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09-05 投稿



uncompromising 发音

英:[?n'k?mpr?ma?z??]  美:[?n'kɑmpr?ma?z??]

英:  美:

uncompromising 中文意思翻译



uncompromising 同义词

hard-nosed | willful | stubborn |adamant | sturdy | stiff | categorical | obstinate | unbending | relentless | obdurate | constant | insistent | firm | inflexible | unyielding | rigid | strict

uncompromising 反义词


uncompromising 词性/词形变化,uncompromising变形

副词: uncompromisingly |

uncompromising 短语词组

1、uncompromising im a cancer ─── 毫不妥协我是个癌症患者

uncompromising 相似词语短语

1、uncomplaining ─── adj.没有怨言的;忍受痛苦的;顺从的

2、uncompromisingly ─── adv.坚决地;不妥协地

3、unpromising ─── adj.无前途的,没有希望的

4、compromisingly ─── 妥协地

5、uncompromisable ─── 不可妥协的;不可互让解决的

6、comprising ─── vt.包含;由…组成

7、uncompromisingness ─── 不妥协

8、uncomprehending ─── adj.不了解的

9、compromising ─── adj.有失体面的;不宜泄露的;使处于难堪境地的;v.妥协,让步;损害(名声);违背(原则);达不到(标准);使陷入危险(compromise的现在分词)

uncompromising 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An intelligent defender, Evans combines an uncompromising physical approach with the ability to pass the ball out from the back. ─── 他是一名极有天赋的后卫,埃文斯拥有强壮的身体和优秀的能力来确保球远离本方后场。

2、Jules et Jim, the classical, painfully moving story about uncompromising friendship and uncontrollable love - not so much unrequited as undeserving and unfulfilled. ─── 儿女私情,为何只能一加一?剧情不用多讲,祖与占与凯瑟琳纠结半生的情事,耳熟能详得像民间传奇。

3、The public persona of Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, he said, is that of a no-nonsense, uncompromising and tough minister.He hopes DPM Lee would let his softer side show, he said. ─── 吴作栋总理在国庆群众大会演讲中谈到接班人,坦率指出在民众眼中,李显龙副总理的形象过于严肃,不苟言笑,他希望李副总理多展露自己亲善温和的一面。

4、Having or exhibiting uncompromising determination; unyielding ─── 不屈服的具有或显示出不屈不挠的决心的;坚韧不拔的

5、2.unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment. ─── 在纪律或者看法上不留情、不妥协。

6、Across all three games you'll find the SAMe geographic scale, punishing realism and uncompromising attention to detail. ─── 在三个游戏中,你将会见到相似的地形尺寸,极度真实和近乎极致的细节度。

7、This uncompromising attitude may have led to his undoing. ─── 可能就是这种不妥协态度导致了他的垮台。

8、Innovation Leading Technology Superior Execution and Uncompromising Integrity Total Customer Satisfaction ─── 创新高效,领先科技,追求卓越,客户满意

9、intransigent:Refusing to moderate a position, especially an extreme position;uncompromising. ─── 不妥协的:拒绝缓和态度,特别是极端态度的;

10、That she suffered is obvious, and so everyone was to suffer who encountered Shelley's ecstatic and uncompromising nature. ─── 她显然感受了痛苦,任何人碰上雪莱如痴如醉和毫不妥协的天性都不免要感受痛苦的。

11、took an uncompromising stance in the peace talks; uncompromising honesty ─── 在和平会谈中采取强硬的态度;坚定、忠诚

12、Rand was an uncompromising rationalist.But she was also the plaything of powerful emotions. ─── 兰德本人是坚定的理性主义者,但她却又常屈服于其强烈感情。

13、His answers to his various dilemmas were uncompromising. ─── 他对这种棘手的事毫不妥协。

14、Reunion in essence displays this sort of immortal spirit and uncompromising fighting concretely. ─── 大团圆具体地表现了这种不朽的精神永不妥协的抗争。

15、Politkovskaya received numerous journalism awards for her bravery and commitment to uncompromising investigative journalism. ─── 波利特科夫斯卡娅因她的勇敢和致力于毫不妥协的调查性新闻而获得多项新闻奖励。

16、As an actor, action choreographer, martial artist, and teacher he touched many people with his candour and uncompromising professionalism. ─── 作为一个演员,动作的编舞家,武术艺术家,教师,他感动许多人与他的坦率和毫不妥协的敬业精神。

17、The cultural revolution ushered in by the May 4th Movement was uncompromising in its opposition to feudal culture;there had never been such a great and thoroughgoing cultural revolution since the dawn of Chinese history. ─── 五四运动所进行的文化革命则是彻底地反对封建文化的运动,自有中国历史以来,还没有过这样伟大而彻底的文化革命。

18、He developed strong opinions on social morality,customs and church life and alienated those he mixed with by an uncompromising attitude. ─── 他对社会道德、习俗及宗教生活产生了强烈的想法,并且态度坚定地疏远那些与他交往的人。

19、"She often takes a hard, uncompromising attitude." ─── 她常采取强硬的不妥协的态度

20、Refusing to moderate a position, especially an extreme position; uncompromising. ─── 不妥协的拒绝缓和态度,特别是极端态度的; 不调和的

21、Dorothy Slaton. Mrs. Slaton was an uncompromising, demanding teacher with high standards and a low tolerance for excuses. ─── 斯莱顿夫人一丝不苟,对学生要求非常严格,高标准,不容忍找任何借口。

22、Amid the uncompromising rhetoric on both sides, the government appeared to make a small concessionary gesture, allowing detainees to call their families from prison for the first time. ─── 在双边的非妥协的争执中,政府也做了一点点让步的姿态,第一次允许被拘留人员向家里打电话。

23、His language was uncompromising: he told them their work must improve or they would be fired ─── 他的话说一不二;他告欣他们必须改进工作,否则就予解雇

24、He has a reputation for being tough and uncompromising. ─── 他的严厉和强硬态度是出了名的。

25、The uncompromising defender, who rarely shies away from a physical challenge, believes there are not enough likeminded players in the team. ─── 在接受俱乐部官方网站采访时,他说:“我们这支队有很多球员不够级别。”

26、She finds a friend in the energetic and uncompromising postmaster Jeanne, who encourages her to stand up against her bourgeois employers. ─── 后来她认识了在镇上邮局工作的珍妮,跟她成了好朋友。珍妮教她勇敢地站起来,面对她的布尔乔亚雇主。

27、Uncompromising quality, an innovative spirit and hard work has positioned Paloma Dead Sea and its daughter company Jericho Cosmetics as a leader in the Natural Health and Beauty Products industry. ─── 不妥协的品质,创新精神和辛勤工作定位帕洛玛死海及其女儿公司杰里科化妆品作为一个领导者,在天然保健和美容产品行业。

28、She often takes a hard, uncompromising attitude. ─── 她常采取强硬的不妥协的态度。

29、A hallmark manifestation of uncompromising ambition in the ultimate endeavor of aspiration, regal luxury and prosperity. ─── 一个特点体现在不妥协的抱负的最终奋斗的愿望,瑞嘉豪华与繁荣。

30、An uncompromising, often bleak novel, Grits is certainly a difficult book, but the dedication of any reader will be rewarded. ─── 作为一部主旨明确、色彩阴郁的小说,《砂砾》必定很难读懂,但是只要你细心品读,一定会获益无穷。

31、"These radicals have declared their uncompromising hostility to freedom. It is foolish to think that you can negotiate with them." ─── “这些激进分子宣称了他们对待自由毫不妥协的敌意。认为可以和他们进行协商的想法是愚蠢的。”

32、You get uncompromising email, browsing and voice performance in one thin, stylish, lightweight handheld with a full QWERTY keyboard. ─── 你不妥协电子邮件、网上浏览、话音一瘦演出美观,具有充分qwerty键盘手持轻.

33、There was something about the uncompromising nature of the words that made me start to feel a little better. ─── 这些词汇在某种程度上具有不妥协的性质,让我开始觉得舒服了一点。

34、Refusing to moderate a position,especially an extreme position;uncompromising. ─── 不妥协的拒绝缓和态度,特别是极端态度的;不调和的

35、He hated to see her taking up this hard, uncompromising attitude. ─── 他不愿看见她采取这种强硬的、不妥协的态度。

36、took an uncompromising stance in the peace talks; uncompromising honesty. ─── 在和平会谈中采取强硬的态度;坚定、忠诚。

37、5.He reinforced my bias in favor of uncompromising efficiency and inlining. ─── 他加强了我对不牺牲效率和内联的偏爱。

38、The public persona of Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, he said, is that of a no-nonsense, uncompromising and tough minister ─── 坦率指出在民众眼中,李显龙副总理的形象过于严肃,不苟言笑。

39、Cartledge was fairly uncompromising on this one. ─── 卡特利奇对此说法相当坚定。

40、Agent Lawrence products, currently the main marketing: locks, hinges and springs, its products are high quality, the appearance of new and uncompromising attention to, and quality assurance. ─── 代理劳伦斯产品,公司目前主要营销:门锁、合页、地弹簧、其产品以品质超卓,外观新颖,精雕细琢,品质保证。

41、May 4th Movement was uncompromising in its opposition to feudal culture; there had never been such a great and thoroughgoing cultural revolution since the dawn of Chinese history. ─── 五四运动所开展的文化革命则是彻底地反对封建文化的运动,自有中国历史以来,还没有过这样伟大而彻底的文化革命。

42、uncompromising style ─── 不妥协的行事风格; 强硬风格

43、his uncompromising condemnation of racism. ─── 他从来没有放弃过对种族主义的谴责。

44、He died in Paris.To the end, Christophe was uncompromising, for he was a true artist. ─── 克利斯朵夫死在巴黎,至死都坚定不妥协,因为他是真正的艺术家。

45、uncompromising attitude ─── 不妥协的态度

46、The sentimental way to tell the story would be to sneer at Dewey while painting Petey as an uncompromising hero. ─── 多愁善感这样的故事会讥笑杜威,而绘画珀泰作为一个不妥协的英雄。

47、Belfast-born Jonathan Evans is a tall and agile centre-back. An intelligent defender, Evans combines an uncompromising physical approach with the ability to pass the ball out from the back. ─── 出生于贝尔法斯特的乔纳森埃文斯是一名高大灵活的中后卫。埃文斯是一名能顽强地拼抢并将球从后场危险区域解除出去的天才后卫。

48、" Uncompromising and determined, Fossey achieved much more by putting the plight of the mountain gorillas of Rwanda on the map, thereby insuring their survival for generations to come. ─── 佛西在地图上标注卢旺达山区大猩猩的境况,坚定又坚决地实现了更多,由此保障了它们的存活及繁衍。

49、The BMW 7 Series is uncompromising in every regard - but in safety it surpasses even the highest expectations. ─── BMW 7系在任何角度都绝不妥协-但是在安全方面,它则超越了最高的期待。

50、uncompromising resistance ─── 不屈不挠的反抗, 毫不妥协的反抗

51、He has a reputation for being tough and uncompromising. ─── 他的严厉和强硬态度是出了名的。

52、"In general much blacker," returned Mrs. Sparsit, in her uncompromising way. ─── “在平时还要更黑一些,”斯巴塞太太用她那不妥协的态度回答说。

53、uncompromising struggle ─── 不调和的斗争

54、They are expected to take an uncompromising stand at the conference. ─── 估计他们在会上将采取不妥协的立场。

55、He wanted an uncompromising stand against Hamas, he said. "The first priority is to eliminate Hamas. " ─── 他想要一个毫不妥协地对付哈马斯的政府,他说“最重要的是铲除哈马斯”。

56、Rand was the single most uncompromising critic of the collectivist tide that swept across the capitalist world in the wake of the Depression. ─── 兰德无疑是在大萧条时期任坚定不移地抨击集体主义、而没有被其浪潮淹没的最坚定的一员。

57、He is too uncompromising to excuse the children rs mistakes. ─── 他坚决不肯原谅孩子们的错误。

58、With raw, handheld images, this disconcerting yet touching film documents friendship, nostalgia and the uncompromising urge to survive. ─── 在匆忙仓促却又令人感伤的镜头下,我们见证友谊、愁和生活的残酷。

59、By its uncompromising quality assurance at every level, MOTOREX produces products and services of a consistently high quality. ─── 在每个等级里它都有不妥协的品质监控,使得MOTOREX的产品以及服务都是一贯的高品质。

60、The Knights Templar, a fearsome and uncompromising order, were formed shortly after the First Crusade to protect pilgrims. ─── 圣殿骑士团,是作战勇猛手段强硬的骑士团体,第一次十字军东征后为护卫朝圣者而组建。

61、any political theory favoring immoderate uncompromising policies. ─── 偏爱不适中不妥协政策的政治理论。

62、took an uncompromising stance during the peace talks ─── 在和平会谈中采取决不妥协的姿态

63、Taking the history as an object lesson" and forecasting from the development the Holy Alliance, the "New NATO"is bound to disintegrate because its internal uncompromising contradictions. ─── 以史为鉴,从神圣同盟的演变过程可以预测,“新北约”由于其内部矛盾的不可调和,它的解体势在必然。

64、inflexibility, unbending attitude, uncompromising attitude, unbendingness, obstinacy ─── 不屈曲性。顽固。不妥协。不变性。不屈不挠。

65、Refusing to moderate a position, especially an extreme position; uncompromising ─── 不妥协的拒绝缓和态度,特别是极端态度的;不调和的

66、On stage she seems hard, brash and uncompromising. ─── 在舞台上,她显得冷酷、自以为是而且不妥协。

67、"There is an uncompromising core of the Taliban. ─── 他说:“塔利班有一个绝不妥协的核心。

68、This annual list provides an uncompromising look into one of the most intimate issues in our daily lives- how much money we make. ─── 这份年度排行榜详实地调查了人们日常生活中最为隐私的问题:收入问题。

69、We are proud to present the most uncompromising subwoofer ever, the XTZ 99 W12 DSP. ─── XTZ 99 W12 DSP是我公司荣誉出品的一款目前为止最强劲的低音炮。

70、He typifies the uncompromising reformer. ─── 他是不屈不挠的改革者的典型。

71、They appreciate its honesty, its uncompromising exactness, the austere beauty of its prose. ─── 他们欣赏小说的真实,不妥协的精准及文体的简朴之美。

72、His stubborn, uncompromising attitude makes him very hard to deal with. ─── 他态度顽固,不肯妥协,令人很难对付。

73、But Benedict's proposal for discerning the difference between healthy markets and pathological ones is uncompromising and offers no sops to the secular. ─── 但是本笃对于洞察健康市场和病态市场之间区别的提议是毫不妥协的,他没有分给俗人任何食物。

74、When he was a young man in the 1970s, many of his contemporaries were drawn to a particularly uncompromising vision of Marxism-Leninism. ─── 19世纪70年代,那时候他还年轻,他的许多同龄人都成为了马克思列宁主义的中坚分子。

75、took an uncompromising stance during the peace talks; displayed uncompromising honesty ─── 在和平会谈中采取决不妥协的姿态;显示出坚定的诚实品质

76、His language was uncompromising: he told them their work must improve or they would be fired. ─── 他的话说一不二; 他告欣他们必须改进工作, 否则就予解雇.

77、His narcissism and stubbornness plagued his personal life, but shaped him into an idealistic and dedicated artist who was utterly uncompromising in his work. ─── 他的自恋和固执困扰着他的私生活,但在事业上却把他塑造成一个有理想、一心一意,且绝不妥协的艺术家。

78、Uncompromising men are easy to admire. ─── 不屈易受人崇拜。

79、You will place yourself in an uncompromising position if you get involved with someone who can influence your position, financial security or professional future in any way. ─── 和影响你位置的人交往的话能巩固自己的位置,带来财政收入和职业的提升。

80、The company will pursue uncompromising business objective of providing high-quality wine, sincere and professional services and worth products. ─── 公司始终不懈地以提供优质的佳酿、真诚和专业的服务态度和物有所值的产品为经营宗旨。

81、She is also an uncompromising environmentalist and supporter of Aboriginal land rights. ─── 同时,她还是一位环境保护论的支持者,为土著人土地权呐喊助威的社会活动家。

82、Uncompromising, socially relevant and filled with unexpected twists, the film is a bold departure into the slasher genre for Pang. ─── 不妥协的,在社会上相关性和充满意外的波折,这部电影是一个大胆出发到独轮体裁的庞。

83、Her conception of the character was as heavy and uncompromising as her diction ─── 她把这个人物设想得就象她念台词的风格一样,是既沉重而又毫不妥协的。

84、She saw, in the same uncompromising light, the train of consequences resulting from that failure. ─── 她以同样坚定的眼光看清了由这次失败而引起的一系列后果。

85、Was a thoroughgoing and uncompromising revolutionary movement against imperialism and feudalism. ─── 五四运动是一次彻底的不妥协的反帝反封建的革命运动。

86、Voters have elected an uncompromising nationalist as their new president. ─── 选民们已选出一位坚定的民族主义者作为他们的新总统。

87、He developed strong opinions on social morality, customs and church life and alienated those he mixed with by an uncompromising attitude. ─── 他对社会道德、习俗及宗教生活产生了强烈的想法并且态度坚定地疏远那些与他交往的人。

88、He built an uncompromising bricked wall right at the entrance to the gallery space that was supposed to host his show, which was the one and only piece of work in this exhibition. ─── 他在即将举行他的展览的画廊门口不折不扣地砌了一堵砖墙,作为该展览的唯一作品。

89、In order to strengthen solidarity and unity within its own ranks and correctly play its role as leader and nucleus, the Party has waged an uncompromising struggle against all sorts of erroneous deviations in this regard. ─── 党为了加强自己队伍的团结和统一,为了正确地发挥自己的领导作用和核心作用,曾经同在这一问题上的各种错误的倾向,进行了坚决的斗争。

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