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09-05 投稿


adjudged 发音

英:[??d??d?d]  美:[??d??d?d]

英:  美:

adjudged 中文意思翻译



adjudged 词性/词形变化,adjudged变形

动词过去式: adjudged |动词过去分词: adjudged |动词第三人称单数: adjudges |动词现在分词: adjudging |

adjudged 短语词组

1、adjudged bankrupt ─── [法] 破产宣告

2、party adjudged bankrupt ─── [经] 被法院宣告为破产人的当事人

adjudged 相似词语短语

1、adjusted ─── adj.调整过的,调节了的;v.调整;校正(adjust的过去分词)

2、drudged ─── n.苦工;做繁重无聊工作的人;繁重的劳动;v.做苦工;被迫做苦工;n.(Drudge)(美)德鲁奇(人名)

3、judged ─── v.裁决;审理(judge的过去分词);adj.判断的

4、unjudged ─── 未经审判的

5、adjudges ─── vt.宣判;判决;认为

6、-judged ─── v.裁决;审理(judge的过去分词);adj.判断的

7、adjured ─── v.要求,命令;恳请,恳求(adjure的过去式和过去分词)

8、rejudged ─── vt.重新判断

9、adjudge ─── vt.宣判;判决;认为

adjudged 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They adjudged him guilty. ─── 他们判他有罪。

2、The court, in addition, adjudged the defendant a civil sanction fine. Ten days passed from the court's acceptance of the case to its resolution, expeditious remedy much appreciated by the American plaintiff. ─── 同时,法院还对被告的违法行为作出罚款的民事制裁决定,该案从受理到结案仅用10天时间,受到了美方当事人的好评。

3、A court judgment, especially a judicial decision of the punishment to be inflicted on one adjudged guilty. ─── 判决法庭的判决,尤其指对已判决有罪的人加以处罚的法院的刑罚决定

4、After more than a year, the local court adjudged the tour bus trade union to pay 78 thousand US dollars as compensation for each killed victim's family last month. ─── 事隔一年多,地方法院上个月宣判游览联合同业公会,必须赔偿每位罹难者家属美金七万八千元;

5、The prize was adjudged to her. ─── 奖品被判给了她。

6、was adjudged incompetent. ─── 被认为缺乏能力

7、The court adjudged him (to be)guilty. ─── 法庭宣判他有罪。

8、Villa grabbed themselves a lifeline after 84 minutes when Jamie Carragher was adjudged to have handled in the area and Barry made no mistake from the spot, sending Reina the wrong way. ─── 有时候你必须承认对手做得不错,今晚泰勒真的做出了很多伟大扑救。”

9、Court adjudged legaldamages to her. ─── 法院将法定损害赔偿金判给了她。

10、Neither Party shall be considered or adjudged to be in violation of this JV Agreement when the violation is due to a Force Majeure. ─── 任何一方都不应被视为或裁定予以违反本合营协议时侵犯,是由于不可抗力。

11、To pronounce sentence upon(one adjudged guilty). ─── 判决对(被判定有罪的人)宣布判决

12、The property was adjudged to the rightful owner. ─── 财产判给了合法所有人。

13、The law tenet proves that adjudged force principle dose not absolutely refuse criminal rehearing procedure, but Chinese criminal rehearing procedure should be rebuilt on the principle. ─── 法理分析证明,刑事既判力原则不绝对排斥刑事再审程序的启动,但我国的刑事再审程序应从既判力原则出发进行重构。

14、The court adjudged legal damages to her ─── 法院将法定损害赔偿金判给了她.

15、The Judicial Notice of The Fact of Adjudged Force: Absolute or Relative ─── 绝对还是相对:对既判力事实的司法认知

16、Yesterday morning, town court of justice adjudged company of China friendship brother to sue a net to swim on the west the case of dak Internet bar. ─── 昨天上午,西城法院宣判了华谊兄弟公司起诉网游驿站网吧的案件。

17、The only surprise was that it took a dodgy 28th-minute penalty for Liverpool to extend their lead, when Gabriel Heinze was adjudged to have handled when the ball struck his shoulder. ─── 唯一令人想不到的是在28分钟时利物浦获得了一个点球来扩大比分,当球击到海因策的肩膀时,裁判判了他手球犯规。

18、Whichever box Paul wrenches open is adjudged to be the winner. ─── 哪个箱子被保罗打开,就会被宣布为赢家。

19、It was possible that if Michael wandered past a pagliaio that had just been looted he might be adjudged the criminal unless he had somebody to vouch for him. ─── 这种可能性也是存在的:如果迈克尔无意中从一个刚被抢劫一空的“农具棚”旁边经过,那他就可能被依法判为盗窃犯,除非他能找到什么人为他担保。

20、95. If the defendant has won, the judgment will read substantially as follows: “Adjudged that the plaintiff recover nothing by this action”. ─── 如果被告人胜诉,判决书实际上就可以写成这样“兹判决:经过诉讼原告人的索赔要求被驳回”。

21、The company was adjudged bankrupt. ─── 该公司被宣判破产。

22、The court adjudged that he was guilty. ─── 法庭判他有罪。

23、The box which Paul opens first is adjudged to be his predicted winner. ─── 保罗首保罗首先打开的盒子将被认为是他预测的赢家。

24、Talk About the Relationship of Retroaction and Matter Adjudged of Criminal Law ─── 论刑法溯及力与既判力的关系

25、party adjudged bankrupt ─── [经] 被法院宣告为破产人的当事人

26、Old daddy fouled Liang to be the murderer of killing Little girl, and adjudged in the court.Old drunkard and the invisible Wave flower become apologists of Liang Shan Bo. ─── 老爹来到法庭,主持对梁山伯的审判,只有老醉鬼和不见其形的浪花儿成为了梁山伯的辩护者。

27、If the defendant has won, the judgment will read substantially as follows: "Adjudged that the plaintiff recover nothing by this action". ─── 如果被告人胜诉,判决书实际上就可以写成这样“兹判决:经过诉讼原告人的索赔要求被驳回”。

28、This case was not adjudged on the court. ─── 此案并未当庭宣判。

29、The court, in addition, adjudged the defendant a civil sanction fine. ─── 此外,法院还对被告的违法行为作出罚款的民事制裁决定。

30、On the Exception of Criminal Adjudged Force Principle ─── 论刑事既判力原则的例外

31、The Official Receiver's Office administers the estates of individuals adjudged to be bankrupt by the court and also companies ordered to be wound up by the court. ─── 破产管理署负责管理个别被法院判定破产的人士的财产,以及被法院颁令强制清盘的公司的资产。

32、The third chapter focuses on the relationship between NON BIS IN IDEM and Adjudged force of effective judgment. ─── 第三部分主要研究了一事不再理制度和既判力之间的关系。

33、Adjudged to have committed a crime ─── 判处有罪的依法被判处有罪的

34、Brayford, dribbling into the box and evading some poor tackles, was eventually adjudged to have been brought down by El Kholti. ─── 布雷福德带球进入禁区,在躲过了一些质量不高的铲球后最终裁判吹罚艾尔科迪对他犯规。

35、The criminal was adjudged to prison for eight years. ─── 该犯被判刑八年。

36、On the Principle of Criminal Adjudged Force ─── 刑事既判力原理论

37、He adopted a decision that he adjured and admonished the people not to adore him any longer or he would have them adjudged . ─── 他通过一个决定,就是他恳求和告诫人们不要再崇拜他,否则他将判罪他们。

38、Walker is bailed 1 day again, till the court will be adjudged on May 28. ─── 沃克1日再次被保释,直至5月28日法庭宣判。

39、For cases with receiving orders made, debtors are adjudged bankrupt upon the making of orders of adjudication or summary procedure orders against them. ─── 就已发出接管令的个案而言,在判决令或简易程序令发出后,债务人即被裁定为破产。

40、Blackburn were furious that Brett Emerton was adjudged to have fouled Tevez to concede the penalty, while West Hams winning goal left the home side just as flabbergasted. ─── 卡洛斯特维斯率领西汉姆进行了反击获得胜利,并攻入一点球,貌似还导致某废材下场?

41、The death was adjudged a suicide by sleeping pills. ─── 该死亡事件被判定为服用安眠药自杀。

42、Once the company is adjudged bankrupt by a ruling of the People's Court, the liquidating committee shall transfer the liquidating affairs to the People's Court. ─── 公司经人民法院裁定宣告破产后,清算组应当将清算事务移交给人民法院。

43、It was adjudged wise to avoid war. ─── 避免战争被认为是明智的。

44、Considering in Predicament: Analyzing the Adjudged Force of Effective Criminal Judgment ─── 困境中的思考:刑事判决既判力浅析

45、In India, the Group has been adjudged "The Best Employer in India and among the top 20 in Asia" by the Hewitt-Economic Times and Wall Street Journal Study 2007. ─── 在印度,博拉集团被惠威特经济时报和华尔街学报2007评为“印度最佳雇主”和“亚洲20大最佳雇主”。

46、Two, Right rapidly: High-speed high unfasten clear digital camera, Accuracy detection, Position checkouts precise go 0.05 millimeters, Has adjudged dispose at least time for 0.02 second. ─── 二、正确迅速:高速高解晰度数位相机,精密侦测,位置侦测精确到0.05公厘,判定处理最少时间0.02秒。

47、adjudged facts ─── 既判事实

48、The court adjudged her (to be) guilty. ─── 法院判定她有罪。

49、The court adjudged the dead man's house to his son. ─── 法庭把死者的房屋判给他的儿子。

50、adjudged effect ─── 既判力

51、adjudged to be civilly liable for fraud, dishonesty or misfeasance by a court in Hong Kong or elsewhere? ─── 被香港法庭或外地法庭判定由于欺诈、不诚实行为或其他不法行为而须负上民事责任?

52、If so, state the Court by which you were adjudged bankrupt or insolvent and, if discharged, the date and conditions on which you were granted your discharge. ─── 如是,请填报裁定阁下破产或无偿债能力的法院名称;如破产或无偿债能力的裁定已被撤销,则请列明该裁定被撤销的日期及条件。

53、be adjudged wise to do sth. ─── 去做某事被视为明智。

54、2. The court adjudged her (to be) guilty. ─── 法院判定她有罪.

55、After the court passes investigation, qualitative card, controversy, the presiding judge announces choose an auspicious day is adjudged. ─── 法庭经过调查、质证、辩论后,审判长宣布择日宣判。

56、The company was adjudged bankrupt. ─── 该公司被宣判破产。

57、First instance is sessional that day, the judge was not adjudged on the court, carry the possibility that Cheng denied front courtyard transfer to other localities is solved. ─── 一审开庭当天,法官未当庭宣判,携程否定了庭外调解的可能性。

58、A court judgment, especially a judicial decision of the punishment to be inflicted on one adjudged guilty. ─── 法庭的判决,尤其指对已判决有罪的人加以处罚的法院的刑罚决定

59、Syllabus :A short statement preceding a report on an adjudged case and containing a summary of the court's rulings on each point involved. ─── 简要说明:在关于判决的案子报告前的简短声明,包括对法庭关于裁判要点的说明。

60、The reforms were generally adjudged to have failed. ─── 人们普遍认为,改革已经失败。

61、adjudged bankrupt ─── 被判决的破产人

62、For instance, the disagreements will be adjudged by the Board of Review, which is an independent statutory body established to determine tax appeals, as well as the independent courts. ─── 例如,纳税人可向处理税务上诉事宜的独立法定团体税务上诉委员会和各级法院提出反对或上诉。

63、Bear then also your disgrace, which you have adjudged to your sisters; ─── 52你既断定你姊妹当受羞辱,就也要担当自己的羞辱;

64、Yesterday, this case was not adjudged on the court. ─── 昨日,此案未当庭宣判。

65、If a person is adjudged not guilty in a retrial, the people's court passing the originally effective sentence shall be the organ liable for compensation. ─── 再审改判无罪的,作出原生效判决的人民法院为赔偿义务机关。

66、the fact of adjudged force ─── 既判力事实

67、The property was adjudged to the rightful owner ─── 该财产判归合法所有。

68、Where the trademark has been adjudged by a final judgment to have infringed upon the copyright, the new design patent or other rights of another person. ─── 四商标侵害他人之著作权、新式样专利权或其他权利,经判决确定者。

69、The reforms were generally adjudged to have failed. ─── 人们普遍认为,改革已经失败。

70、He was adjudged to be guilty. ─── 他被判为有罪。

71、She was adjudged to die. ─── 她被判处死刑。

72、Sipierman this year 23 years old, 3 days of evening are adjudged to make forcible rape, plot be invaded forcible rape, illegally by court-martial civilian curtilage blame and killing blame. ─── 因为斯皮尔曼的辩解律师这之前与检方已经达到服罪协定,斯皮尔曼服罪而后,法院将递减他就在牢狱中的服役期。

73、He adopted a decision that he adjured and admonished the people not to adore him any longer or he would have them adjudged . ─── 他通过一个决定,就是他恳求和告诫人们不要再崇拜他,否则他将判罪他们。

74、They adjudged that he was guilty. ─── 他们判决他有罪。

75、A court judgment, especially a judicialdecision of the punishment to be inflicted on one adjudged guilty. ─── 判决法庭的判决,尤其指对已判决有罪的人加以处罚的法院的刑罚决定。

76、and Iam adjudged because of my life to be a dangerousperson,under sentence of penal servitude in a con-vict prison. ─── 由于我的活动,我被认定为危险人物,被判处在监狱中服苦役刑。

77、The fly in their ointment was the jump start that Giancarlo Fisichella was adjudged to have made. ─── 吉安卡洛-费斯切拉被判定超速发车。

78、The tour was adjudged a success. ─── 这次出行被认为是成功的。

79、The partner is adjudged to be without capacity for civil act; ─── 被依法宣告为无民事行为能力人;

80、There is a common value aim between retroactive effect of criminal law and criminal adjudged force, so retroactive effect of criminal law in China should extend to effective judgment. ─── 刑法的溯及力与刑事既判力存在价值上的暗合,我国刑法的溯及力应扩展到既定判决。

81、The court adjudged that she was guilty. ─── 法院宣判她有罪。

82、This man, Thomas James Collins, is adjudged guilty of conspiring to use enchantments and magic. ─── 这个人因使用魔法而被判处有罪。

83、According to the detail of front courtyard careful that anthozoan atelier website discloses, chen Shoufu admits his guilt for a time, first instance was not adjudged. ─── 根据珊瑚虫工作室网站披露的庭审细节,陈寿福一度认罪,一审未宣判。

84、After the court passes investigation, qualitative card, controversy, the presiding judge announces choose an auspicious day is adjudged . ─── 法庭经过调查、质证、辩论后,审判长宣布择日宣判。

85、82': Michael Ballack wasted a promisingly-positioned free-kick, curling high and wide from the edge of the penalty area after Cannavaro was adjudged to have fouled Podolski. ─── 第82分钟:卡纳瓦罗在禁区边上被判对波多尔斯基犯规,巴拉克把这个位置非常好的任意球浪费了,球又高又偏地飞出。

86、The tour was adjudged a great success. ─── 这次出行被认为取得了极大的成功。

87、As a result the armour was adjudged to Odysseus. ─── 波利希娜为阿基里斯之死而悲伤绝望。

88、The Brazilian custodian received a two-match suspension after he was adjudged to have overreacted to a blow struck by a Celtic fan who had invaded the pitch in Glasgow. ─── 巴西门将在同凯尔特人的比赛中借对方球迷的骚扰而假摔,在此后遭到了禁赛两场的判决.

89、On the Re- construction of the Adjudged Force in the Criminal Law of PRC ─── 刑事既判力在我国刑法中的重构

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