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09-05 投稿


flaunting 发音

英:[?fl??nt??]  美:[?fl??nt??]

英:  美:

flaunting 中文意思翻译





flaunting 词性/词形变化,flaunting变形


flaunting 短语词组

1、flaunting gifs ─── 炫耀的礼物

2、flaunting meme ─── 炫耀模因

3、flaunting my life ─── 炫耀我的生活

4、flaunting wealth ─── 炫富

5、flaunting beach ─── 炫耀海滩

6、flaunting your life ─── 炫耀你的生活

7、flaunting it ─── 炫耀

8、flaunting define ─── 炫耀定义

9、flaunting her superiority ─── 炫耀她的优越感

10、flaunting defined ─── 炫耀的定义

flaunting 相似词语短语

1、flatting ─── n.使物体平滑的方法;使油漆无光泽的方法;v.使变平(flat的ing形式)

2、flauntier ─── adj.虚华的(flaunty的变形)

3、flaning ─── 闪烁

4、fainting ─── n.昏晕;不省人事;v.[中医]昏厥(faint的ing形式)

5、flaunching ─── n.凸缘

6、daunting ─── adj.使人畏缩的;使人气馁的;令人怯步的

7、blunting ─── v.(使)减弱;(使尖端、刀等)变钝(blunt的现在分词)

8、flauntingly ─── 炫耀地

9、flaughting ─── 炫耀

flaunting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They flaunt rebellious leather, show off Harley and Honda choppers, and brag of outracing cops. ─── 他们炫耀着身上叛逆的皮装以及胯下的哈雷和本田机车,吹嘘他们逃过警察尾追的光荣史。

2、flaunt one's knowledge; parade one's knowledge ─── 夸耀自己的见闻

3、They use the glittering metal as ornaments to flaunt family wealth, as a source of retirement savings and as insurance against calamities. ─── 他们把这种金光闪闪的金属做成炫耀家族财富的饰品、当作退休储蓄和防灾保险。

4、Candy : Why cover up your body? If you've got it, flaunt it. ─── 坎蒂:为什么埋没你的好身材?假如你拥有,就炫耀它吧。

5、And Agriculture Minister Gianni Alemanno said even if eateries did flaunt Italian roots, it was often a false claim. ─── "而农业部长吉亚尼-阿莱曼诺说,即便有些餐馆吹嘘自己源自意大利,那也通常是靠不住的。

6、Even though Mr. B possesses unique grey matter, he does not flaunt himself. ─── 即使B先生才智不凡,他也不夸耀自己。

7、She was flaunting her new fur coat. ─── 她正在夸耀她那件新的皮大衣。

8、Are you humble or are you into flaunting it or showing off? ─── 你是谦虚的,或你到炫耀或炫耀?

9、An exercise intended to flaunt the new, outward-looking and confident China has displayed its dark side: nervous, repressive, prickly and stubborn. ─── 一次展示现代的,外向的,自信的中国的大好机会却暴露了其阴暗面:紧张,压抑,暴躁而又固执。

10、He did not believe in flaunting his wealth. ─── 他不相信摆阔有什么好处。

11、But the nanocrystals enabled the pair of researchers to flaunt this type of nano patterning. ─── 不过,这些奈米微晶让这两位研究者得以炫耀这一类的奈米图案化技术。

12、Of course not, don't be stupid. I meant that he was flaunting her in Mari's face! You could see how upset she was! ─── 当然不是,不要愚蠢的。我的意思,他炫耀在马里的脸她!你可以看到她是多么伤心!

13、Second, constrained by the structure logic, does not flaunt unusual and the surprised artistic effects. ─── 二、不囿于结构逻辑,标榜反常与惊奇的艺术效果。

14、1.to sell; 2.to betray; to harm another in order to benefit oneself3.to exert to the utmost4.to show off; to flaunt ─── 卖

15、Flaunt and frugality are a pair of inconsistent but concomitant consumptive tendency, which consists in the majority of consumers currently. ─── 夸耀和节俭是一对互相矛盾又共生共存的消费倾向,在当前多数消费者身上都有所体现。

16、5.Stop flaunting your mini-skirt, you are flaunting your underwear at the same time. ─── 别再炫耀你的迷你裙了,你连你的内裤都一起炫耀了。

17、Bee sips nectar from flowers, humming its gratitude when leaving./ Butterfly, yet flaunting, believes that the follows owe it grattitude. ─── 1蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营地道谢。/浮夸的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向他道谢的。

18、Some of you delight to flaunt in our faces the warning against sectional parties given by Washington in his Farewell Address. ─── 你们有些人喜欢当着我们的面卖弄华盛顿在他的告别演说中提出的对地方主义的警告。

19、banners flaunting in the breeze ─── 在微风中飘荡的旗帜

20、Flaunt The Imperfection China CRISIS ─── 中国危机合唱团

21、The engaged star finally announced that she's going to be a mom after weeks of flaunting a bump around town. ─── 到处炫耀肚子的几周后,这位订了婚的明星终于宣布自己要当妈妈了。

22、brag about; show off; flaunt ─── 夸耀

23、Candy: Why cover up your body? If you've got it, flaunt it. ─── 坎蒂:为什么埋没你的好身材?假如你拥有,就炫耀它吧。

24、Grand spiral galaxies often seem to get all the glory, flaunting their young, bright, blue star clusters in beautiful, symmetric spiral arms. ─── 大螺旋星系似乎拥有所有的荣耀,不断炫耀他们对称旋臂中蓝色星团的年轻,明亮,及美丽。

25、But I don't want to spend more time here flaunt my experienced no matter sadness or happiness. ─── 但是我不想花太多的时间太炫耀我自己的经历,不管是悲伤还是幸福!

26、They play with it like a boy;they flaunt it as a boy flanuts his first cigarette. ─── 他们像摆布一个玩具那样玩弄爱情,炫耀自己的爱情经历,像一个男孩刚刚开始学会抽烟那般得意。

27、Flaunt all she's got in our old neighbourhood ─── 她炫耀着从我们老邻居那里得到的一切

28、Suddenly, an idea comes across my mind: flaunting the banner of object and justice, will BBC publish this essay without revising a word. ─── 写到最后,我突然想挑战一下BBC,一贯标榜客观、公正的BBC敢不敢一字不删的全文发表这篇文章呢?

29、She was flaunting her new fur coat. ─── 她正在夸耀她那件新皮衣。

30、The high rankers among them wear garishly decorated back banners and the richest openly flaunt their wealth by wearing necklaces of teeth. ─── 其中地位高的会在背上背一面装饰繁复的战旗,而最富有的家伙则戴着牙齿穿成的项链公开炫耀。

31、Will they flaunt convention, abandon families, and run away to pursue lost dreams? ─── 他们会蔑视传统抛弃各自的家庭而去续写他们的旧梦吗?

32、"Mr.Skilling has proven to be a liar, a thief and a drunk, flaunting an attitude above the law," said 22-year Enron employee Dawn Powers Martin. ─── “斯奇林已经被证明是一个蔑视法律的骗子,贼和酒鬼,”22岁的安然员工道恩鲍威尔马丁说。

33、Ever did not flaunt oneself is the brand expert and consultant the pattern, we solid thought oneself only is the specialized vision portrays the designer. ─── 从不标榜自己是品牌专家及顾问模式,我们实在的认为自己只是专业的视觉塑造设计者。

34、The pop superstar has also been flaunting her newly acquired single status with new best friend Paris Hilton in Las Vegas, with the pair being seen partying on several occasions over the last few weeks. ─── 前几周,刚离婚不久的小甜甜又与新交密友帕里斯·尔顿在拉斯维加斯的几个酒吧大玩派对。

35、In a viewpoint of historical development and society progress, this paper expounded the transformation of the traditional fur coat from flaunting ranks and standings to flaunting riches. ─── 从历史发展和社会的角度分析了传统裘皮服装炫耀等级和地位的功能及向炫耀财富功能的转变;

36、in "art school confidential", the role isn't very big but the character is quite despicable. she takes herself too seriously and isn't afraid to flaunt it. ─── 在“艺校的机密”一片里,我虽然演了个小配角,但是发挥空间很大,她比较自我为中心,而且对此反而还很乐意地表现出来。

37、it's as if Mr. Walker were flaunting the political nature of his actions. ─── 这一点就好像沃克先生是在炫耀其行为的政治性质。

38、1 Man, who like bragging or flaunting, is like a small jar full of water. The water in it is easy to spill out. ─── 喜欢夸饰,炫耀的人,他像一个装满水的小罐子,轻轻一摇水就溢出来了。

39、The new Emperor, Shi Ryuuki, has gained for a reputation for being uninterested in courtly matters and for flaunting his love for men. ─── 只好为了生计而经常四处工作赚钱以便贴补家中开销。

40、Justice all may without hesitation giving up all flaunt which for the little piece benefit flaunt the chastity! ─── 为了丁点儿的利益就可以毫不犹豫的放弃一切标榜的正义一切标榜的纯洁!

41、They so love to flaunt their work. ─── 他们很喜欢炫耀自己的成果。

42、The 54-year-old Fortuyn, leader of Fortuyn Party, was a maverick in politics flaunting his anti-immigrant stance and homosexual behavior and was assassinated nine days before the general election. ─── 佛杜恩党党魁、五十四岁的佛杜恩以反移民立场和同性恋行径在政界标新立异,在大选前九天遭到谋杀。

43、She is flaunting her new sports car. ─── 她正在炫耀她的新跑车。

44、He's always flaunting his wealth. ─── 他总是摆阔。

45、FLAUNT is a magazine that is one of the most talked-about and trend-setting today. ─── 一本看似流行时尚杂志,其实这是一本充满人文艺术气息的杂志。

46、Arguably, Beijing would like to put India on notice that it could also flaunt a Kashmir card . ─── 可以说,北京想要警告印度它也能眩耀一张"克什米尔牌".

47、Fake photographs, leave the translation of fake video, you have this ancient slander a moderate country, and how can be used to flaunt their own civilization? ─── 假的照片,假的翻译,假的视像,你们这样诬蔑一个有古老温和的国家,又怎么能够用文明来标榜自己?

48、At here, I hope the people who is dishonest and like flaunt and cheat can changed, never use people's feeling to cheat every people as this kind of behavior is very disgraceful! ─── 在这里,我希望他们不诚实喜欢招摇撞骗的人能够改过自新,不要利用人们的同情心去欺骗任何人.这种行为是相当可耻的!做为一个中国人,要善良不要卑鄙!

49、He flaunts his queer style as a savage might flaunt a top-hat retrieved from somebody's dustbin. ─── 他对自己那种怪异的文体加以夸耀这恰似一个野人从别人的垃圾箱里捡出一顶礼帽时那种洋洋得意的样子。

50、flaunt one's riches in public ─── 在大众面前炫耀自己的财富

51、They dress to flaunt ths, to hide that. ─── 她们用穿着来突出优点,掩盖缺点。

52、He flaunts his queer style as a savage might flaunt a top-hat retrieved from somebody's dustbin ─── 他对他的奇怪的文体,就象一个野人对于他从别人的垃圾桶里取出来的礼帽那样夸耀。

53、"Why would you flaunt that on a public forum? ─── “为什么你们会在公共论坛大肆炫耀?”

54、The industrialization and commercialization efforts, many brands become the focus of attention, even as consumer brands flaunting of wealth. ─── 在工业化和商业化的推动下,众多产品品牌成为人们关注的焦点,品牌消费甚至成为炫耀财富的行为。

55、Don't worry about what other people think! As my grandmother always used to say, 'if you've got it, flaunt it'! ─── 别担心别人怎么想!就像我祖母常说的那样,有什么能耐就施展出来!

56、This was no longer the flaunting hussy who had jeered at them in the road, but a broken, frightened woman. ─── 她已不复有那个在路上嘲讽他们时的洋洋得意的泼辣风度,而变成一个丧魂落魄,胆战心惊的女人了。

57、10.Do according to one's abilities, cannot flaunt his superiority, the start is slow, cannot exert oneself to do sth. abruptly, not sedulous pursuit " standard " . ─── 10.量力而行,不可逞强,动作缓慢,不可骤然用力,不要刻意追求“标准”。

58、To be flaunting or not, the rich second generation indeed donate a great amount of money to the poor children. ─── 富二代们拥有者巨额继承财产,对金钱已经麻木。那些没钱人的生活更不了解。

59、Ex.:This accountant Liu, flaunting the banner of serving the people, embezzled a large sum of money. ─── 例:这位刘会计打着为大家服务的旗号,贪污了很大一笔公款。

60、2. This was no longer the flaunting hussy who had jeered at them in the road, but a broken, frightened woman. ─── 她已不复有那个在路上嘲讽他们时的洋洋得意的泼辣风度,而变成一个丧魂落魄,胆战心惊的女人了。

61、He did not believe in flaunting his wealth. ─── 他不赞成摆阔。

62、She is fond of flaunting her superiority before her friends and schoolmates. ─── 她好在朋友和同学面前逞强。

63、2.His behavior was an outrageous flaunt. ─── 他的行为是一种无耻的炫耀。

64、She stood back and viewed him with pride, thinking that even Jeb Stuart with his flaunting sash and plume could not look so dashing as her cavalier. ─── 也许永远不再回来了,时间快得像一股激流,现在已经太晚了。她突然踉踉跄跄地跑过客厅,跑进穿堂,一手抓住他的腰带。

65、The remaining mouth trying to flaunt, his eyes unable to support. ─── 剩下嘴巴逞强眼睛无力支撑.

66、These had spent most of the merger boom on the sidelines unable to compete with their strategic rivals' flaunting of their highly inflated stock as acquisition currency. ─── 在并购热潮的多数时期,这些私人股本集团只能在一旁观望,无法与那些将自己高度膨胀的股票当作并购货币的战略收购者竞争。

67、Young people today mock, ridicule, and openly flaunt their parents. Such conduct is encouraged by many aspects of society and is ignored by many parents. ─── 今天的年轻人有的嘲笑父母,让父母难堪,有的则四处炫耀他们父母如何了不起。这些行为都是社会多方面因素引导的结果。很多家长自己也对此视而不见。看看圣经怎么说

68、He bullied people by flaunting his powerful connections. ─── 他狐假虎威欺侮人。

69、In fact, everyone wants to flaunt his wealth in heart, but not all to do it. I want to do it, too. But I'm poor. ─── 事实上,每个人内心深处都想炫富,但并不是每个人都炫的,我也想,但我没什么可炫的。

70、From the day on, I will write in English. It is not for flaunt or something else, I just want to try to represent in English, that's all. ─── 从今天起,我会用英文写作,不是为了炫耀或其他什么的,而仅仅视为了想要尝试,仅此而已。

71、We everyone should be modest and honest in our daily life, flaunt may not only make yourself be disgusting, but also draw down some unexpected dooms. ─── 在日常生活中,我们每个人都应该谦虚、诚实,因为炫富不仅会让你自己变得让人讨厌,还会招致一些不可预料的厄运。

72、Ex.: This accountant Liu, flaunting the banner of serving the people, embezzled a large sum of money. ─── 例:这位刘会计打着为大家服务的旗号,贪污了很大一笔公款。

73、"Innovation is dangerous " this is a very adj view, a lot of people are willing to flaunt me this enterprise has innovation sex, but do not have competition ability truly. ─── “创新是危险的”这是一个很辩证的看法,很多人都愿意标榜我这个企业具有创新性,但并不真正具有竞争力。

74、PetroChina gained its profit by the benefit from Chinese citizens' mass consumption and the rising oil price, so that it can flaunt the market value.Sigh! ─── 中国石油的业绩靠的是中国大众的消费,油价的提升带动股价的提升,以得到自己市值炫耀,可悲!

75、If one wishes to be a prig or a Puritan, one can flaunt one's moral views about them. ─── 一个人要是愿意当道学先生或清教徒,当然可以炫耀自己的伦理观点。

76、Had Kizzy been flaunting herself before Noah? ─── 吉西是否曾在诺亚面前搔首弄姿呢?

77、FLAUNTING an old tooth and a few bones is an unusual way to attract tourists and distract voters. ─── 用展示牙齿和骨头的方式来吸引游客和扰乱选民是一种很另类的方式。

78、flaunt one's success ─── 夸耀自己的成功

79、Flaunt your age and you must not have much longer to live. ─── 卖老要活不长的。

80、Rather than flaunting their purchases before recession-pinched passers-by, however, they asked for plain white shopping bags. ─── 他们不愿在那些受经济危机压迫的路人前显摆自己的采购,因而选择普通的白色购物袋。

81、Mei on the live defibrase FAQ: 1.Live defibrase Mei flaunt natural herbal food, whether laxatives or medicines have to add? ─── 关于活纤梅的常见问题: 1. 活纤梅标榜天然草本食物,是否有添加泻药或成药?

82、I am just a common man, with a modest, honest and virtuous heart, and I am unable to flaunt absolutely, not before, not now, and not the future either. ─── 像我只是一个普通的人,有着一颗谦虚、诚实、善良的心,我就绝对不会炫富,以前不会,现在不会,将来也不会。

83、Adamancy and flaunt his superiority after all is distinction in? ─── 坚强和逞强到底区别在哪?

84、She came into school flaunting her new red dress. ─── 她来学校炫耀她的新的红裙子。

85、One of the most powerful displays consists of Milk's suit and shoes, placed in a transparent case in a way that reveals but does not flaunt the bloodstains. ─── 含有缪克衣服和鞋的最具张力的展览之一就是把他们放在一个透明的容器内,使血污明显而不张扬地为人所见。

86、Everyone dislikes him because he is always flaunting his seniority. ─── 他总喜欢称大,所以大家都很讨厌他。

87、They flaunt their conjugal felicity in one's face, as if it were the most fascinating of sins ─── 她们在旁边人面前炫耀自己的伉俪之乐,仿佛这是最诱人的罪过。

88、Without what the China 20 years ago is private fortune, and the sedan that run quickly on fashionable now clothing, driveway and passes, flaunting wealth everywhere. ─── 20年前的中国没有什么私人财富,而现在时髦的服装、马路上急驰而过的小轿车,处处都在炫耀财富。

89、Women looking for love on the Net this Valentine’s Day may get more roses if they flaunt their wealth rather than their good looks, a study of online personal ads suggests. ─── 一个网上在线的个人广告研究发现: 女人在网络上寻找爱情,如果她们炫耀她们的财富会比炫耀她们的美丽更能让她们在情人节这天得到多的玫瑰.

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