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09-05 投稿


renegade 发音

英:[?ren?ɡe?d]  美:[?ren?ɡe?d]

英:  美:

renegade 中文意思翻译





renegade 短语词组

1、styx renegade ─── 安息香

2、renegade state ─── [网络] 叛国

3、renegade project ─── 叛徒项目

4、renegade runner ─── 叛徒跑步者

5、jeep renegade coupe ─── 吉普叛徒跑车

6、rebel renegade ─── 叛军 ─── 叛徒

7、Jeep Renegade ─── 吉普叛逆者

renegade 词性/词形变化,renegade变形


renegade 相似词语短语

1、renegades ─── n.叛徒;变节者;脱党者;vi.背叛;脱离;adj.叛徒的;背弃的;脱离的

2、renegados ─── 拒绝

3、renegadoes ─── vi.背弃,脱离;adj.背弃的,脱离的,变节的;n.背教者,变节者,叛徒

4、renegue ─── v.食言;违例出牌;拒绝;否认;n.出牌违例

5、renegado ─── vi.背弃,脱离;adj.背弃的,脱离的,变节的;n.背教者,变节者,叛徒

6、renegotiate ─── vt.重新谈判;重新协商;vi.重新谈判

7、renege ─── vi.食言;违例出牌;vt.否认;n.出牌违例

8、reneged ─── 违约

9、renewable ─── adj.可再生的;可更新的;可继续的;n.再生性能源

renegade 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You represent the renegade group of light, and you have agreed to come back on the planet. ─── 你们代表脱离光的团体,并且在行星上你们已同意回来。

2、When I do so, Vault notices my transgression and chastises me by letting me know that the file is "Renegade". ─── 如果用户这样做了,那么他应该会得到该文件处于"不一致"状态的提示和警告。

3、Venom, "What does a renegade doctor want with me?" ─── 一个变节的医生找我有什麽事?

4、Take the question of Comrade Qu Qiubai, who was mentioned at this session.It was unjust to call him a renegade, and that assessment must be corrected. ─── 比如这次会上提到的瞿秋白志,讲他是叛徒就讲不过去,非改正不可。

5、The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky ─── 无产阶级革命和叛徒考茨基

6、Officials said China, which considers Taiwan to be a renegade province, has been notified about the mistake. ─── 政府方面的声明说,美国已经向中国知会了此事。

7、The government says if the renegade colonel is captured it will to put him on trial for insubordination, corruption and human rights abuses. ─── 政府说,如果发动叛乱的塞义德.巴卡尔上校被抓获,他们将以反抗当局罪、腐败罪和侵犯人权罪对他进行审判。

8、He has shown himself to be a renegade without respect for the rule of law. ─── 他已经表现出自己是个毫不尊重法规的叛逆者。

9、That renegade, he won't come to a good end! ─── 《红楼梦》里的平儿, 是王熙凤的陪房丫环。

10、When he was doing underground work he was arrested because a renegade informed against him. ─── 他做地下工作时, 曾因叛徒告密而被捕。

11、If you were a Renegade while alive, you may play this on two living players instead of one. ─── 如果你曾是活叛徒,你可以对两个玩家这样做。

12、Mr Putin's allies point the finger at Boris Berezovsky, a renegade Russian oligarch who lives in London and sponsored Mr Litvinenko. ─── 他曾是俄罗斯的金融寡头,并曾向利特维年科先生提供资助。

13、China regards Taiwan, which has had de facto independence since 1949, as a renegade province.But its aim to unify the island with the mainland is opposed by a majority of Taiwanese. ─── 中国一直认为,1949年以来一直处于实际独立状态的台湾是其叛离省份,但大多数台湾民众反对与大陆统一。

14、When he was doing underground work he was arrested because a renegade informed against him. ─── 他做地下工作时, 曾因叛徒告密而被捕。

15、The Mourtatoi were soldiers of mixed Turkish-Byzantine marriages.Mourtatoi or Murtati in Latin is ought to dereive from the Arabo-Turkish word murtedd, murtat meaning "apostolate" or "renegade". ─── 同时,禁卫弓箭兵尚装备长剑和链甲,故而比其他远程部队更擅长近身肉搏,白刃相接。

16、China refuses to establish relations with any state that recognizes Taiwan, which Beijing considers a renegade province. ─── 中国拒绝和任何承认台湾的国家建立外交关系,北京认为台湾是中国有待统一的一个省份。

17、I think this image looks like a Death Star chasing a renegade fighter, just about the time you realize that means the Death Star is headed towards you. ─── 我觉得这张照片象是一个“死星“正在追逐一个骷髅战士,然后你会发现这意味着”死星“正在象你而来。

18、An iron curtain bisects this paradise erected by the Soviets in 1980 along the border to thwart escapees to Poland's renegade Solidarity movement. ─── 二十世纪八十年代,苏联人沿着国界建起的钢铁幕帘将这个天堂一分为二,旨在阻止倒向波兰团结工会运动的叛变者。

19、Taiwan's presidential election might prove to be a perilous watershed in its relationship with China. Can Beijing rein in the renegade? ─── 台湾的总统大选可能会成为一个危险的分水岭来区分它和中国的关系。北京是否能够的来拉住这个脱缰野马?

20、The Communist International also endorsed the decision and denounced Chang Kuo-tao as a deserter and renegade. ─── 共产国际也批准了这一处分,并指出:张国焘是一个逃兵和叛徒。

21、renegade supporters of the usurper. ─── 支持篡位者的变节者。

22、In its annual report on the Chinese military, the Pentagon said Beijing appeared focused in the short term on Taiwan, which it regards as a renegade province of China. ─── 五角大楼在其有关中国军力的年度报告中表示,中国政府短期内的关注重点似乎是台湾,中国将台湾视为一个背叛祖国的省份。

23、CB: The English poetic tradition ? just as the European and North and South American traditions ? has a long line of renegade poets. ─── 伯恩斯坦:正如欧洲、南北美洲的传统一样,英语诗歌传统中反叛的诗人不胜枚举。

24、Nevertheless, the United States remains Taiwan's biggest ally and arms supplier and Beijing remains highly sensitive to any sign of U.S. Favor toward what it sees as a renegade province. ─── 然而,美国仍然是台湾的坚定盟友和武器供给商。对此北京保持了高度的来自与美国对这个叛乱省的任何支持的警惕性。

25、Beijing regards Taiwan as a renegade province and has threatened military action if Taiwan formally declares itself independent. ─── 北京认为台湾是有待统一的省份,并威胁说,如果台湾正式宣布独立,就将诉诸武力。

26、some provinces had proved recreant; renegade supporters of the usurper. ─── 一些省份被证实叛变了;支持篡位者的变节者。

27、With time running out, Burnett's commanding officer (Hackman) risks everything by launching a renegade rescue mission-against strict NATO directives-to bring an American hero home. ─── 时间步步紧逼,艾密奴不理政治因素与规条,为拯救一名军人,将一生事业与名誉作赌注,下令发动一场军事变节...

28、His conversation with the renegade seemed to have taken all the heart out of him. ─── 跟那个叛徒的谈话似乎使他完全失去了勇气。

29、hina has territorial disputes with four Southeast Asian neighbours -- Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam -- and with Taiwan, which Beijing considers as a renegade province. ─── 中国和邻近的许多东南亚国家的领土纠纷,如马尼拉、菲律宾、越南等等。

30、He has a secret service entourage and secret service code-names (“renegade” for him and “renaissance” for his wife). ─── 他有一队秘密服务的随行人员以及秘密的服务代码(叛徒代表他自己,复兴代表他的妻子)。

31、He was stereotyped by some as a renegade. ─── 他被一些人带着成见视为一名叛逆者。

32、A renegade New Zealand sheep that managed to evade the shearers for six years has finally had a haircut ─── 新西兰的一只绵羊为了逃避剪羊毛出逃六年后,最终还是难逃剪羊毛的命运。

33、"Making a really appealing display is crucial," says Sue Daly, co-founder of Renegade Craft Fair, an all-day DIY event that invades Chicago, New York City and San Francisco every year. ─── “做一个真正吸引人的陈列是非常重要的。”

34、Others claim that a renegade band of Soviet troops broke into the vault in the last hours before they abandoned Kabul and replaced some of the treasure with fakes. ─── 另一些人宣称,苏联军队的一群叛徒在苏军撤出喀布尔之前的最后几小时闯入岩洞,掠走了一些宝物,并用赝品取而代之。

35、The Chinese authorities regard Taiwan as a renegade province, which should be reunified with China, by force if necessary. ─── 中国当局视台湾为其脱离的行省,有朝一日终须重新回归祖国的怀抱。如果需要,中国政府将动用武力实现这一目标。

36、The Comoran army said it had located the renegade leader of the isle of Anjouan, Mohamed Bacar, during the operation it launched earlier March 25, 2008 with the African Union to oust him. ─── 科摩罗军方说,它已找到了叛离的领导人昂儒昂岛,穆罕默德巴卡尔,在它的运作早些时候推出2008年3月25号与非洲联盟把他赶下台。

37、I roll like a renegade you need clinic aid ─── 我像一个背叛者一样流浪,你却需要医疗救助

38、ROGER: Come on, you old renegade, we're going home. ─── 好了,你玩够了,我们回家吧!

39、In what would now be called a moment of male bonding the renegade bank clerk, Henry Holland (played by Alec Guinness), tenderly asks his co-conspirator, “May I call you Alfred? ─── 在一个用如今的话可称为男性亲密关系形成的瞬间里,HenryHolland这个充当内鬼的银行职员,温柔地问他的同谋,“允许我对你直呼Alfred吗?”

40、I'm a renegade, a turncoat, a Scalawag. ─── 我是个叛徒,变节者,流氓。

41、The renegade attempted to shoot off the captain but was caught before he pulled out his pistol. ─── 叛徒企图把队长打死,但是他还没来得及拨出手枪就抓住了。

42、renegade government ─── 叛乱政府

43、Description: Having broken free from the tyrannical rule of the Lich King, a renegade group of undead seek to retain their own free will while destroying all those who oppose them. ─── 描述:和统治残酷的巫妖王决裂后,一部分背叛的亡灵希望能实现他们的自由,同时消灭一切与他们作对的生物。

44、There would be plenty of renegade scientists willing to help inclosing young people's mind against all the approaches of reason. ─── 许多背叛科学的科学家甘愿协助把青年的思想闭锁起来,排斥理智。

45、From that defeat the Obama campaign was suddenly viewed as resurgent, exactly as a renegade would have wished. ─── 法夫罗不想在演说中用“是的,我们能”,因为他害怕观众会用这句话起哄,而确实也这样发生了。

46、They hanged the renegade from the ship's yardarm ─── 他们把叛徒吊死在船帆桁端上。

47、This morning's verdict would break the renegade ─── 今天上午的裁决将会彻底击溃这个叛徒的阴谋。

48、The first place he inquired for Klingenberg was at a brothel, figuring that he would find the renegade captain there. ─── 司令官首先寻找的地方是妓院,他以为这里可以找到克林根贝格上尉。

49、I honor the courageous, those who are willing to redefine the very essence of existence and to carry that renegade spark into a new version of the game. ─── 我敬重勇敢的人,他们愿意重新定义存在的本质并且传达背叛的火花进入一个新游戏版本内。

50、Danny Gokey and Kris Allen performed "Renegade" by Styx. ─── 丹尼-高奇和克里斯阿伦表演了“离经叛道”。

51、He is one of the ex-super villains trying to hunt down the renegade super heroes. ─── 他是前超级恶棍试图追捕叛乱超级英雄。

52、Already known as an astronomical renegade because it is the only large moon in the solar system whose orbit is in the opposite direction of its parent planet's rotation, Triton showed a face mottled like the finest Italian pink marble. ─── 海卫一是太阳系唯一的一颗轨道与其母体行星的旋转方向相反的大卫星,因此早就被看作是天文学上的叛徒。 它的脸部显得色彩斑驳,很像意大利最精美的粉红色大理石。

53、Leopold Kronecker, a prominent German mathematician (and one of Cantor's teachers) described his student as a “scientific charlatan”, a “renegade” and a “corrupter of youth”; ─── 之后,德国著名数学家克罗内克(也是康托的老师之一)说这位学生是“科学骗子、叛徒”,是“年轻人的腐蚀剂”。

54、During the commune heydays of the early 1970s, the ranch collected a typically renegade group of cultural misfits. ─── 在二十世纪七十年代,也就是公社最繁荣的时代,这家牧场收拢了一群患文化不适应症的典型叛道者。

55、At that juncture he turned completely away from his comrades, and degenerated into a renegade . ─── 就在那关键时刻,他完全背弃了自己的同志,终于堕落为叛徒。

56、I was Westwood Studios’ full time music composer, and did the score for Red Alert, as well as all the Command & Conquer games up through Renegade. ─── 我是西木公司的全职作曲家,同时也担当红色警戒系列,命令与征服系列一直到叛节者音乐部分的工作.

57、turn renegade ─── 叛变

58、It took the long arm of the law to restore order when a renegade reindeer sprinted along a highway in Norway's Arctic, nearly causing a series of traffic accidents. ─── 一只逃脱的麋鹿在挪威北极地带的公路狂奔,几乎引起一连串交通意外。执法单位花了许久才恢复秩序。

59、Other TV shows produced in the province include Little Mosque on the Prairie, Moccasin Flats and Renegade Press. ─── 在全省其他电视节目,包含了大草原中的小清真寺,, moccasin单位和叛离的新闻。

60、Upon hearing this, Lady Sun rolled up the front curtain of her carriage, and shouted to the generals from the state of Wu: "Are you in revolt? Zhou Yu! The renegade, the traitor!"she cried. "What injury has the Sun family ever done you? ─── 孙夫人一听,立即卷起车帘,大声对追兵说:"你们想造反吗?周瑜这个贼子,我东吴不曾亏待于他。

61、Showcasing extreme 4X4 terrain capability and superb performance, the Renegade 500 will capture the hearts of hardcore enthusiasts. ─── 展示极端4x4地形的能力和高超的表现,叛离的500将捕获的心顽固的爱好者。

62、The camp is administered by the NKVD, the Russian secret police, aided by renegade Germans. ─── 战俘营由NKVD(内政人民委员部),也就是俄国秘密警察管理,由变节的德国人协助。

63、While attending a fundraising gala, Sarah Jordan (Jolie), a naive, married American socialite living in England, witnesses a fiery plea delivered by an intruder-a renegade humanitarian, Dr. ─── 热衷于慈善事业的莎拉与实业家丈夫一直过著富足的名流生活。

64、The Criterion Collection proudly presents the film that revitalized the yakuza genre and helped define the inimitable style of a legendary cinematic renegade. ─── 与此同时他又和该帮会的死对头频繁接触,引发了两派之间的激烈斗争。原来这一切都是由于那起自杀事件所引起。

65、Some provinces had proved recreant; renegade supporters of the usurper ─── 一些省份被证实叛变了;支持篡位者的变节者

66、Club: Spook - Discard one card from any living player (in play or randomly from hand). If you were a Renegade while alive, you may play this on two living players instead of one. ─── 梅花:惊吓-从任意其他活玩家手随即抽一张牌或选择一张在用牌,并弃掉。如果你曾是活叛徒,你可以对两个玩家这样做。

67、The Renegade ─── 叛徒

68、Aid agencies and human rights groups are warning of a growing humanitarian crisis in North Kivu province where rebels by renegade General Laurent Nkunda launched an offensive late last month. ─── 救助机构和人权组织都发出了警告说,北基伍省的人道危机日益严重。这一地区上个月末曾遭受到过叛军将军laurentNkunda的进攻。

69、Only a renegade xXx agent like Stone has the Xtreme skills to stop Deckert's dangerous military splinter group from taking over the government in America's capital. ─── 总统的性命岌岌可危,拯救行动刻不容缓,到底他们能否成功?

70、China and Taiwan split in 1949 amid a civil war, and Beijing claims the democratically run island is a renegade province that should not have diplomatic ties with other countries. ─── 中国和台湾在内战中于1949年分裂,北京宣称这个实行民主的岛屿是一个变节的省份,不应当与别的国家有外交关系。

71、However, China's military threat to Taiwan, which it claims to be a renegade province, remains. ─── 然而,中国宣称台湾乃其逃离省份,其对台湾的军事威胁依然存在。

72、T he Skin Skinny When it comes to sun, Maggie is the renegade. ─── 皮肤保养提到阳光,玛吉的观点有点离经叛道。

73、It encourages cells to grow back only from the edges of the chitosan layer, thus preventing renegade cells from erupting below the wound, which would contribute to scar formation. ─── 而这些非正常细胞的滋长也可促生结疤的产生。

74、and when he complains to Jupiter, he is snubbed as a renegade most hateful of all the gods. ─── 在攻打特洛伊城的战斗中,密涅瓦和朱诺就曾多次把他打得丢盔卸甲。

75、The Renegade is a fast attack copter designed to provide ground support. The twin rocket tubes launch direct fire rockets at ground targets. ─── 变节者时一个快速攻击的飞机,被设计用来进行对地支援.它的双火箭发射匣可以进行直接的对地火箭攻击.

76、If he wants to survive, his only chance lies with a group of renegade hackers who may be the only ones who know how to stop the dangerous corporation before it's too late. ─── 为了活命,他只能寄望一班愤世嫉俗的骇客,能够及时阻止邪恶集团的阴谋...

77、The rats were being flushed out of their holes. It would be his pleasure to take care of this renegade Sicilian. ─── 老鼠从洞中出来了,由他来照顾这个背叛了西西里原则的西西里人,他将是很高兴的。

78、"Renegade" was the codename the Secret Service assigned to Mr Obama while he was a no-hoper candidate. ─── 奥巴马还是不被看好的候选者的时候,特工处给予他的别称是“脱党者”。

79、In the battles before Troy, Minerva and Juno bring him more than once to grief; and when he complains to Jupiter, he is snubbed as a renegade most hateful of all the gods. ─── 在攻打特洛伊城的战斗中,密涅瓦和朱诺就曾多次把他打得丢盔卸甲。他向朱庇特告状,反而被侮骂为逃兵,深为众神所不齿。

80、China and Taiwan split in1949 amid a civil war, and Beijing claims the democratically run island is a renegade province that should not have diplomatic ties with other countries. ─── 中国和台湾于一次内战中在1949年分裂,北京称这个实行民主的岛屿是一个叛乱省份,不能与其他国家有外交关系。

81、If the renegade clique of that country were in power,it would have meant serious disaster for the people. ─── 如果那个国家的叛徒集团一得势,人民就要遭殃。

82、The government says if the renegade colonel is captured it will to put him on trial for insubordination, corruption and human rights abuses. ─── 政府说,如果发动叛乱的塞义德.巴卡尔上校被抓获,他们将以反抗当局罪、腐败罪和侵犯人权罪对他进行审判。

83、Rebel forces loyal to renegade leader Laurent Nkundu have made serious inroads into territory previously held by the Congolese army of President Joseph Kabila around the eastern town of Goma. ─── 忠于叛军头目恩孔达的反对派军队大举入侵了以前由卡比拉总统的刚果军队占有的东部城镇戈马附近的领地。

84、Friedman has cultivated an image of a maverick, a renegade scientist brave enough to tell the world what he knows about flying saucers. ─── 弗里德曼已经发展成为一个持有不同意见,一个叛徒科学家的人物,他敢于告诉世人,有关他所知道的飞碟。

85、Art Jeffries (Bruce Willis),a renegade FBI agent, combats ruthless Federal agents to protect Simon (Miko Hughes),a nine-year-old autistic boy who has cracked the government's new "unbreakable" code. ─── 刚被调职的联邦调查局探员阿特被上司指派调查一宗双亲离奇遇害、男孩失踪的案件。

86、In an effort to protect sharks, Stewart teams up with renegade conservationist Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. ─── 为了保护鲨鱼,斯图尔特队与叛离保育保罗华生的海洋守护协会。

87、If the plot was really conceived without General Basbug's knowledge, it was probably the act of a group of renegade officers within the army. ─── 如果这项计划真的是在巴什布将军不知情的情况下制定出来的,那么它有可能是军中反政府军官们的一项行动。

88、Cause I'm a RENEGADE! Never been afraid to talk ─── 因为我是叛徒!从来不害怕说任何东西,不管后果是怎样

89、The renegade is the first cousin to a rattlesnake. ─── 叛徒象响尾蛇一样地毒狠。

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