal was a bit of luck with a deflection. ─── 第一个改变方向的进球确实有一点运气的影响。

4、Key words flat spring, load, deflection, stress. ─── 关键词直片簧,载荷,弯曲变形,应力.

5、Minimal deflection due to the square rail support system. ─── 由于最小偏转广场铁路的支持系统。

6、Amazingly, the Prisoner, even blinded by the hood, and with both hands bound in front, is able to deflect their blades. ─── 令人惊讶地,战俘,甚至用风帽掩饰,和两只被束手在前的手,能偏转他们的刀片。

7、But in a small fraction, the gravity of one star can deflect or even control the material flowing out of another. ─── 但在一小部份的系统里,其中一颗恒星的重力能够偏折、甚至控制由另一颗恒星所流出的物质。

8、Protecting Echo Base was a powerful energy shield strong enough to deflect Imperial bombardment. ─── 保护回音基地的是一个强力的能源护盾,足以抵抗帝国的轰炸。

9、Deflect Arrows: now ends only when you successfully hit with an attack. ─── 弓箭闪避态势:现在技能在当你攻击成功时才会结束.

10、Your familiar leaps to deflect an attack, sacrificing itself to save you. ─── 你的魔宠牺牲自己迅速偏转了一次攻击来解救你。

11、There is now a cap on the effectiveness of Deflection buffs and debuffs. ─── 偏转敌人攻击的加成魔法和降低数值的魔法现在有了上限了!

12、Deflection moved to Tier 3. 3 point talent now. ─── 偏斜移动到第3层,只有3个等级。

13、The main thing is to try. You might get a deflection. ─── 尝试是非常重要的,你可能会射门受到偏转。

14、The surface deflection has linear change with base thickness and curve changes with subgrade resilient modulus and base resilient modulus. ─── 表面弯沉随基层厚度呈线性变化,随土基回弹模量和基层回弹模量呈曲线变化。

15、When you are being attacked, try to deflect the ball away from the player who is attacking you. ─── 当你被攻击的时候,试著将球打偏离正在攻击你的球员。

16、In general, the roof structure remained intact, except for some deflection near the center. ─── 总的来说,屋顶结构除近中央处有些弯曲之外,其余没有受到破坏。

17、But analyst Rothenberg says so far, Mr.Obama has been able to deflect some of the partisan criticism. ─── 他们警告说,总统的政府花销计划会导致国债的大幅下跌。

18、His gloves were made with a unique micronized iron that can deflect anything short of a lightsaber blow. ─── 他的手套是用一种独特的微粉化金属制成,能够抵挡威力弱于光剑的任何形式的攻击。

19、Deflection of the support system is often critical, especially in older buildings where brittle materials were used in construction. ─── 支持系统的偏折经常是重要的,特别是在更旧的大厦,易碎的材料用于建筑。

20、Compared with the linear theory, the results of large deflection are more reasonable. ─── 与线性结果相比,大变形理论所得结果更具准确性。

21、Measuring deflection of crank shaft of M.E. before starting up(after sea trial). ─── 主机动车前(航行试验后)曲轴甩档测量。

22、Howerer, under heavy load the shaft may deflect excessively. ─── 但是,在重载作用下,轴会发生过度挠曲。

23、To cause(light rays, for example) to diverge; deflect. ─── 使(如光线)发散;使偏离

24、His gloves are made with a unique micronized iron that can deflect anything short of a lightsaber blow. ─── 他的手套是用一种独特的微粉化金属制成,能够抵挡除光剑以外的任何形式的攻击。

25、The two captains sank the boat tonight, stop trying to deflect blame because you like one player over the other. ─── 今晚,2个船长把自己的船凿沉了。不要去横加指责他们,除非你有偏心。

26、Bi-polar, small loss at high frequency, Use for correction of horizontal deflection current in TVs. ─── 双极性品,高频损耗小,适用于电视机水平偏转电流校正用。

27、In a laser printer, a device that uses a modulator crystal to deflect a beam of light and effectively turn it on or off. ─── 在激光印刷机中的一种装置,它利用一块调制晶体使光束偏转并将其接通或断开。

28、Sometimes I said the words out of context to see if by deflection, some quirk of physics, the meaning would suddenly come to me. ─── 有时,我割裂地来说这些词,看看会不会通过偏离,通过某种物理的突然扭曲,我会突然想出其中的意义。

29、In the analysis of plates in bending, deflection is obtained by solving Eq. ─── 在受弯板的分析中,借求解满足板边界处条件的方程得出挠度。

30、There is difference in result of quality deflection between weight deflection indexes and compaction degree. ─── 当弯沉指标和压实度同时用于路基、面的碾压质量检验时,二者的检测结果存在一定的差异。

31、The experts are trying to deflect the stream from its original course. ─── 专家们正设法使这条河流改道。

32、But analyst Rothenberg says so far, Mr. Obama has been able to deflect some of the partisan criticism. ─── 但是分析家博格说到此为止,奥巴马能够扭转部分党派批评。

33、The goal was scored with a deflection off the goalkeeper. ─── 这个入球是球打在守门员身上反弹入网的。

34、And the deflection of the vertical seems mainly to be affected by both land and submarine topographies. ─── 垂线偏差主要是受陆上及海底地形所影响。

35、Deflect a bow gun arrow with your knife. ─── 使用小刀,砍掉敌人射过来的十字箭!

36、To turn from a correct or proper course; deflect. ─── 偏离离开某一正确的或合适的路线;偏斜

37、Deflection: Reduced to 3 ranks for 2/4/6% parry. This should soften the prereq for Riposte. ─── 偏斜:现在3点天赋6%招架,这应该会减少还击的前置需求。

38、Deflect the devil's darts by which he seeks to wear down and even destroy our marriages. ─── 不要中恶者的诡计,他想使我们厌倦婚姻,甚至想毁坏我们的婚姻。

39、Do you know what POLITICAL DEFLECTION is? ─── 你知道什么是政治偏转?

40、A study on dynamic behavior and thermal deflection of circular saws with the slots. ─── 径向槽对木工圆锯片振动特性和热应力变形的影响研究。

41、To cause to swerve from a straight line; deflect. ─── 使转弯;转向使从直线弯曲;转向

42、If you can get there and you can deflect it, well, you can put it where you want to. ─── 如果我们能实现偏转小行星,我们就能把它放到想放的任何地方。

43、How much force does the tyre return for a given vertical deflection and how long is the contact patch in that case? ─── 请问多大的力为给定的垂直偏转轮胎返回多久是在这种情况下接触补丁?

44、Computation for deflection angle of microarray signal and image segmentation of biochip[J]. ─── 引用该论文 严伟,胡松,吴钦章,唐小萍,佟军民.

45、The strength and deflection of putlog as easy supporting girder, and the ledger is over and supported by putlog. ─── 小横杆按照简支梁进行强度和挠度计算,大横杆在小横杆的上面。

46、Another thing I did to deflect the course of my thoughts was to listen to my heart. ─── 我再加一把劲儿,转移转移思路。我听着我的心。

47、When splashes can be seen visually, the top spotter on the ship employs direct spotting in deflection. ─── 当溅落点能用肉眼观察,则由舰上最高位的修正人员直接修正方向.

48、Comparative experiments of roadbed deflection using FWD and Benkelman Beam were con-ducted on Tan-Shao Freeway. ─── 以湘潭至邵阳高速公路路基为试验路段,对其进行了FWD和贝克曼梁路基弯沉对比试验。

49、However, under heavy load the shaft may deflect excessively. ─── 但是,在重载作用下,轴会发生过度挠曲。

50、Meanwhile, GGV investment fund of near two years also gradually deflection China. ─── 与此同时,GGV将近两年的投资资金也逐渐偏向中国。

51、The touch mode capacitive pressure microsensor based on the small deflection hypothesis is analyzed. ─── 在小挠度变形假设的基础上对接触型电容式微型压力传感器进行分析。

52、Because the micro-tensioning system can hold the deflection in place, there is no need for repeated locking and unlocking of the cure position. ─── 因为微调系统能将弯曲的位置固定,所以不必反复锁定和解锁定弯曲的位置。

53、Check the deflection of the crankshaft both before and after repair. ─── 在修理前和修理后都要检查曲轴的变形情况。

54、The examination will fail if the test condition deflect the above optimal situation. ─── 以上参数偏离最适条件将会导致实验失败 .

55、Deflection of phase change cooled mirror induced by asymmetric facula[J]. ─── 引用该论文 孙峰,余文峰,程祖海,张耀宁,周次明.

56、Bi-polar,small loss at high frequency,Use for correction of horizontal deflection current in TVs. ─── 双极性品,高频损耗小,适用于电视机水平偏转电流校正用。

57、Find the value of the bending stress and the deflection at the center if the ribs are omitted. ─── 如果略去肋条,求中心处的弯曲应力和挠度之值。

58、Spring: Elastic machine component able to deflect under load in a prescribed manner and to recover its initial shape when unloaded. ─── 弹簧:一种有弹性的机器组件,能在承载时变形到预期的状态,卸载后又恢复到原状。

59、The force transducers are integrated into the special bearing on both sides of the deflection roller. ─── 力转换器已经安装到了偏转轮两侧的特殊轴承里。

60、Blasthole deflection is an severe adverse factor when mining is carried out using large diameter long hole blasting . ─── 在大直径深孔采矿中 ,炮孔偏斜是非常不利的因素。

61、Starlight passing close to the sun should experience some deflection. ─── 从太阳近旁通过的星光会受到某种偏折。

62、One that represents a group, as an employee whose presence is used to deflect from the employer criticism or accusations of discrimination. ─── 代表一群人的一个代表,如一个雇员的存在,被用来抵挡雇主的批评或歧视性的指责

63、Ban me now, hearten!!!Ban me now, see people!!!Ban me now, deflect!!!Ban me now, company!!!Ban me now, deflect!!! ─── 您目前的身份是: 客人 ,要使用其他用户身份,请输入用户名和密码。

64、A two-dimensional dynamic finite element analysis is made of the deflection information by using FORTRAN. ─── 在研究弯沉盆信息时,利用FORTRAN程序进行了轴对称模型的动力有限元分析。

65、He raised his arm to try to deflect the blow. ─── 他举起手臂试图挡开这一击。

66、Analysis is made on thermally excited deflection and resonant frequency of the micromachined silicon resonant sensors. ─── 分析了硅微机械谐振式传感器在热激励下的挠曲及谐振频率变化,建立了相应的数学模型,并对热挠曲灵敏度进行了优化设计。

67、We wanted to deflect any unwanted attention away from ourselves. ─── 我们想避免引起任何不必要的注意。

68、A rigid outboard support system negates spindle deflection. ─── 僵化的舷外支持系统的否定主轴偏转。

69、But his shot took a deflection so, instead of going to my right, it changed direction and went to my left. ─── 但他射的是旋转球,不是往我的右边,它改变了方向,往我的左边飞去。

70、Most Palestinians are anxious to avoid a schism that would deflect them from their confrontation with Israel. ─── 大多数巴勒斯坦人都急于避免这样的分立,因为那将使他们本来与以色列对峙的局面产生偏斜。

71、Don't try to deflect me from my intention! ─── 别想改变我的意图。

72、Eccentric BHA is a new deflection controlling tool. ─── 偏轴防斜钻具是一种新型的防斜钻具。

73、What situation makes the galvanometer deflect the most? ─── 什么情况下它偏转的角度最大?)

74、Application of Castigliano's Second Theorem on calculating Structural Deflection. ─── 卡氏定理在结构位移计算中的应用。

75、The chuntzu would never allow his desires to deflect him from doing what he thought was right. ─── “君子”决不会偏离自己的思想而意气用事。

76、The pointer oscillates for some time before setting down to a steady deflection . ─── 指针会振荡一段时间然后才静止到一个稳定的偏转角。

77、The valid control to the deflection of conveyer belt has become the problem concerned by many peoples. ─── 对带式输送机输送带跑偏实施有效控制已成为人们关注的问题。

78、She sought to deflect criticism by blaming her family. ─── 她责怪她的家人,想这样来转移对她的批评。

79、The deflection plot properties also allow you to overlay any selected result on the deflection plot. ─── 区域块偏差分析性能,允许重叠所选择的分析结果进行对比。

80、When the pilot's control force acts only to deflect the tab, and not the main surface, it is designated a servo tab. ─── 当驾驶员的操纵力仅使调整片偏转而不作用于主操纵面时,称为伺服调整片。

81、Deflection of an organ, such as the uterus, from its normal position. ─── 倒转术使一个器官,比如子宫的以前的位置发生倒转

82、Also really more deflection inland brand, because outback stylist is clearer,outback youth needs what thing. ─── 也确实更偏向内地品牌,因为内地设计师更清楚内地年轻人需要什么东西。

83、You deflect compliments in the presence of foreign friends. ─── 外国朋友在场时,会把别人的赞美推掉。

84、Anyone with a morsel of gossip or an interesting project of his or her own can deflect you from your appointed task. ─── 对于他人的喜好或是偏见都容易造成工作上的失误。

85、Hence, we arrive at the deflection equation for the redial displacement of cylindrical wall. ─── 于是我们得出筒壁径向位移的挠度方程。

86、It is by making the front car with a relatively flat vertical deflection of a certain angle to the realization. ─── 它是通过使前轮相对与汽车纵向平面偏转一定的角度来实现转向的。

87、Deflection - Moved to second tier, where Savage Strikes was. ─── 偏斜-移到了生存係的第二层,原野蛮打击的位置。

88、The main generator crankshaft deflection to be confirmed. ─── 主发电机曲拐挡提交。

89、Advantages: no pressure line of paper, cardboard single-trimming, single line pressure, the cardboard will deflect! ─── 好处:不压线分纸、纸板单修边、单压线,纸板都不会歪斜!

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