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09-05 投稿



deterrent 发音

英:[d?'ter(?)nt]  美:[d?'t??nt]

英:  美:

deterrent 中文意思翻译



deterrent 网络释义

adj. 遏制的,威慑的;制止的n. 威慑;妨碍物;挽留的事物

deterrent 词性/词形变化,deterrent变形

动词过去分词: deterred |名词: determent |动词现在分词: deterring |动词过去式: deterred |动词第三人称单数: deters |形容词: deterrable |

deterrent 短语词组

1、deterrent tax ─── 威慑税

2、Deterrent Force Module ─── 威慑力模块

3、deterrent paper ─── 威慑文件

4、deterrent example ─── [网络] 威慑的例子

5、deterrent impact ─── 威慑作用

6、deterrent penalty ─── [法] 恐吓性惩罚

7、deterrent punishment ─── 威慑性惩罚

8、nuclear deterrent ─── 核威慑力量

9、deterrent measures ─── [法] 警戒措施

10、missile deterrent ─── 导弹威胁力量

11、deterrent policy ─── 威慑政策

12、deterrent piston ─── 威慑活塞

13、deterrent gap ─── 威慑性差距

14、deterrent effect ─── 阻遏效果威慑效果

15、deterrent power ─── 威慑力

16、act as a deterrent to a thief ─── 对小偷起威慑作用

17、alcohol deterrent ─── 酒精威慑

18、deterrent force ─── 威慑力量

19、deterrent base ─── 威慑基地

deterrent 同义词

discourage | prohibit | dissuade | thwart | preclude | daunt | forbid | help | frighten | hinder | put off | prevent

deterrent 反义词


deterrent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Partly to reassure nervous allies who depend on America for their protection, he also made plain that, as long as nuclear weapons exist, America will keep an effective deterrent of its own. ─── 他同时也表明,只要核武器存在一天,美国就会保证有效的威慑力量,一部分原因是为了稳定那些依赖美国庇护的国家的人心。

2、Kyla has her bear spray, which according to my book is a useful deterrent, though on a windy day 'may disable the user'. ─── 后来,我们在树林里徒步行走,吉拉带着防熊喷剂,据我的小册子介绍说它对阻吓熊很有效,但在有风的天气会失灵。

3、We must punish such ill-mannered people as a deterrent to others. ─── 对于这种不文明行为, 我们要罚一儆百!

4、Another potential deterrent was that the flask had been damaged and later restored. ─── 另一个潜在的不利因素是这个花瓶曾遭损害后经修复。

5、Analysts said the high consumer price index (CPI) in recent months had been a deterrent for an increase in oil prices. ─── 分析家认为最近几个月过高的消费指数(CPI)已经成为抬高油价的一个重要威胁。

6、A deterrent to theft. ─── 对窃贼的威慑物,吓唬窃贼的东西

7、Expectation of rising education and health care costs has been a major deterrent to consumption growth. ─── 对教育和医疗支出增长的预期是消费增长的主要障碍。

8、Oviposition deterrent indices (ODI) of the ethanol extract(Ee) were 87 4% and 80 9% respectively in the first day and third day after treatment, both were statistically significant . ─── 其中Ee、Em?e和Em第1天的产卵忌避率分别为87.4%、85.1%和50.5%,均达到差异显著水平。

9、BD has been examining existing powers and penalties to make for more stringent enforcement and stronger deterrent. ─── 屋宇署一直检讨现有权力和罚则,以提高执法效率和加强阻吓。

10、"Recalled his initial chase, even if difficult, he felt better:" gave me the most confidence, a good deterrent not only the voice on the stage. ─── 回忆起自己最初的追逐,即使艰辛,他也感觉美好:“给了我最多的信心,好声音的威慑力不光在舞台。”

11、Both of the two neem extracts showed strongly deterred anti-feeding, growth inhibition, larval toxicity and oviposition deterrent, and the toxicity against early larvae are better than late larvae. ─── 两种提取物对瓜绢螟幼虫都具有较强的拒食作用、生长发育抑制作用,对成虫产卵忌避作用效果较好;

12、Polls conducted over the past three years show that less than 20 percent of the public currently says it favors possessing such a deterrent. ─── 过去三年所进行的民调显示,赞成拥有这种威摄力的公众不足20%。

13、North Korean newsreader says the country "successfully conducted one more underground nuclear test," demonstrating what Pyongyang calls its "self-defensive nuclear deterrent" to the entire world. ─── 北韩的媒体也证实了这次核试验。一名北韩播音员说,北韩成功地进行了一次地下核试验,向整个世界证明了,北韩拥有所谓的“自卫核威慑力量”。

14、As a deterrent, all law-breaking defaulting police officers will be severely punished under relevant statutes or disciplinary rules. ─── 与此同时,依据有关法律、纪律规定,严肃惩处各类违法违纪人员,以儆效尤。

15、You can't let the French be the only European country with their own deterrent. ─── 你总不能让法国成为拥有自己威慑力量的唯一的欧洲国家吧。

16、I asked if he thought Britain should keep an independent nuclear deterrent. ─── 我问他是否认为英国应该保持独立的核威慑力量。

17、But that has failed to serve as a big deterrent, thanks in part to more generous state and federal “Pell grants”, which Barack Obama increased this year. ─── 但这并没有削弱人们重返校园的热情,也许是因为今年奥巴马政府慷慨地增长了州及联邦政府佩尔奖学金的数额吧。

18、A traditional deterrent has been a series of high pitched squeals emitted from loudspeakers. ─── 传统威吓方法是由扩音器内发出一连串的高分贝尖锐声音。

19、The biggest deterrent to success looks us in the mirror every day. ─── 任何时候,阻碍你成功的往往是在镜子中看着你的你自己。

20、I think he's right about the second one. I think a group is probably a deterrent, but this "sundown" thing is nonsense! ─── 我认为他在第二点上是对的。我想一群人可能是一种威慑,但“日落”这种说法是毫无理由的!

21、In the condition of the development and improvement of aerospace attack weapons, Russia is actively building aerospace defense system and will integrate into the deterrent force as an important parts. ─── 在空天袭击兵器不断发展与完善的情况下,俄罗斯也在积极构建自己的空天防御体系,并将其作为重要组成部分纳入威慑力量。

22、The DTRA study emphasized the hazards arising from a HANE as a warning shot to display a nation's resolve to fight and as a deterrent against attack. ─── DTRA的研究强调,高空核爆造成的危险是显示一个国家决意战斗的警讯,也是吓阻攻击的手段。

23、India's tiresome red tape is a further deterrent. ─── 印度烦人的官僚主义也令投资者望而却步。

24、In my opinion, lighting is a very high deterrent,” says Overton. ─── 奥弗顿说:“在我看来,照明是非常高效的防盗手段。”

25、His punishment will be a deterrent to others. ─── 惩罚他以儆效尤。

26、But rather a self-imposed limitation, excuse, or lack of desire or effort. The biggest deterrent to success looks us in the mirror every day. ─── 任何答案直到最后一个都不是理由,而是你的自我束缚,借口,缺乏激情,缺少努力。最大障碍就如同我们每天镜子中的自己。

27、One such deterrent is a security system , announced by a sign in the front yard. ─── 在院子前弄一个警示牌就是一种利用心理威慑的安全措施。

28、Grueling terrain and steep mountain passes were no deterrent for a trio of cyclists that embarked on a seven-week journey across the Alaska Range. ─── 再复杂的地势,再峻峭的高山,都不能阻止这自行车三人组花上7星期去完成穿越阿拉斯加山脉的旅程。

29、Their presence on the streets, in lanes and parking lots is a visual deterrent to many crimes. ─── 它的存在有效地防止很多即将发生在大街,公路和停车场的犯罪案件。

30、He thought there was too much detail on sharing the nuclear deterrent. ─── 他认为对共享核威摄力量的讨论太烦琐。

31、Ishiba notes during a joint press conference that he and Gates discussed the importance of studying the deterrent effect of the U.S.-Japan alliance, including the nuclear umbrella. ─── 在联合记者会中石破茂提到他与盖兹讨论到了研究美日联盟吓阻效果的重要性,包括了核子保护伞的问题。

32、Long prison sentences can be a very effective deterrent for offenders. ─── 判处长期徒刑可对违法者起到强有力的威慑作用。

33、'Do not commit crime. Pay for your fuel' is hardly a deterrent to a criminal who has every intention of driving off without paying. ─── ‘禁止犯罪,加油付款’对一个想要加了油就跑的犯罪分子可没有什么威慑力量。

34、Pakistan information minister said today that there was no need to expand the nuclear arsenal but to reserve the so-called “the lowest standard of nuclear deterrent”. ─── 巴基斯坦新闻部长今天说,巴基斯坦不需要扩充核武库,只是需要保留他所称的“最低标准的核威慑力”。

35、But immigrant advocates say making it more expensive for immigrants to pursue legal status or citizenship can only serve as a further deterrent. ─── 但是移民倡导者称提高移民获取合法地位或公民身份的做法只会成为一个进一步的威慑。

36、advanced sea based deterrent ─── 前进海上基地威慑力量

37、I eventually got used to this back and forth between Picasa and Picasa Web Albums, but it could be a deterrent for some users. ─── 我惊讶地发现,自己对给照片加姓名标签的操作乐此不疲。

38、While in the peaceful time, this possibility can be the great deterrent to Japan economically and militarily. ─── 在和平时期,这样的可能性也将从经济,军事上极大威慑日本,带来挥之不去的阴影。

39、In rejoinder, the abolitionists question the superior deterrent value of the death penalty. ─── 废除死刑者在答辩中对死刑具有最大的威慑价值表示怀疑。

40、OHIO Class submarines are specifically designed for extended deterrent patrols. ─── 俄亥俄级潜艇是专们进行核威慑巡逻的.

41、So the All Engearth Club gratefully accepted the services of a full-time falconer to patrol the courts with a swooping bird of prey, titled Finnegan, acting as a highly effective deterrent. ─── 所以全英俱乐部欣然接受了一位Professional人士驯鹰者的帮助,他培训锻炼出来的猎鹰“芬尼根”专门负责温网期间的场地巡逻,成了唯一十分有效的威慑。

42、idea of building a nuclear deterrent is completely off the political agenda. ─── 制造核威慑武器的意见完全不在政治议程中。

43、However, due to the price of wallpaper, there is still a deterrent to its general consumer. ─── 只是,碍于壁纸的价格,仍有普通消费者对其望而却步。

44、Another deterrent is human nature, as most programmers look at source code for their own benefit, not for altruistic motivations. ─── 另一个阻碍是人的本性:因为大多数程序员查看源代码是出于他们自己的利益,而不是出于无私的动机。

45、Use timers to turn lights and radios on when you are not home (noise is a great deterrent). Stop mail and newspaper delivery when you are out of town. ─── 当你不在家时使用定时开关电灯及收音机(声音是有効制止物)。当你外出时停止邮件和报纸递送..

46、The limitations on loss deductibility, however, serve as a major deterrent to risk taking. ─── 对损失可扣除的限制对于风险承担是一个主要的威慑。

47、Something that discourages; a deterrent. ─── 使人泄气的事物;阻止

48、Col. David Lapan, the Pentagon spokesman, said the exercise was meant to be a deterrent to North Korean attacks. ─── 五角大楼发言人大卫.拉潘上校说,此次演习是为了给朝鲜的攻击一个威慑。

49、He said: "Three points suspended is not inconsiderable and it will be a deterrent. ─── 他说道:“三分的缓期处罚不是微不足道的,而是一种威慑。”

50、Severe punishment is a strong deterrent to crime. ─── 严厉的惩罚是犯罪强力的遏阻方法。

51、ovipositional deterrent activity ─── 产卵忌避活性

52、Regardless of whether a common law system or civil law system prevails; the "duty of explanation" should be at the heart of providing an effective deterrent to corruption. ─── 不论在普通法还是民事法的体制下,“解释责任”均能收阻吓之效。

53、It could be either great, it could be average, or it could be just a little deterrent. ─── 它可能是巨大的,也可以一般,或者它可能只是一个小的威慑。”

54、Fear of consequences is a common deterrent from wrongdoing. ─── 一般不做坏事遏阻原因是害怕后果。

55、Pyongyang responded by saying it was quitting the Six-Party Talks, would reopen its disabled plants and strengthen its nuclear deterrent. ─── 平壤回应说将退出六方会谈,重新开放废弃的燃料厂加强核防卫。

56、The complexity of most civil tax laws is also a deterrent to prosecution. ─── 大部分民事税收法律规范的复杂性也对控诉具有阻碍作用。

57、is a fear that the freeze on bank accounts could prove a lasting deterrent to investors. ─── 冻结银行帐户很可能对投资者是一个长期的威慑因素。

58、Punitive/exemplary damages: damages awarded to the plaintiff in cases of intentional tort or gross negligence to punish the defendant or act as a deterrent to others. ─── 惩罚性/惩戒性的赔偿:在因故意或重大过失的案件中,判给原告的损害赔偿,以此惩罚被告人,或者起到威慑他人的作用。

59、The night air is usually cool enough to serve as a deterrent to leaf mold growth. ─── 夜间的空气通常都冷到足以抑制霉菌的生长的程度。

60、Harrow is happy that VRA acts as a deterrent, but they do not say that is all it does. ─── Harrow很满意语音风险分析系统的威吓作用,但该委员会并没有说这就是该系统的全部功能。

61、The main requirement is that the measures provided are effective and thus constitute a deterrent and sufficient sanction against the prohibited acts. ─── 其主要要求是,所提供的措施必须有效,从而能构成一种威胁,并对被禁止的行为给予足够的制裁。

62、Coldman:However, in order to achieve that perfect deterrent,we must show the world our strength. ─── 但是,为了实现“绝对的威慑力”,我们必须向全世界展示我们的力量。

63、The company base moved from its deterrent operations location two days ago. ─── 2天前,公司基地迁出了那个不利于他经营的位置。

64、The Bohai Gulf in the north of the country, the location for the base of the first PLA nuclear ballistic missile submarine (SSBN), is too shallow to support nuclear deterrent patrols. ─── PLA首个核潜艇基地所在的渤海湾太浅,无法满足核威慑力量巡航的需求。

65、The circumstances and conditions under which population growth becomes a deterrent to economic development is a critical issue. ─── 使得人口增长成为经济发展的制约因素的环境和条件是个关键问题。

66、Punishment is a strong deterrent to crime. ─── 处罚对犯罪有强大的威慑作用。

67、I can assure you that the mistakes of the 1970s will not be repeated when we lost too much of our deterrent capability. ─── 我可以明确地告诉你们,70年代的那种错误不会重演了。那时,我们的威慑能力丧失得太多。

68、Hopefully his punishment will act as a deterrent to others. ─── 对他的惩罚有希望能起到杀一儆百的作用。

69、They also feared that the Trade Secrets Act would not be a very powerful deterrent in this situation, because the Justice Department would be unlikely to prosecute a bureaucrat for releasing documents to the public. ─── 公司还担忧《商业机密法》在此种情形下缺少强大的威慑力,因为司法部不可能由于某行政官员向公众透露了文件而对其提起诉讼。

70、Blake; Aristolochia chanpionii and Cymbopogon citrate, IIPC were 0.048, 0.141, 0.244, 0.295 respectively, the result of deterrent the egg laying of tabacco whitefly was above 70% . ─── Blake、马兜铃Aristolochia chanpionii、香茅Cymbopogon citratus Stapf. 的IIPC值分别为0.048、0.141、0.244、0.295,表明这些植物次生物质对烟粉虱成虫产卵的驱避作用达到70%以上,有一定的利用价值。

71、However, responsible implementation of the law is a useful tool in deterring lawbreaking, and the death penalty certainly has a deterrent effect.Statistics gathered in the U. ─── 但是,对法律负责的贯彻执行是阻止犯罪的有效手段,而死刑在一定程度上是有威慑作用。

72、The Chinese government has from the beginning opposed nuclear blackmail and the nuclear deterrent policy. ─── 中国政府历来反对核讹诈和核威慑政策。

73、More than once the senators have hanged the drum for a stronger nuclear deterrent. ─── 参议员们多次竭力主张加强核威慑力量。

74、It still seems to believe in a “minimum deterrent”, notwithstanding the braggadocio of a Chinese general who last year threatened the destruction of “hundreds” of American cities should America go to war with China over Taiwan. ─── 中国似乎仍然相信“最小威慑量”,尽管去年一位中国将军曾夸口威胁,万一美国和中国为台湾问题开战,就要破坏“上百”个美国城市。

75、Advanced US military capabilities have, it is generally agreed, substantially eroded the deterrent relationship that existed between the US and its nuclear competitors during the cold war. ─── 总体而言,美国先进的军事能力已经实质上削弱冷战期间美国和核竞争对手之间存在的那种威慑关系。

76、The result, reflected in Ronald Reagan's effort to bolster America's nuclear arsenal, is the acceptance of the theory of limited war: that the only credible deterrent to a nuclear war is the willingness to fight one. ─── 其结果就是接受有限核战争的理论,即对核战争唯一可信的遏制方法就是自己也愿意打一场核战争,罗纳德·里根竭力加强美国的核武库正是这种思想的表现。

77、So the All England Club gratefully accepted the services of a full-time falconer to patrol the courts with a swooping bird of prey, named Finnegan, acting as a highly effective deterrent. ─── 所以全英俱乐部欣然接受了一位专业驯鹰者的帮助,他训练出来的猎鹰“芬尼根”专门负责温网期间的场地巡逻,成为一个十分有效的威慑。

78、I think it's a good deterrent. ─── 我觉得这是一个很好的震慑。

79、Do you think the threat of punishment has a deterrent effect? ─── 你认为惩罚的威胁会起到阻吓作用吗?又

80、Rather, he needs a “deterrent”, he says, to fend off a hostile America. ─── 事实上,他需要的是一个“威慑”,他声称,来抵御一个敌对的美国。

81、They seriously believe that capital punishment is a deterrent. ─── 他们坚信死刑是一种威慑手段。

82、Anything cannot baffle the net friend, this looked from the long pig search, the black screen could have the big deterrent force, in net friend here, but also a little owed the strength. ─── 微软“黑屏”事件已越炒越热,虽然不是仅仅针对中国用户,但这种行为依然在网上引发了不满。

83、The results showed that rhodojaponin-III possessed stong oviposition deterrent to Asiatic corn borer adults. ─── 处理幼虫亚细胞组分线粒体和微粒体相对含量减少,且处理浓度越高减少越明显;

84、His punishment will is a deterrent to others. ─── 惩罚他以儆效尤.

85、To posit that it should act as a spur rather than a deterrent to consolidation of our CARICOM destiny is one thing. ─── 一方面,对于我们CARICOM的前景来说,这应当是一次刺激发展的机遇而不应当做沟堑。

86、On the face of things, capital punishment ought to be the ultimate deterrent. But it does not seem to be. ─── 表面看来,死刑应是终极的威慑,但实际似乎不是。

87、While navy boats from a number of countries are patrolling the area, there are too many merchant vessels around the Gulf of Aden for them to be an effective deterrent. ─── 尽管来自许多国家的军舰正在这片海域巡逻,亚丁湾周围有太多的商船对他们来说仍然具有极强的诱惑力。

88、Similarly, in the shadow of these ancient terracotta warriors and horses in the Qin Diguo is not hard to see our military deterrent effect, and the soldiers of the determination to win the war. ─── 同样在这些古代兵马俑的影子里我们不难看出秦帝国的军事震慑力,和士兵们对赢得战争的决心。

89、I put a net over my strawberries as a deterrent to the birds. ─── 我在草莓上罩了网,免得鸟歇上去。


杀一儆百,汉语成语,字面意思是“处死一个人,借以警戒许多人(execute one as a warning to a hundred)”,比喻用惩罚一个人的办法来警告别的人。可以翻译为“punish as a deterrent to others”。



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