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09-05 投稿


cheeked 发音

英:[t?i?kt]  美:[t?i?kt]

英:  美:

cheeked 中文意思翻译




cheeked 词性/词形变化,cheeked变形

动词过去分词: cheeked |动词过去式: cheeked |动词现在分词: cheeking |动词第三人称单数: cheeks |

cheeked 短语词组

1、Orange-cheeked Parrot ─── 橙色的鹦鹉

2、downy-cheeked ─── 低调的

3、rosy cheeked ─── 红润的脸颊

4、rose-cheeked a. ─── 脸颊泛红的

5、ruddy-cheeked adj. ─── 面色红润的(形容人看上去身体健康)

6、mail-cheeked a. ─── [动物学](鱼类)铠颊的, 头的两侧都有硬甲的

7、apple-cheeked a. ─── 脸颊红润的

8、rosy-cheeked ─── [网络] 玫瑰色的脸颊

cheeked 常用词组

cheek by jowl ─── adv. 紧密地

turn the other cheek ─── 容忍;不愿反抗

cheek bone ─── 颧骨

cheeked 相似词语短语

1、cheesed ─── adj.厌烦的;厌腻的;v.停止(cheese的过去分词)

2、cheekier ─── adj.无耻的;厚脸皮的(cheeky的变形)

3、cheerled ─── 国家

4、-cheeked ─── adj.具有…的面颊的;v.无礼地说(cheek的过去分词)

5、cheated ─── v.欺骗,哄骗;(尤指在游戏、比赛、考试等中)作弊;偷工减料;对某人不忠(或不贞);侥幸逃脱;消磨(时间)(cheat的过去式和过去分词)

6、cheeped ─── n.吱吱的叫声;vt.吱吱地叫(过去式cheeped,过去分词cheeped,现在分词cheeping,第三人称单数cheeps,名词cheeper);n.(Cheep)人名;(泰)集

7、checkedy ─── 方格

8、checked ─── adj.格子花纹的;v.检查;核实;控制;存放;标上符号(check的过去式和过去分词)

9、cheered ─── v.欢呼(cheer的过去分词)

cheeked 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A dusky blush rose to her cheek. ─── 一抹淡淡的羞涩泛上她的面颊。

2、Taking it easy with hand under his cheek. ─── 他们的神是如来佛,手托腮帮,安详地侧卧在博物馆里。

3、The day I kissed your cheek you were mine. ─── 和我吻你脸颊的那天,你是我的。

4、The little man beside him was bald and rosy-cheeked, with small black eyes and a sensual mouth. ─── 站在他身旁的矮个子是秃顶,两颊红润,一对小而黑的眼睛,一张肉感的嘴。

5、He has a long scar across his cheek. ─── 他面颊上有一道长疤.

6、The doctor felt the patient's fiery cheek. ─── 医生摸了摸病人火红发烫的脸颊。

7、Finish with a gentle kiss on the cheek. ─── 以在对方面颊一个温柔的吻而结束。

8、He gave her a brotherly kiss on the cheek. ─── 他像亲兄弟一样吻了她的面颊。

9、He had the cheek to ask me for money. ─── 他竟厚著脸皮向我要钱。

10、He kissed her chastely on the cheek. ─── 他在她的脸上留下了一个纯洁的吻。

11、He had gouged her cheek with a screwdriver. ─── 他用螺丝起子戳她的脸颊。

12、He smacked his cousin on the cheek. ─── 他在表妹的脸颊上亲了个响吻。

13、A thick muscle in the cheek that closes the jaws during chewing. ─── 咬肌一块颊内咀嚼时靠近下颔厚块肌肉

14、He pinched the child's cheek playfully. ─── 他捏那孩子的脸颊玩。

15、He cupped his cheek swelled by toothache. ─── 他用手捂着因牙痛而肿胀的半边脸。

16、He has a scar running across his left cheek. ─── 他左脸上有一道很长的疤痕。

17、You've got a smudge on your cheek. ─── 你脸上有一块污迹。

18、She put a clammy hand to his cheek. ─── 他把一只汗津津的手放在他的脸颊上。

19、The ugly scar runs right across his left cheek. ─── 他的左脸颊上横着一道难看的伤疤。

20、A red-cheeked young sentry put a bayonetted rifle athwart his chest, and was deaf to his protests in sputtering Russian. ─── 一个双颊红润的年轻哨兵一言不发地把上了刺刀的步枪,横在他胸前,充耳不闻他气急败坏地用俄语提出的抗议。

21、I want none of your cheek! ie Stop being cheeky! ─── 别那麽厚脸皮!

22、There he found a rosy-cheeked boy a little smaller than himself, pulling a large cart which seemed to be loaded with good things. ─── 只见一个比他个头小一点点的,脸被冻得发紫的小男孩,手里推着一个很大的似乎满载着好东西的推车。

23、He touched her cheek familiarly. ─── 他亲昵地碰了碰她的面颊。

24、How did you come by that scratch on your cheek? ─── 你脸上的抓痕是怎么来的?

25、A tear rolled down his cheek. ─── 一滴泪珠沿著他的面颊流下来。

26、There is a long scar across his cheek. ─── 他的面颊上有一道长长的伤疤。

27、My cheek is cold and white, alas! ─── 唉!我的面颊冰冷没有血色!

28、He made the remark tongue in cheek. ─── 他说这话是闹着玩的。

29、Then she asked tentatively about the scar on his cheek. ─── 于是她试探着问起他脸上的伤疤。

30、How dare you give me that cheek! ─── 你竟敢对我那样无礼!

31、She remembered the day he had come home and cheeked her father. ─── 她记得那天他回家还顶撞了她的父亲。

32、He pecked her on the cheek as he went out. ─── 他出门时匆匆轻吻了一下她的面颊。

33、You can pay the bill with a cheek if you like. ─── 你若愿意的话可用支票来付账。

34、How do you come by that scratch on your cheek? ─── 你脸上的抓伤是怎么来的?

35、He rubbed his cheek with pseudo ruefulness. ─── 他露出假装悔恨的表情摸摸自己的脸颊。

36、He had the cheek to ask me to do his work for him. ─── 他居然有脸叫我替他工作。

37、He planted a big kiss on my cheek. ─── 他在我的脸颊上来上一个大吻。

38、Do you really have the cheek to insult your hosts? ─── 你真有胆子侮辱你的主人们?

39、He persuaded me to go and beg with him, but I couldn't cheek it. ─── 他劝我和他一道去行乞,可我不能厚着脸皮干。

40、You'vegot a smudge of soot on your cheek. ─── 你脸上有块煤灰污迹。

41、You got a very cute dimple in your cheek. ─── 你脸上有一个好可爱的酒窝。

42、He kissed her goodbye on the cheek. ─── 他在她面颊上吻了一下,和她告别。

43、A tear traced a path down her cheek. ─── 一滴眼泪沿着她的面颊流了下来。

44、Don't be fooled by all his complimentary remarks they were all said with tongue in cheek. ─── 别让他的恭维话给糊弄住--那些话可当不得真。

45、Reiko pressed her hand to her burning cheek. ─── 丽考用手按着火辣辣发病的面颊。

46、He had a splodge of oil on his cheek. ─── 他面颊上有一块油渍。

47、It's time to stop turning the other cheek. ─── 任人侮辱的时代应当结束了。

48、His cheek was badly scarred by a knife cut. ─── 他的面颊上留有严重的刀疤。

49、He gave her a slap on the cheek and she began to cry. ─── 他打了她一耳光,她就哭起来了。

50、Don't give me any of your cheek. ─── 不要对我无礼。

51、He gave her a friendly peck on the cheek. ─── 他友好地在她脸上轻轻一吻。

52、was red-cheeked with rage. ─── 满脸通红。

53、On piled-up feather-beds sat a woman with a small baby, an old woman, and a good-looking, rosy-cheeked German girl. ─── 一个抱着婴孩的妇人、老太婆和一个两颊绯红、年轻而健康的德国姑娘坐在绒毛褥子上。

54、I do have dimples in my right cheek. ─── 你脸上有一个好可爱的酒窝.

55、Mother caressed his cheek lovingly before her son left for the front. ─── 儿子上前线前妈妈亲热地吻了他的脸颊。

56、A large purple scar marked his cheek. ─── 他的面颊上有一块大紫疤。

57、His works are very tongue in cheek. ─── 他的作品嘲讽挖苦的意味很重。

58、His cheek tingled from the slap. ─── 他的脸因挨了耳光而感到火辣辣的。

59、He is saying that with his tongue in his cheek. ─── 他只不过是虚情假意说说罢了。

60、Paley had the cheek to say that he was one of those who had pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps. ─── 佩利厚颜无耻地说,他属于靠自己努力而白手起家的那一类人。

61、His beard was tickling her cheek. ─── 他的胡须扎得她的面颊痒痒的。

62、He pinched the childs cheek playfully. ─── 中文:他捏那孩子的脸颊玩.

63、He kissed her lightly on the cheek. ─── 他轻轻吻了一下她的脸颊。

64、His cheek tingle from the slap she have give him. ─── 他的面颊因挨了她一记耳光而感到刺痛。

65、He did not turn the other cheek. ─── 他并没有逆来顺受。

66、The cheek of them, waling into the ward like that! ─── 他们竟那样地走进病房,好厚的脸皮!

67、A bumblebee stung me on the cheek. ─── 一只大黄蜂在我脸上螫了一下。

68、The razor slipped and cut my cheek. ─── 剃刀一滑把我脸给割破了。

69、How could a student cheek his teacher like this? ─── 一个学生怎么能对老师这样无礼地讲话?

70、The results obtained must be cheeked . ─── 获得的结果必须加以校核。

71、He gave his grandmother a smack on the cheek. ─── 他在祖母的脸上响响地吻了一下。

72、He was fired for giving cheek before the boss. ─── 他困为在老板面前傲慢而被解雇了。

73、He received a lash of her hand on his cheek. ─── 他突然被她打了一记耳光。

74、Seated next him was a lady with large healthy shoulders, displayed with splendid liberality; beyond her a husband, red-cheeked. ─── 他旁边坐着一个方肩阔背的太太,炫耀着无比的磊落大方;那一边是她的丈夫,红润的面颊。

75、"A dusky blush rose to her cheek" (Edith Wharton). ─── “红晕的羞愧涌上她的面颊” (伊迪斯·华顿)。

76、The doctor felt the boy's fiery cheek. ─── 医生摸了摸这孩子滚烫的面颊。

77、He gave her a slap on the cheek. ─── 他打了她一耳光。

78、He had a scar running down his left cheek. ─── 他左脸上竖着一道伤疤。

79、He had the cheek to ask for a rise after only a week in his new job. ─── 他才工作一星期,竟厚著脸皮要求加薪。

80、He had the cheek to ask me to do his work for him! ─── 他居然有脸要我替他做他的工作!

81、The slap she gave him made his cheek tingle. ─── 他挨了她一个嘴巴,脸上热辣辣的。

82、A tear trickled down her cheek. ─── 一滴眼泪流下她的脸颊。

83、How do you come by that scratch on your cheek. ─── 你脸上的抓伤是怎么来的。

84、He greeted his girlfriend with a smack on the cheek. ─── 他在他女朋友的面颊上来了个响吻以示欢迎。

85、The other hand he slipped under his cheek. ─── 另一只手他贴在面颊下。

86、He gave the boy a pinch on the cheek for joke. ─── 他开玩笑地在男孩的脸颊上拧了一把。

87、Carrie's cheek burned with a crimson heat. ─── 嘉莉的脸颊烧得绯红。

88、An industry known for its outrageousness and cheek. ─── 以蛮横和厚脸皮著称的行业。

89、He took the child for a walk, and when they returned, red-cheeked and boisterous, the father made supper. ─── 他带孩子去散步,回来时两人双颊红润,神采奕奕,孩子的父亲做晚饭。

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